The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 797: 10th Party World

Shangguan Yunyao did not choose the wrong sect, because not only the suzerain supported her, but also the same support.


Ye Xingchen seems to have chosen the wrong door.

Because since the introduction, the number of pretends has not been much, but the number of pretends is quite large!

For example, the test of the Seventh Heaven and Earth originates from negative emotions. Warriors must not only have absolute perseverance, but also have a positive attitude, otherwise they can easily be eroded, leading to despair and inferiority.

Ye Di said unswervingly that his mentality was positive for revenge. If he passed the barrier normally, he would be able to hold it.


Non-challenging difficulty coefficient is the highest.

How can it be the hardest?

Naturally is the limitation of starting age and soul!

When several times more negative emotions than normal mode rushed up, Yedi did not even resist, crouched directly on the ground, and even humbled himself to lose the courage to live.


You can't blame him for choosing the wrong sect, you can only blame him for his own death.

"Hurry up!"

Jun Chang smiled and hurriedly said, "Hurry up and stop!"

The first two sides of the world finally managed to bring out the strength of Ye Xingchen. This girl crouched on the ground and cried, made trouble, and hung up like a little daughter-in-law. Didn't you waste your previous efforts!

"call out!"

Shangguan Yanyao quickly turned off the test mode.

"I'm too garbage. I live in this world is polluting the air, polluting ..." Ye Xing, the desperate star, suddenly stopped, and the whole person was in the beginning.


What did you just say?

The most painful thing in the world is that although Shi Hai is controlled by various negative emotions, he said things that should not be said, but after the end, he remembered clearly!

that moment.

Ye Xingchen squatted on the ground, but did not stand up.

Covering her face with tears, she snarled, "What the **** am I talking about!"

At this time, if the first cut of plum is made for BGM, it must be very suitable.


"what happened?"

"Ying Xingchen said he was garbage?"

"Look, he seems to be crying!"

Although Shangguan Yunyao cancelled the test mode in time, what Ye Xingchen just said, and the actions he made, were completely transmitted to the outside world and presented to the eyes of warriors throughout the continent.

The fans who were still shouting were stunned one by one, tearful.

In their eyes, Idou is the best, the hardest-working, the most hardworking, but now he is denying himself, unacceptable and unbearable!

"You all."

At this moment, Jun Chang smiled and busily rounded the field and said, "The test of the existence of the Seventh Heaven and Earth is frustrating and desperate. My disciple is showing you what it means to be discouraged and cold. Despair is helpless! "


He said, "Why are you still squatting? Get up quickly!"


Ye Xingchen stood up, facing away from the camera.

I thought that I had just done that kind of thing in the mapping matrix method, and said that kind of thing, I wish I could find a place to drill in!


"It was acting!"

"Don't say, it's so real, I almost believed it!"

After Jun Changxiao's explanation, the martial artists suddenly realized, and the fans of Xingfan also burst into tears and thought proudly, this is the acting of my family's Idou, who dare to question it in the future!

of course.

Some people are wondering.

Since there are all kinds of negative breaths in the Seventh Party World, why haven't they stood at all?

"Come on."

Jun Chang laughed and said, "Anyway, I'm going to go through the live broadcast, I can't be too casual, I will perform for this seat!"

The things that control the matrix method must not be known to outsiders, so since you are in the seventh party world, you have to do enough even if you are acting!


Su Xiaomo slumped down, clenched her hands into fists, and beat on the ground, yelling: "It's too shameful, not alive!"

"Why do I still have the courage to live in this world, why don't I die!" Li Qingyang lowered his head with his fist and tried to wink to make his tears fall, but he didn't feel squeezed.

Just then, looking back at Xiao Xieji, he saw his back to the camera and secretly took out a green onion and wiped it in the corner of his eyes, and then there was tears in his eyes.

"Life is meaningless!"

Li Qingyang walked forward, leaning his arms on Xiao Xinji's shoulders, and turned his back to the camera and said, "Master, give me something."


The sound of the sword coming out of the sheath!

Jun Chang laughed and put his sword on his neck, and raised his head in sorrow: "Although the ancient ancestors passed down the ancient times, they always humbled the world.

His voice is tragic and his language is compassionate!

Lying down!

Still a suzerain, or a suzerain!

"What are you guys looking at, come over and grab the sword, are you really planning to let this guy stand in front of you?" Jun Chang laughed and said.


Su Xiaomo responded the fastest. He rushed over to **** the sword, and then clamped it around his neck, crying, "A disciple is a burden to live, willing to go to Jiuquan first!"

After a while, Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji waited for their despair. No one came to dissuade him. They just put down the sword and said, "How can I defile a sword with garbage like me!" "

Everyone: "..."

They also figured it out, Wan Guzong disciples noisy and no longer live, but there is no one who really wants to die!

In this way, under the eyes of the whole world, Jun Changxiao and some of his disciples performed for half an hour, before pretending to be suddenly sober and regaining their senses, and suddenly said, "I ... what did you just do!"


Li Qingyang pointed to the front and said, "The stairs to the eighth heaven and earth have come out!"

"Passed? Is this passed?"


Jun Chang laughed and didn't rush into the Eighth Party World and continued to rest in place.

At present, the entire formation system that exists in the Shifang Juetai Tower has been controlled by Shangguan Yanyao, but the area responsible for the reward system is in a damaged state, so further efforts are needed.

"Come on, you can do it." Jun Chang smiled and encouraged.


Shangguan Yaoyao also had enough confidence, not because he controlled the formation, but because the suzerain and his brothers believed in themselves.


The next day, Jun Chang laughed and led his disciples to the Eighth Party World.

The test here is the opposite of negative emotions, and the martial arts who enter it will fall into the illusion of what they have achieved.

Some people want to be strong, and there will be the illusion that they have become Emperor Wu and have turned their hands over the clouds and their hands.

Some people are eager for beauty, and at this moment are wives and concubines, happy.

As long as you dare to think, the Eighth World will give you everything you want, but the premise is that if you completely sink into it, you will never get out.

After hearing the introduction of the transfigured Emperor Wudi, Jun Changxiao didn't let Shangguan Yanyao start the test, and continued to perform a drunk life with his disciples.

After the 'finish', you will be on the ninth heaven and earth.


The elder shouted hurriedly.

Elder Zhen was in a hurry and stuffed Yi Tianxing's mouth with a pile of elixir.

Breaking through the third-party world is equivalent to creating a record in modern times. Now that Wan Guzong has entered the eighth-party world, it is equivalent to breaking the record of ancient times!

When I think of going out in the future with other certification halls, I can not only proudly say the area in which I am responsible, but also have a gate that won the Dragon Tiger Championship. I can also proudly say that they have broken the sealed ten Fang Jue Ming's record, Yi Tianxing couldn't help himself!


Ninth Party World.

The test here is more formidable, because it combines the physical, physical, psionic, hardened, soul, five elements, negative, and temptations of the first eight directions.

of course.

Not one by one, but by thunder and lightning!

In the words of the creator of the ninth party heaven and earth, Emperor Wu Lei, this place is the world of thunder and punishment. The lowered thunderbolt contains all the tests of the first eight levels. As long as it can withstand a blow, it is eligible to enter the tenth party heaven and earth.

"Yan Yao."

Jun Chang laughed: "Jump the difficulty to the lowest level, and try it here."


Look at the night stars of others. It ’s the hardest to play. You have to turn the difficulty to the lowest. What ’s so interesting and fun?


Shangguan Xi Yao manipulated the formation.


Slightly, similar to the sky at dusk, the rolling thunderclouds gradually condensed and spewed out a thunder snake!


The thunder and lightning that contained many trials sprayed down, instantly illuminated the entire space, and hit Jun often with great precision.

The physical body, bones, soul, and various negative emotions and illusions all burst out, which immediately put him into a very sour rhythm.

Fortunately, the difficulty is the lowest.

After a brief period of disappointment, Jun Chang laughed and resumed as usual, exclaimed with a cold sweat: "This is going to be stronger, I can't carry it!"

"Xingchen, would you like to try it?"


Night stars are silent.

At this time, he did not dare to pretend.

"Yan Yao, open the stairs to the tenth heaven and earth."



The stairs to the tenth heaven and earth gradually emerged.


"It's over after being thundered?"

"Why is it easier to get to the back of these ten-party desperate towers?"

The audience widened their eyes.

It's not getting easier, but Jun Chang laughs must make it simple.

"What is left of the last world?"

The Shifang Destiny Tower is very similar to the Experience Tower, but the latter has only nine floors, so Jun Changxiao is more curious about what tests exist in the Tenth Heaven and Earth.

If it is all the test hodgepodge of the level, but the ninth floor is already.

The more you can't figure it out, the more curious.

"Go, go up."

After a rest day, under the attention of all, Jun Changxiao led his disciples to the stairs leading to the tenth heaven and earth, and the scene on the light curtain disappeared again.

Everyone is looking forward to the latest pictures.

But after waiting a full quarter of an hour, the light curtain was still dark, and no new image was transmitted in!

"what happened?"


The picture appears on the light curtain.

It is not the so-called Tenth Heaven and Earth, but outside the tower.

Zhen Dejun stood in front of the camera and announced rather reluctantly: "The tenth party has a prohibition and cannot obtain the image information."

"No!" The collective collapsed.

There are a total of ten heavens and earth in the Ten Fate Tower. The most important one is the last heaven and earth. The result cannot be transmitted, it cannot be seen with your own eyes, and it is difficult for anyone to accept it.

It's like watching a TV series, waiting for the finale, and ending the broadcast. It must be annoying.

Although there is no latest image transmitted, the martial arts soldiers still pay attention to the pictures outside the tower, because they are waiting for the eternal ancestors to come out. If they come out, they will clear the Shifang Zetai Tower!

In this ancient era of masters such as clouds, only the warriors broke into the sixth party world. If you really pass the customs, the shock will definitely be very strong!


Tenth Party World.

Here is a more imaginary, seemingly real and fantasy scene, and Jun Changxiao and his disciples who entered it are still in place.

At this moment, a picture appeared in their eyes, flashing like clouds, and finally settled in an energetic environment.

There are mountains, water, all kinds of birds and beasts. The air is desolate and ancient, and Jun Changxiao and his disciples seem to be turned into souls, suspended in the air, and the views below are panoramic.

"Sovereign ..." Li Qingyang said.



Suddenly, a deafening sound came!

The crowd was too old to think, and they instinctively turned to look at the sky, and a burly middle-aged man raised a mountain in his hand ...

That is not a mountain!

More like a smaller version of the world!


The middle-aged man screamed angrily, the entrusted world suddenly flew out, and then quickly expanded, as if the whole world was instantly enveloped!

"Woohoo ——————"

Howling winds shatter the space!

Although Jun Changxiao and his disciples were just watching with the soul body, they could really feel the outbreak of that kind of terror.

For a moment, they heard from the words "Desolation of the Great Wilderness" and their voices. This middle-aged man must be the Great Emperor Wuhuang on the first floor of the Shifang Jue Ming Tower!

"Crush it!"

A roar came from below the barren land!

Several strong men who were not weaker than Emperor Wuhuang flickered with dazzling light, and then the terrorist power broke out, and they turned into fists in the past!

Huh! Huh! Huh!

The attack of each punch is shocking the minds of Jun Changxiao and others, and believes that these people have also reached the rank of emperor!

At that time, there were few Emperor Wudi, but now there are so many, combined with the desolate and vicissitudes of the environment, they suddenly realized that what they saw now must be the picture of the battle of the former emperors!

Not bad.

In front of him is the shot of Emperor Wuhuang against several Emperors in the battle of the emperors.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

"Woohoo ————————"

Under the bombardment of power, Dahuangtiandi has begun to show cracks, but it is still sinking. Eventually, under the eyes of Jun Changxiao and others, it hits the ground fiercely!


At the moment of contact, a corner of the mainland could not bear the load, and it suddenly broke apart. Then, under the influence of Yu Wei, it drifted eastward all the way.

I rub!

The world has just collapsed!

Jun Changxiao and his disciples stared at each other, even Ye Xingchen was shocked.

It turned out that the Emperor Wudi in the ancient times was so powerful, that at the peak of his war, he was properly abused!


Emperor Wuhuang fell down and sat on the deserted ground.

From the perspective, just facing away from Jun Changxiao and others, the body gradually petrified from the legs.

what's the situation?

There was a stun in their faces.

"Kakaka ——————"

Suddenly, the sound of rupture came, and the gap that had originally opened in the barren land continued to spread and expand.

"It's broken." Jun Chang laughed and murmured.


"Kaka Kaka Ka ————————"

When the Great Wild World broke open, the Great Wild Emperor Wuhuang had gradually petrified the lower body and began to show dense cracks.

that moment.

Everyone immediately realized that Dahuangtiandi was connected to him!


Emperor Wuhuang had a long sigh, and before turning into a petrified state, he turned his head and tried to turn his head and said, "The Emperor's Great Wilderness, you inherit it."

Jun often smiled for a moment.

Subconsciously followed the gaze of this strong man toward Xiao Guiji.


Can he find us?

Xiao Sin said: "Thank you seniors!"

The two looked at each other with smiles on their faces.

At this moment, they seem to span time and space, and they seem to have completed some kind of ritual transfer at a special node.

"Kakaka ——————"

The cracking sound continued. The Great Wasteland had been scarred, and the Great Emperor Wuhuang completely petrified, and finally broke down completely under the eyes of everyone, turning into dust.

The two Emperor Wu Empresses who were suppressed below have also fallen apart.


Jun Changxiao waited for silence.

In the ancient times, Emperor Wudi said that it was cold when he was cold.

"call out------"

At this moment, the vision of the eyes changed again, a light and shadow galloping in the endless land, and the speed was astonishing.


I don't know how long he ran, and the man gradually stopped, then shook his head chicly, looking at Su Xiaomo in the sky, and laughed: "Little guy, how is this wind-struck body for you?"

"Thank you senior!" Su Xiaomo said excitedly.


The space is shaking, and the picture in front of it changes again!

A strong man is fighting against several people. Although fighting alone, the strength and purity of the psionic energy that erupted is much higher than others!



This battle fought for a long time.

The heaven and earth in the south couldn't bear the pressure of the force, and separated directly from the mainland.

Jun Changxiao and others were shocked.

The emperor-level powers of ancient times are so terrible that it is no exaggeration to say that they are ruining the world!

According to their level of fighting, the world is just lucky to be scored and separated and not completely finished!

After fierce fighting, the Emperor Wu defeated several strong men of the same level, but they were also seriously injured. Then he looked at Jun Changxiao and others, and said, "Who will inherit the spirit of the Emperor? "


Ye Xingchen said first.

If you change to other constitutions, Yedi will definitely keep Gao Lengfan'er, but the body of this vein must not be conceded!

Emperor Ling Jue looked at Ye Xingchen with a trace of disgust in his eyes.

Lying down!

What a look!

Is it that I am a generation of Emperor Wudi and inheriting the spirit veins is something that makes him feel shameful!


The prospects continue to change, more Emperors of the Emperor Wu appear on stage, and even more explosive battles are being performed one by one.

After watching several battles one after another, Jun Chang laughed and understood. The tenth side of the world was not tested, but just brought the warrior back to Wanzai and witnessed the battle of the emperors who were shocking.


What puzzled him was.

Judging from the scene, it was clearly left in advance. Why did Emperor Wuhuang and Chengfeng Wudi capture the existence of himself and his disciples, and chose the physical inheritor?

Could it be said that this is not a movie-like image, but some kind of magical power that allows two different eras of space to be folded together so that each other can spy on each other?

"It's possible," the system said.


At this moment, the vision of the eyes changed again, and everyone appeared in a leafy mountain forest.

"here is……"

Jun Chang smiled and was surprised and said, "Where is the Ten Fate Tower?"

The environment is right, but there is no tower!

"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

At this moment, all streamers flew over, and it was the Emperor Wuhuang and others who had fallen before!

There is also an old man in black robes that he has never seen in the previous foreground image. He stands in the place where the Shifang Desperate Tower should have existed, saying: "You, set up a stone tower here, seal all kinds of constitutions and leave it to future generations What about human inheritance? "

Jun often laughed and realized.

No wonder there is no Tower of Destiny, it has not been established!


"No comment!"

Emperor Wuhuang and Chengfeng Wudi all agreed.

The old man in black robe said, "Let's get started."

The nine ancient emperors immediately performed their magical powers, took a block of square stones from the vicinity, and piled up a total of ten towers in the shortest time.

After the tower was built, the picture turned into the interior.

The old man in black robes arranges formations and fronts on the first floor.

The whole process seems to slow down indefinitely, but because the procedure is too complicated, Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji and others are dazzled.

Shangguan Yan Yao rejoiced!

With the continuous arrangement of the old man in black robes, she gradually gained a more comprehensive and intuitive understanding of the matrix formations on the first floor.

"Have you written it down?" Jun Chang smiled and asked.

Shangguan Xi Yao said with excitement: "Master, I have written down!"


Just at this moment, the picture changes again.

The old man in black robes appeared on the second floor and continued to arrange, so the array was arranged on the third, fourth, ... and even the tenth floor.

"So it is, so it is!"

Although this formation method is very complicated, Shangguan Xi Yao fully remembers it and has a new understanding of the structure inside!

"You all."

The old man in black robe said: "Every side of the heaven and earth array method has been arranged. If someone falls, his constitution will be detached and merged into it and permanently sealed."


He paused: "It can't be taken away casually either, so the old man suggested that you choose one side of the world to defend and leave the test, only those who have fate can get it."

Emperor Wuhuang preferred to say, "I'll guard the first party world!"

"My second world!"

"My third party world!"


The first to ninth floors were respectively occupied by nine ancient emperors, and they performed their magical powers to stay tested.

The old man in the black robe said: "The old man sits on the tenth floor. If future generations can break into this place, they will not only get the physique stored in it, but also peep into the mystery of the formation method, so as to control the entire ten-square chance tower."

The original name of the stone tower was called Shifangjiyuan Tower, but because the challenge was too difficult, many warriors fell into it, so it became a desperate tower over time.


The old man in black robes looked up, looked at Shangguan Yaoyao, and smiled with a smile: "It's time to arrange the formation of the reward mechanism, baby girl, you need to look carefully."



The streamers flickered, and array flags flew out. They were inserted not only on the tenth floor, but also around the tower, forming a pattern similar to the five-element gossip chart.


The messy lines are outlined and then connected to the battle. The whole process can be described in one go, which means that the arrayer is definitely the top master of array formation.

Shangguan Yan Yao stared intently, knowing Hai Nian suddenly showed a picture, and then continued to reorganize, continue to spread, and finally evolved an extremely complicated star Luo chess board.

"very messy!"

"I don't understand!"

Li Qingyang and Xiao Xieji and others have no talent for the formation of law. When they see each stroke outlined, they feel like they are reading Tianshu.

Although Jun Chang laughed and understood, he suddenly received so much information, and suddenly felt a bit furious.


It didn't take long, Shangguan Yuyao said: "The disciples have understood the structure of the tower array method, which can be easily controlled, and all kinds of physical constitutions can be taken at will!"

Jun often laughs and rejoices.

"call out!"

At this time ~ ~ The vision of the eyes disappeared, and everyone returned to the imaginary territory of the tenth heaven and earth.


Shangguan Yunyao thought, and instantly merged into the damaged area of ​​the formation, then reconnected the broken front.



After the repair was completed, the space shook slightly, and only a ray of light appeared like an elf.


Shangguan Yaoyao said: "This is the ten physiques in the sealed tower. From left to right, they are the body of the barren, the body of the wind, the body of the spirit vein ... and the body of the final spirit, all for the disciples to call out. , You are free to assign now. "


PS, three chapters.

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