The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 798: Physical fitness

On the last side of the Shifang Jue Tower, the emperor of the ancient formations sat in the town, which contained some scenes of the battles between the former emperors and the entire process of the formation of the formation.

Or, the old man in the black robe who arranged the matrix method has calculated that someone will enter the tenth world someday in the future, so he will deliberately arrange the matrix method and keep it as a map.

Rather than a test, it is an opportunity for customs clearance.

Shangguan Yanyao also lived up to her high expectations. She successfully controlled the entire tower's formation system, not only repairing the reward mechanism, but also calling out her physical constitution.

There are one on each floor and ten on ten floors.

They are like a flame, or a shining spirit, suspended in the tenth heaven and earth.

These constitutions from the first-party heaven to the tenth-party heaven and earth are the body of the barren, the body of the wind, the body of the spirit veins, the body of the sword, the body of the Yuanshen, the body of the five elements, the body of depression, the body of fantasy, Lightning body, and spirit body.

Li Qingyang wondered: "The original constitution still has shape!"

In his understanding, both innate and acquired physical constitutions are illusory, and they did not expect to exist as spirits.

Jun Chang laughs more calmly. After all, he has integrated the body of Sheng Yan, and he has a little understanding of what form it is.

"There are exactly ten people coming in to challenge, so divide one by one."

When the disciple heard the words, his eyes suddenly lighted up.

At this moment, the monarchy takes all his constitution for himself, and his disciples will definitely not say anything. After all, he is the boss, and he is the last.

But with so many constitutions fully integrated, it is certainly not realistic.

not to mention.

Good things have been given to myself, what will the disciples take to represent Zongmen in the future?

"Yan Yao."

Jun Chang smiled and pointed at the flame-like light on the far right side, saying, "The spirit body should be related to the formation method, and it's up to you to inherit it."

"Thank you, Lord!"

Shangguan Xi Yao welcomed her constitution.

The little guy was not disgusted, and circled around her, as if happy.

This kind of physique similar to the light form, although unable to speak, also has its own thinking, and can have some connection with the matching martial arts.


Jun Chang smiled and said, "It's yours to have a great waste."

In the previous images, Emperor Wuhuang once looked at Xiao Xinji, so this constitution is most suitable for him to inherit.


Xiao Xun walked over and held the body of the great waste in his hands.

The palm and the light touched slightly, and a thick trend filled out, which immediately made him excited and excited!

"Xiao Mo, the wind is yours."


Su Xiaomo and Li Fei are both speed-type warriors, but the former is faster, while the latter is reflected in foot strength.

"Zhou Hong, the body of the sword is yours."

This constitution has the least suspense. After all, Jun Chang laughs and does not deliberately pursue Kendo, and he can inherit it among his disciples.

"The body of spirit veins ..."

"Sect master!" Ye Xingchen refused to say: "The disciples are willing to inherit!"

Although the other constitutions are good, he can't see in his eyes. He just hopes that he can inherit the constitution that can be improved faster.


Jun Chang laughed and said, "Take it."

"Thank you, Lord!"

Ye Xingchen hurriedly walked over, holding the body of Lingmai in the palm of his hand, and a smile appeared on his face.

Yedi smiled!

Yedi smiled!


The spirit vein body being held in his hands is struggling, and seems to be dissatisfied with the new master.

"be honest!"

Ye Xingchen cried in a deep voice.

Such a bluff, the little guy suddenly became well-behaved.

Jun Chang smiled and said, "Elder Jiang, the body of the Yuan Shen will be given to you."

"Thank you, Lord!"

Jiang Xie brought the body of the Yuanshen, but he wondered in his heart; "what does this thing do?"

If he knew that the body of the Yuanshen could capture everything around him with the same precision as spiritual thought, he would definitely jump up and jump up. After all, he was definitely helpful in finding his sister.


Jun Chang laughed and said, "Choose one."


Li Fei scratched his head and said, "Practice choose the frustrated body."

"How about you?"

Jun Chang smiled and looked at Lu Yan.

Lu Yandao: "The disciples don't need it."

She already has an ice constitution, so she has no interest in other constitutions.



"okay then."

Jun Chang smiled and said to Li Qingyang: "The body of fantasy dreams and the body of thunder and punishment remain, you can choose one."

Li Qingyang scratched his head and said, "Zongzhu, the two constitutions seem to be of little use to the disciples, so they should be reserved for a suitable fellow."

Jun Chang laughed: "If you don't like it, you have to choose one."

He knew that the second disciple had a gentle personality and would not fight or rush, but since he came to break through the barriers, it is natural to have the benefits.

"How about this."

Jun Chang laughed: "The body of the fantasy dream is for you, and the body of thunder and punishment is for you."


Li Qingyang lifted the body of thunder and punishment.

Lu Yan can only bring the body of fantasy dreams.

If the outside warriors knew that the two were forced to accept their physique by the suzerain, they would certainly be envious of death and life.

This kind of constitution from ancient times, even if there is no substantial help to martial arts, they will never dislike it, how much it is!

Nine out of ten are hostages, and there are only five elements left, which is sure to be a laugh.


Su Xiaomo said: "How to merge?"

"Pan sat down and communicated with spiritual thoughts, pulling it into the body." Jun Chang laughed.

"Brush! Brush!"

Everyone sat down.


Xiao Sin had already communicated with the body of the Wilderness step by step. His spiritual thoughts touched it, and the convenience turned into a cloud and mist covering the whole body.

The process of physical fusion was extremely simple. When he took all the clouds and mists, a small world with large fingernails gradually formed in Dantian.

This is a great wasteland.

Although very small, after the cohesion was successful, some connection was established with flesh and blood.

Xiao Sinji ’s thoughts communicated a little, and he felt that the physical strength and hardness suddenly improved a lot!

The Great Wild World is just condensed, and the defense strength provided is limited. If you want to come in handy in the future, it will definitely be tempered and strengthened.

As for reaching the level that Emperor Wuhuang took out and smashed people, there is still a long way to go.

Jun Chang laughed, but he didn't want his disciples to sacrifice people from the barren land and heaven one day, because at this step, it must be a battle for life and death.



Li Qingyang stood up, spread his right hand, and Rayman gathered in the palm of his hand, so he was surprised: "I am Lei Xiu now?"


Su Xiaomo laughed, only to see the soles of his feet converging and running at the fastest speed.

Zhou Hong stood up, it seemed normal, but the sharp edge of the whole body seemed to turn into a sword!

"My spiritual thoughts have strengthened!" After Jiang Xie and Yuan Shen's body merged, his eyes flashed with ecstasy, and even after a little release, they could spread to more than ten miles.


Li Fei opened his right hand, and a group of black crickets condensed, and said, "What use is my constitution?"

"Find a target and try." Jun Chang laughed.


Li Fei was thrown at Su Xiaomo who had just stopped. When the black attribute was incorporated into the body, the latter knelt down on the ground and yelled, "I'm not as good as an ant, I'm meaningless to live!"

This is not installed, this is true!

"Do you understand now?" Jun Chang smiled.

Li Feiyu realized: "Understand, the physical cohesion of disciples can make people depressed and desperate!"

"call out!"

At this moment, the sea of ​​knowledge was suddenly penetrated by some force!

Li Fei's expression froze, and he suddenly felt like a bird, and then fluttered his wings freely in the sky.

"Fly, fly, fly ---"

He waved his hands with a smirk, and ran around in the tenth heaven and earth, looking very funny.


Jun Chang smiled at the corner of his mouth and looked at Lu Yan.

Needless to say, it must be this woman's fusion of imaginary dreams that put Li Fei into fantasy and dreams.


"Hahahaha ---"

Suddenly, Ye Xingchen laughed, covering her face.

He has already merged with the body of the spirit vein. As long as the Taixuanzhenjing and Yijinjing are operated a little, he can feel the extremely pure nature of the heavens and the earth as a tsunami!

With this physique, He Chou can't break through quickly!

This incident tells us that even arrogant and cold-hearted people will have incontinence and laugh when they encounter very cool things.

"You all."

Suddenly, the old voice of the emperor sounded in the heavens and the earth: "Congratulations on inheriting the constitution of the seal in the Shifang Jiyuan Tower, but you must also bear your due responsibilities."

"Responsibility?" Jun Chang laughed.

The emperor continued: "Why did the battle of the emperors happen before Wanzai, aren't you curious?"

"Not curious ~ ~ Jun Chang laughed:" Yao Yao, open the entrance to the external connection, and we return to the gate. "


Emperor Jin: "..."

Blend your physique, pat your ass, and leave.


The space is turbulent, and the stairs to the outside are opened.

Jun Chang smiled and arched his hand and said, "Excuse me!"

"young people!"

The emperor hurriedly said, "Wait a minute, I haven't finished talking yet!"


PS, today the 2 chapters add up to 9000+ words, and I asked for a vote on Monday.

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