The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 926: Green source stone

Liu Ce, who was in Box No. 88, was expressionless, as if the auction failed and it had no effect on him.

Shuibi knows the importance of this spatial rune technique to your majesty. Carefully asked Liu Ce: "Your Majesty, why did you suddenly give up bidding?"

Shui Bi knew that his Majesty had just obtained the treasure of the Emperor God. No matter what, there is no shortage of this spar. But he suddenly gave up bidding, which made Shui Bi a little confused.

Seems to see the confusion of Shuibi. Liu Ce said faintly: "It's okay, he took the photo, it's just for me. Someone spends money for me, so why should I spend my own money."

Fei Peng, Chonglou, Master Void and others are a little puzzled, I don't know what your Majesty's words mean. I only know that I only need to listen to your Majesty.

In Box No.87

"Damn, this hatred son is bound to be reported."

Wu Junlong wasn't a fool either. He knew at the moment that he had been tricked by the other party. I want to play with each other, but I don't want the other party to dig a hole and bury myself.

I originally thought that those small chambers of commerce that depended on themselves could bleed for themselves, but didn't want to, and in the end they all paid for it. This time, his lost pants were torn. I bought a space rune technique that didn't have much effect on me.

Space rune technique, but at least Master Fu Dao can be practiced. And don't say that he is the master of Fu Dao, even Rune Rune does not know what it is.

After spending 200 million to buy this waste, Wu Junlong was going crazy. Although he is the Young Lord of Black Star City, there are many people who respect him on weekdays. However, the two hundred million middle-grade spars were almost assembled together. Even this is almost squeezing his family property.

Other chambers of commerce might even dare to deny Wu Junlong. But this Galaxy Chamber of Commerce has great power in Yunlong Domain. Not to mention his Black Star City, even the Giant Tiger Gang did not dare to offend him.

This time, although the two hundred million middle-grade spars were reluctantly paid. But almost all his savings were wiped out. This is his savings for many years. Thinking about Wu Junlong, it feels extremely distressed. This also made Wu Junlong hate Liu Ce even more.

Then the auction entered the next round

Wu Ying pointed to the plate held by a maid beside him and smiled: "As we all know, the forces behind our Galaxy Chamber of Commerce entered an ancient secret realm and obtained a lot of ancient treasures. This time, our Chamber of Commerce decided to take some of the treasures. Come out for auction."

Then, Wu Ying opened the plate of the maid beside her.

This is a dark stone. Well, the stone is elliptical and dull.

If it weren't for Wu Ying to take it out, I would think it was a piece of cinder.

"This is, isn't it just a stone?"

"Who knows, people think that even a stone from the ancient secret realm will be incense."

"It makes sense, but I won't do it anyway."

Wu Ying also knew that this stone was controversial. After all, even the forces behind them have not detected the effectiveness of this stone. But this stone was obtained in a cave in a secret territory, and it was definitely a treasure anyway. And after testing by the forces behind them, a very magical energy was detected in this black stone.

But there is no way to use this energy for them. This is also the reason why this fast stone will be put up for auction. After all, it's useless, so it's better to take out some spar. The good things Galaxy Chamber of Commerce naturally received by themselves.

The spar is also a necessary hard currency in the interstellar.

"Don't underestimate this spar. There is magical energy in this spar. If you buy it back, you will never be disappointed."

Wu Ying smiled.

Liu Ce came this time to see if he could collect any gems. Seeing this gem this time, he was immediately moved. Although I can see that it is definitely not a master stone, I feel that this gem is absolutely unusual. Although he didn't see what this gem was, he had a system. This is why Liu Ce has to come in person.

"System, I want to identify this stone."

Liu Ce said to the system.

"The host is sure to spend 10,000 national fortunes to identify the target?"

The system told Liu Cedao.


Liu Cedao.

"Ding! Congratulations on the successful identification of the host, the identification result has been sent to the host's system panel, please pay attention to the host to check it."

The system prompt sounds.

Liu Ce hurriedly entered the system panel to check the information about this gem.

Treasure: Green Source Stone

Level: Treasure level

Explanation: This is a gem from somewhere in the Jedi, containing a huge goblin gas.

Special note: This gem is suitable for the next level upgrade of the training tower owned by the host.

"Hey, is this a gem for upgrading the cultivation tower?"

Liu Ce's heart was pleasantly surprised.

It seems that this time I was really lucky. Black Star City seems to have come to the right.

Liu Ce was very satisfied. This time, even if you can't get a picture of the master stone, it's not a trip for nothing.

"Next, this spar's"

It's just a cold scene again. After all, everyone is not a fool, and useless things are just decorations. Buy back the previous space rune technique, at least you still know what it is. But this gem doesn't even know what it does. That's the equivalent of drawing a big pie. No one wants to.

"The starting price of this auction is 10 million middle-grade spar, and each time the price increase is not less than 1 million."

Wu Ying said.

Wu Ying was a little nervous, knowing that this was the time to really test herself. She doesn't want this thing to go unsold. After all, it was obtained from the secret territory.

"Cut, it's such a thing that you don't know anything, and the starting price is 10 million spars. Isn't it too dark?"

"I won't be fooled anyway."

There was a lot of discussion outside.

Unfortunately, no one quoted.

Even though Wu Ying is a shining lotus flower, it is obviously impossible to make these savvy guests pay for her eloquence alone.

"Ten million middle-grade spar."

Just when Wu Ying thought it was about to pass the auction. In Box No. 88, Liu Ce's voice came.

"The young man in Box No. 88 bid 10 million middle-grade spars, are there more?"

Wu Ying said a little excited.

This kind of gemstone that does not know any effect, even if it only sells 10 million middle-grade spars, to the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce, it is considered a profit.

"Is there a better one? This is obtained from the cave mansion in the ancient secret realm. It contains a certain powerful effect. After this village, there will be no such shop. Everyone cherish it."

Wu Ying was still bewitching everyone like a river of words.

But no one bid. But Wu Junlong in Box No. 88 was wondering whether or not to bid. In his opinion, if this gem is really what Liu Ce needs. It is undoubtedly a very uncomfortable thing to let this gem be photographed so easily.

Just when Wu Junlong's heart was crossed, he was about to make another cross.

"Master Wu, don't you make a bid?"

An indifferent voice came from Box No. 88.

Wu Junlong's heart was shocked.

"I'll go, this guy definitely dug a hole for me to jump, but fortunately I wake up at a critical moment."

Wu Junlong was very fortunate.

"Brother Liu, do you think I will be fooled? I won't be fooled by you again."

Wu Junlong said.

"That's a pity."

Liu Ce sighed.

When Wu Junlong heard Liu Ce sigh, his heart was refreshed. Thinking that he saw through the other party's tricks, I felt very proud.

"Ten million middle-grade spar, now this gem belongs to the son of Box No. 88."

Wu Ying said.

Next, a few more stones appeared. But Liu Ce used the system to appraise it in advance. As long as it is not useful for his own cultivation tower, Liu Ce will not buy it either.

Therefore, all these spars were sold out. Wu Ying was already vomiting blood in depression. At this time, her reputation as an excellent auctioneer in the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce was smashed.

The last gem that came up was a creamy white gem. The shape of this gem is very unique. The light shines on it, flowing with crystal brilliance. This white gemstone has the highest selling appearance among several pieces.

"This white stone was also obtained from the cave in the ancient secret realm. Our Chamber of Commerce has developed a major function of it. During cultivation, if you hold this white spar in your hand, you can reduce the risk of getting into trouble. "

Wu Ying said.

"Huh? That's interesting."

"But if there is only this effect, it seems that the price is too high. There are other treasures that reduce the chance of getting involved."

"Yeah, I spend tens of millions of middle-grade spar to reduce the probability of getting into trouble. Isn't this too funny? I don't have such luxury.

"The starting price is 10 million yuan, and the price increase is not less than 1 million yuan each time."

Wu Ying said.

"Ten million middle-grade spar."

Just when Wu Ying thought this time the shooting would continue as usual, the voice of the boy in the previous box No. 88 sounded again.

"Ten million middle-grade spar, 10 million middle-grade spar, is there any higher?"

Wu Ying said in a trembling voice.

The eyes of all the guests in the auction house fell on Liu Ce's box. They all felt a little astonished. Does this guy really treat money as money? Or does this guy know what this gem does?

The guests below have a variety of thoughts in their hearts.

Even so, no one except Liu Ce was willing to bid. After all, this is 10 million middle-grade spar. It's too extravagant to buy a useless treasure and go back and study it.

In Box No. 87

"This guy is actually going to buy a stone again? Does he know the use of this stone? Am I going to compete with him?"

Wu Junlong's mind became active again.

At the side, Wu Junlong's subordinates looked at his son and seemed to have an idea again, and quickly persuaded him: "My son, maybe the other party is digging a hole to bury you again, don't be fooled."

"Uh, this..."

Wu Junlong was reminded by his subordinates, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. Because he thought that the possibility was really great, in case it really was this guy who dug a hole again to bury himself. If he planted himself twice under the same method of the other party and spread it out, he would definitely make a laugh in the entire Black Star City and become a laughing stock. The guy in the General's Mansion will definitely cancel himself wantonly. When others make fun of yourself, you can suppress it at will. But if it's the guy from the General's Palace, he really has no choice but to take the other party. After all, the opponent's power in Black Star City is absolutely no less than his own.

"Congratulations to the son in Box No. 88 for successfully photographing this gem."

Wu Ying said.

"The person in box No.87, these two gems are very fond of my son, and they have a great effect. Thank you for cutting your love."

Liu Ce's voice reached Wu Junlong's ears.

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