The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 996: Third day

In Fluttershy's design, one hit kills, and if found, you can retreat. Because she knew that there were half-step divine emperor warriors in the demon army. If there are half-step divine emperor realm warriors, then it is dangerous. Once discovered, they must evacuate immediately, otherwise Xiaodie is not sure that he can escape the pursuit of a god-emperor realm warrior.

In a short hour, Xiaodie, Ximen Chuuxue, Yan Shisan, and Ding Peng killed more than three hundred Mozu officers.

The results are brilliant. If this continues, one of the demons will be paralyzed.

Yan Shisan touched a big tent. Suddenly, he found no one on the bed. My heart secretly said that it is not good. Suddenly, he found a warrior of the Demon Race sitting cross-legged on the side.


Yan Shisan reacted quickly.

But the warrior of the Demon Race sneered and slapped it out with a palm.

"Much better than me."

When Yan Shisan played against him, he knew that the opponent's strength was above him.

A terrifying palm swept toward Yan Shisan's place like a stormy wave.

The powerful palm force directly shook Yan Shisan's whole body out, and smashed to the ground fiercely. The blood in his body was boiling, his complexion flushed, and his mouth was bleeding.

"There are assassins, there are assassins."

A shout came from a distance.

Yan Shisan knew that something could not be done, and immediately crushed the talisman Xiaodie gave him.

Immediately, Yan Shisan turned into a black light and fled away.

Ximen Chuuxue, Ding Peng, Xiaodie and others also found something wrong, and smashed the talisman immediately. Flee towards Heiyan City.

Soon, the four of them took advantage of the reaction of the Divine Emperor Realm martial artist of the Demon Race, and slapped them with a palm.

"Leave apart."

Xiaodie Road.

The four of them split into four directions and fleeed towards Heiyan City.

"Boom!" A sound.

The place where Xiaodie, Ximen Chuuxue, Ding Peng, Yan Shisan and others stayed originally had a huge crater tens of meters long.

It can be seen that if they were a little slower, they would definitely be finished.


"what happened?"

In the Demon Commander's Great Tent, the Demon Clan's Commander House looked extremely ugly. In front of him, who knelt on one knee was Bick, the commander of the guard legion of the demon army.

Beside the Demon Commander House, standing beside the Demon Race's Divine Emperor Realm warrior Charlie.

"Bick, what the **** is going on, the enemy even touched the demon army, you don't even know, what on earth do you eat?"

House's look was extremely ugly. Those pair of eyes seemed to be eager to choose someone to eat.

Piccolo lowered his head and dared not speak at all. Because as the commander of the guard army, the enemy touched their barracks and killed so many demon army officers. In any case, Piccolo could not shirk the blame.

"Marshal, I am dereliction of duty. How do you punish your subordinates? Subordinates are willing to be punished."

Piccolo knew that no amount of rebuttal was pale and weak, so there was no rebuttal at all. Because it was indeed his negligence.

"Marshal, in fact, the enemy touched us and agreed. No wonder the Piccolo Commander. Even as a warrior in the Divine Sovereign Realm, he didn't notice the enemy. Let alone others."

Charlie said lightly.

Bick looked at Charlie with a slightly grateful look.

House nodded slightly. In fact, House knew very well that Piccolo's responsibility was not too great. If he was replaced by other demon guards, I am afraid the result would be the same. As Charlie said, even a warrior in the Divine Emperor Realm did not perceive the enemy in the first time. It is actually unrealistic to count on these guards.

Even so, this time, someone still needs to be able to take the blame. Otherwise, there will be no rules.

"Bick, now I am revoking your position as the commander of the Ninth Front of the Demon Army and the Guard Corps. Do you accept it or not?"

House Road.


Hearing that his position as commander of the army had been revoked, Piccolo was a little depressed, but this time he did have a great responsibility, and he did not complain too much.

"Nevertheless, you are still acting as the captain of the army, allowing you to commit crimes and meritorious service."

House looked at Piccolo.


Piccolo was overjoyed when he heard that he was still the acting commander of the army. Although it is only an agent, as long as the general is over-tempered, he may still be restored to his post at any time. After all, Piccolo is a confidant of House.

"How is it, how is the loss?"

House asked.

"A total of one hundred and seventy-nine people were killed."

An officer came to House in front of him with a solemn expression.

"What? One hundred and seventy-nine people were killed?"

House's look was a bit ugly.

Need to know, this was an officer who was killed. The lowest are centuries or higher, and even thousands of commanders. Once this is killed, the influence on the legion is huge. Even if someone else can replace it, it still affects the combat effectiveness of the army.

"Damn Black Flame City, I swear to break you... As long as I break the Black Flame City, I will inevitably leave the entire Black Flame City."

House angrily said.

Next day

The battle between Heiyan City and the Demon Race kicked off again.

This time, the three most powerful legions of the demons, the Great Bear Legion, and the Dark Legion. As the main force, the Celestial Legion launched a fierce attack on the Black Flame City.

In the first two days, the defenders of the big man were able to hold the Black Flame City. But this time, the Mozu was irritated by the big man. Furiously launched an attack on the big man.

Look at the offensive intensity of the Mozu this time.

In the void, a kilometer away from Black Flame City, the observers of the major forces from the Blue Star Territory were extremely shocked.

"Old Hua, do you think Black Flame City can be defended?"

Two men in Chinese clothes float in the void.

A younger man asked the slightly older elder.

"Difficult, difficult."

The old man said with a solemn expression: "If the Demon Race just maintained the offensive intensity of the previous day, maybe this Black Flame City still has a chance, but this time, Black Flame City obviously launched a stronger attack. Attack. And Xiaozhong, didn’t you see? This time the Demon Race sent the Celestial Elephant Legion, the Dark Demon Legion, and the Great Bear Legion. The support is invincible, not to mention that this time it was dispatched by three legions. This is already the determination of the Demon Race."

The younger man could not help but nod slightly when he heard the words. Hua Lao is right, it is true.

In fact, there are many forces that hold the same ideas as these two people.

In fact, as a general defender of the city this time, Li Mu knew that the attack of the demons on the third day would definitely be terrifying. And this time is also his last day of defending the city. As long as Heiyan City can defend this third day, it will be able to launch a full-scale counterattack, which is still acceptable to Li Mu.

The day before, Li Mu was fully prepared for the city defense. Liu Ce also updated the defense equipment. Therefore, Li Mu is still fully prepared for today's battle.

Even so, Li Mu was secretly surprised when he saw this formation. This time the Mozu was really riveting enough.

"Come on, let's see who we are in today's battle."

Li Mu gritted his teeth.

The armies of both sides began to fight frantically.

Not only that, but the high-end combat power of the Mozu also joined the battle group.

Ten half-step Divine Emperor Realm and one Divine Emperor Realm all joined the battle group.

Although Charlie claims to House that he only protects the other party, he has no other obligations. But when House knew that there was also a warrior of the Emperor Realm on the side of Black Flame City, it was naturally impossible not to send Charlie. After all, in terms of this high-end combat power, if the Demon Race is missing, it will have a great impact on the Demon Army.


This battle is more dangerous and cruel than the battles of the previous two days.

Neither side has a retreat. In the battle for the giant city. At a distance of less than 100 meters, the two sides competed and fought repeatedly. Although the combat effectiveness of the demon army is much stronger than that of the big man. But the soldiers of the big man also went forward and succeeded, and no one was afraid of death.

The blood dyed the entire Heiyan City red.

Li Mu, Xiang Yu, Lu Bu, Zhao Yun, Guan Yu, and Cheng Yaojin all personally led the soldiers to meet the enemy in short-term combat.

"Blood Halberd Dragon Killing."

The Fang Tian painted halberd in Lu Bu's hand swept out like a windmill. The emptiness turned into a **** light. The Mozu soldiers along the way were cut into two pieces one by one.

But more demons came to kill.

"Good to come."

Lu Bu is also a murderer. With a wild roar, he rushed forward.

This battle was extremely fierce.

Fortunately, Liu Ce was quite prepared this time. Five million elite soldiers. It can be supplemented continuously.

In the latter part of this battle, the Storm Corps, the Celestial Army, and the Iron Shield Army all went into battle.

The five million troops prepared by Liu Ce joined the war one after another.

But this battle of the demons is also desperate, the three elite legions, and more than a dozen main legions have participated in the battle one after another. Once hit the top of Black Flame City.

However, under Li Mu's leadership, he resolutely fought back. Once the sword demon army drove down the city.

The seven masters of Tuxing Sun, Feipeng, Chonglou, Void Prince, Xiao Sheng, Cao Bao, and Nezha have all gone to battle.

This time, the Demon Army also made a desperate move, sending out the top ten powerhouses. One of the powerhouses was Charlie, the warrior of the Emperor Realm who had fought with Tuxing Sun before.

"Yesterday's battle, no victory or defeat, continue today."

Tuxingsun looked at Charlie proudly.


Charlie looked at Tu Xing Sun full of emotions, murderous.

Although the other party is a dwarf, compared with himself, the other party's figure is like a baby. But Charlie didn't dare to underestimate him. The strength of the opponent is a true opponent.

Charlie has entered the Divine Emperor Realm for more than three thousand years. But the other party's breath, obviously just entered the Divine Emperor Realm, maybe less than half a year. But the opponent's combat effectiveness was beyond Charlie's expectations. This also let Charlie know that the other party's talent is extremely terrible. It must be strangled in the bud, otherwise it will be the biggest obstacle to the demons from now on.

Han Xin stood at the highest point of the giant city wall, his eyes purulent. The latest chapter address of the most violent emperor: the full text of the strongest violent emperor: strongest violent emperor txt download address: strongest violent emperor mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (the third day of Chapter 996), and then open the bookshelf next time see! If you like "The Strongest Rambling Emperor", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! ! (

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