The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1532: War begins

In the Netherworld, Yao Mengying had a dream. Please read Chapter 476 for the content. I will not take the opportunity to recall and kill.

of course.

Although this dream is similar to the scene presented today, it is actually different.

For example, in the dream, it was the Iron Skeleton, and now it is the Eternal Sect, and for example, in the dream, it was on the continent of stars, and now it is in the upper world.

The reason why Yao Mengying feels familiar is because he was involved in a crisis.


She lowered her head, tears could not stop flowing.

Especially when I recalled that in the dream, Tong Tong fell in a pool of blood in order to protect himself, and the tingling from his heart was even stronger.


The flower rose came and said, "Don't think wildly."

Jun Changxiao put all her thoughts on the ten strong Emperor Xianzong who appeared one after another, and she has been paying attention to Yao Mengying. Although she did not know that she had nightmares, she still gave her care in time.

If you compare the dog leftover to the head of the family, then she is the competent mother of the family, and even better than the former in dealing with certain things.

to be honest.

Outside the male lead, inside the female lead, the division of labor is clear.


Yao Mengying choked and said, "I don't want to jeopardize the ancestors, I don't want to hurt everyone ..."

She had taken the dream she had dreamed seriously for fear that the scene in the dream would appear.

"Some things don't happen if you don't want them," said Hua Rose. "If they happen, you have to face them bravely, and the suzerain and the same door are with you."

Yao Mengying glanced at Jun Chang who was not afraid, and then looked at the brothers and sisters who were not afraid, so he raised his hand to wipe away the tears on his face, and his eyes gradually became firm.

Under such a crisis situation, it was Ye Xingchen that was deeply touched.

In the previous life, he fought alone, without companions and friends, only one girlfriend, and was finally stabbed with a knife.

"Jun always laughs!"

A strong Emperor Xianzong whispered, "As long as I surrender the witch behind me, I will wait for the real people in Tonggu to let you go."

"Give me everything!"

Jun Chang smiled coldly and said: "Anyone who has entered my eternal ancestors, regardless of his evil demon, whether it is ten evils or not, this one will keep him safe!"

Although this statement is a bit extreme, it all means that the dog has a firm mentality.

Hand over disciples? You want to fart!

The Ten Great Emperors of the Sect were hard to look.

They have heard of the Zongmen who soared to the upper realm, and they did not expect to dare to rebel against the will of Xianzong to protect a demon who would be in danger!

"Tonggu real people!"

Ling Tianxian Zongqiong said coldly, "Is this what you mean, or do you mean nothing?"

The meaning is obvious. Are you going to be responsible for this matter?

The Ten Great Immortals did not take Wan Guzong to heart, nor did they put Jun Chang smile in their eyes, but after all, the real people in Tonggu are the top powerhouses who have been famous for a long time.

in short.

There is no real strength such as chess player, and he has already started.

As the top ten forces in the creative circles, since they were born, there will never be room for negotiation.

The real people in Tonggu knew their overbearing, so they calmly said, "My apprentice means what I mean."

Apprentice just.

Master also just!

Not a family, don't enter the house!

Regarding this answer, Ling Tianxian Zongqiang was not surprised. Then he looked at Qi Yezhen and other casual practitioners, and said, "The meaning of the real people in ancient times also represents your meaning?"


Come to help friends in unison.

I just let go, so today I must protect Yao Mengying and the eternal ancestors.

To be honest, they were both excited and nervous. After all, since the Devil Clan was destroyed, no one has dared to stiffen the Ten Great Sects. This is going to fight, and it will inevitably leave a thick stroke in the history.

"The demon ancestor had the ambition to dominate the upper realm. If the ancestors had worked together to obliterate it, the upper realm at this moment has long been alive, but it would be unreasonable to maintain a witch today!" Ling Tianxianzong's strong angry scolded.

"Oh shit!"

Jun Chang shouted with a smile: "My disciples are practicing in Zongmen. They have never hurt innocent people, and haven't done anything wrong. Why do you think she is a witch?"

"Don't **** mention it to Lao Tzu, who's going to know the future!"

The dog left uncontrollable emotions, swearing one after another.

He is really angry, because the former physique belongs to the wicked, and subsequent successors will be relentlessly labeled the same? Who gives you the power to define good and evil by feeling?

"There is always a group of pedantic **** in this world, because of persecution paranoia, so that warriors who should have gone to light can only choose to go to darkness!"

"I do n’t know what happened to 100,000 years ago!"

"But even if the demon ancestor is guilty of evil, there must be a reason for it. If you are not good, it is because your gangs of prideful people have done too much. People have to arm themselves and have to resist!"

If the demon ancestor healed when he heard Jun Chang laugh, he would definitely come forward and shake a hand, saying: "Old iron, understand me!"

Tonggu real man sneered: "There are rumors that warriors with innate sacred demon bodies can spy on the realm of heaven. Some people are afraid that they will lose their status in the future, so they are not allowed to exist."


Ling Tianxian Zongqiang shouted angrily: "We are for the sake of the world!"

Who is right and who is wrong in this matter is really difficult to draw conclusions.

However, the problem appeared in Yao Mengying's demon body. Now she is neither wrong nor hurts the innocent. It is reasonable for Jun Changxiao to choose to resist!

"Without further ado."

Another strong Emperor of Xianzong said coldly: "Anyone who protects that witch today will be regarded as a rebel. My top ten immortals have the right to obliterate it!"



Hundreds of Ten Ten Sect Emperors gathered outside the gate of the mountain to explode together, and the spirit of killing suddenly became stronger than ever!

Tonggu live-action robes have no wind since the beginning, and their eyes are sharp: "Since the birth of the Upper Realm, flowers have bloomed. What qualifications do your top ten immortals have to establish the Realm?

Many people have long wanted to say this, but they still have no guts. Now that they have torn their faces, they can't spit it out quickly!

"Tonggu real people and Qiye real people, and other casual repairs, regardless of the safety of the world, to protect the inheritors of the innate holy demon, today my top ten immortals will do the heaven!"

"Everyone obey!"

"You can eradicate the elders!"




The ten strong Emperor Xianzong who had been cultivated for a long time suddenly gathered the power of the true spirit, forming a dazzling palm print and pressing on the eternal ancestors!

The power of seeking truth and turning the peak into the realm of Dan was very powerful, and the resulting pressure caused the space to be distorted.

Jun Chang smiled slightly.

At this moment, due to the arrival of Master, the parade of parasects is paralyzed. Even if it is started normally, it is difficult to counteract this power!

Still underestimated the top ten Sects!



At this moment, the misty Seven Sages stepped on the mysterious steps, stood in different directions, and instantly converged in the air to form a substantial defensive enchantment.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The various forces from the Ten Immortals fell on it like shells, but did not shake them.

"call out!"

"call out!"

Tonggu Zhenren and others flew out and locked down one of the top ten Sects.

"Only by your few casual repairs, how can you compete with us?" Ling Tianxian strong sneered.

"Count me?"

Suddenly, a voice came from outside the ancient fairy mountain, and I saw Qing Wei's real person coming across the air, her face flashing with disdain.

"Why is she here?"

The real people of the ancient times and the real people of the chess field were surprised.


Suddenly ~ ~ Another weird laugh came, saying: "Tongguer, your ten-year covenant with me is not yet fighting, the old man may not allow him to die here."


Gu Hongzheng gradually appeared in the air, with a grinning smile on his face.

The Ten Great Emperors of Zongzong frowned.

Should these two casual repairs also be in their prime for the Eternal Sect?

"call out!"

"call out!"

At this moment, there was a sound of wind breaking behind him. Only the strong men of various ethnic groups, including the Lei Ling and Bingfeng clan, flew over and the scene presented was spectacular!

Ling Tianxian Zongqiang smiled.

At that time, all demons were involved, and now the innate holy demon is inherited by others. They must come to help!

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