The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 825: Detoxify

Suddenly, Liu Ce, who was lying on the bed, moved his finger.

"Have you noticed that your Majesty's fingers moved?"

Suddenly, Su Mingyue yelled.

Everyone slowed down and looked at Liu Ce quickly, but found that they didn't move. All a little disappointed.

"Am I wrong?"

Su Mingyue was greatly disappointed, her expression a little sad.

Of course, everyone didn't know that Liu Ce already had conscious mind at this moment.

Zhang Zhongjing's medicine has indeed had a great effect. Of course, the most important thing is that Liu Ce cultivated the Supreme God Demon Art and Xuanwu Body Training Art, which made his physique far superior to ordinary people. Otherwise, even with the help of Yuwentuo and Zhang Zhongjing, Liu Ce would not be able to persist until now.

After all, the kiss of the demon god, not to mention the martial artist of the holy realm, even the warrior of the divine calamity realm can do harm. What's more, at this moment, Liu Ce wasn't even the Holy Land.

Fortunately, the pill that Zhang Zhongjing refined finally worked, at least let Liu Ce wake up temporarily.

"System, my head hurts and heavy, what's wrong with me?"

Liu Ce asked.

"Host, you are poisoned. This is a very powerful poison. Fortunately, you have cultivated too much God and Demon Art, which strengthens your physique, and coupled with some external factors, you temporarily wake up. , Otherwise you might be more ill-fortuned now."

System Road.

"What, it should be so. Damn..."

Soon, Liu Ce thought of everything that had happened before.

"This Sea Demon Race, what a bastard."

Liu Ce couldn't stop his murderous intentions.

"Host, your current situation is very bad, according to this highly toxic power, the host can't hold on for about half an hour."

System Road.

"What, half an hour?"

Liu Ce looked shocked.

"Previously, the kiss of the Demon God has already erupted in your body three times. Although these three times have been suppressed by your hands, the fourth time it will erupt in your body more vigorously. Therefore, the host , You need to prepare early."

System Road.

"Ah, half an hour, that is, an hour, I didn't expect me to be in danger right now?"

Liu Ce felt the pressure at this moment.

Vaguely, Liu Ce had already heard the cries of Murong Qingwu, Su Mingyue and Gan Mingzhu. How much he wanted to raise his head to comfort them. But at this moment Liu Ce felt as if his whole body was numb|paralyzed, and he couldn't move at all.

Liu Ce quickly opened the system mall

This is now the only way Liu Ce can save himself. In the system mall, there are a dazzling array of detoxification pills. Most of them are pills refined from various planes.

But with so many elixirs, Liu Ce didn't know which one could detox his own poison.

"System, which one did you say can detoxify the poison in my body?"

Liu Ce asked the system.

"Host, you can spend one hundred thousand national fortunes to match in the system mall."

System Road.

"This is also a national fortune of 100,000, system, you are when my national fortune is blowing in a strong wind?"

Liu Ce said to the system.

"The host can refuse."

System Road.

"I reject your sister, is this taking me down?"

Liu Ce was speechless.

The system did not answer.

Although there are many national fortunes of 100,000, he only has one hour now. He can't afford it. For him now, one hundred thousand is not a drizzle, it is almost the same. Therefore, Liu Ce is still planning to use one hundred thousand national transportation to match.

"The system uses one hundred thousand national fortunes to match the antidote elixirs."

Liu Ce said silently in his heart.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, the match was successful. The result of the match will be prompted in the system store, please pay attention to the host."

System Road.

Liu Ce checked the system mall, and he found out that there was a hint on the system mall. For example, it is obvious that the bleak is unable to solve the poison in him. Those that are not bleak have an effect on the poison on his body.

However, the least expensive ones above require 10 million international shipments.

This surprised Liu Ce's heart.

And Liu Ce checked, although the ten million national fortune pill can unravel the poison on his body, the process takes a year.

Cao, let Liu Ce stay in bed for a year now, it's killing him. It is estimated that even if he relieved the poison, the sea demons would attack the door.

Liu Ce checked the other detoxification elixirs above. These detoxification elixirs were getting stronger and stronger, but more and more national luck was needed.

There is a pill called Zuling Pill, which can detoxify him immediately and wake up after a cup of tea. But it takes one billion national fortune.

Me|grass. This Liu Ce passed by immediately. He couldn't afford the billions of national fortunes. Now the pressure of the Sea Mozu was imminent. Every national fortune was very precious. Therefore, Liu Ce immediately passed the billions of national fortunes. In the end, Liu Ce's eyes fell on one of the pills.

"Nine turns break Erdan!"

This pill only needs 100 million yuan for the country. After taking it, Liu Ce only needed three days to wake up. And this pill is sold by bottle, ten pills in a bottle. In other words, each piece of 10 million will be shipped to the country. Thinking about it this way, it doesn't seem to be expensive.

"That's it."

Liu Ce immediately spent 100 million to buy Nine Turn Po Erdan.

Fortunately, all of this can be accomplished by Liu Ce with his mind. Otherwise, according to his current situation that he can't even move, it is estimated that it will be suspended.

"System, I'm going to use Rank 9 to break Erdan right away."

Liu Ce read silently.

Soon, with the help of the system, Liu Ce took the rank nine Po Erdan.

A stream of heat surged from Liu Ce's sea of ​​anger. Suddenly, the body that was originally paralyzed, has a little intuition.

This made Liu Ce's wrist tremble.

At this moment, not only Su Mingyue but also Murong Qingwu saw it.

"I saw it, your majesty's manual."

Murong Qingwu said with surprise.

"I saw it too."

The looks of Gan Mingzhu, Liu Ning, and Su Mingyue were all pleasantly surprised.

Zhang Zhongjing hurried forward to get Liu Ce's pulse.

The eyes of the women fell on Zhang Zhongjing's body without blinking, waiting for his diagnosis.


Zhang Zhongjing's expression was somewhat puzzled.

"Elder, how is your Majesty's situation?"

Murong Qingwu looked anxious at Zhang Zhongjing.

Su Mingyue, Gan Mingzhu and others saw Zhang Zhongjing's frowning brows, and they were so nervous that they didn't even dare to breathe.

"Strange, your majesty's pulse is getting stronger and stronger, which proves that the poison on your majesty is under control. But the problem is that the elixir refined by the old is far from enough to detoxify your majesty."

Zhang Zhongjing was somewhat puzzled.


"That is, your Majesty is all right?"

Murong Qingwu's current focus is not on anything else, but Zhang Zhongjing's meaning that the poison on his body is under control.

"According to your majesty's pulse, you may be able to wake up in a few days.",

Zhang Zhongjing stood up.


Murong Qingwu, Gan Mingzhu and others hugged together. They almost fainted with excitement at the moment. God knows how much pressure they have been under in these ten hours.


Inside a private house in Handu

Yun Hui is still healing. Yu Wentuo's shock also caused him to suffer a great deal of damage, and until now, he still hasn't gotten better.

"Strange, why hasn't any news been heard so far? Isn't the Emperor Han dead?"

Yun Hui narrowed his eyes and muttered.

Soon, a dark shadow swept in from outside.


Asked Yun Hui, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed.

"My lord, we can't get close to the palace. Five hundred meters outside the palace are under martial law. Even if Hanchen approaches, they will be subject to strict investigation."

The shadow said solemnly.

"What? There is such a thing?"

Yun Hui frowned.

Although in Yun Hui's view, the Han Emperor is bound to die. But if there is no news in one day, he is not sure. Even now, he did not send a message to His Majesty the Demon Emperor. After all, if an oolong comes out later, that would be bad. Therefore, Yun Hui at this moment is also a little anxious.

"I clearly saw my dagger pierced into Emperor Han's body with my own eyes. He must be dead. I have no luck."

Yun Hui murmured.

But until now. The big man didn't hear any news, but it made Yun Hui a little uneasy. Because if Emperor Han really died, the Han Palace would not be as quiet as it is now. As Yun Hui saw this, it was indeed a bit abnormal.

"Wait patiently for a while. There should be news soon."

Yun Hui murmured.

"Go down and try your best to find out the news. However, you have to be careful of your safety. Now the big man is under martial law in Handu."

Yun Hui said solemnly to the man in black in front of him.


Soon the man in black turned and left.

"It seems that I'll take a look after I recover from the injury."

Yun Hui murmured.


Three days later

Liu Ce finally woke up.

"Your Majesty, you finally woke up, Qing Wu was worried to death."

Murong Qingwu pounced on Liu Ce's body.

"It's okay, it makes you worry."

Liu Ce smiled with concern at Murong Qingwu.

It's just that Liu Ce's hands are a little weak. Of course, Liu Ce also knew that this was normal. After all, although the poison in his body was relieved, his body was raged by this demon's kiss during this period of time. The muscles and veins in the body have been greatly damaged. At this time, Liu Ce's body was extremely weak. It takes a few days of recuperation to recover slowly.

"As long as your Majesty can recover, Qing Wu will be satisfied."

Murong Qingwu looked at Liu Ce with a shy expression.

"Hey, you have children in your stomach, how can you do that."

Liu Ce blamed Murong Qingwu.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Murong Qingwu lowered his head.

"Well, I don't blame you, it's just for our children, you also need to take care of your body. Now I'm fine."

Liu Ce smiled.


Murong Qingwu burst into laughter.

"Thanks for your hard work these few days, you can go back and have a good rest."

Liu Ce said sternly to Murong Qingwu.


Murong Qingwu obviously wanted to accompany Liu Ce for a while.

But Liu Ce's expression was stern, and he said with a serious face: "This is my order."

"According to the purpose."

Murong Qingwu nodded.

"It's the same with you."

Liu Ce looked at Su Mingyue, Gan Mingzhu, Liu Ning and others.

The women stuck out their tongues a little innocently and then backed off.

"Wang Chun, go get East Factory Supervisor Cao Zhengchun and Jin Yiwei Commander Weng Taibei."

Liu Ce said sternly.

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