The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 867: conflict

but. At this moment, Young Master Yang's gaze fell on Zhao Ling'er, who was beside Liu Ce, and his gaze was somewhat unscrupulous.

Zhao Ling'er was a little upset by the opponent's gaze. But because of the existence of Liu Ce and Luo Fei Palace Lord, Zhao Linger could only hold back, otherwise Zhao Linger would have been slammed by his usual temperament.

Liu Ce obviously also felt that Young Master Yang's gaze, but it made him a little unhappy. Can't help but snorted.

Sure enough, Young Master Yang also recovered. A faint smile. But the expression in his eyes was not too restrained, and it still fell on Zhao Ling'er from time to time. With a touch of playfulness.

"Emperor Han, I invite you this time because the Lord of the Hall is about to leave tomorrow."

Luo Fei said.

"Well, are you coming and leaving, the lord?"

Liu Ce was indeed a little surprised this time. After all, although she knew that Luo Fei was leaving before, she didn't expect that it would be so fast.

"Well, Master Du Qian will be the new hall master of our Huawu Continent."

Luo Fei smiled at Liu Ce.

Obviously, this Master Du Qian has a deep background, and Liu Ce felt this from Luo Fei's tone of speaking with the other party.

"Well, Master Du Qian, please take care of you in the future."

Liu Ce was neither humble nor arrogant towards Du Qian.

"It's easy to say, but I heard that Emperor Han, with the support of our Lord Luo Fei, became the holy emperor of the Huawu Continent? I wonder if this happened?

Du Qian looked at Liu Ce with a smile.

It seems that he knew Liu Ce's temper. Before Liu Ce spoke, Luo Fei hurriedly said: "There is such a thing, but Han Emperor has become the holy emperor of Huawu Continent. This is what everyone expects, and the owner of the temple is just pushing the boat along the river."

"Hall Master Luofei, do you know that this is not in line with the rules of our Heavenly Temple. You did this, a little too much, and when you return to the Heavenly Temple, how do you think you should explain to the Temple Lord?"

Du Qian said with a serious expression.

"If Palace Master Du Qian feels that doing this is not in line with the rules, don't worry about my name as the holy emperor."

Liu Ce didn't want Palace Master Luo Fei to be embarrassed, and said lightly.

"Hahaha, Emperor Han, it's not difficult for you to speak quickly. After all, the Lord of the Palace has just arrived in Huawu Continent, and you don't know about Emperor Han. Next, it's up to Han Emperor how you behave."

Du Qian looked at Liu Ce's meaningful words.

which performed?

Liu Ce frowned slightly. He is not a newcomer now. What the other party said, he actually understood the so-called performance, and he also knew what it meant. But who is Liu Ce, how could he be coerced by the other party.

"What is the meaning of Palace Master Du Qian? I don't understand."

Liu Ce felt the Lord Luo Fei on the edge winking wildly at him. Obviously, he was warning himself not to conflict with Du Qianqi. But Liu Ce pretended not to see it.

"Emperor Han, it's up to you how you behave. This point, the master of this palace doesn't understand."

Du Qian looked at Liu Ce with a faint smile.

At this moment, Young Master Yang, who had not spoken all the time, suddenly stood up, came to Liu Ce, and smiled at him: "Emperor Han, right? This girl should be your subordinate, right? "


Liu Ce frowned slightly as he looked at Young Master Yang and asked, "I wonder what Young Master Yang meant by saying this?"

"Let's put it this way, my son has taken a fancy to your subordinates, how about surrendering her to my son?"

Young Master Yang looked at Liu Ce proudly.


Liu Ce's complexion was suddenly cold.

"Well, Emperor Han, I'm afraid you don't know the identity of this son, the identity of this son, even if you are the master of the Temple of Heaven, you have to give some face. Are you sure you want to violate this son's request?"

Young Master Yang looked at Liu Ce disdainfully.

"My son said, no. Don't you hear it?"

Liu Ce's expression grew gloomy.

"The Emperor of Han, the identity of Young Master is something you cannot offend. You should consider it carefully. A good relationship with Young Master will be of great benefit to your future. Even if you become the Holy Emperor now, if you are willing to If your subordinates let them out, the main hall master can promise you that if you become the sacred emperor of the Huawu mainland, the main hall master can ignore it. Do not interfere.

Du Qian looked at Liu Cedao.

After Du Qian said these words, Zhao Linger, who was standing next to Liu Ce, looked at him nervously, as if worried that Liu Ce would agree.

"Although she is my subordinate, I have already regarded her as my own brother and sister. I will not trade her as goods at will."

Liu Ce's expression resolutely said.

"Emperor Han, few people dare to disobey this son's orders, don't you fear death?"

Yang Lingyuan stood up and looked at Liu Ce maliciously.

"My words, I won't say it a second time. Hugh will feel it again."

Liu Ce said blankly.

If it hadn't been for Luo Fei's face, Liu Ce would have had an attack long ago. At this moment, it was just patience.

Luo Fei and Shi Ya were a little anxious, especially Luo Fei, they didn't even think that things would turn out like this, so she was also a little anxious.

"Young Master Yang, Master Du Qian, you have something to say."

Luo Fei quickly stood up to make peace.

But Yang Lingyuan was already very unhappy that Liu Ce didn't show it to himself. For him, a power in a small world, daring to disobey himself in this way, is simply looking for death. Even the supreme masters of some big powers outside the territory need to be respectful when they see themselves, not to mention this small world. Therefore, in Yang Lingyuan's view, this Liu Ce is simply reckless.

"Huh, is the Emperor Han? Do you think that in a small world, do you dare to be so ignorant?"

After Yang Lingyuan finished speaking, a terrible murderous aura burst out of his body and locked Liu Ce in front of him.

But Liu Ce turned a blind eye to this murderous intent.

Originally, Yang Lingyuan thought that Liu Ce, the emperor of this small world, would definitely collapse instantly under his own murderous aura. After all, he didn't think Liu Ce had much strength. But when he discovered that Liu Ce could persevere, he was slightly surprised.

"Hey, there are two more, but if you think so, you can be arrogant in front of my son, then you are too ridiculous."

When the words fell, Yang Lingyuan snorted coldly, and shot Liu Ce's place with a punch.


Yang Lingyuan fisted towards Liu Ce's place.

"I can't help myself."

As soon as Yang Lingyuan shot, Liu Ce felt the opponent's strength. If it were before Liu Ce Xiu's level was raised, it would naturally not be the opponent's strength, but with Liu Ce's current strength, the opponent would be nothing.

Liu Ce didn't make any gestures either. He raised his hand and fisted to greet him.

There are no tricks in this punch.

"Bang!" there was a sound.

The punches of the two collided in the void.

The terrifying air wave swept out in all directions centered on the two. The surrounding earth exploded inch by inch.

Liu Ce did not move, but Yang Lingyuan stepped backwards seven or eight steps continuously.


At this time, not only Yang Lingyuan, but also the saint Shi Ya and the temple master Luo Fei and Du Qian felt a little astonished. Because they all knew Yang Lingyuan's strength. Because Yang Lingyuan was the cultivation base of the late Divine Tribulation Realm, but now facing Liu Ce, he was completely defeated.

"Bold, dare to hurt my son."

The middle-aged man who had been standing behind Yang Lingyuan hurriedly stood up when he saw his son suffer a loss.

"Young Master Yang, this is a misunderstanding."

When Luo Fei and Shi Ya saw this, they knew that something was going to be a big deal. Hurriedly said.

"Misunderstanding, is this also a misunderstanding?"

Yang Lingyuan said coldly: "Unless Emperor Han is asked to kneel down and apologize to this son, they won't be able to leave the temple today."

"Master Yang... Isn't this a bit bad?"

Luo Fei's expression sank because of Yang Lingyuan's words. She naturally knew that Liu Ce would never agree to the other party's request. Luo Fei knew exactly what kind of temper Liu Ce was.

"Really? What if I don't do this? I would like to see, what can you do to me?"

Liu Ce gritted his teeth.

"Zuo Gang, since they are stubborn, kill them."

Yang Lingyuan ordered.

"Yes, son."

A terrible breath erupted from the middle-aged man's body. This terrible breath was just like the substance, as if it could swallow everything around him.


The middle-aged man blasted Liu Ce with a punch.

This punch contains the power of the law of boxing. Absolutely powerful.

The void around it seemed to be frozen in an instant.


Chonglou's figure flickered, blocking Liu Ce like a ghost.

"Get out of here!"

Zhonglou did not act as a force, and greeted him with a punch without any fancy.

The terrifying power burst out and collided with the man's punch in the void.


A terrifying storm of energy overflows.

The middle-aged man couldn't help but snorted. The whole person couldn't stand it at once. Deng Dengdeng continuous back a dozen paces before they managed to stood firm.


The middle-aged man couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood, his expression extremely pale.

"What, he turned out to be a warrior in the God Realm?"

Yang Lingyuan looked at the Chonglou in shock.

Not only Yang Lingyuan, but Du Qian and Luo Fei Bao Guo Shi Ya were shocked. After all, this Huawu Continent is only a small world. The most powerful in the past was only a semi-sage, but I didn’t expect that now not only the Han Emperor of the Han Dynasty is a warrior in the Divine Tribulation Realm, but also the two standing behind the Han Emperor The two young men who appeared to be guards turned out to be warriors in the transformation of the gods, which indeed subverted Luo Fei and Du Qian's three views.

Shi Ya looked at Liu Ce with a complicated expression, because she found that she couldn't see Liu Ce more and more, and she didn't know who the other party was. When I thought I knew enough about the Emperor of Han Dynasty, a new mist would always appear on the opponent's body.

Liu Ce didn't care what the people around him thought, but walked towards Yang Lingyuan with a cold expression. The middle-aged guard beside him just wanted to move when he saw this, but was given the murderous aura of the building behind Liu Ce. Locked up, scared to move.

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