The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1435: 5 strongest group

The thick fog rose, and the monsters ran rampant.

Li Qingyang and others finally found the goal as expected, and there were a lot of them. As long as they were all settled, they could complete the task properly.

However, the evil nature that erodes the mind is getting stronger, so they do n’t have much time left, they must be resolved as soon as possible, and they will return to the periphery along the road, otherwise they will be troublesome.

Xiao Guiji did not hesitate to inspire the shield special effects, quickly mechanized the whole body, and raised the 2,000-tube extra large Gatlin, then fixed it in place and instantly turned into a humanoid bunker.

Not right

It used to look like a sniper rifle. Why did it suddenly become a machine gun?

In fact, this is a function of the shield special effect. It is called Mastery of the Gun, and the user can change various forms at will.

Ye Xingchen added in his mind, "Did the sovereign give this guy something good in private?"

"Da da da!"

"Da da da!"

Two thousand tubes of blue light Gatling spin and spray, dense bullets penetrate the dense mist and blast on the magic mist monster, the firepower is quite scary!

"what sound?"

The peripheral soldiers vaguely heard the movement, and his face appeared blank.

Doesn't sound like fighting, and it's a bit frequent!

Under the fierce fire attack, more than a dozen demon mist monsters were directly sieved, but although the body was full of sores, it was still suspended in the air, and then the wound was quickly repaired.


Xiao Gui was injured immediately.

This transfiguration hole card is used for actual combat for the second time. It can't help turning monsters that haven't been reached in Dan Realm. It really hits self-esteem!

"No whistling."

Ye Xingchen raised his hand, the word “attack” flashed on his head, and said, “Still rely on hard power!”


The strong wind blew up a thick mist of fog, and after dissipating he had already covered his shirt.

"call out!"

Ye Xingchen raised his hand and grabbed the **** Gai Fangtian Huaji in the void. He leapt forward and fell into the beast group, saying, "Give me all death!"

Lu Niu jumped, so scary!


The powerful light swept in an arc.



Where the halberd's rays passed, the magic mist monsters were cut off by the waist, and the picture presented was quite strong!

"Great!" Xiao Guiji said in surprise.

Ye Xingchen raised a proud smile at the corner of his mouth, but then solidified, because the demons and monsters that had been dissipated gathered again, and the fart did not float in the air.

He Wudi said: "These are transfiguration monsters, and they have no entities, which cannot be hurt by pure power!"


Why didn't you say it earlier!

Li Qingyang frowned: "How to solve it?"

"Second Brother!"

He Wuji said: "Your lightning has an attack on the soul and should work against them!"


Li Qingyang stepped away, and the Skyscraper thunder pattern appeared out of nowhere, and the lines on the sword body were immediately excited by lightning, emitting a dazzling light.

As a rare normal item in the exclusive God Soldier, when he showed up, he suddenly envyed Ye Xingchen and He Wuji, and yelled in his heart: "Things can be thrown when you compare goods, and people must die than others!"



Jianmang contained lightning and tore away. After touching a demon mist monster, he screamed as a ghost crying, and then cracked ‘嘭’.

"It works!"

Li Qingyang emerged from the thick fog of differentiation, and started to attack other targets with a sword in his hand. Instantly, the thunder of lightning thundered wildly, interweaving beautiful pictures!


Ye Xingchen and Xiao Sin were silent.

I thought that this time when I was doing the mission of Zongmen, I could show the strength very well. As a result, all the limelight was stolen by the second brother!

"Don't hold your back!"

He Wuji said: "Hurry to attack by soul!"


Ye Xingchen rushed forward.

He did not use Fang Tianhua's halberd with strong physical strike effect, but summoned the soul that is hard to see with the naked eye, and attacked the magic mist monster that attacked Li Qingyang!

Regardless of Aniu being very concerned about the realm on a weekday, in fact, both moral, intellectual, and physical development have balanced development, especially in terms of spiritual strength.

If nothing is invincible, it must be him who holds the record of the soul test level of the experience tower.


A demon mist monster exploded.

This creature was born from the dense fog of the magic mist forest. It is not afraid of physical attacks, but also of soul attacks.


After succeeding, the night star turned into an incomparable night emperor, completely without the frustration that most of the jumps could not help.

"call out!"

"call out!"

At this moment, more than a dozen demon mist monsters in the distance launched an offensive, emitting a ray of evil spirits.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

Xiao Guiji rushed forward, his left arm crossed, and an indestructible steel shield stood in front of him, blocking all the poisonous and hidden weapon-like light.

He majoring in the flesh is not a strong player in the attack of the soul, but it is not a problem for defense.


In terms of games, to describe the two, one is AD and the other is auxiliary, which can be described as both offense and defense.



Suddenly, there was a severe cold current behind him, and the ground quickly frozen and spread far away until it touched more than a dozen demon monsters and quickly sealed it completely.


Lu Yan crossed his hands and said coldly.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

More than a dozen demon mist monsters turned into statues quickly collapsed into pieces of ice.

Their bodies are formed by dense fog, and they only have to be charged in the face of ice-type warriors similar to the midway mage.



On the other side, Li Qingyang and He Wudi's Ueno cooperated frequently to wipe out the demon mist monster with soul power.

The strongest five-person group of the core disciples of Wanzong, is it a wave of fame?

After finding the weak point of the transfiguration creature, Ye Xingchen and others incarnate a demon to carry out a mad slaughter, and the number of tasks soared!

Judging from the hunting speed, it will soon be enough to kill a hundred heads.

However, when the fierce battle was raging, a walking dead came out in the thick fog!

These were all warriors who came to explore in the Mist Forest, some were poisoned by sables, and some failed to withdraw before the fog started.

Although they were dead, they were controlled by the Demon Mist and kept most of their cultivation in life.



It sounded like a weird command.

The walking dead's eyes flashed red one after another ~ ~ rushed to Li Qingyang and others like crazy!

"Brother Xiao, they have given it to you!"

"it is good!"

Xiao Xie took back the steel shield, raised his hands, and grabbed the heavy machine gun supported by a tripod. The dense bullets were stacked in circles like artillery battles.


Ye Xingchen secretly said, "How did this guy's weapon change again!"


When Xiao Guiji moved his arm, turned the muzzle of his machine, locked his face and looked like a zombie warrior, and said, "I'm going to overdo you!"

"Da da da!"

"Da Da Da Da Da!"

The muzzle sprayed red flames and the bullets spit out frantically.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

The madly rushing walking dead was suddenly blasted into a sieve, and some even exploded in place, splashing black blood that made people sick.

mock up!

Why can't you transform the monsters, and why can't you?

Hundreds of walking dead had emerged, but all turned into sludge and minced meat after a heavy sweep of heavy machine guns.

Ye Xingchen and others were able to devote all their energy to hunting and killing the Demon Fog Monster, and in a short time, they had killed a hundred heads.


Li Qingyang shouted.

The battle was only a quarter of an hour, but the magic in the forest of magic mist was getting stronger and stronger. Although they could still resist, they were obviously struggling!

Can't stay, you must leave immediately!



Everyone went out to the periphery.


However, just now we are in action, a thicker cloud suddenly emerges on the road we must pass, and then turns into a behemoth of dozens of feet in height!


The deafening sound rang through the world instantly, and the peripheral warriors were trembling with shock, exclaiming in unison: "The demon king!"


PS, dog left said that every few chapters show up, do you miss me?

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