The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 927: Lord of Black Star City

"Damn it, it's been tricked."

Wu Junlong heard this voice, and after a little thought, he knew that the other party had played with him.

This made Wu Junlong annoyed to vomit blood.

"Asshole, this son will definitely get revenge for this hatred."

Wu Junlong gritted his teeth.

Next, the auction entered the next round.

Other auction items can no longer attract Liu Ce's attention.

This white stone is extremely important to Liu Ce. Although it is not a master stone, it can be used to replace the master stone and become an upgrade for his cultivation.

Gemstone: White Lactite

Level: Treasure level

Explanation: The white milk stone is formed by the aura of heaven and earth infiltrated in the veins of heaven and earth for billions of years. Contains magical power.

Special note: White milk stone can replace the master stone to help the host's training tower advance.

"Well, it won't take any effort."

Liu Ce murmured very satisfied.

After the auction, Liu Ce left with the gods and demons.

"Follow him, provoke my son, and want to leave. How could it be so easy."

Wu Junlong said coldly.

Outside Black Star City

Wu Junlong rushed over with dozens of warriors from Black Star City.

Although Wu Junlong is a bit arrogant, he also knows that Liu Ce, as the master behind the Baiyan Chamber of Commerce, is definitely not weak. Therefore, Wu Junlong brought dozens of warriors from Black Star City this time. Among them, there are ten early stages of the God Realm. There is also a peak of the **** master realm. The warrior at the pinnacle of the Divine Master Realm, but the housekeeper of his own family. It was also brought just in case.

"Didn't I say that, soon someone will send me what I need."

Liu Ce said indifferently.

Fei Peng and Zhonglou looked at each other, this one finally knew what your Majesty meant. A smile appeared on their faces.

Your majesty is your majesty, thinking is beyond their ability to detect.

Wu Junlong saw Liu Ce with a cold smile on his face.

"Boy, don't surrender quickly, do you want this young man to do it himself?"

Wu Junlong walked to Liu Ce and looked at each other triumphantly.

The warriors behind Wu Junlong surrounded Liu Ce and others from all directions, seemingly worried that they would escape.

"Do it, give you ten breaths."

Liu Ce faintly said to Feipeng with his hands behind his back.

"Your Majesty, it doesn't take so long."

Scabious grinned. A terrible breath erupted from him.

At this moment, the face of the housekeeper who was standing calmly behind Wu Junlong suddenly changed. He keenly felt the changes in Fei Peng's breath.

" are looking for death. Boy, give you a chance to give that beauty to my son, and then compensate him for the loss of 200 million mid-grade crystals. This son can forget you for the past."

Wu Junlong said grinningly.

Wu Junlong is still provoking Liu Ce recklessly at this moment. The housekeeper behind him already wanted to stop his mouth.

"My son, hurry up, he is a warrior in the Divine King Realm."

The old housekeeper looked a little horrified.

The old steward was shocked. Although he was a warrior at the peak of the Divine Lord Realm, the breath of the opponent gave him the feeling of a vast ocean, as if a look in his eyes could make him overthrow.

"Impossible. My father is not in the Divine King Realm. How can he have the guard of the Divine King Realm. Uncle Hong, are you mistaken."

Wu Junlong stepped back a few steps, his expression a little surprised. But I don't want to believe it at all.

"Go, go to me, I don't believe he is so strong."

Wu Junlong hysterically ordered the warriors behind him.

Suddenly, ten warriors of the **** master realm, and dozens of warriors of the **** transformation realm rushed towards the flying peng.


Scaboo didn't make any gestures, just snorted coldly.

Suddenly, the warriors of the Black Star City who had pounced on the Flying Peng suddenly seemed to be petrified, and the whole body stopped. As if being touched on the acupuncture point.

"Bang!" "Bang!"

One by one warrior suddenly exploded. Turned into blood mist. The ten most powerful martial artists of the Divine Master Realm are also average.

"How can it be."

Wu Junlong had some doubts that Fei Peng was a warrior in the Divine King Realm before, but now there is no luck. After all, he can kill the warriors in Black Star City so destructively, except for the warriors in the Divine King Realm. .

"My son, go quickly, the old slave is blocking him."

The old housekeeper watched Scaboo come. A palm slapped Wu Junlong's body, sending him out of the void. Then use the secret method by yourself.

Suddenly, the old butler's body burst into strong blood. The breath on the body became more and more powerful. Then pounced towards the scabious.

After the old butler used a certain secret method, his aura increased infinitely. Reached the half-step God King Realm. Infinitely close to the God King Realm.

In the eyes of the old housekeeper, this can stop the fly penetrating anyway. But he didn't know, not to mention that he was currently using the secret method to infinitely approach the early stage of the Divine King Realm, even if he was the true early stage of the Divine King Realm, he would not be able to see enough in front of the flying tent at this moment. After all, Fei Peng is a warrior in the middle of the Divine King Realm, and this strength is definitely not what he can imagine.

The old housekeeper suddenly felt an invisible mountain rolling over him. The blood all over his body boiled for a while, and then the whole person exploded into blood mist.

Looking at Wu Junlong who was fleeing in embarrassment in the distance. Fei Peng sneered: "In front of this seat, I also want to escape, it's ridiculous."

On the next breath, Fei Peng disappeared in the distance.

Going crazy toward Black Star City, Wu Junlong who saw Black Star City right in front of him seemed to see a dawn.

As long as I can escape into Black Star City, my father can protect me.

Wu Junlong shouted in his heart.

But only Black Star City is close at hand, Wu Junlong thought he could definitely escape in. But the next breath, a terrible suction force swept behind him.


Wu Junlong felt unable to move. The power of the whole body surged like a tide. A terrible force pinched his neck, and instead of moving forward, he couldn't help moving backwards instead.

"no no……"

Wu Junlong looked desperate, his eyes widened.

"Father save me, father save me..."

Wu Junlong shouted hysterically.

The next moment, Wu Junlong saw a flower, and then he appeared under a hillside. Liu Ce looked at him blankly.

"Wu Junlong, take a closer look at me?"

"I? Who are you? Who are you? Do you know that this is Black Star City. If you dare to move me, my father will not let you go. You are dead."

Wu Junlong looked at Liu Ce hysterically.

"Your Giant Tiger Gang are all virtuous. However, I am not even afraid of the Giant Tiger Gang. Are you afraid of a city lord in the Black Star urban area?"

Liu Ce smiled wantonly.

"Giant Tiger Gang? You... are you from a big man?"

Wu Junlong's pupils condensed, and he looked at Liu Ce strangely.

Although the conflict between the giant tiger gang and the big man has not yet affected Black Star City, as one of the twelve main cities of the giant tiger gang, how could he not know about the giant tiger gang and the big man. Therefore, after hearing Liu Ce's words, Wu Junlong was not stupid, and he guessed Liu Ce's identity at once.

At this moment, Wu Junlong's hair was immediately horrified. He never thought that he would provoke a big man. Dahan is now a force that is extremely troubled by the Giant Tiger Gang.

"Kill it."

Liu Ce said indifferently.

"You are merciful."

At this moment, a voice came from the void.

It was the voice of Black Star City Lord Wu Tian.

Liu Ce frowned, without any expression.

Feipeng immediately knew what Liu Ce meant.

"Crack!" A sound.

Wu Junlong's throat was suddenly chopped off.

"Damn it, you dare to kill my son."

In the void, a middle-aged man in black skimmed down. At this moment, his eyes were red, and it was obvious that the other party was frustrated at this moment.

This middle-aged man in black is the city lord of Black Star City, Wu Junlong's father Wu Tian.

"Bang!" there was a sound.

Wutian fell from the sky, pedaling on the ground.

As if an endless anger was erupting, the whole earth trembled.

"You killed my son?"

Wutian looked at Feipong.

Feipeng looked at Wutian indifferently, and said faintly: "So what? It seems that you are his father? Why, you want to avenge your son?"

Feipeng looked at Wutian disdainfully.

"It's good to be you, Long Er, my father will take revenge for you."

Wutian snorted coldly.

Suddenly, a powerful aura burst out of Wu Tian's body.


A black sword appeared in Wu Tian's hand.

"Huh? Half-step Divine King Realm?"

Scabious shook his head. A small half-step Divine King Realm also dared to clamor with himself, simply knowing how to live or die.

Seeing Feipeng shook his head, Wu Tian suddenly became angry.

"Black Magic Knife Slash!"

The terrifying sword energy centered on Wutian, sweeping out in all directions. The sword qi cuts the sky and the earth like the essence.

On the next breath, Wu Tian appeared in the sky directly above Fei Peng. Killed with one blow.

The terrifying knife energy instantly formed a terrifying black knife domain. Cover the scabious.

Scabious shook his head, the flowers were pretty, but they were useless to him.

Fei Peng looked at Wu Tian above the void and blasted it with a punch.

This punch seemed to directly explode the entire void.

"Boom!" A sound.

The black knife domain above the void was directly blown to pieces.

The powerful force smashed toward Wutian like a tsunami.


Wu Tian snorted and flew back.

"Bang!" there was a sound.

The powerful impact directly blasted Wu Tian into the mountain. The whole mountain burst into pieces.

Wu Tian was embedded in the mountain, obviously he couldn't die anymore.

Liu Ce didn't care about this, he had already gotten the space rune technique from Wu Junlong's body.

"Let's go!"

Liu Ce looked at the collapsed mountain, this Wutian was hit by the scabs, and it was obvious that he could not survive. After all, Fei Peng has too many opponents.

After returning to Dahan, Liu Ce read the space rune technique without hesitation.

Suddenly, an obscure rune force flooded into Liu Ce's sea of ​​consciousness.

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