The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1449: System: I have no face and it doesn't hurt!

The epic mission is completed, Jun Chang laughs and jumps three levels, and enters the realm of six turns and turns to Dan, reaching the peak level of the soul transfer period, only one step away from entering the soul transfer period.

Of course, it is not the credit of systemic poisoning milk, mainly because the completion rate is as high as 500%.

If time goes on for a long time and the disciples will continue to do it, the phenomenon of continuous jumping will probably be even more terrible.

After breaking through the six revolutions, Jun Chang laughed inwardly and found that the two eukaryotes were more substantive than before, the surface was drawn with complex patterns, and the concentrated energy source was more explosive.

"This is the power of the real spirit," said the system.

After entering Zhuan Dan, the psionic energy of the warrior will be upgraded to true energy. After entering the fourth revolution, he will be transformed into true spirit again. It not only contains powerful power, but also controls more advanced laws of heaven and earth. The shot is an absolute special effect.


Jun often laughed and closed his eyes.

"You ... broke through again?" Hua Rose looked up, her eyes full of wonder.

Previously, Jun Chang laughed to complete the second mission of Shi. She was on the scene when she broke through the realm, and she was very close, because she had just bitten the other ’s arm, and now she broke through. Already.

The system couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Every time the host ascends, the wife is around, which is probably the fate."


That woman is still taking advantage of herself!

Jun Changxiao gradually calmed down from the excitement, and then changed his face coldly: "Is that enough?"

The flower rose stuck to his chest, and smiled happily: "It's not enough for a lifetime."


Jun Chang laughed and wanted to push her away, but he didn't act after raising his hand.

Bale, bale.

Promoted to the third level in a happy mood, let her take advantage.

"hug me."

"Don't hold!"

"hug me!"

"Don't hold!"

Don't look at Jun Changxiao's mouth saying that, but his hands have already shown signs of action.

"It's okay, it's okay!" The system said.


At this moment, Gu Chaoxi flew up to Long Shoufeng and landed in the courtyard, with an excited expression: "Brother, you broke through !?"

Jun often smiled at him.

Flower rose looked at him.


Seeing the two embracing each other, Gu Zhaoxi twitched slightly, then turned stiffly, walked out with a look of blankness, and murmured, "Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing?"


Jun Chang laughed and hurriedly pushed the flower roses away, then Wolverine returned to his place of residence.

Watching the guy leave in a panic, although Hua Rose's heart was a little lost, a charming smile appeared on his face.

From the indifference at the beginning to the present day's non-repudiation, the husband has changed a lot.



Jun Chang, who returned to the residence, posted a smile in front of the door, his face flushed, and he looked subconsciously at his hands, and secretly said, "The power of the reader is too strong, so I can't control myself!"

"This pot is good," the system said.


Jun Chang laughed to improve his realm and formed a great aura, but the disciples just rejoiced but did not get excited, because the suzerain broke through and had long been accustomed to it.


Gu Chaoxi saw it for the first time.

In particular, it was the one that improved one after another. At that time, it was directly compared.


"How many revolutions did you improve?"

"Three turns."


Gu Zhaoxi held up his thumb and said in a near-broken tone: "Now!"

With the spirit of reincarnation, it is true that you die once and be strong once, but you have to start again from the beginning after rebirth. There is nothing to speed up the process, but to jump to the Danish level and jump to the third level, I have never heard of it, never seen it!


Jun Chang patted his shoulder with a smile, and said, "As long as you follow your brother, you can do it in the future."

"I can jump too?" Gu Zhaoxi's eyes lit up.

Jun Chang smiled and vowed: "Don't talk about jumping to the level, there is no problem jumping to the real world."


Gu Zhaoxi said: "Brother will follow you in the future!"

"Therefore, more needs to be done to help the disciples to complete the mission."

"No problem, give me the bag!"

The system said silently: "This guy doesn't seem to have any IQ. One day I'm sold by the host and I have to help count the money."

"Don't say him."

Jun Chang laughed and put his legs on the table, and said, "Just ask your face if it hurts?"


The system fell silent.

In the past, the dog left hoping to skip the level again. It said that it was thinking too much, and as a result it jumped one level more than Shi Er.

Later, when I looked at the childhood memory of Hua Rose, Jun Changxiao hoped that it could be replaced by the mystery of life and death. It said that it was a pity that the host was not higher, and the task was completed.

This face cracked and crackled!


After a moment, the system tone was quite proud: "I have no face, it doesn't hurt!"


Jun Chang laughed and ignored him, then opened the shopping list, and clicked on the secret place of life and death of Gao Pin.

This is no different from the lower world buy, it is nothing more than the improvement of the overall strength, which can make the disciples better used in actual combat experience, and the price is 500,000.

Three months ago, the dog leftover might still seriously consider whether to buy it, because it was a little poor at the time, and now it has more than 5 million contribution values ​​in hand, there will be no consideration at all!

"Ding! The host consumes 500,000 points of contribution value to obtain a high-quality life and death mystery × 1, which has been delivered to the space ring."

"Ding! Zongmen contribution: 5.14 million.


Jun Chang smiled and said with emotion: "The life of the rich is so boring."

After buying the high-quality life and death mystery, he set his sights on the four-piece set of eight wasteland sounds. These are four equipment formulas, including armor, boots, helmets, and wristbands, with a total price of 2 million contributions.

"It's too expensive, too!"

"The suit has attribute blessings, you can't buy it at a loss, you can't buy it."


Jun Chang laughed and still spent 2 million to buy it ~ ~ In fact, after coming to the upper world, the disciples haven't changed their equipment, and the Badlands Tianyin cover can just replace the old-fashioned true sun cover.


Jun Chang smiled secretly and said, "We just sent a weapon."

Speaking, people have integrated into the space ring, and held the crystal stone used to transform the hard-to-receive knife in the palm of the hand, secretly: "The task gave a transforming stone, which means that the hard-to-reach sword of the third form has already Can't apply the upper bound? "

"Hard to say."

The system said: "After all, the host hasn't used this hole card after coming to the upper world."

Jun Chang smiled and shook his head with a smile: "Using a hard-to-receive knife means that it will face a very dangerous situation, so I prefer to keep it sealed in the space ring."

"The host has really changed."

The system sighed, "No longer as reckless as before."

As one of Jun Changxiao's biggest cards, the hard-to-receive sword was used to die in the Nether and Plane battlefields.

I have never used it in the upper world. Although there is a real person in Tonggu covering nobody dare to come to trouble, it is actually related to his failure to take the initiative to cause trouble.

"This is not changing."

Jun Chang laughed: "This is growth!"

In other words, after taking out the bonus sect function upgrade, and then thinking briefly, finally chose to ignore the Lingyun Pavilion for a long time.

"Ding! Lingyun Pavilion successfully upgraded to Lingyun Pavilion Enhanced Edition!"

The new version of Lingyun Pavilion still retains the attributes of the lower world, such as gold, wood, water, fire, and soil, and also expands. For example, the gold department has branches such as dark gold and hardened gold.

The biggest change is that you can also inlay equipment, and even include exclusive soldiers!

Jun Chang laughed and said with great vigor: "With a higher level of experience, with various special effects blessing sets, sooner or later, I will let the entire upper world kneel at the foot of the Wanzong Mountain!"

:. :

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