The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 1044: Huoyun Mountain

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Yu Wentuo and others are a little embarrassed.

Of course, although Yu Wentuo and others are arrogant, they also know the importance. These two people are very important. In case of failure, it will be difficult to find Gu Feiming from them. Therefore, Yuwentuo, Baiyue, and Saite came back for help.

"Well, this time, I will do it myself."

Liu Ce smiled faintly.

Although Liu Ce is only the cultivation base of the late Divine King Realm, his combat power is directly behind the mid Divine King Realm. Out-and-out master.

Feiyunzong Camp

Hong Xiao is healing at the moment.

In the Shenzun Dongfu, scramble for opportunities. Although Hong Xiao was not weak, he also suffered serious injuries. This is why the Sect Master didn't wait for him to go to the mystery land together.

This time, Hong Xiao and Lu Tie came back together to stabilize Feiyunzong's people. Otherwise, the suzerain's disappearance for such a long time will also make them unstable for these true disciples of the Feiyun Sect.

"Hehe, although he was injured in the gods' cave this time, his hard work this time is still worthwhile. At least he Hong Xiao still got some opportunities, which is enough for him to be promoted to the peak of the gods."

A smile appeared on Hong Xiao's face.

Originally, Hong Xiao was the peak of the late Divine King Realm. But it's a bit short. Although it looks like a slight difference, but in the world of warriors, the difference of the slightest difference, it can be bigger.

But if he can successfully advance to the peak of the God King Realm, then his position in the Feiyun Sect can surpass that of Lu Tie. He and Lu Tieke are the confidants of the Sect Master. The two are of equal status. But if he can advance to the peak of the Divine King Realm first, then his position in the heart of the Sect Master will be even stronger. At that time, it will definitely be more reused by the suzerain.

Of course, Hong Xiao knew in his heart that he had made great gains in the Gods' Cave Mansion, but Lu Tie might not have none. Therefore, Hong Xiao did not dare to take it lightly.

Sovereign has always been ambitious. If you can show your own value in front of the Sect Master, when the Sect Master dominates the blue sky domain, then in the blue sky domain, you may not have a place of your own.


Hong Xiao frowned.

Because Hong Xiao felt a little strange. Because every once in a while, people from the inspection team will pass in front of their tent. This is true tonight. There are no exceptions.

How much has passed. None of this team passed in front of him.

"Damn it, do these **** think they can take a desertion if the Sect Master is not there?"

Hong Xiao's look was a bit ugly.

Although Hong Xiao and Lu Tie were the absolute confidants of the Sect Master in Feiyun Sect, because they were still young, they were naturally inferior to those round table elders in Feiyun Sect. Each of these Feiyun Sect’s true disciples has a backing behind them, and sometimes their own words may not really work in front of them.

"Hmph, these people, if you don't beat them, they don't know how high the sky is."

Hong Xiao got up cross-legged, just about to walk out.

Suddenly, in the dark night, the figure in front of Hong Xiao flickered, and a sword light stabbed him.


This sword came very quickly, because it was so abrupt, Hong Xiao did not come and react at all.

Therefore, just as Hong Xiao was about to dodge, suddenly, that sword had already arrived in front of him. Immediately, it lay on his neck.

"Who are you and what are you doing?"

Hong Xiao looked at the young man in front of him with a frightened expression.

Because of the dim and light outside, Hong Xiao didn't recognize Liu Ce for a while.

"I have forgotten me so soon. Your Excellency might have some of the nobles forget about things?"

Liu Ce looked at Hong Xiao with a smile.

"You... Are you Emperor Han?"

Hong Xiao looked at Liu Ce in a little astonishment.

"Huh, fortunately, you haven't forgotten me."

Liu Ce looked at Hong Xiao lightly.

"Damn it, how could it be you?"

Hong Xiao looked at Liu Ce with a somewhat ugly expression.

"What do you think? Come with me."

Liu Ce looked at Hong Xiao in front of him blankly.

"Di Han, don't kill me. Don't kill me, as long as you don't kill me, you can let me do anything."

Hong Xiao was terrified.

When he arrived at Hong Xiao's cultivation base, he naturally didn't want to die, he still had a bright future.

"If you want to survive, it's up to you to accompany or not cooperate."

Liu Ce looked at Hong Xiao expressionlessly.

"Definitely, definitely, I will definitely cooperate."

When Hong Xiao saw that there was a turning point, he nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

The vast majority of Feiyunzong's people were brought down. Therefore, Hong Xiao was easily brought out by Liu Ce. Of course, even if these Feiyun Sect members were not brought down, it would not be difficult for Liu Ce to bring Hong Xiao out. It just took a little more effort.

"His Majesty."

Just when Liu Ce hijacked Hong Xiao and arrived at the previously agreed place, Baiyue, Yuwentuo, Set and others also came back, and they also carried a person in their hands. It is Lu Tie.

Seeing Liu Ce single-handedly, he turned out to be faster than them. Everyone looked at Liu Ce with admiration.

"Lu Tie, you."

Hong Xiao was a little surprised. He originally thought he was unlucky, but he didn't expect that his opponent was also so unlucky and was brought out. Suddenly my mind was balanced, and there was a burst of pleasure. Although the two are in the same Feiyun Sect and Gu Feiming's confidant, the relationship between them is not very good, it is a competitive relationship. Although it is not an enemy, but it is almost the same. Even if you are unlucky, you don't want to see the other person get better.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that your Lu Tie was also arrested. Retribution..."

Hong Xiao laughed.

Lu Tie was wounded and unkempt, and it was obvious that he had not suffered less before. Originally, his heart was very upset, but at the moment when he heard what Hong Xiao said, his face went black. This guy, at this time, is still doing the right thing with himself, and doesn't look at the time.

"Do you want to survive?"

Liu Ce asked blankly.

"Yes, we want to survive!"

Hong Xiao quickly said.

"Very well, if you want to survive, you must answer clearly the questions I ask. If you dare to conceal or lie, you will die..."

Liu Cedao.


Hong Xiao and Lu Tie nodded in a hurry.

At this time, the two naturally did not talk about loyalty or unfaithfulness. When they reach their current state, they are more for their own benefit.

This is the so-called, dead dao friend, immortal poor Tao.

"Yuwentuo, Set, take him to the interrogation. If their answers are different, kill them all."

Liu Ce said coldly.

"According to the purpose."

Yuwen Tuodao.

Liu Ce's method of separate interrogation completely eliminated any of their careful thinking. In order to save their lives, the two dared not conceal any lies.

Soon, Hong Xiao told Liu Ce what he knew. original. Although Gu Feiming and Jiang Xue were in the Divine Venerable Secret Realm, although they did not get the final inheritance, they did get a picture. This picture involves the great secrets of the ancient era.

"The big secret?"

Liu Ce's mind was a little confused. He didn't know what kind of secret it was. It could be called a big secret. Liu Ce is also very curious.

However, in any case, Liu Ce also knew that he had to stop them. Gu Feiming and Jiang Xue must not get this opportunity, otherwise it would be a great harm to their big guys.

"Are you sure you didn't deceive me?"

Liu Ce looked at Hong Xiao in front of him blankly and asked: "You should know the consequences of deceiving me?"

Looking at Liu Ce's cruel appearance, Hong Xiao was frightened and immediately said to Liu Ce: "Emperor Han, I have absolutely nothing to deceive you. I have told you what I know."

"Then you know, where did they go?"

Liu Ce looked at Hong Xiao.

"I don't know, the Sect Master didn't tell me the location. Because I was worried about Feiyun Sect's disciples, he drove me and Lu Tie back, because our injuries were not healed, and the Sect Master was not willing to take us."

Hong Xiao said.


Liu Ce frowned slightly.


Hong Xiao felt Liu Ce's killing intent, and his heart was chilled. Hurriedly said: "Although I don't know where the Sect Master has gone, I know the general direction."

"Draw it out."

Liu Cedao.

Hong Xiao then drew a map on the paper. This map is a bit crude.

Liu Ce nodded slightly.

Soon, Dorset, Yuwentuo and others returned with Lu Tie. He also confirmed everything Lu Tie had confessed to Liu Ce, and it was eight or nine.

And Liu Ce also asked Lu Tie to draw a picture.

The two maps were confirmed, and Liu Ce immediately understood. The orientation of the two paintings is similar. Perhaps because they were afraid of death, the two of them finally relied on their imagination to draw more detailed drawings.

"Your Majesty, how do you deal with them?"

Yuwentuo looked at Liu Ce.

Suddenly, Lu Tie and Hong Xiao looked at Liu Ce with pitiful eyes, with a trace of begging in their eyes.

"You have no jokes, I promised not to kill them. Just scrap them."

Liu Ce said blankly.


Lu Tie and Hong Xiao were desperate.

In this dangerous mystery, the cultivation base was abolished. It is no different from killing them.

"Emperor Han, you said, don't kill us. Have you broken your promise?"

Hong Xiao pointed at Liu Ce angrily.

Lu Tie also glared at Liu Ce.

"Bold, your Majesty is kind if he doesn't kill you, and you dare to speak wild words. Your Majesty is kind and doesn't kill you, doesn't mean I dare not kill you"

Yuwen Tuo said angrily.

Yuwentuo looked at Hong Xiao and Lu Tie murderously.

"I said that I won't kill you, but I didn't say that it won't waste your cultivation."

Liu Cedao.

"Emperor Han, you abolished our cultivation base here, what is the difference between killing us, you hypocrite."

Hong Xiao and Lu Tie were hysterical.


Yuwen Tuo Xuanyuan sword was unsheathed and swept out with one sword.

The two were headed by a sword owl.

Three days later

Liu Ce took the big man's gods and demons to Huoyun Mountain, the secret realm of gods.

This is the place found based on the map provided by Gu Feiming's two confidants. But the two of them didn't know where Gu Feiming went, so Liu Ce had trouble standing under Huoyun Mountain at this moment. The latest chapter address of the most violent emperor: the full text of the strongest violent emperor: strongest violent emperor txt download address: most violent emperor mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1044 Huoyun Mountain), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf ! If you like "The Strongest Rambling Emperor", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! ! (

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