The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 986: destruction


Shen Hongli was suddenly surprised. It didn't seem to have expected that this new City Lord could be so powerful. This time, but to stab a hornet's nest.


Shen Honglian looked at the father in front of him and asked, "Father, what are you going to do?"

"Even if the night is a test for him, if he can survive tonight, our Shen family will follow him desperately, otherwise he is not worthy to let our Shen family cooperate with him."

Shen Guohua sternly said.

Shen Honglian nodded and did not object.

Earth Dragon Club

"What, this **** is too arrogant, even our people dare to start?"

Shen Guohua was furious at once.

"This new city lord really is getting more and more presumptuous."

Zhao Bingquan, the master of the Black Wolf Gate, was also very angry.

"In this case, this new City Lord cannot let him live anymore."

Guo Chaodao, the Lord of the Earth Dragon Association.

After speaking, Guo Chao looked at the pavilion owner Yang Xuanwu of the Gunslinger Pavilion nearby and asked, "Pavilion Master Yang, what do you think?"

"I'm not involved in your affairs."

Yang Xuanwu said.

Guo Chao's expression sank, this guy, and their Black Wolf Gate, the Earth Dragon will just be separated, not very cooperative.

Hmph, after the new City Lord and Shen Family are resolved, the next step is the Sharp Spear Pavilion.


Guo Chao said lightly.


Liu Ce is in the study room of the City Lord's Mansion

At this moment, the night watch is three, and only insects are screaming in the surroundings.

"Your Majesty, it's late at night, it's time to rest."

Fei Peng said to Liu Ce.

"Well, but deal with these jumping clowns first, and then rest."

Liu Ce said lightly.

With that, Liu Ce walked out of the study.


On the wall of the City Lord's Mansion, dozens of assassins jumped down and rushed towards Liu Ce's location.


Fluttershy shot.

A horrible sword swept out. It's like mercury pours into the ground. The killers were torn their necks to pieces by a sword, and blood spurted out frantically.


Those assassins didn't know what was going on yet, but felt that the white light flickered, and the companions beside them couldn't help falling down. Suddenly, let the leader of the killer take a breath. At this time, they knew that they had encountered a hard problem, and this new City Lord was not easy to provoke.

Looking at Xiaodie's sharp swordsmanship, Liu Ce nodded frequently. Although Fluttershy was born as a family of assassins and was better at secret attacks, this does not mean that Fluttershy could not attack head-on. Fluttershy's head-to-head attack ability is not weak. It's just that if Fluttershy is allowed to act as a killer, she will be able to use her strength.

After Xiaodie awakened from Dark Night Bloodline, her strength skyrocketed in a short period of time. Now, the cultivation base of the peak of the **** transformation is only one step away from entering the **** king realm. Although this strength is not outstanding among Dahan, you need to know that when Liu Ce just accepted Xiaodie, this Xiaodie was just an ordinary person. It is already incredible to be able to make such a big breakthrough in such a short period of time.

"The idea is tricky."

The assassin leader headed by seeing this scene was frightened, and turned around and flew away.

"Want to go?"

Fluttershy smiled disdainfully, and swept towards each other like a ghost. It is the most powerful body technique of the Dark Night clan, Dark Night Lost.

In the dark. Fluttershy's speed is reaching the extreme. After less than a breath, he caught up with the leader.


The sharp sword light flashed in the void.

The head of the killer didn't know what was going on, he felt a pain in his throat, and his head flew up.

It's a long story, but in fact it happened within a short period of more than a dozen breaths.

"Your Majesty, this should have something to do with the Earth Dragon Club and the Black Wolf Gate."

Fei Peng looked at Liu Ce with a serious expression.

"Is there a living mouth?"

Liu Ce asked.

Fluttershy knows. Immediately his figure shook, he grabbed a black warrior from the ground and came to Liu Ce's face.

When killing these people earlier, Xiaodie paid attention to leaving a few lives behind.

"Fei Peng. Find a way to let him explain who sent it."

Liu Cedao.

Although Liu Ce also roughly knows who sent it, he wants the exact information.

"According to the purpose!"

Scaboo grabbed the person and left.

Fei Peng, as a warrior in the Half-Step Divine Emperor Realm, still has this strength.

Soon, Fei Peng returned to Liu Ce.

"how is it?"

Liu Ce narrowed his eyes and asked.

"It's the Earth Dragon Club and the Black Wolf Gate."

Fei Peng looked at Liu Cedao.

"It turned out to be them, did the Sharpshooter Pavilion do anything?"

Liu Ce asked.

"I heard that Sharp Spear Pavilion refused!"

Fei Peng said.

"What a guild of earth dragons, what a black wolf gate. I won't give them a bit of a good look, they still don't know how many eyes Lord Ma has."

Liu Ce's killing intent was bleak.

"Febbon, heavy building."

Liu Cedao.

"Humble job."

Fei Peng and Zhonglou stood up.

"You go to the Earth Dragon Club and the Black Wolf Gate separately, what should you do, don't I need to teach you?"

Liu Cedao.


Chonglou and Fei Peng understood, and then flew away.

Scaboo came to the sky above the headquarters of the Earth Dragon Association. A powerful killing intent erupted from his body.

"Your Excellency, who dare to come to our Earth Dragon Club to make trouble?"

Suddenly, dozens of masters of the earth dragon would fly up.

Every master, the weakest has the cultivation base of the peak of the **** transformation.

But although this cultivation base is not weak anymore, it is just like an ant in front of Scaboo.


Scaboo didn't even move his hand, just exuding his own coercion.

The elders of the Earth Dragon Association screamed, and instantly exploded into blood fog. There is no way to fight against it.


Fei Peng Demon Slashing Sword came out of its sheath.

The horrible sword intent enveloped the void.

"Break it to me!"

Fei Peng slashed down with a sword.

The sword light, as if it were substance, slashed down from the void. Under this sword light, everything in front of me was like tofu.

The sword of horror has not yet landed. Under this terrifying power, the earth already trembled.

In an instant, the general meeting of the Earth Dragon Club was cut into two pieces by one sword.

Countless masters of the Earth Dragon Society died under this sword. There were screams everywhere.

"Who are you, dare to come to my earth dragon to make trouble?"

A somewhat embarrassed person flew out from the ruins. It is Guo Chao, the master of the Earth Dragon Association.

Then three figures appeared again. These three are the elders of the Earth Dragon Society, Guo Wu, Guo Jun, and Guo Rong. At this moment, the figures of the four are extremely embarrassed.

"Who am I. Don't you know what you did at night?"

Fei Peng smiled contemptuously.

"At night, are from the City Lord's Mansion."

Guo Chao was shocked.

Void lurking all around, the masters of the major forces who are inquiring about the news, at this time, I know who this ruthless person is. All of them were extremely shocked.

It seemed that he didn't expect that the newly appointed City Lord would have such a terrifying master around him, who was not always visible.

"Just know, go to hell."

Scabbling coldly said.

"We fought with you."

Guo Chao was furious, took the people, and rushed towards Fei Peng.

Guo Chao is the cultivation base of the peak of the Divine King Realm. The three elders behind him are also in the late stage of the God King Realm. This strength is pretty good in the entire Black Flame City.

However, what they are facing is a half-step divine emperor realm. And it still touched the warrior of the God Emperor Realm barrier.


Fei Peng swept out with a sword.

This sword does not have any tricks. It is a simple sword, but this sword contains endless changes.

The terrifying sword aura made the void tremble.

"Do not……"

Guo Chao and the elders of the three earth dragon clubs suddenly felt that the void around them seemed to be frozen. Suddenly he lost his color in shock.


With the sword light flickering. Guo Chao and the elders of the three earth dragon associations were all beheaded.

In this way, the Earth Dragon Society that was dominating the Black Flame City was destroyed. Except outside, there will always be no escape.

On the other side, the Black Wolf Gate is also a general end.

Under the heavy slaughter.

The skyrocketing sword gas exploded. The blade light almost ignited the entire Black Flame City.

Less than a stick of incense, the entire Black Wolf Gate headquarters was in ruins.


This Earth Dragon Society and Black Wolf Gate are one of the biggest forces in the entire Black Flame City, so they are gone now?

The remaining small forces are trembling. These small forces have also participated in the fight against the new city master. Now they can also worry that the new city lord will settle accounts after the autumn.

Therefore, one by one retreated quickly, worrying about being stared at by the masters of the City Lord's Mansion.


"What, both the Black Wolf Gate and the Earth Dragon Society have been destroyed? And they are still alone?"

Shen Guohua was shocked.

This news made Shen Guohua a little shocked. The two major forces, the Dragon Society and the Black Wolf Gate, were the two most powerful forces in the entire Black Flame City. Even Sharp Spear Pavilion and their Poseidon Chamber of Commerce are incomparable. Although the strength of the Shen family is not weak, these two forces are terrible snakes. But now, these two forces were wiped out overnight.

"Could it be the city lord?"

Shen Guohua naturally couldn't imagine where there is such a powerful strength. Now it seems that there is only the city lord. The City Lord's Mansion faced the opponent's assassination, and Shen Guohua naturally knew it. But just after the City Lord's Mansion was assassinated, these two powers were destroyed. This is not the City Lord's Mansion, and Shen Guohua couldn't think of who it was.

"Father, are you looking for me?"

Shen Honglian asked.

"You should know the previous news?"

Shen Guohua asked.

"My daughter just found out."

Shen Honglian's face also showed a hint of surprise.

Although Shen Honglian had always felt that the new city lord was not simple, he did not expect that the opponent's strength was so strong.

"This city lord has given me a problem."

Shen Guohua looked bitter at the moment.

They were the first to surrender and seize the opportunity. But tonight, knowing that the City Lord's Mansion will face the assassination of the two major forces, but staying still, this may mean what the City Lord's Mansion will think.

Shen Guohua didn't realize that he had done something wrong before, but now the strength of the City Lord's Mansion is shown, there will be more forces that choose to come to take refuge in the future. Now their Shen family doesn't seem to have much advantage.

"Red pity, what do we do now?"

Shen Guohua's eyes fell on her daughter.

"Father, now we can only come back to ask for forgiveness.",

Shen Hong Lian said.

"It can only be so."

Shen Guohua sighed.

One night, the major forces visited the Upper City Lord's Mansion in an endless stream. The latest chapter address of the most violent emperor: the full text of the strongest violent emperor: strongest violent emperor txt download address: most violent emperor mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 986 is destroyed), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf ! If you like "The Strongest Rambling Emperor", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! ! (

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