The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 985: Kill the leader


Several soldiers from the guards appeared in front of Liu Ce. He looked at Liu Ce and others with a slightly wary look.

"Our son is the city lord of Heiyan City. This is a token, so I won't let it go."

One step forward from the upper floor, the city lord token was revealed.

"City Lord?"

An officer of the guards headed by the patrol had his pupils diminished when he heard that he didn't seem to expect that Liu Ce would appear here. After all, today is the second day when the new City Lord has just taken office.

The officer took a look at the token and said with a joking smile: "It looks like a token of the City Lord's Mansion, but who knows whether it is true or not?"


The soldiers nearby laughed presumptuously. Did not pay attention to Liu Ce and others at all.

But Liu Ce was expressionless, as if it was not him that these people laughed at.

Fluttershy beside him felt the chill on Liu Ce's body.


In an instant, Fluttershy's long sword came out.

The leading officer didn't know what was going on yet, but saw the sword light flashing past his eyes like lightning. Immediately, his head flew away from the body.


The soldiers of the other guards looked at the Fluttershy in front of them with fear, their bodies trembling, but they did not dare to make other movements.

The previous officer was a cultivation base of the Spirit Tribulation Realm, but in front of this girl, he was beheaded like a chicken, and it was obvious that these people in front of her were definitely not good.

"Even City Lord Ling can't recognize it. It must be an impersonation. Don't you even recognize it?"

Scabious disdain?

"Recognized, recognized, this is indeed the city lord's order?"

"Yes, I recognize it, this is the city lord's order."

Several soldiers said hurriedly.

"You, lead the way."

Liu Ce's gaze fell on the thin but clever soldiers.


Then the soldier led Liu Ce and others into the barracks.

Inside the barracks at the moment. The guards were not training, they were doing their own things. Some were lying on the grass and basking in the sun, some were drinking, and a few were training. But most of them are chatting in twos and threes.

"Go, drum and gather."

Liu Ce gave orders to the soldier.


The soldier looked at Liu Ce hesitantly.

"Why, you don't understand the command of this city lord, or is it that you don't know how to gather drums?"

Liu Ce frowned.

"Yes, yes, the subordinates will go now."

The soldier hurriedly beat the drum.

Soon, the sound of dong dong dong sounded on the playground.

The frequency of this drum sound is exactly the collective drum.

Although the guards don’t train a lot, they still know the drum set. After half a cup of tea, the guards gathered in twos and threes.

"Who are you, who made you play the drum?"

A big bearded man came to Liu Ce and looked at Liu Ce with a bad face.

"I am Liu Ce, the new lord of Heiyan City. Who are you?"

Liu Ce looked at each other and asked.

"Ah, the new City Lord?"

Several patrol officers looked at each other, somewhat surprised.

"You said you are the lord of the city, can you have evidence?"

The bearded man looked at Liu Ce.

"This is the token of this city lord."

Liu Ce took out his token.

After the bearded man received the token check, his expression was immediately moved, and he quickly returned the city lord's order to Liu Ce.

"Xiao Ge, deputy commander of the patrol army, saw the city lord."

The bearded man bowed to Liu Ce.

"Get up."

Liu Ce nodded, knowing that the deputy commander of the patrol was from the Shen family. Moreover, the deputy commander of the patrol army had three people in front of the bearded man.

"Where are your leader and the other two deputy leaders?"

Liu Ce asked.

"The city lord, the commander and the other two deputy commanders did not come."

Xiao Ge said.

"Okay, start counting the number of people."

Liu Cedao.


Xiao Ge, deputy commander of the patrol army, nodded, turned his head, and began to roll the names of the soldiers.

"Report to the city lord that the patrol has been counted. The total number of patrols is 4,000. It should be 4,000. In fact, there are 3,100. The report is complete."

Xiao Ge said.

Liu Ce sneered. He naturally knew that most of the nine hundred people who did not arrive were from the forces of Black Flame City, and many of them were officers.

"Xiao Ge, you arrange for someone to inform these people who haven't arrived to report in a stick of incense. Those who haven't arrived will be engaged in military law."

Liu Cedao.


Although Xiao Ge agreed quickly, but he was a little worried. Because he knows very well that these people are all old oily skins of the patrol army. It's not so easy to tame. Moreover, behind these people, the major forces of the Black Flame City are backing them, but the city lord in front of him has no foundation, can he beat these people.

Of course, although Xiao Ge was a little worried, he was from the Shen family. Although he was not named Shen, he had nothing to do with the Shen family on the face of it, but secretly, he relied on the resources of the Shen family to become the deputy commander of the patrol army. His fate has long been tied to the Shen family. At this moment, the Shen family asked him to support this new city owner, and he naturally couldn't refuse.

Xiao Ge quickly arranged for his confidant to notify those people.

Within a stick of incense, someone rushed back one after another. As long as those who rush back within this time, Liu Ce will not pursue them anymore.

Soon, a stick of incense was burned out.

"Very well, for those who return within a stick of incense, the city lord can forget the past. But in the future, if you don't have permission and leave the barracks without permission, the city lord will not be polite with you anymore.

Liu Ce's gaze flicked over the soldiers of the patrol army.

"Now, the lord of the city announces the first order. To exempt the guards commander Guo Wei, the guards deputy commander Zhao Hang, Yang Feng's position in the guards. Effective immediately."

Liu Ce said coldly.


The soldiers of the guards below were a little surprised. It seemed that he didn't expect that this new City Lord was so powerful.

But not many people are optimistic about Liu Ce. After all, these people are all shadows of major forces behind the scenes. If the major forces are offended, the work of this guard will not be easy to do. The new city owner will obviously be suppressed. The current City Lord of Heiyan City is not the original one, and there are no giants as backers. The major forces in this Black Flame City won't sell face.

Of course, even Xiao Ge is average, not optimistic about Liu Ce. But at this moment because of the relationship between the Shen family, he still stood firmly in Liu Ce's change.

Soon, three young warriors came in a hurry, and they were full of alcohol.

"Who is the city lord, where is the city lord?"

A gray-clothed youth headed by came over with a grin.

"The Lord of the City is here."

Liu Ce narrowed his eyes.

"Oh, you are the lord of the city. Before you come, you don't know how you will live. I just entertained guests, so I'm late, sorry."

The young man said to Liu Ce grimly.

"Are you the former leader of the guards, Guo Wei?"

Liu Ce asked lightly.

"Before? Wrong, I have always been the commander of the guards."

Guo Wei smiled.

"From now on, neither you nor them are the commanders of the patrol. You can leave. The patrol doesn't welcome you."

Liu Cedao.

"What? You want to exempt me? What right do you have to exempt me from the position of commander of the guard?"

Guo Wei was immediately angry.

"Just because I am the new lord of Heiyan City."

Liu Ceyun said lightly.

"Hahaha, City Lord, you have to think clearly, I belong to the Guo family, and the earth dragon meets the Guo family, don't you know it? Offend, what are the consequences of the Guo family... can you afford it?"

Guo Wei looked at Liu Ce with disdain.

"Give you ten breaths and go off, otherwise you will be killed by trespassing in the barracks..."

Liu Ce's eyes were cold.

"What, do you dare to kill me? Do you have the guts?"

Guo Weidao.


Not only Guo Wei, but the other two former deputy leaders beside him all smiled. Obviously, they did not believe that Liu Ce would really dare to attack them.

Even Xiao Ge on the side looked at Liu Ce with some suspicion.

"Unfortunately, you missed the chance to survive."

Liu Ce said plainly.


Xiaodie's long sword standing beside Liu Ce was unsheathed.

"Huh!" A sound.

Fluttershy's sword is extremely fast.

It's like lightning.

Guo Wei, Zhao Hang, and Yang Feng didn't react at all, and cut their throats with a sword. The heads of the three people flew away from the body in an instant.

Blood arrows rose into the sky.


The guard soldiers present were shocked when they wrapped Xiao Ge. They didn't seem to expect that Liu Ce's people would really dare to start. Isn't he afraid of revenge from several big families?

Even so, the soldiers of the patrol army present, including Xiao Ge, were sincerely in awe of Liu Ce.

"For those who dare to violate the military order in the future, this is the end."

Liu Ce said coldly.


At this moment, Liu Ce's power is extremely powerful.

The expressions of those present, including Bao Xiao Ge and others, were full of awe.

Shen Family in Heiyan City

After returning to the Shen family, Shen Guohua, the head of the Shen family, did not sleep all night.

"Father, are you looking for me?"

Shen Honglian walked into his father's study and smiled.

"What do you think of that person last night?"

Shen Guohua sighed.

"Father, are you talking about the new City Lord?"

Shen Honglian asked.

"Why ask knowingly?"

Shen Guohua shook his head.

"My daughter finds this new city lord unfathomable, although he doesn't seem to be a few years older than her!"

Shen Honglian said with a serious expression.

"Well, but, he has a few people. Can he really resist the Demon Race? Not to mention the Demon Race, even the major forces in the Black Flame City, I am afraid they will have to take him first."

Shen Guohua said solemnly.

"Father, don't worry, those people, perhaps in the eyes of the city lord, are just jumping clowns. Those who dare to take the city lord's seal, how can they be afraid of these big forces."

Shen Honglian said with a serious face.

"You are very optimistic about the other party?"

Shen Guohua looked slightly surprised at Shen Honglian.

"Well, although the city lord did not show much, but my daughter is always accurate."

Shen Honglian said with a firm expression.

A warrior in the Shen Mansion walked in from outside, came to Shen Guohua, whispered a few words, and turned away.


Shen Guohua was a little surprised.

"Father, what's the matter?"

Shen Honglian asked.

"The city lord killed the original commander and two deputy commanders of the patrol army."

Shen Guohua said with a serious expression. The latest chapter address of the most violent emperor: the full text of the strongest violent emperor: strongest violent emperor txt download address: most violent emperor mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 985 Killing Commander), and you can view it next time you open the bookshelf To! If you like "The Strongest Rambling Emperor", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! ! (

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