The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 997: Celestial Corps

The Black Demon Army was maimed yesterday, although it still has combat effectiveness. But for Han Xin, that shouldn't be a concern. But the Great Bear Legion and the Celestial Elephant Legion, the combat power of these two legions are even stronger than that of the Black Demon Legion. The giant bear legion, the giant bear describes the soldiers of the giant bear legion, each soldier is nearly three meters tall. Standing there like a little giant,

Ordinary soldiers will feel extremely pressure when they see this giant bear army, let alone fighting, even if they look at it like this. The Celestial Legion is even more terrifying. The Celestial Legion is among the demons and ranks higher than the Bear Legion and the Dark Legion.

Why is the Celestial Legion so terrible? It's because the soldiers of the Celestial Legion are riding a demon under their seats. This demon is five meters tall and ten meters long, moving like a small mountain.

Therefore, fighting against the Celestial Army is also a great pressure for the big man. After all, the magical power of the Celestial Legion is infinite and invulnerable. Ordinary attacks are equivalent to tickles for the Golem.

There are not many celestial legions, with only 10,000 soldiers. But although there are only 10,000, the combat effectiveness of this celestial elephant legion far surpasses that of the Dark Demon Legion and the Great Bear Legion. This is the biggest challenge of today's big man.

"Fall arrows, shoot me..."

Arrows shot frantically towards the Celestial Legion.

It's just that these ordinary arrows shot at these golems, but they are like an itchy boot, and they don't have much effect on the golem.

"This golem is really terrifying."

When Li Mu saw this scene, his expression suddenly became gloomy.

Although Li Mu also knew the strength of this celestial elephant legion was very powerful, he did not expect that the demon elephants of this celestial elephant legion were really so terrifying.

"Use the demon-breaking crossbow arrow given by your majesty."

Li Mu said.


The soldiers behind Li Mu pushed the ballista up.

This is the crossbow arrow Liu Ce added to Li Mu.

The power of these crossbow arrows is far more than a hundred times more powerful than ordinary arrows, enough to break all defenses.

Sure enough, the crossbow arrow shot out. It caused a lot of damage to the golems and killed a small part of the golems, but it only hurts more golems, and still cannot cause a fatal threat.

"No way, General, this golem is too powerful. Our attack can't really threaten the golem."

An officer standing beside Li Mu said to him.

"Well, it is true."

Li Mu narrowed his eyes.

Li Mu looked at the demon army, and naturally knew. Don't let the other person get close. Otherwise, it will cause great damage to the walls of Black Flame City.

"Leader Li, lead your legion to block the celestial elephant legion. Be sure to find the flaws in those golems."

Li Mu said.

Li Mu naturally knew that if he didn't even know the flaws of the demon, this battle would really be impossible.


Li Tao saluted Li Mu and turned away.

Naturally, Li Mu knew very well that this task was extremely difficult. But this must also be done by someone.

Above the Stars

Liu Ce can no longer calmly taste tea at this moment. Because today is the third day. It was the last day for Han Xin to complete the plan. The big army of the big man will also carry out an anti-siege on the enemy on this day. The millions of troops of the big man will also reach the established position at the appointed time.

Liu Ce also asked Han Xin why he started to counter-encircle the demon army on the third day.

Han Xin's answer also convinced Liu Ce.

In Han Xin's words, the demons might have been a little wary of the big man in the first two days. In fact, they still looked down on the human race of the Black Flame City.

But after holding on to Black Flame City for two days, the Demon Race will launch the most powerful onslaught on Black Flame City.

Therefore, for the human race at this moment, it is the most dangerous. But it was also the time when the Mozu relaxed their vigilance the most.

"General Li Mu is under a lot of pressure right now."

Liu Ce narrowed his eyes.

Liu Ce took out the war mirror.

"Rainbow storm."

Liu Ce took out the war mirror.

"System, I want to use 100 million national transportation to bless my supernatural powers."

Liu Cedao.

Liu Ce knows very well that although the free magical power of this war mirror is not bad, it was OK to deal with some weak human legions on the Huawu Continent before. But this time facing the demon elite legion, it is unlikely that the free magical power of the war mirror will work.

However, according to the system, this supernatural power can be strengthened by national fortune. The more the value of the national shipping value is used, the greater the power of strengthening.

Of course, the upper limit of reinforcement is also limited. The highest enhancement value of magical powers like this is 100 million.

The 100 million national fortune strengthens magical powers once, which is already a lot.


Suddenly, the emptiness was covered with dark clouds. Thunder and lightning, thunder and lightning.

"this is?"

The look of Samuel, the leader of the Great Bear Legion, was a little surprised.

Luck, the commander of the Celestial Corps, was also a little surprised. Seeing the dark clouds covering the void, lightning and thunder, he knew that something bad was about to happen.

On the contrary, Li Mu showed a slight smile when he saw this scene. He naturally knew that this was his Majesty's shot. This is not the first time.


A wave of terrible thunder power smashed down from the void. The center of the storm is where the Celestial Corps is located.

This Thunder, which has been blessed by the system, is indeed very powerful. Each one can kill a golem.

After countless thunder bombings, the Celestial Elephant Corps suffered heavy losses. Luck, the commander of the Celestial Legion, has a canthus.

It can be said that the Celestial Elephant Corps has never suffered such a heavy loss since its formation. Even the enemy did not see it.

"Kill me, today, if you don't trample the Black Flame City, I will definitely return."

Luck said angrily.

With Liu Ce's help, the Han army relieved a bit of pressure. But it's just a trace. Although Liu Ce's help severely damaged the Celestial Army, it also angered the Celestial Army. The Celestial Legion launched an even more frenzied attack.

Although the soldiers of the Han army went forward and succeeded, they were not afraid of death. However, they are indeed far from the enemy,

Three hours of this battle passed.

Under Heiyan City, blood ran into rivers.

The observers from all major forces around Heiyan City were a little shocked. Because when the three leading legions of the Demon Army, the Celestial Army, the Bear Legion, and the Black Demon Legion all came out together, they felt that the Black Flame City could not even last for half an hour. After all, the strength gap between the two sides is too great.

Not to mention the Black Flame City, even if the blue alliance elites in the blue sky region are all out, they may not be able to block this powerful offensive.

You need to know that the Blue League under the Blue Sky Region is a coalition of several major forces in the Blue Sky Region. This kind of strength can hardly say that it can block the demon army. But now in a mere Black Flame City, without the slightest support of any blue sky region forces, how did this stop the demon army for so long?

"The battle demon squad attacked. Your task is to stand firmly on the walls of the Black Flame City, and you can't let the Demon Race take a step."

Li Mu ordered.


The gods and demons of the war demon squad said in a deep voice.

On the battlefield of Black Flame City, the gods and demons of the big man have already been exhausted. From time to time, there was a terrifying energy shock.

Zhao Ling'er, Ling Donglai, Set, Moon Worship Master, Jiujianxian and others all found their opponents and blocked the top martial artists of the demon army. Let them not go beyond the thunder pond one step. This also relieved the pressure on the Han army.


Hundreds of warriors from the Great Bear Legion were wielding almost one-person hammers of the human race, and knocking out the human soldiers who were obstructing them in front of them. Scrambling to climb the city wall.

These soldiers of the Great Bear Legion are really too tough. Although the soldiers of the big man were not afraid of death, they rushed to attack the soldiers of the giant bear army.

However, the difference in strength and defense is too great. The soldiers of these human races, even though they pushed the killing army to the limit, there was no way to completely block the soldiers of the bear army.

Fortunately, at this moment, the War Demon Army was blocking the last line of defense.

"The Eight Skills of Heavenly Swords."

A terrifying sword aura erupted from Song Que's body.

The horror swept across. Sweep towards the soldiers of the three giant bear army.


It seems that the danger is felt. The three soldiers of the Great Bear Army screamed. Holding a giant hammer, he swept out towards Song Que's place.

"Bang!" there was a sound.

Song Que's knife directly blasted the giant hammers of the three Great Bear Legion soldiers into the air. The sharp sword aura broke into the bodies of the three Great Bear Legion soldiers.

Ximen Chuuxue levitated in the void, and the terrifying sword aura radiated from him. His face was as cold as snow, extremely cold.

"go to hell!"

Ximen Chuuxue instantly assassinated six or sixty-six swords.

The horrible sword light shot out from the void like substance. Every sword seems to shred everything. Wherever he went, everything was torn apart under this sword.

The five soldiers of the Great Bear Legion were torn to pieces under this sword.

Ding Peng, Sima is not peaceful. Tie Danhou, Dugu seek defeat, Bi Xuan, Murong Longcheng, Shi Zhixuan, Duanlang, Absolute Godless, Wuming and others greeted him at this moment.

Although the soldiers of the Great Bear Legion are brave, they cannot yet be opponents in the face of the War Demon Squad. Although the soldiers of this wave of the Great Bear Legion are also extremely powerful, they are considered to be among the elite in the Great Bear Legion. But still unable to cross the defense line of the War Demon Squad.

"The ruthless Sanjue Slash!"

Sima's uneven figure flashed dozens of lights and shadows in the void. The sword in his hand slashed out like lightning.

The horrible sword light smashed out, as if it were substance.

Immediately, seven soldiers of the Great Bear Legion were beheaded by this lore.

But there are too many soldiers in the Great Bear Legion. Although the War Demon Squad was brave, it was still somewhat stretched when faced with the soldiers of the Great Bear Legion that smashed into the giant city like a tide.

The soldiers of the War Demon Squad felt more and more pressure. It was pressure like a stormy sea.

"Ten thousand swords return to the clan!"

Anonymous roared.


Countless swords broke out of the ground from under the ground with a radius of one thousand meters, spinning in the void.


The nameless hand waved.

Countless swords were like torrential rain, smashing towards the black wave of soldiers of the Great Bear Legion. The latest chapter address of the most violent emperor: the full text of the strongest violent emperor: strongest violent emperor txt download address: most violent emperor mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 997 Planetary Army), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "The Strongest Rambling Emperor", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! (

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