The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1434: Magic Mist Forest

Don't ask how big the upper bound is, just don't know.

However, here is similar to the starfall continent, there are many forbidden areas, which are not only dangerous, but also hide great opportunities.

According to statistics from relevant departments, almost every once in a while, some people will get precious treasures of heaven and earth in the forbidden area, which will serve as advanced martial arts left by the ancient strong.

Opportunity is like a raging fire, always attracting a large number of moths to pounce on it. Although some people get care to get the opportunity, but more are still killed.

No, thousands of miles to the east of Wanzong, a perimeter of a mountain forest filled with dense fog. As soon as the genius became bright, thousands of warriors had gathered.

Magic mist forest.

One of the upper bounds.

There is a dense fog that persists throughout the year, and it has the effect of limiting the spread of spiritual thoughts.

The upper level has a level of danger to the forbidden land, which is first, second, and third, respectively. The third is lowest and the first is highest. This magic mist forest is classified as third.

Because it belongs to the lowest class, the warriors gathered outside are mostly breaking through the air and just entering Zhuan Dan.

The reason the upper world classifies the forbidden ground is also to let the world understand that it has the ability to go in with its own strength.

If the level of the magic mist forest is second-class, the strength of the warriors gathered here must all be transferred to Danjing, or even more than five or six turns.

Oh, right.

Although the Devil's Cave is not classified as a forbidden area, the deepest level of danger is at least second-class.

After learning that Xiao Xieji and Ye Xingren were divided into grades, they almost couldn't resist going to Lingfeng Mountain to curse Zitang Lord.


A young warrior standing outside waiting could not help asking, "When are we going in?"

"Wait for the dense fog to fade."

Middle-aged humane with the story on his face.

The dense fog that envelopes the magic mist forest will weaken at a fixed time every day, so military soldiers who often come to experience will enter at this point.


The middle-aged reminded: "We can only search for two hours in it, and no matter what happens, we must immediately exit the same way."


Young warriors and companions answered.

They know that the dense fog fade time is only two hours, and once it passes, it will thicken again. If it retreats improperly, it will be disturbed by the magic of the internal existence, thereby losing its reason and becoming a walking dead.

It is for this reason that the Mist Forest is classified as a closed area.

The Devil's Cave is a relatively safe low-level training place if it does not actively enter the deepest place, so it has not been divided into it.

Time passed slowly, and after about half an hour, the thick fog covering the sky like a thick cotton quilt began to fade, and finally seemed to turn into a layer of tulle.

The fog at this point in time is not only thin, but the effect of blocking the spread of ideas is also the worst. It is really the best time to enter.


"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

In no time, everyone acted.

After they all entered, the core disciples of Wangu Sect headed by Lu Yan came here.

Li Qingyang took out the map, and after comparing the environment, he affirmed: "This is the magic fog forest at the mission site."


Xiao sin shook his head and arms.

Ye Xingchen said lightly: "A third-class forbidden area, still need to warm up?"

"Master Ye."

Li Qingyang said: "The magic mist here will erode the mind and make people irrational. We have to be more careful when we go in."


He Wudi solemnly said: "Since it is listed as a forbidden area, there is a great danger, and we must not take carelessly."


Lu Yan said: "Go in."

In the past, Li Qingyang and others did tasks, and talked and laughed quite comfortably. Now there is a master sister involved, and the whole process is released cold, and the atmosphere is really awkward.



The five people entered the magic mist forest one by one, but they just stepped on the ground where the decaying leaves spread. They immediately noticed that the mist contained a certain gloomy property and was trying to penetrate the skin from the skin.

"It works really well and dispels magic."

When Lu Yan talked, he first mobilized the cold and cold power in his body, and he could clearly see that the light mist that came came into a grain of **** instantly.

The fog is formed by water, and it is difficult to approach the ice martial arts.

Li Qingyang and Ye Xingchen and others have worked their true energy, blocking out harmful attributes.

The most sturdy one had to be Xiao Guiji. He did not release his real energy, but used the most solid body to resist the penetration of magical gas.


Five people marched.

On the way, although they remained absolutely vigilant, they seemed quite calm, in stark contrast to the thousands of warriors who had been taking a step by step and were always on high alert.


The magic mist forest is very large, so after everyone enters for a quarter of an hour, they begin to gradually differentiate, and each team begins to explore carefully.

What to explore?

Celestial treasure or rare ore.

The more the environment is harsh and extreme, the more good things can be born.


The young warrior who had spoken on the periphery pointed at the black mushroom growing under the boulder in the distance, and said excitedly: "Black jade mushroom ..."

A person beside him hurriedly covered his mouth, and whispered, "Are you shouting so loud, afraid that others won't hear you?"

The most dangerous places in the forbidden area are not only the harsh environment, and the powerful monsters that will appear at any time, but also the warriors who come in for adventures, because killing more goods is common.

The middle-aged man asked the boss to come in, take out the special gloves, dig out the black jade mushroom with a big fist, and laughed: "Good luck, I just found it when I came in."

"Boss, I discovered the thing first, and I will be more divided after it is sold!" Said the young man.

"Do not worry."

Old Avenue: "Follow me to eat meat."

"Look around carefully to see if there is any!"


The people dispersed quickly, and made serious investigations along the trees and stones.


The young warrior noticed that there was a shadow under the boulder in the distance, so he ran to it happily, but just came, but saw the shadow suddenly pounced on, then opened his mouth and bit his right arm severely.


A scream came from the whole forest.

"not good!"

"It's a poisonous sable!"


The eldest rushed forward, his saber flying out of his waist, piercing the black thing directly.


Although the poison was killed, the pain of the heart was still disturbing the mind, and the young warrior's face gradually stunned.

The companions avoided each other, their eyes flickered.

Poison scale sables are not very strong, but they live in the magic mist forest all year round. The saliva contains highly toxic substances. As long as they bite the skin into the bloodstream, they will make people irrational.

"Boss ... Boss ... Save me ..." the young warrior shouted in pain, his blackened wrists quickly blackened, and the toxins had spread throughout his body.

"It's over!"

Someone crashed and said, "Nothing!"

The boss has come to Devil's Mist Forest many times, and especially knows the poison here, so after a short thought, his eyes flashed decisively, and said, "Brother, I'm sorry!"

"call out!"

The light of the sword flickered, shining brightly.

A warrior who has been poisoned by a sable will completely lose his reason, and then start a crazy killing. It is the best way to kill the toxin before it erupts.

"Do not……"

The young warrior shouted in despair.


At this moment, a big hand reached out and caught the sword directly.

The boss' face changed suddenly.

It's okay to take the white blade empty-handed!

However, why is there a sound of weapon collision when it comes into contact with the palm of your hand!


Xiao Sin stood on the opposite side like a wall, and his iron-like hand grasped the sharp sword, took off the sword potential contained in it, and said lightly, "There is still salvation."

Having said that, turning and squatting down, one hand clasped the young warrior's chin, and then threw an elixir into it.

This stunned the boss and companions.

Sable poison is not only extremely toxic, but also contagious. This guy dared to contact it!


At this moment, the young warrior who took the elixir swelled with black properties, and the skin near the bite wound gradually normalized from black.


Someone exclaimed: "The toxin is fading!"

"Unbelievable, incredible!" The middle-aged man's eyes widened.

As a veteran who has been in the forbidden areas for many years, he must be equipped with various antidote.

However, the sable poison is so strong that it cannot be solved unless it is solved by higher cultivation. Now that guy can get a elixir for his brother. It should not be too magical!


The young warrior opened a mouthful of black blood, the toxins in his body were completely removed, and his face gradually recovered throughout the year. At last, he had a lingering fear, "I ... I'm alive ... I'm alive ..."

The boss hurriedly said, "Thank you for your help."

"It's my purpose to save the life and help the wounds." Xiao Guiji suddenly showed a strong light of the Virgin throughout his life. However, the next second said: "One elixir of 100,000 xuanshi, please pay."


The boss's expression was exciting.

"of course."

Xiao Sin said: "If you don't give it, the consequences will be serious."



Ye Xingchen and He Wudi came over.

The two people were surrounded by more than a dozen warriors, one holding their fists and the other shaking their heads, their bodies gradually blackened, and their eyes flashed red.


"I give!"

The boss immediately persuaded and hurriedly handed over 100,000 pieces of black stone.

Although it is a bit strong to buy and sell, at least the young warrior's life is saved, so he loses, and even earns a little.

After Xiao Xie had counted, he said, "I still have ten detoxification pills here, which can dissolve more than two thousand toxins. If I buy them all, I can give you a 10% discount."


The boss's face collapsed.

"of course."

Xiao Sin said, "I won't buy and sell."

Say nothing, turn around and leave.


Old Avenue: "You elixir can really cure thousands of poisons?"

Xiao Guiji stopped and turned around, took out the token representing his identity, and said, "Do you think I would lie to you?"

When the boss saw this, he was shocked and said, "The disciples of all ages!"

He has been around for many years and has many channels to get news, so he has heard of this ancestral gate long ago, and he also knows that the Dan drug store that has recently opened in various cities is the industry of Van Gouzong.


The detoxification dan served to the brothers just now must have been made by the vanguard pharmacy!


This elixir capable of relieving thousands of poisons is not from the elixir store, but from some readers who have never forgotten it, and there must be the hand of the refining poisonous master Miao Saifeng.

Although this woman has the least sense of existence in Van Gouzong, but she has not hung up for more than a decade, but has been studying the poisonous tract. The so-called poison-playing person knows poison most, so he created this detoxification dan.

Seeking stability, Li Qingyang, before leaving Zongmen, deliberately went to the Liandutang and brought a lot of antidote.

"it is good!"

Old Avenue: "I buy five!"

"Five are not discounted."


The middle-aged person took out another half a million basalts, and then purchased five Jiedu Dan.

He did not question the effect of the elixir. First, it was verified from the brothers just now, and secondly, the backstage of the Wanzong ancestors were real people, and they should not falsify!


Xiao Guiji turned and left.

Ye Xingchen and He Wudi then recovered from the devil's state.


On the way, Xiao Xinji grinned and said, "I really sold Jiedu Dan!"

As was the case just now, he didn't intend to take any action. After entering the forbidden area, he had to realize his death awareness, but still heeded Lu's suggestion to take action to save people, and then took the opportunity to sell Jiedu Dan.

"It's cheap."

Lu Yan said: "Next time 200,000."


Li Qingyang and others twitched the corners of their mouths and secretly said, "This is a bit dark!"



"I was bitten by a sable!"

In a team exploring in other areas, another warrior was bitten by a poisonous sable, and the toxin poured into the body instantly, which immediately caused great pain.

In the face of this situation, companions can only choose to obliterate, but when they are about to start, Xiao Gui has brought the light of the Virgin to the scene to solve the toxins, and then ... ask for money.

The team leader was crying.

Without one companion, you will get a little more profit, but you will be rescued, and you will force yourself to give money. What a matter!


Xiao Sin frowned.


Ye Xingchen and He Wudi made a dark appearance again, and the leader was hurried to hand in 200,000 genite and yelled in his heart: "I've never seen anyone do business in the forbidden area!"

"I made another 200,000."

Xiao Guiji laughed: "If the suzerain knows, he will be very happy."

Jun Chang laughs and knows that he is not only happy, but also very relieved, because his disciples have learned to make money on their own initiative.


Lu Yan said: "There are still many people waiting for us to rescue."


Li Qingyang's mouth twitched slightly.

However, he clearly remembered that when he first started, Xiao Xiao, who had been severely wounded, had a disagreement with his elder sister. Although now he has saved money with a motive to make money, at least it shows that there have been great changes.


There are many poisonous scale sables in the magic fog forest, and because of their small size and flexibility, they often sneak attack on less powerful warriors.

Got bitten?

Don't panic.

Xiao Xieji always rushed to the scene as if he was a skilled emergency doctor, first performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and then took Jiedu Dan. After it happened, he walked away, but he quietly walked away and took only Take 200,000 black stones.

If you take the detoxification dan to sell at the Dan pharmacy, it will certainly not be so good in sales, but now in the forbidden area where the toxin is spread, it is definitely not worrying about the users, so in just half an hour, we have obtained more than 3 million black stones.

If the dog left knows, I'm afraid I will order my disciples to prepare enough detoxification Dan and push the cart to hawk along the road in major forbidden places.

of course.

Selling elixir is nothing more than making a little money, everyone will not forget, this time to come to the magic mist forest hunting 100 magic mist monsters.


Li Qingyang said: "We haven't met each other for so long."

"It should be deep." He Wudi guessed.


Xiao Gui stopped and picked up a watermelon-shaped black jade mushroom, saying, "This thing has toxins on its surface. Miaotang owners should like it?"

The system growled: "Know the poison and touch it with your hand!"

and many more!

How can I vomit my disciple?

Xiao Guiji put the large black jade mushroom into the space ring, but found that the touched palms were covered with black attributes.


"This guy is poisoned!"

"Without any protective measures, dig black jade mushrooms with your hands. It's not surprising if you don't get poisoned!"

When Xiao Guiji picked mushrooms, a team happened to pass by. When he saw that he was picking mushrooms with his bare hands, his eyes widened.


Li Qingyang said: "You are poisoned."


Xiao sin answered.


The distant warrior suddenly collapsed.

Brother, since you know the poison, can you give the expression that you should have when you are poisoned, and give the poison a little respect?


At this moment, Xiao Xie shook his hands, and the black toxins on the skin fell off instantly, and then contacted the leaves on the ground, which immediately corroded the black smoke.


The eyes of the crowd almost stared out of their eyes.

The toxin of the black jade mushroom penetrates into the skin, and it is thrown out like a hand wash, which is too exaggerated!

However, they didn't know that the toxin did not penetrate into Xiao Sin's body, but stayed on the surface of the skin, so it was easily thrown away. As for why it did not penetrate, because the muscles were too hard to penetrate!


At this moment, two poisonous sables came out from behind, one biting at the arm and one biting at the thigh.


The teeth come into contact with the skin, making a crunchy sound, feeling like biting on indestructible steel.


Xiao Xinji threw off the two poisonous sables, and found that the uniform was torn, and immediately lifted his feet and frantically frantically.

It is now the norm in Wanzong that people can be injured and clothes can't be broken, because Yuan Gongzi's thief pulls out a door. A new school uniform will not only have to buy resources, but will also be kept in small books.

"Almost okay," Ye Xingchen advised.

"call out!"

At this moment, another poisonous sable came out from the dark, biting at Niu Ge's ass.


Ye Xingchen turned around and lifted his feet to fly, and then followed the steps, sacrificed and enlarged the exclusive soldiers, hugged them and smashed them on the ground, the whole process can be described as abnormally brutal!


Thousands of warriors came right in advance, but they searched for heaven and earth treasures, and were rather frightened of the depths, so the speed of travel was slow, and they were overtaken by Li Qingyang.

Because they could not find the mission objective, the five of them could only focus on digging for treasures. As long as they walked, no root hair was left behind.

"Second Brother."

Xiao Guiji dug out a big mushroom with his bare hands and grinned, "There are so many good things here!"

Li Qingyang frowned: "There are only half an hour left before the dense fog rises. If we can't find the mission goal, we can only wait for tomorrow."


Ye Xingchen looked back at some of the soldiers who followed him, and said coldly, "Do you know where the Demon Fog Monster is?"

"Magic mist monster?"

The faces of all the people changed.

One of the warriors said: "This beast will only appear after the dense fog rises!"


Li Qingyang covered her head and collapsed, "No wonder I didn't find it!"

"Then wait."

Lu Yandao: "Wait until the dense fog rises."

"Master Sister." Li Qingyang's face solemnly said, "After the dense fog rises, the magic will only be stronger. We are afraid ..." Seeing Ye Xingchen and He Wudi sitting on the boulder, he stopped his words.


They must wait!


Li Qingyang sighed, and then sat down to find a stone, secretly thinking: "Although the dense fog of the magic mist forest is dangerous, it takes time to rise. After the magic mist monster appears, it will quickly kill a hundred heads and it should be able to evacuate in time. . "


Just then, cold wind came over.

"It's going to fog!"

"Everyone evacuate!"

The team searching for Tiancaidibao in various areas, when they noticed that the weather had changed, quickly moved to the road they were coming from, and it seemed as if they were in a hurry.

When the middle-aged man who bought five Jiedu Dan returned with his companion, he encountered Li Qingyang and others who sat firmly on the stone and hurriedly said, "Five people, it's going to be foggy, why don't you leave?"

"Not urgent."

Li Qingyang said: "Wait a minute."

The middle-aged person said silently: "This is far from the periphery. If you don't return quickly, you can't catch up when the fog starts!"

Li Qingyang smiled politely.

"Boss, hurry up!"

Hearing his companions urging in the distance, the middle-aged man fisted: "Five, take care!"

Having said that, quickly followed the team and left. On the road, the companions were puzzled: "Boss, the fog will rise in a quarter of an hour, and they are still sitting in place to rest, are they trying to die!"

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up!"

In a short period of time, the major teams in the magic mist forest returned to the periphery, leaving only five Li Qingyang sitting on the boulder like old monks.

"Well? Why didn't the people selling Jiedu Dan come out?"

"I saw them sitting on the stone indifferent, and seemed to have no plans to quit!"

"Fuck, is this death?"

"Maybe Jiedu Dan can dissolve the toxins in the dense fog?"

"It's impossible, it's a very weird hormonal attribute, not a toxin, and taking Jiedu Dan will definitely not work!"

As everyone discussed, the mist that originally gathered over the forest of magic mist gradually became thicker, and until a quarter of an hour, the feeling of the previous thick quilt was restored again.

"I'm going, I haven't come out!"

"The five of them are too brave!"

"There is no hope, it will definitely become a walking dead."



At this moment, a ghost-like roar came from the dense mist-covered magic mist forest.

The warriors who have been here many times know that after each fog, there will be a large number of monsters and monsters on the inside that will be close to the Dan border.

"Even though the five can rely on detoxification and danhua to dispel magic gas into the body, they will definitely be obliterated by the demon mist monster and become the puppets they use to control!"

"This is exciting, don't die!"


Magic mist forest.

At this moment it has been completely shrouded in dense fog, and the visibility does not exceed two or three meters.



The roar of the demon mist monster gradually sounded from all around, feeling like a group of lonely wild ghosts appearing in the night.



Xiao Xie jumped off the stone and began to warm up.

Not to mention, the magical energy that exists after the dense fog rises has indeed become stronger, in a short time it is several times the previous one, and it continues to improve.


Li Qingyang hurriedly swallowed a detoxification dan and found that it had no effect, then collapsed and said, "Can't solve the magic!"

Lu Yan said lightly: "200,000 pieces of black stone are so wasted."


Li Qingyang drew a corner of his mouth, and then dignifiedly said: "The magic in the dense fog is getting stronger and stronger, we must kill the task target as soon as possible, and then leave this place quickly!"



At this time, red eyes resembling eyes gradually appeared in all directions, a magic mist monster beast like a floating mid-air appears, surrounded by five groups, from the perspective of the emergence of light, the number is not less than one hundred!


Ye Xingchen popped the wine gourd stopper with his thumb, drank his head and took a sip of drunk life and dreamed of death. The whole face quickly changed and he said, "The killing begins!"



As soon as the voice faded, He Wudi had rushed forward, flying several demon mist monsters, saying: "Stop the ink, quickly solve them!"


Xiao Xieji put his right hand on his left chest, and the hidden word "shield" emerged instantly, his gaze was solemn: "Gundam, transform!"

Such shameful lines ~ ~ don't guess it is the dog left!


Suddenly, the shield word on the back of the hand flashed, the complex lines quickly covered the whole body, and the mech and helmet instantly shrouded Xiao Sin.


He took a step forward, and immediately unfolded the four-foot support at the waist position to completely fix the entire body. Then he raised the oversized Gatlin with one hand and turned out of the air, saying, "Night Master, flash away!"

"Da da da!"

"Da da da!"

The bullet dragged the blue light and flew away, and the shell crashed into the ground!

Ye Xingchen, who forcibly escaped from the big jump and avoided it, saw this, wondering, "Isn't it a sniper rifle at first?"


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