The Summoner is Going

1291 Snakefoot Snakefoot 4 At Sea

I'm Nias.

Is the name derived from the Spirit of a river or fountain, its generic name?

How do you know that?

Because your husband was explaining it to your friend.

I think you got a good name.

Yes, yes, Athizarit, do you know where your name came from?

Don't you know?

Ruthless lady, she says.

Yes, she's a lady.

You have to be such a lady, sophisticated and discreet.

So watch the game quietly.

You lose your name, don't you?


You want to get naked and jump into the ocean?

No, I can't.

Be a lady.

Even though Apnea, Outer Leaf, and Senote are bare?

They're fine.

I'm not familiar with wearing gear in the first place.


Outer leaves and senotes aren't that big. Can we?

You just don't know.

For a time, the outer leaf was equipped with saddles.

My husband was riding a nautical battle, right?

Now I have Hyams, so I just don't need to do that anymore.

You should ask the outer leaf later, okay?

Please wait.

I'm not going to ask now.

The match is about to begin on the armor of the prepreg.

Watch the game.

You can't jump into the ocean because it's a good opportunity, can you?

Besides, you tried to get rid of your gear now, didn't you?

You can't mislead my eyes, can you?

Athizarit, Dana, look at your sister!

Oh, it has to be.

Set an example.

Dana, take your sister?

That's right.

And it's your sister, not your sister.

Dana, have you allowed your sister to call you that?

Oh, is that right?

Good for you.

But in front of me, as I call you sister.

By the way, Logit, what are you laughing at as a nigga?


You don't have to watch the game?

Oh, you already started.

Oh, Dana, your sister is here.

The privileged seats are for your sister!

Athizarit, what's wrong?

I'm thinking about it though.

What is it, sir?

I thought Heather wouldn't call you your sister?

Certainly she is a subpoenaed predecessor before me.

Now she is an adult and definitely a beautiful woman to go by.

But if you're quiet, that's the story.

The contents are childlike.

I'm starting to call it a proper one too.

Looks like that's fine with her, too.

So, that's okay.


That's not what I was saying?

It's okay.

I also allow you to call Rubel properly.

Because she deserves to call it that, too, that's fine.

That's what it is.

By the way, Dana, are you worried about this flower?

It's all right.

The opponent is Mr. Nomura.

Dana, your sister's master, this flower is a strong man.

If you're one-on-one, you're not the one to lose.

Aren't you?

Aren't you worried about doing too much?

Your sister is sweet, isn't she?

But such consideration is not necessary for Mr. Nomura.

Because it is the mountain of Sekiyama that makes me happy to be trampled by this flower.


Why, sir?

That's what it is.

If you look at Master Nomura like you look at garbage, you'll see.

Yeah, that's right.


Same goes for Surugawa-sama.

That one is garbage again.

Look, sister, there's a match between Haruka and Sungawa over there, right?

It looks settled already, but the match is ongoing.

Dear Spring Vegetables, I am using a direct articulation technique from each clerk!

Sounds like a prowl move called Indian Death Rock.

Prowler, I don't know what that is.

Master Surugawa, you look resistant even when your legs are squeezed, don't you?

But I think it's a pose.

'Cause that look!

Sometimes, you notice how happy you are?

Spring vegetables curse me and slap me on the cheek, that's the moment!


Yeah, sister.

You can just think of it as garbage.

If it's not garbage, it's scum.

I think Master Sungawa and Mr. Nomura will be happy with that.

You think you're okay?

I think it would be a reward for those guys.

Is that me?

I only threw those glances at you once.

It was dramatic.

I was too excited to know what I was talking about.

Sukshaw, were you screaming or something?

I wondered if it would be too rewarding.

Since then, I've stopped looking at garbage.

Oh, you don't have to think of this flower as annoying or anything.

I think it would be highly recommended.

And Dana, your sister is really sweet.

I have to apprentice too!

And that's unusual.

Sir, you are not a contender, you are a judge!

The match between Zeta and Hyodle, right?

I'm curious to have Irina beside me.

And, Logit, what is it?

With Niyaniya from earlier!


Are you calling me husband about the master?

You sure about that?

Dana, did you, sister?

You sure about that?


Huh? Huh?


And I'm sorry.

I'm disturbed.


You want me to talk to Telomea, Modulus, and Princess Kiyoshi?


I just need to talk to you later.

Yeah, alone.

Is that good?

Because you have no right of veto.

Uh, Dana, your sister?

Oh, is this about Irina?

Standing by the master is a great honor.

Not very much, but not enough power in me and elsewhere.

As a woman, is it?

That's tough in a different way, though.




Oh, is that the face that Logit was about to tell you about?

Each has its own merit, and it's impeccable combat power.

I think you can say more than me.

But I am also proud in that I contribute to the master.

They can't cook.

But I can do it.

What do you care about that?

Again, to Dear Adele, Irina, Mio, right?

I can cook, that's all I care about.

Well, you don't have to worry about Adele.

I like the moffy faces, headed by Captain Wolf.

The master will be out of the question.

Same goes for Mio, is it?

It seems more edible than color.

Besides, you seem to have some hostility to the master.

Be careful, though.

Don't let your enemies turn you upside down and fall in love!

Dear Fina, Saki and Marguerite, be careful too.

Of all that, Master Irina should be most careful, right?

Sometimes they pour weird gazes on their masters.

Really, I care.


Are you the ideal person for the master?


Two or more heads tall and musculoskeletal.

The chest plate is thick and naturally strong toughness.

I get beaten, kicked, thrown, but I get up again and again. Shiver.

The ferocity of using dirty hands without hesitation.

Is it someone who combines these points?

... uh.

Oh, you weren't talking about your opponent.

The ideal woman, is it?

That's already clear and supportive, shady or not, is that it?


Sister Dana, do you think that sounds like me?

Oh, no!

I'm glad to hear it!

Yeah, that's already it!

How nice it would be to be that way for your husband!

What is it, Athizarit?

What about Suraj?

Yeah, she's beautiful, too, and she can cook.

But it was originally a doll.

No, because it's still your doll.

Wouldn't your husband hesitate, too?

By the way, Logit, what are you laughing at?


Are you calling me husband again?

... Huh?


I need to talk to you.

Yeah, from now on.

Watching the game?

Oh, I'm gonna take my seat off for a minute.

I'm sorry, Dana. Sister, I need a favor.

Could you keep an eye on Athizarit so he doesn't jump into the ocean?

Yeah, that's right.

I've got some important business to attend to.

Nice to meet you.

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