The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1450: Son of plane

The Bahuang Tianyin Four-Piece Set is just a recipe, so how strong it really needs to be refined.

Jun Chang laughed for the lack of medicinal materials for alchemy, but there was no shortage of ore. After all, there were a lot of gains from taking off the Ganganzong and destroying the Mist Forest, and it just came in handy to make two or three.

"Ding! Ding!"

In just ten minutes, the four-piece set of Bahuang Tianyin appeared in the space ring out of thin air.

From the shape point of view, it is almost the same as the real sun set, but from the point of view of workmanship, it has been significantly improved several levels, especially the breastplate, knee pads, and wristbands have special patterns.


Jun Chang opened the door with a smile, wearing a battle armor, wearing a bright red cape, and stepped out in eight steps. Under the suit, the whole man was handsome to a new height.

Coincidentally, Hua Rose came in and prepared to return to Zongmen's housework. When he saw that he was wearing bright and mighty armor, he couldn't help but stop, and his eyes flashed a little bit wrongly.

"how about it?"

Jun Chang laughed and stepped on the stone bench with one foot, his **** stood up to the sky, and his eyebrows were raised in a sullen gesture.

Rose said: "Hair is too much trouble."


Taking out a bright razor, Yanran smiled: "Otherwise, I'll shave my husband."


Jun often laughs and collapses.

This woman is too enamored with bald heads!

System said: "In fact, the side shows that even if the host becomes bald, it still has unstoppable charm."

"That makes sense!"

"So, shave it off."


The Bahuangtian sound cover is good, but the function of the equipment is to protect it, not to watch it. So how strong the effect is, we need to test it.

How to test?

Quite simply, shout Li Qingyang and Ye Xingchen, one to wear a suit and one not to prove it.


The main peak, Yan Wuchang.

The disciples gathered at the periphery and whispered.


Just then, the night star came up.

Li Qingyang is also here, and he is still wearing the Bada Tianyin sleeve. The whole person is extraordinary and martial.

"let's start."

Jun Chang smiled loudly before the main hall.


Li Qingyang arched, "Please!"


As soon as the words fell, the night stars rushed forward, and they could really gather in the fists to display the seal of the sky.




Slightly, Aniu was laid to the ground with a dull expression on his face.

In addition to He Wuji, his core disciples have the most outstanding strength, and it is no problem to fight against the second brother. As a result, he defeated more than ten strokes, and it is too hurting self-esteem!


Li Qingyang excitedly said: "The increase effect is much stronger than the real sun set!"

He was still working. His breastplates, knees, and wristbands were dazzling with bright patterns and exuded an extremely desolate atmosphere.

This is one of the functions of the Bahuangtianyin package. As long as it is integrated with the user, it will greatly enhance the strength in all aspects.

In the battle just now, Li Qingyang was above the night stars regardless of strength, speed, or defense, so the latter did not feel wronged more than ten times.

However, there are disadvantages.

Consumption is also high under high outbreaks.

After a short fight, Li Qingyang obviously felt that eukaryotic energy was consumed a lot.

"It's acceptable," Jun Chang laughed.

The battle is often split up in an instant. If the disciples are equipped with such equipment that can instantly increase their combat effectiveness by 50%, they will undoubtedly have a greater advantage over the enemy.


Jun Chang smiled and walked down and said, "I still have a set here, should I?"

Ye Xing, who sat down on the stairs with her head down, hurriedly raised her head, without hesitation, "Yes!"

Text special effects can be transformed into Warriors of God of War, but after all, the hole card cannot be used all the time, so he will not abandon the Eight Wild Sky Voices set to increase strength.

As for the self-esteem that was just injured, it doesn't matter anymore, even if it can become stronger, lying on the ground will let you trample on it!


The emergence of Bahuangtianyin sets can be used to replace the true positive sets, but the problem is that the ore is seriously insufficient, so Jun Changxiao sent a letter to Yuan Gongzi the same day and asked him to purchase more materials in this regard.

"Family in the medicinal materials business should also run ore?"

Yuan Feng thought for a moment, contacted them immediately, and hosted a banquet in a high-end restaurant.

When the family that cooperated with Dan Pharmacy got the news, they burst into tears because they had to trade with him again, and they had to be bargained.



In Houshan, Jun Changxiao settled Gao Pin's life and death secretly, and said loudly: "From today, you have a new place for experience."

The eyes of the disciples became hot.


Jun Changxiao added: "This mystery is more advanced than the previous one. There are also several models in it, so you must do your best."


Li Qingyang organized his disciples to open up wasteland that day.

The simple mode they chose, although finally cleared the customs, was completely exhausted and paralyzed.


Gu Zhaoxi became interested and said, "Can I go in and practice?"



Fly away and merge into the mystery of life and death.

After a little while, Hong Liang's voice resounded throughout Wanzong: "Gu Chaoxi challenges the **** mode!"

"I go!"

"Uncle is so fierce!"

"The younger brother also challenged the **** mode by himself!"

"call out----------"

As the disciples were discussing, Gu Zhaoxi flew directly out of the vortex of life and death, and then lay on the ground like a muddy beach, with his legs twitching occasionally.


Jun Chang smiled and shook his head: "Take it to the Medicine Hall."




In an area where no grass grows, the cold wind blows like a ghost crying.



Slightly, all the warriors in black robes came out from the inside, because it was difficult to see the appearance due to the sky and angle.


On the sky, a silhouette gathered together, saying, "How is cultivation?"

The man in the black robe stopped, and said, "Master, the child has entered the realm of turning around ~ ~ hahaha!"

The figure laughed loudly: "When the old man brought you here, but just stepped into the martial arts, reached five revolutions in just a few years, it is worthy of being the son of the plane. These breakthrough speeds are truly unprecedented and no one has come Yeah! "

"Unless the Master helped me to awaken my blood, the disciples may not have what they are today."

"and so!"

The figure Shen said: "The ten-year agreement made with Tongtong Ancient Children, you must win anyway, and you must not let the Master down!"


The warrior in black robes knelt on the ground and said, "The disciples will go all out!"


A gust of wind blew him up.


The silhouette said: "Remember, since people are born, knees are only used to kneel parents!"


"Go, follow the teacher to Wanzhangya to continue practicing."


Jidao Cave.

After Kisano Masato dropped the pawn, he said, "I heard that Gu Hong's disciple comes from the Nether and is still the son of the plane. The ten-year contract is probably not good for you."


Tonggu real people disdain: "The world in the lower world enters more rivers and sands, and any one of them can be considered a son of the plane."

"That being said."

Qi Yezhen said: "But you can't deny that Gu Hongzheng is better than you in training his disciples. Maybe a commonplace son will become a top power in just ten years."

"Do you think I will lose?"

"Call me all day to play chess. I don't need to train my disciples. I can't imagine how you win."

"Don't mention that guy, I can't teach him!"

When I thought of training Jun Chang to laugh for two years, he didn't even break through the second turn. The real people in Tonggu suddenly became angry and annoyed, "It's the last thing I regret to accept this kid."

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