The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 1045: Three-headed Mageweave Python

"The picture that the two drew is too wide. Even if Gu Feiming and Jiang Xue are in the Huoyun Mountain, they still have the feeling of finding a needle in a haystack."

Liu Ce muttered.

"Forget it, I can only take a chance."

Liu Ce was a little helpless.

"Little Emperor, I can only rely on you next."

Liu Ce smiled at Xiaohuang.


The emperor vomited a snake letter.

Four days later

Deep in the Huoyun Mountains

At this moment, in the depths of the Huoyun Mountain Range, a man and a woman were standing in front of a canyon.

"It seems that there should be no doubt here."

Jiang Xue murmured.

"Well, it should be here according to the map."

Gu Feiming nodded.

Gu Feiming was a little confused, because he always felt that Jiang Xue seemed to be hiding something from himself. Wrapped this picture, this picture was obtained by them in the gods' cave. At the time, I didn't even know what was drawn on this map. On the contrary, Jiang Xue seemed to know what was on this map.

This unremarkable map was treasured in the Gods’ Cave Mansion, which was originally unusual. But Jiang Xue invited herself to come together, and there was a weirdness in it.

Although Gu Feiming and Jiang Xue are in a cooperative relationship, he has never believed in each other. For Jiang Xue, Gu Feiming was always vigilant in his heart.

"Goddess, there is a saying, I don't know whether to ask?"

Gu Feiming looked at Jiang Xue and asked.

"The ancient leader is polite, just ask if you have any questions."

Jiang Xueluoluo generously said.

"Well, I want to ask, this time, what exactly are we looking for?"

"Haha, this sentence, the ancient leader has been holding back for a long time, right?"

Jiang Xue gently teased the bangs on her forehead.


Gu Feiming nodded.

"It's very simple. This is a kind of ancient **** crystal jade. The winner absorbs the energy from above. Not only can it strengthen the foundation of the road, but also those who are in the Emperor Realm and below can advance to a small realm in a short time."

Jiang Xue said eloquently.


Gu Feiming looked moved.

This treasure is indeed very good, and it is already very good to advance to a small state. You need to know that Gu Feiming has been promoted to the middle stage of the Emperor Realm for less than 30 years. It is conceivable that if he wants to advance to the late Divine Emperor Realm, he doesn't need to think about it for more than two hundred years. At the Divine Emperor Realm, unless it is a Tianzi defying person who wants to advance in a short period of time, this possibility is absolutely unlikely. But if there are any treasures, it is not necessarily true.

And strengthening the road foundation, this benefit, it sounds like there is no benefit, but in fact, if you let Gu Feiming think about it, this benefit is even stronger. Under normal circumstances, the talents of warriors are limited. Even the martial artist of the Emperor God Realm.

Reinforcing the road foundation is equivalent to eliminating some hidden dangers and ills accumulated by the martial artist before practicing. It was like cutting the hair and washing the marrow again.

Don't underestimate these ills, although the physique of the warrior is stronger than that of the general warrior. But the scum is too much and has not been eliminated, and it will also cause shackles to the martial artist's body after a long time.

And the martial artist is most particular about talent. The talent is strong, some can cultivate to the gods, and some can only cultivate to the state of transforming the gods, and then stop, these are the functions of the talent.

Gu Feiming can cultivate to the middle stage of the Divine Emperor Realm, his talent is naturally not weak, far stronger than the average warrior. However, his family knew about his family affairs. After his cultivation was promoted to the Divine Emperor Realm, he slowly weakened. At most, he had cultivated to the peak of the Divine Emperor Realm. He felt a bit mysterious if he wanted to break through to the Divine Venerable. But if he had the opportunity mentioned by the goddess, then it would not be impossible for him to break through to the god-sovereign realm.

Thinking of this, Gu Feiming looked a little excited.

Seeing that Gu Feiming was moved by her own words, Jiang Xue smiled slightly, she knew that her goal was soon achieved. How can she achieve her goal without letting Gu Feiming be tempted.

Of course, Gu Feiming, as the leader of the Blue League and the Sect Master of Feiyun Sect, could not be deceived by Jiang Xue in a few words. He leisurely thought of a very important question.

"Goddess, since that opportunity is so important. Why..."

Before Gu Feiming had finished speaking, Jiang Xue waved his hand and said to him: "Does the ancient leader want to ask, the ancient **** crystal jade is so important, why is it not exclusive to this palace?"

Gu Feiming was slightly embarrassed when Jiang Xue said so straightforwardly. He smiled and said: "Yes, although this leader and the goddess are also alliances, but this important thing, this alliance leader does not believe that the goddess can be taken out so simply, after all, this alliance leader has not shown such great value."

"The ancient leader speaks quickly. Of course, there is a reason why this palace is so generous."

Jiang Xue said with a faint smile.

"Appreciate further details."

Gu Feiming looked at Jiang Xue with a solemn expression.

Jiang Xue nodded slightly and said to Gu Fei: "Although this ancient **** crystal jade is good, you can only use one piece at a time. If it exceeds this limit, it will not benefit the body at all, but it will be harmful. It is too bad."


Gu Feiming nodded.

"Of course, there is another reason. This ancient **** Crystal Jade is under the care of monsters. A person in this palace can't be hostile, so I hope the ancient leader can help."

Jiang Xue looked at Gu Feiming with a serious expression.


Gu Feiming was relieved.

What Jiang Xue said was reasonable and reasonable. If it was exactly what she said, Gu Feiming would believe the other party for the time being.

"Thank you Goddess."

Gu Feiming lowered his head and said.

"So, the ancient leader agreed?"

Jiang Xue looked at Gu Feiming with a smile.

"Goddess, but she has a fate, Gu dare not follow her fate?"

Gu Feiming said with a serious expression.

"it is good."

Jiang Xue nodded slightly when Gu Feiming agreed.

"I don't know Goddess, where is that thing?"

Gu Feiming asked Jiang Xue and Jiang Xue.

"If the picture on this picture is true, it should be in the cave ahead."

Jiang Xue said with a serious expression.

"I don't know where the guardian beast is?"

Gu Feiming frowned.

"Hey, it's not easy to elicit a guardian beast, look at my palace."

Jiang Xue kicked her feet on the ground, and the whole person flew up.

"Choke!" A cry.

Jiang Xue's long sword came out of its sheath.

"Huh!" A sound.

Jiang Xue swept out with a sword.

The fierce sword energy swept across the void and fell towards the cave.

"Boom!" A sound.

The wall outside the cave trembled heavily, and the dust around it was still falling like rain.


Gu Feiming was slightly surprised.

After the dust cleared. Gu Feiming was about to speak but was stopped by Jiang Xue.


Jiang Xuexiu frowned slightly and seemed to be listening carefully.

Gu Feiming seemed to realize something, and his expression became serious. Because he also felt the ground under his feet trembling slightly, it seemed that some monsters were dormant under their feet.

"Get up!"

The speed of Jiang Xue and Gu Feiming was definitely not slow.


When Jiang Xue and Gu Feiming were flying in mid-air.

The ground under Jiang Xue and Gu Feiming's feet was cracking inch by inch. A giant snake with a length of tens of meters and three thick buckets appeared.

This giant snake has three heads, and its body is as black as ink, and its three pairs of eyes are the size of copper bells. At this moment, it was facing Gu Feiming and Jiang Xue with a stern face.

"Three-headed Mageweave Python?"

Jiang Xue looked serious.

Gu Feiming obviously recognized these three magic pattern pythons, and his expression changed slightly: "How come this guardian beast, these three magic pattern pythons are the pinnacle wild beasts, equivalent to possessing the power of a human being in the Divine Emperor Realm. ."

"Well, especially the three-headed Mageweave Python has a thick skin. It's not so easy for us to take it off."

Jiang Xue's look was serious.


Gu Feiming said.

Although Jiang Xue and Gu Feiming's combat power is not weak, the three-headed magic pattern pythons are not vegetarian, and they need to pay a certain price if they want to win.

"Fight, for that opportunity, we also need to do something."

Jiang Xue said to Gu Fei: "You are the main attacker, and I am the auxiliary attacker, how about?"

Gu Feiming's face turned dark, this is to put all the pressure on him.

Seeing Gu Feiming's sudden change of expression, Jiang Xue asked with a smile, "Why, isn't the ancient leader willing?"

Although Gu Feiming was a little reluctant, he was still very moved by the opportunity Jiang Xue mentioned earlier. Thinking of this, Gu Feiming gritted his teeth and said to Jiang Xue: "Goddess, there is no problem."


At this moment, the three Mageweave Pythons also discovered the two people in the void. After these two people appeared in their own territory, the three-headed Mageweave Python was extremely annoyed.

A dragon wagging its tail. The tail of a snake, like a hill, swept toward the two of them.

This time, it was earth-shattering.

The space exploded.

Jiang Xue and Gu Feiming suddenly felt chills.

The two of them, after avoiding the blow of the three-headed Mageweave Python, began to fight with the three-headed Mageweave Python.

The two-snake battle was earth-shaking.

Two hours later

Jiang Xue and Gu Feiming sat cross-legged. The surrounding land seemed to have been ravaged all over again, and there were pits and pits everywhere.

A **** giant snake fell ten meters away from where they were.

This three-headed Mageweave Python was taken down by the two after two hours of fierce battle.

Of course, even so, the two paid a great price. After all, the three-headed Mageweave Python has thick skin and strong attack power. The fault was that Gu Feiming and Jiang Xue joined forces. And the three-headed Mageweave Python has the responsibility of guarding the treasure, otherwise, it would not be so easy for them to take down the three-headed Mageweave Python.

Even so, Jiang Xue and Gu Feiming paid a great price. Both suffered some minor injuries. Especially Gu Feiming, who took almost all the pressure, his injuries were more serious.

A short while

Jiang Xue adjusted her breath slightly and stood up. Then walked towards the cave.

Gu Feiming also silently followed Jiang Xue.

In front of this cave, there is a bronze gate. Of course, Gu Feiming could see that although this door is copper-colored, the material should not be as simple as copper. It should be made from a material that is unfamiliar to you. The latest chapter address of the most violent emperor: the full text of the strongest violent emperor: strongest violent emperor txt download address: most violent emperor mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1045 Three-headed Magic Python), and you can see it when you open the bookshelf next time! If you like "The Strongest Rambling Emperor", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! (

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