The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 826: Catch the devil

Soon, Cao Zhengchun and Weng Taibei came to Liu Ce.

"Meet your majesty."

After discovering that Liu Ce was okay, both of them were very excited. After all, it was their negligence to let the murderer appear in the palace. Both felt that they were a little negligent.

"Get up."

Liu Ce said lightly.

"Thank your majesty."

The two immediately stood up.

"This time, the Sea Demon Race has touched into the palace. You must investigate me in detail. I suspect that the other party must still be in Handu at this moment."

Liu Ce's expression was serious.

"According to the purpose."

Cao Zhengchun and Weng Taibei nodded quickly.

"Go on, this time, although you have neglected your duty, you can't be completely blamed, but next time, be careful of your heads."

Liu Ce said coldly.

"Thank your majesty."

Cao Zhengchun and Weng Taibei retired in a hurry.

Upon discovering, the emperor did not blame himself, and the two were amnesty. This time, because of their negligence, his Majesty was in danger. For this, the two of them naturally felt very ashamed. This time they entered the palace and even reported their mortal heart.

"Remember, the news of my awakening is tightly sealed, and no news at all can be transmitted. I guess that the other party may be waiting for the news of my death. As long as the news of my death is not waited for, the other party will not leave. ."

Liu Ce said blankly.

"According to the purpose."

Cao Zhengchun and Weng Taibei responded quickly.

After Weng Taibei and Cao Zhengchun left. Liu Ce squinted his eyes and muttered: "Where are you? But no matter where you are, this time, if you dare to attack me, I will let you come back and forth."

On the imperial case in front of Liu Ce, there was a map of the entire Han capital. The whole Han is very big. From the initial population of 500,000, after several years of development, the population of Handu now has a blowout. It is now more than ten times the original number, with five million people. The entire Han Dynasty has been expanded several times.

Five million people, even though Liu Ce came to the earth, they are only second-tier cities, and even second-tier cities may not meet the standard. But you need to know that this is the Huawu mainland. The Han Capital of five million people can be regarded as super large. Moreover, Liu Ce is confident that in a few years, Handu will become the first giant city with a population of tens of millions in the Huawu mainland.

However, the murderer from that Sea Demon Race is now hidden in the Han Capital. He knew that even if Jin Yiwei and Dongchang worked together to find the murderer, it would undoubtedly be a needle in a haystack. And that person seems to be proficient in the path of change. Even if Jin Yiwei and the factory guard of Dongchang passed in front of each other, Liu Ce suspected that they would not be able to find each other.

But in spite of this, those who should express their views still have to express their views. Liu Ce just wanted to tell the other person that I am very angry now.

"Little emperor."

Liu Ce called out Xiaohuang.

"Boss, it would be great for you to be fine."

Xiaohuang spit out a snake letter to Liu Ce.

"Well, you seemed to chase it out that day?"

Liu Ce asked Xiaohuang.

"Well, boss, after you were stabbed by the murderer, Xiaohuang was very angry and chased him out."

Xiaohuang said to Liu Ce.

"How is the result?"

Liu Ce asked Xiaohuang.

"The entire Han is too big. Although Xiao Huang pursued the other's breath, the other's aura was very weak. After half-tracking, Xiao Huang lost the other's trace."

Xiao Huang said helplessly to Liu Ce.

"Well, it's okay, next, you will have a chance to find him."

Liu Ce said lightly. ,

"Boss rest assured, as long as the other party is still in Handu, we have the opportunity to find the other party."

Xiaohuang was very angry.

In a secret residence in Handu

"How about it, is there any clue to Emperor Han?"

Yun Hui asked indifferently to the man in black in front of him.

"My son, I haven't found any clues yet. The Han Palace is very tightly sealed, and the younger ones dare not approach."

The man in black lowered his head with a bitter expression on his face. At the same time a little scared.

Because the man in black knew the Lord in front of him, it was very horrible, moody, and if he angered the opponent, even if he was killed, it was normal.

"Go, give you ten hours. My son must confirm the news of Emperor Han. If there is no news, you don't have to come back. You should understand how to do it."

Yun Hui said coldly.

"According to the purpose."

Yun Hui immediately turned and left.

"Di Han, are you dead in the end?"

At this moment, Yun Hui felt all over. If at this moment, even if it is confirmed that Emperor Han is not dead, he might not be so uncomfortable. The problem is that there is no news. This made Yun Hui extremely depressed. This feels unspeakable.

If it weren't for Yun Hui, he was also seriously injured now. Maybe he shot it himself. But Yun Hui knew that he couldn't do this yet. Yu Wentuo's injury made Yun Hui's body still not completely healed.

Although Yun Hui had taken a lot of the healing medicine of the Sea Demon Race in the past two days, it didn't seem to have a very good effect. Fortunately, Yun Hui's injuries at the moment are generally improving.

"Are you waiting for the two royal ancestors to take action?"

Yun Hui frowned. He knew that, in addition to coming by himself, in a few days, the royal ancestors of the Sea Mozu would also come to Handu.

"No. No. If you wait for the royal ancestors to take action, then I won't have my credit."

Yun Hui was very sober. Realize what this means to me. That means that I have failed. Yun Hui couldn't accept this point anyway.

"Since there is no news from Emperor Han, I can complete other tasks first."

Yun Hui murmured.

Dahan Second Temple

"How's it going, is there any news? Master?"

Shi Ya watched the master pick up a messenger and asked quickly.

"There is no news from there, but if you are really worried, you can go and see."

Luo Fei shook her head helplessly as she looked at Shi Ya, who had been unsettled all day long.

It was the first time Luo Fei saw her, who had always been frosty, become like this. It seems that since I got to know Emperor Han, my disciple has changed more and more.

"Disciple, you have changed."

Luo Fei looked at Shi Yadao.

"Ah, master, what are you talking about? Where did the disciple change? Isn't the disciple still a disciple? Where is the change?"

Shi Ya looked at Luo Fei with embarrassment.

"You really changed. At least after you met Emperor Han. The smile on your face is a little bit more than before."

Luo Fei looked at Shi Yadao.

"Ah, Master, let me find out the news..."

Shi Ya ran away.

Looking at Shi Ya who was going away, Luo Fei smiled and said helplessly: "This kid..."

At the same time, Luo Fei's heart was still somewhat helpless, because she could see that Shi Ya really liked the Han Emperor, but the Han Emperor had already had his own queen, and there were other concubines. Shi Ya is the saint of the temple, and it is destined to be impossible to become a concubine.

Although the temple cannot help marrying, the saint is not forbidden to marry. But this position is not so simple.

"Forget it, this is the future..."

Luo Fei shook her head and stopped thinking about such issues.


"Your Majesty, Miss Shi Ya is here."

Wang Chun stood outside the door.

"Well, why did she come?"

Liu Ce is reviewing the memorial. The last memorial has just been approved.


Liu Cedao.

The door opened and Shi Ya Qiaosheng appeared. A smile appeared on his face when he saw that Liu Ce was safe and sound. It is as beautiful as a thousand flowers blooming.

"Are you okay?"

Shi Ya looked at Liu Ce.

"I'm fine."

Liu Ce stood up.

"Then I can rest assured. After knowing that you were assassinated, I have been worried, but I have never been aware of your latest news."

Shi Ya looked at Liu Ce and smiled.

"I know."

Liu Ce looked at Shi Ya with shining eyes.

It seems to know that what he said earlier was a bit explicit. At this moment, Shi Ya also felt a little flustered and blushed.

"Since you are okay, then I will leave first."

Shi Ya finished speaking and turned away.

"Don't you stay for dinner at night?"

Liu Ce looked at Shi Ya, who was about to leave, and asked.

Shi Ya's body trembled and quickly said, "No need."

"Does the dignified saint look after me?"

Liu Ce felt a little absurd in his mind. It's not that Liu Ce looks down on the other party, but that as the other party, the saint of the temple is holy. Would like myself.

When Liu Ce was on Earth in his previous life, he was considered a straight man of steel. Although I traveled to China, it was much better in this respect than before, but my emotional intelligence was still not high, so I still didn't want to understand it at this moment.

"Your Majesty, Weng Taibei beg to see you."

Suddenly Wang Chun walked to the door and whispered.

"Well, this Weng Taibei saw me at this time, is there any gain?"

Liu Ce frowned.

"Let him in."

Liu Ce vs. Weng Tai North Road.

"According to the purpose."

Soon, Weng Taibei walked in hurriedly.

"Weng Taibei pays respects to your Majesty."

Weng Taibei saluted Liu Ce.

"Free and flat body."

Liu Ce looked at Weng Taibei in front of him and asked, "Well, what's the situation now? How are things I asked you to do?"

"Your Majesty, our Jin Yiwei found a suspicious person on the eyeliner of the palace. Therefore, we notified the lord of the God and Demon Hall. With the help of the lord of the God and Demon Hall, we captured the person."

Wengtai North Road.

"Is your identity confirmed?"

Liu Ce's eyes lit up.

"I'm sure. It should be a member of the Fantasy Clan, a branch of the Sea Demon Clan."

Weng Taibei said to Liu Ce.


Liu Ce's eyes lit up, and he was immediately overjoyed. As long as you catch the opponent alone, you can definitely catch the opponent smoothly.

"Lead the way, I want to meet each other personally."

Liu Ce was confident that he could let the other party speak.

"According to the purpose."

Weng Taibei led the way quickly.

Several people came all the way to the dungeon set by Jin Yiwei beside the palace. The closer this dungeon is, the more tightly guarded it becomes. There are even the gods and demons of the Gods and Demons Hall guarding here. After all, many of the Gods and Demons in the Hall of Gods and Demons are also holding the position of Jinyiwei, and they are responsible for guarding here, which is justified.

It's just that a few people have just approached the prison, and the guards of the Jinyiwei who are in charge of guarding them are panicked at the moment.

"what happened?"

When Jin Yiwei saw this situation, he knew that something was wrong, and quickly asked.

"Master Commander, it's not good, the person we just captured has committed suicide!"

A Jin Yi defended the way.


Weng Taibei suddenly felt dizzy. Your Majesty who just went to invite me. But now the person your Majesty wants to see is dead. He didn't know how to explain to his majesty.

"Your Majesty, this...I don't know how this humble job will be, please punish your majesty."

Weng Taibei knelt in front of Liu Ce.

The other Jin Yiwei discovered that his Majesty had also arrived. He quickly followed Weng Taibei and knelt towards Liu Ce.

"Get up, since it's here, I'll go take a look."

Liu Ce said blankly.


Weng Taibei wiped away the cold sweat on his forehead.

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