The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1533: Sudden change

In terms of top combat effectiveness, Tonggu real people and Qiye real people are not as good as the Ten Great Sects. After all, everyone is at the peak of seeking truth.

However, the appearance of the real Qingwei and Guhong real people, and from the attitude point of view, it is obvious that they must stand on the side of the Wanzong School, which has instantly reduced the gap between the two.

This is going to fight, and the scene must be wonderful.

The strong men in Xianzong saw that there was another casual repair to help, and suddenly had a headache.

I'm not afraid of them. I didn't come here to fight, but to eliminate the witch, and strangled the existing dangers in the cradle in advance.

do not care!

Any casual repair involved in this matter, and anyone who protects the Eternal Buddhism must treat it as an enemy!

The Ten Great Emperors of the Sect were about to let go of their fight, and the strong ethnic groups of the Lei Ling, Bingfeng, and Shenxing groups flew over from a distance, making them immediately rejoicing.

Do you have any helpers?

We have no helpers?



In a blink of an eye, the strong men of all ethnic groups rushed from a distance, and then stood in front of the gate of Wanzong Mountain, facing outward to form a wall-like defense system.


The smiles on the faces of the Ten Immortal Warriors were frozen.

"You guys ..." Ling Tianxian Zongqiang Shen said: "What do you mean!"

"It's difficult for the ancient emperor. The Lei Ling tribe comes to help!"

"Everything is difficult, the Bingfeng tribe comes to help!"


The strong men of various ethnic groups shouted one by one at the entrance of the mountain. Judging from the momentum, they were obviously not joking.

To tell the truth, this picture is super-burning, everyone can imagine what might be the strong men from different ethnic groups who are supporting the eternal ancestors and supporting the Changchang smile!

Unfortunately, such a big scene did not eat melon crowds, otherwise we can definitely take advantage of their expressions and mentality to take advantage of the opportunity.

All right.

Real Qing Wei and Gu Hong live.

When the two people saw the major ethnic groups coming, instead of standing at the top of the Ten Immortals, they guarded in front of the gate of Wanzong Mountain, and suddenly looked stunned.

Let all races help each other, this kid has a lot of energy!

"You all!"

Jun Chang smiled and hugged his fist: "Thank you for your help, this kind of kindness is remembered in my heart!"


The major groups almost couldn't help yelling.

Boy, don't think too much, we are not here to help you, but to help our own tribe. After all, there are three strengths and two weaknesses in your family's gate, which will definitely hurt your vitality.


Outside the ancient fairy mountain, a shout came, "We are coming!"

Just watching Li Fei sit on a huge crab, the latter flew sideways, accompanied by the Cancer strongman.

Tian Qi also rushed over and rode the super-large crayfish.


Seeing the return of two disciples, one riding a crab and one riding a crayfish, even though the scene was very serious, Jun Changxiao still couldn't help but laugh out loud.


Su Xiaomo covered her stomach and laughed.


After strict training, Li Qingyang remained calm.

As for Ye Xingchen, she couldn't laugh at all, because her destiny beast was in the form of two haha, so she was not qualified to make fun of others!

Jun Changxiao bought ten beast eggs from Lingshou Pavilion and matched them to Li Fei, Tian Qi, Long Ziyang, etc., and then were taken away by the ethnic groups. It took only one year to calculate the time.

Now Zongmen is in trouble, and they all bring the strong ethnic beasts of the Covenant Beast to aid.

of course.

The process is a bit discordant.

For example, Li Fei, after learning about Xiao Shimei, said nothing about holding a sword frame around his neck, and shouted, "Go or not!"

"Go! Go! Go!"

So the Cancer family sent people.

Tian Qi and Long Ziyang's methods are relatively mild, but there is only one theme, Zongmen is difficult, and must return!

More and more ethnic groups rushed over, and they couldn't help but lie in front of the gate of Wanzong Mountain, which made the top ten Emperor Sects more difficult to look.

That's right.

The ethnic groups did come to aid.

But it was n’t the Ten Immortals, it was the Elders!

In terms of the number of top powerhouses, Sanzong and Tonggu Reality are equal, but the backbone is in the lead. After all, there are hundreds of truth-seeking and peak-to-danish realms.

As the major ethnic groups rushed over one after another, they stood with a smile on Jun Chang. The gap between the two was instantly leveled, and even took the absolute upper hand. Because there were dozens of ethnic groups, casually sending two or three could form a huge scale. .

The situation just now is that Sanxiu and Wanguzong competed against the Ten Great Sects.

Now the situation is that Sanxiu, Wanguzong, and all ethnic groups have a tripartite alliance against the top ten immortals!


Hurry up.

This is a super drama not to be missed!

I'm sorry, even if many warriors are on their way, they don't dare to approach the range of Wanxian Mountain. After all, there are so many strong men who just pick one to turn from peak to peak.

It's no exaggeration to say that the scene that happened on the Eternal Sect is a rare sight in 100,000 years!


Jun Chang laughed and shouted, "Fight!"

There are masters and others to protect, and there are major ethnic groups. The dogs are not scared at all, and even crazy thoughts are raised in their hearts. It is better to take the opportunity to unite the major martial arts and ethnic groups, overthrow the world hall, and overthrow the Ten Immortals!


The Lingtian Xianzong strong man whispered: "Do you think they can keep you safe forever?"



Suddenly, a famous warrior of the Emperor Zongzong raised his hand and pulled out something similar to a signal gun, and saw a few streamers flashing into the sky instantly.

You are here to help, will my top ten immortals be empty?

"not good!"

Tonggu real man frowned: "This is the call of the Immortal Sect. When the main gates see it, they will send strong men to support it!"


Jun Chang twitched at the corner of his mouth.

The help from the Master and the ethnic group made him ignore the Ten Immortals who, after all, ruled the entire upper world, and especially had absolute power to mobilize forces such as Daozong and Zhenzong!

This is just one of them.

In fact, the Xianzong strong man who came to Wanguzong this time, but in a very small part, there is still more power not dispatched. As Xianzong summons the shining sky, it will definitely send out elites, and the scale will only grow larger in time!

If all the sectarian forces would gather in the immortal mountain, the scene presented would definitely be comparable to the war-thinking tribe 100,000 years ago.

This situation in which the upper world moves all the time often appears at the end of the story. The Wanzong experience that has only come to the upper world just a few years ago is an early experience, which is equivalent to entering the finale mode just after the beginning!

and many more.

I did n’t even reach the Xuanzi, and the rhythm is fast!

Of course, for such a big incident, Jun Changxiao and his disciples were purely soy sauce, and those who supported the field were real practitioners such as Tonggu and other major ethnic groups. Without them, the current shot is the end of the Wanzong sect, with the protagonist. The fart method is over.



Headed to Liu Sinan in the immortal mountain, looked back at the call to streamers of several immortals, immediately lowered the sarcophagus, and sat on the stone and said, "It seems that immortals have already participated in advance, then I will not go to the fun."

It is impossible to go, because Wan Guzong is in the southeast, and his direction is northwest. If the upper bound is round, he should be able to reach it in a circle.

"call out!"

"call out!"

A stream of light flew over the sky from the sky, and the direction was exactly where the Emperor Zong called to rise.

In other directions, the major gates were summoned, and the strong men were rushed to the past. Looking from a distance lens, the sky was full of afterglows, all the light!


Sangu such as Tonggu real people and major ethnic groups did not take any action.

They weren't sure of the bargains in front of the Ten Great Emperors of the Sect, so the situation was deadlocked.


Jun Chang laughed and said, "Hit!"

Today's situation can not be resolved without a win or a loss, it is better to do it late at night!

"You all!"

Tonggu real people looked at the top ten immortals and said, "Everything happens because of the demon. Why don't we calmly sit down and discuss a way to avoid conflict?"

He also wants to fight, but if he fights, he is equal to the enemy of the entire Upper Sect, and it will definitely be difficult in the future.

"No need to negotiate."

Ling Tianxian Zongqiang's attitude was tough: "This girl must die today."

"The demon ancestor has been resurrected," Kisano said indifferently: "If we kill each other, it will be him who ultimately benefits from a fisherman."


Through the ancient truth: "Your immortal and all races have destroyed the magic delusion, the demon ancestors must have hatred, the priority is to find him first."


The top ten immortals were silent.

Indeed, it is unknown whether the baby girl is in danger or not. The demon ancestor is definitely the number one threat. Fighting for an eternal ancestor, various road repairs, and major ethnic groups, what will be the loss in the end, will he be given a chance to develop?

Seeing them hesitant, Tonggu real people continued: "Actually ..."


Jun Chang laughed and interrupted him, and said, "Look at heaven!"


Tonggu real people looked up subconsciously, and suddenly widened their eyes.

The black clouds that had gradually disappeared suddenly gathered again, and then continued to rotate, showing a huge vortex that seemed to cover more than half of the upper bound.

At the same time, the anxiety that had previously risen became more intense than ever!

Gu Zhaoxi also felt this way, so he broke down in his heart and said, "Isn't the ominous omen from the beginning of the siege of Xianzong?"

"what is this?"

The strongest of the Ten Great Sects are also stunned ~ ~ Woohoo! "


At this moment, a thing gradually appeared in the vortex, until the entire body was exposed, turned out to be a giant steel battleship that was dozens of times larger than the Tonggu battleship!


Jun Chang smiled and said, "Spaceship? Alien invasion?"

"call out!"

"call out!"

At the same time, more steel warships flew out of the vortex, numbering up to ten, they were like mountains, hanging in the sky of the upper world with the attitude of the king descending! ——

PS, some readers said that today, without writing the plot of Xianzong's invasion, they will not be given a ticket. I think it's over. Give the ticket. Please Baidu "Throw Book Network" Thank you for your support!

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