The Summoner is Going

1292 Snake Foot Snake Foot 5 Conference dances

Non's name is Xuan Turtle Ong.

The faces in front of me are also Xuan Turtle Ong again.

There are no separate names.

The same goes for those who refrain behind the Xuan Turtle Ong.

Knocker on the Gnome, Spirit Worm.

I even have a stone golem today.

It's the hall, so you can do it.

However, there is no great significance in this.

We are earthen spirits.

The only time we materialize is when we need it for actual work.

It is usually present in soil and rocks.

Free movement, too.

Except for the stone golem that summons and serves.

I don't have to worry about demons attacking me even if I'm materializing like I am now.

In fact, there are a few ghosts walking wide in the corner of the hall.

Neither do they attack the spirits that materialize.

And I don't attack this one either.

Because they don't make sense to each other.


Looks like there's more Xuan Tortoise.

You want to say hello later?

Hmm, that's not a special victory.

This is the first Xuan Tortoise in the Forest of Summoning Demons.

That's why they're doing things like being in charge.


Um, I guess it looks that way.

But the reality is different.

Adjusting everywhere is all you need.

No, I thought I'd be more precise.

All the trouble comes to Nong.

You see?

Xuan Tortoise is not the spirit of the earth.

Its mission is to expand the fortifications above and this underground cave.

You can't do that!

Too much trouble.

That's Keith's guy.


Do you work frequently while Noon is inspecting various locations?

Xuan Tortoise in charge of design.

You too, huh?

What? I'm sorry.

They're only letting me design it. Can you be this way?

Non is in the same position!

You're the next oldest stock in the world to be in charge of design!

I'm not complaining.

And I won't let you complain.

Put Noon in charge on his own...

Did you just roll it up?

So what's up!

Oh, shit.

Let me show you something horrible.

Rookie Gentlemen!

Welcome to the Forest of Summoners!

You're welcome!

I intend to do so because I have a lot of work.

At least you're not bored.

Personnel, by the way.

Is that what you're saying?

Keith's guy, you're working on strengthening him again, aren't you?

I see.

I was supposed to report at today's meeting, he said.


You said you'd report it first, didn't you?


Was the auditor supposed to report it?


Why did you turn away?

Fair enough.

I need to talk to you later.

Now the meeting is our top priority.

Do you want to report the current situation from Nong?

Arena issues of top priority response.

The design review of the junction strength remains ten times the safety rate.

However, the strength base changes.

The rail gun Keith rolls out at all costs, not.

Keith looks like a war ghost and rolls out a rail gun.

Of course, spellbound reinforcement and the use of martial arts are also prerequisites.


I thought you were impotent.

Calculated as it stands, the safety rate is less than triple.

Not far from this, the arena itself collapses.

That will happen sooner or later if measures are not taken.

Don't just do it because you need it.


I can't do that.

That's what I came to the conclusion.

I guess I'll have to deal with it with sequential repairs.

What's up, arena guy?

You don't look well, do you?

No, I know how you feel.

Wait a minute.

Let's promise to increase the number of people in the arena.

The wooden spirits upstairs have already asked for help.

Don't worry.

I'll assign a rookie, too.

Personnel, what's up?

What? I'm sorry.

Don't you want the rookie to take charge of the arena all of a sudden?

Oh, because Keith is here?

I know you're worried.

Most people would be surprised if they saw me.

What, get used to it sooner or later.

Besides, I can't suddenly put a rookie in charge of the arena.

Experience the whole place.

So, yeah?

Whoa, let's get back to it.

Another top-priority vertical hole problem.

The dragons dug it to the bottom.

I looked at the situation for the moment to see if there would be any negative effects, but there was no problem.

No, shall I be more precise?

The magic circle laid on each hierarchy and the minor modification of the demonic cube were all that was needed.

The dragons used a good line of work.

Even if evil crystals are aggregated in a laminated configuration, there is no effect on the surroundings at all.

It just affects the very existence of the junction.

The flow of the vein is changing.

I don't have a problem now.

King Troll liquor vessels stationed above are fixing it.

... what?

Would it be more helpful if there were some Red Shield Car Bankle noir?

It helps just to have a booze ship.

You shouldn't cry when you're grateful, okay?

Remember how easy it is.

Even without a liquor ship, we can handle it!

Oops, the conversation may have gone off again.

Non, etc. once laid the boundary of the laminate configuration.

It's a configuration that overlaps the boundaries of each hierarchy.

Synergies were found to be commensurate but more enhanceable.

Yes, I've decided to redesign the dragons in reference to their connections.

This is just not a big hurry.

Sooner or later, it will be.

Ask the designer when you're actually working.

We don't even need to increase the number of landmarks we place everywhere.

There are many items dedicated to the arena, well, loose shells.

It just takes time to make it a landmark for drawing magical circles and demonic squares.

I can handle this. I can't help it all.

But it's not real enough.

There are also items from Folds and Hayflicks.

Still not enough!

The work itself will last a long time.

That is why it is not salvation that the number of earthly spirits is increasing.

... What's up, Explorer?

What? I'm sorry.

Keith went underground, didn't he?

I see.

Right, is Keith coming?

By the way, what's the new trap you've set up on the bottom floor?

Monster House, that's what I said.

I thought you said Keith was going to prepare someone who was going to be difficult.

... what?

Demons start killing each other, can't they?

Why would you do that?


That's what happened when we got all sorts of demons?

What's happening now?

Only survived?

Mutant species, ineffective identification, turned into a weird demon?

Is that strong?

All right then.

No, Keith's guy can't just be happy.

Can't we use that method in the future?

It's worth considering.

I want to hurry a little.

Anyone else want to say something?

What? I'm sorry.

Some of the knockers want to muscle?

You've dismissed it before, haven't you?

It's pointless.

Daily work is all muscled up, isn't it?

What? I'm sorry.




So, what's the rush?

From now on, Noon will go to Keith.

I'm not complaining.

Go hit him.

You said you'd done it before, but it wasn't damaged?


Still going.

All of you, keep going!

None of this trouble is caused by Keith's guy!

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