The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 866: New Palace Lord

"It's time to replace the remaining seeds of the law of space."

Liu Ce muttered.

Liu Ce opened the Wanjie exchange platform

"Are you there?"

After Liu Ce issued these two words, he was ready to wait. After all, it is impossible for a big boss to open the Ten Thousand Realms communication platform all the time.

Never thought, the other party returned in seconds again.


The younger brother in love said.

Liu Ce: "..."

Liu Cezhen wondered if the other party lived here.

"I have collected some medicinal materials, ready to exchange other seeds of the law with you."

Liu Cedao.

"It's easy to say. How many more did you collect?"

Asked the younger brother in love.


Liu Cedao.

"Well, what do you need the seed of the law?"

Asked the younger brother in love.

"The law of light and the law of gravity."

Liu Ce was already very thoughtful. So he answered quickly.

"Good, but eight more than the value of these two rules."

The younger brother in love said.

"It doesn't matter, this medicinal material is useless to me."

Liu Ce didn't mind making friends with him, he was obviously a big brother. There is no harm in friendship.

"Hahaha, my brother is very refreshing. I am willing to make friends like brothers. However, my personality will not make friends lose, so let me have an intent to make a sword accidentally, which can be used when you are most dangerous. Use. As long as it is not beyond me, it can work, how?"

The younger brother in love said.

"This... seems... too expensive, right?"

Liu Ce hesitated, he was not a person who likes to take advantage of others.

"Hahaha, I'm still taking advantage. The intention of this sword was drawn for my younger generation when I was young, but it was not sent out later, and it was lying in the middle of my system space. It is also being left."

The younger brother smiled in love.

"When you were young?"

Liu Ce was a little curious.

"Typing is troublesome, so let's use video."

The younger brother in love said.

"Can you still use video?"

Liu Ce accident.

"Of course. It's not a difficult technology. It's just that the system is very tricky and requires a fee. But Lao Tzu is not bad for this amount of money."

The younger brother in love said.

Liu Ce: "..."

It is also true that all the communication platforms of all worlds can be transmitted in kind in real time. Voice and video are nothing more than a trivial matter.

Soon, the younger brother in love sent a connection.

Liu Ce immediately connected.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect me to be so young, right?"

The younger brother in love appeared before the video.

Liu Ce originally thought that this big man should be in his 30s. Unexpectedly, it looks like a young man in his twenties, dressed like the local modern.

"Brother, you look menopausal, are you still under adulthood?"

The younger brother in love laughed.

"Hahaha, almost."

Liu Ce smiled.

"Well, we will use voice and video in the future. What do you think of this transaction?"

Seeing Liu Ce's age, the other party's brother called Shunkou.


This trade is only profitable but not compensated, and Liu Ce has no reason to refuse.

"That's it. I'll pass things through for my brother now."

The younger brother in love said.

Two law beads, and a pair of scrolls.

Liu Ce passed the few medicinal plants immediately.

The transaction is complete.

"Haha, I am afraid I will have to trouble my brother a lot in the future. I am very short of medicine. It is not as good as yours."

The younger brother in love said.

"It's easy to say."

Liu Ce also said politely.

Liu Ce is also very satisfied with this transaction. I won't talk about the two rule beads, the sword intention given by the other party is always valuable. As for the medicinal plants, none of them are of much value in the Huawu mainland medicine merchants. Even Zhang Zhongjing didn't think these medicinal materials had too much value.

It seems that the laws of the world are different.

Therefore, this time it is no problem to say that Liu Ce is making a big profit. These medicinal materials are worthless to Liu Ce, but they have returned ten seeds of the law.

And the sword intent is a good thing.

The intention of this sword, although this guy said it was an understatement. But the opponent's strength is unpredictable. From the other side's tone, a lot of **** masters were killed. Obviously, the strength of this guy is absolutely awesome. At least it is above the Divine King Realm.

"Brother, how can the seed of the law grow up quickly?"

Liu Ce asked again.

"It's very simple. In fact, you can use the source crystal. As long as the source crystal, a lot of source crystals, the law seed is enough to grow quickly, it is equivalent to the ration of the law seed."

The younger brother in love laughed.

"That's it."

Liu Ce immediately understood.

"Just what does this source crystal look like?"

Liu Ce knew Jing Shi, but he didn't know Yuan Jing, and he hadn't even heard of it.

"Well, let me show you this sample, brother."

The younger brother in love said.

Soon, a spar the size of a brick and exuding white air appeared in front of Liu Ce.

"this is?"

Liu Ce asked.

Liu Ce put the Yuanjing in his hand, feeling extremely cold.

"Wang Chun, go to Yuhuatian, Weng Taibei, and Cao Zhengchun, please come."

Liu Cedao.


Wang Chun left immediately.

After half an hour, the three arrived.

"Look at this."

Liu Ce took out the source stone.

"Have you seen this thing?"

Liu Ce asked.

"Your Majesty, I have never seen it before."

Weng Taibei, Cao Zhengchun, and Yuhuatian took a close look at the source stone in Liu Ce's hand, and their expressions were all at a loss.

"Have you not seen it?"

Liu Ce frowned.

"You take this source stone and study it carefully. Next, your mission center is to find this thing in Huawu Continent."

Liu Cedao.


The three retired together.

"If there is no such thing in Huawu Continent, it will be a little troublesome. I don't know, how did Fei Peng and Zhonglou make the law seed break through?"

Liu Ce muttered.

Immediately Liu Ce asked Fei Peng and Zhonglou to be found.

"Meet your majesty."

Feipeng and Chonglou bowed to Liu Ce together.

"Fei Peng. Chonglou. I want to know, how did you let the seed of the law germinate?"

Liu Ce asked.

"Your Majesty, we have cultivated a mental method that can speed up the germination of the seed of the law."

Fei Peng said.

"Yes, Your Majesty. There is also a way of cultivating in Chonglou."

Heavy corridor.

"Oh, can you grant me this spiritual teaching?"

Liu Jiwei said embarrassedly.

Because this kind of mentality is completely their own secrets, Liu Ce was naturally a little embarrassed to ask them for it.

"What can't this be."

Then Feipeng and Chonglou taught Liu Ce their own minds.

After the two left, Liu Ce began to study this mentality.

One is the mentality of the demon world, and the other is the mentality of the heavens. The two mental methods have their own characteristics. One is the atmosphere, and the other takes a different path. In fact, they are still distinctive.

How can the two mental states be merged into a more effective mental state?

"System, can you help me merge these two mindsets?"

Liu Ce asked the system.

"Host, you can fuse by yourself. The furnace is not only used to repair treasures, it can also be used to fuse minds. It just requires national luck."

System Road.


Liu Ce didn't expect this furnace to have such a function, the introduction was very crude at the beginning.

The furnace can be used directly in the system space, but there is no need to take it out. So it started to turn directly in Liu Ce's mind.

"Ding! This integration requires 10 million national luck."

The system prompt sounds.

Ten million national fortune?

Ten million is still affordable for Liu Ce.


Liu Ce read silently in his heart.

"Ding, this fusion will take twelve hours, please be patient with the host."

The system prompt sounds.

Next day

A special envoy from the temple visited

"Meet your majesty."

A special envoy of the temple bowed to Liu Ce.

"Free and flat body."

Liu Ce said lightly.

"Your Majesty, this is an invitation from our Palace Master. The Palace Master invites you to give a comment on the Holy City."

Special envoy of the temple.

"Okay, I must go there on time."

Liu Ce nodded.

After the envoy left, Liu Ce was a little confused. I don't know why. At this time, Luo Fei would invite herself to the Holy City. Is there any reason?

However, since it was Luo Fei's invitation, Liu Ce naturally had no idea to refuse.

Liu Ce then took a flying boat to the holy city.

This time, Liu Ce only brought Fei Peng, Zhonglou, and Zhao Ling'er.

One day later

Dahan’s sail boat arrived in the holy city

The flying boat of Liu Ce and others stopped outside the holy city. Then the four walked to the holy city.

I don't know if the temple learned through a special channel that Liu Ce has already arrived outside the holy city of the holy temple. At this moment, outside the holy city, the deacon of the holy temple has already come to contact him.

"I have seen the holy emperor."

The deacon of the temple saluted Liu Ce.

If it were the normal emperor of Huawu Continent, the deacon would be very proud. After all, even the emperor of the imperial dynasty didn't dare to put up a reputation in front of the deacons of the temple. But Liu Ce is the holy emperor of Huawu Continent after all, and his identity is extremely special, so even if he is the deacon of the temple, he needs to be extremely respectful in front of Liu Ce. What's more, before that, Luo Fei, the lord of the temple, had already explained to him that he needed to be more polite to Emperor Han. Therefore, the temple at this moment is only naturally afraid of any negligence towards Liu Ce.

"The deacon, please lead the way."

Liu Ce said lightly.

"Yes, please, Holy Emperor."

The deacon said to Liu Ce.

Entering the temple, at this moment, the lord of the temple Luo Fei and the saint Shiya are both present. There are a few people on the side. One of them was dressed in a white robe and looked at a young man in his twenties.

"Di Han, are you here?"

When Luo Fei saw Liu Ce coming, she smiled and nodded at him.

"When I received the invitation from the hall master, I arrived without stopping."

Liu Cedao.

"Well, this is Master Du Qian, the Lord of the Temple of Newcomers, and that is Young Master."

Luo Fei pointed to a middle-aged man with a goatee and introduced to the young man in a white robe.

"I have seen Palace Master Du, Young Master."

Liu Ce nodded and saluted.

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