The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1425: Rebel, Gu Chaoxi

Jun Changxiao and Dan Tang reached an agreement and the two sides established a cooperative relationship.

One can provide medicinal materials that are comparable to heaven and earth, and one with enough manual refining, which can also be regarded as a strong team.

If my colleagues in the field of elixir learn about it, I am afraid that it has begun to tremble now.

"It's a worthwhile trip."

Lying on the bed of the highest specification room where Dantang was housed, Jun Chang smiled with satisfaction.

Although losing in the bargaining, it does not affect the mood. After all, as long as there is enough profit in the future, it does not matter if it is less.

Thousands of miles came to visit Dantang for two purposes. One was to complete the branch task, and the other was to discuss cooperation. Both are now completed, and the next time is free time.

The next day.

Jun Chang laughed and went to Fang City, intending to buy some medicinal seeds and the like.

Bai Chaoyang also acted and issued a recall order to allow members to quickly return to the Dantang headquarters to discuss major events, including the six chief alchemists who work part-time.

It can be seen that Dantang still attaches great importance to cooperation with Vangozong.

In fact, the high-quality elixir made by Feng Guichen has been taken and researched, and given a high evaluation. If it can be produced in large quantities and put on the market, it will definitely benefit the entire upper world.

Of course.

If you can make some money to support your family while benefiting the world, why not?

Jun Changxiao is shopping, and the elite of Dantang are coming from Tiannandibei, and a big picture will definitely be staged soon.

As for whether or not the six chief alchemists can be brought together to bring eight people together in the Vanguard Zongdan Medicine Hall, it depends on his ability.


That night.

In a certain city, more than a dozen people in black were lurking in the dark, their eyes locked on the residence hall of the Jietang branch, and the kind of killing and anger gradually emerged.

"No rush."

A voice came from the darkest part of the alley: "Sooner or later it will kill you."


The crowd whispered, "Master!"

The speaker came out, and with the faint moonlight, he could see clearly. He was wearing a black robe, showing a childish face about 12 or 13 years old.

That's right.

This is Jun Changxiao's life and death brother tattoo man.

After the rebirth of reincarnation and regaining his memory, he started the offensive against Jietang. The sneak attack on the branch tonight is the best proof!


Time passed slowly, dark clouds covered the bright moon, and the entire city suddenly fell into absolute darkness.

"Do it!"

"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

Dozens of streamers rushed to the Jietang branch.



Then, the explosive power resounded in the dark city pond, and the sleeping warriors were awakened instantly. They released their spiritual thoughts and went to the past. They found that the most magnificent mansion was swallowed by the fire at this moment!

"I go!"

"Someone attacked the Jietang branch!"

For a time, the whole city was fried.

And when they rushed past, the fighting was over, and the mansion burned by the fire had long been turned into ruins.

"There are words on the wall!"

Just then, someone exclaimed.

Everyone looked at the outer wall of the well-preserved Jietang branch, which said, ‘Ten thousand years is too long, only fighting for the day and night’.

Be imposing!

However, the writing is ugly!

"ten thousand years is too long, fight for now?"

Some people read it several times and finally understood it, but in exchange, the martial arts presents changed their faces and exclaimed in unison: "Rebel, Gu Zhaoxi!"


"Isn't this guy arrested? Why is it happening again!"

"I heard that this person has the spirit of reincarnation, who can be reborn infinitely, and even stronger every time he dies!"

"Suddenly appeared here, wiped out the Jietang branch and left a dog-like handwriting, it seems to tell the world, he is back!"


At this moment, a dark shadow emerged from the dark, holding the last speaker to the ground, and whispered coldly: "Uncle, my words are art, you dare to describe them as a dog!"

"Brush! Brush!"

The men quickly flew out of the dark, forcibly took away the boss who ran away, and roared in his heart: "How many times have they been reborn, and the master's words are so rubbed!"

Some people are strong in some areas and weak in some areas.

Such as dog leftovers, as soon as you speak, you will be killed.

The tattooed man also has a disadvantage, that is, no matter how many times he is reborn, the writing is always unbearable, and the guy has no self-knowledge, and always likes to leave a paragraph in the show when he competes with Jietang.


The news that a branch in a certain city was being carried away soon reached the headquarters of Jietang, and immediately ignited the anger of the high-rise.


An old man gritted his teeth and said, "As long as this guy is born again, he will definitely bother us!"

"Notify the branches of each city as soon as possible and let them be more vigilant. Once the news of the rebels is found, it must be reported to the headquarters as soon as possible!" The august old man sitting on the top ordered.


"Ling Yao Yao Emperor is here!"

The executives, who were having a headache for the rebels, were quite puzzled: "Why is this woman here again?"

The last time I went to Jidao Cave to find out the truth from the ancients, and finally found out a well-known ancestral ancestral monk and ancestral ancestor, and made them famous, which made them very upset.

However, nothing could be said.

After all, who asked Pei Shili to give the vein location, and secretly told the news to Lingwei Zhenzong.

"Let her come in," said the majestic old man.

Not long after, the misty Lingyao Empress walked into the hall and said, "I would like to take the initiative to chase the rebel Gu Chaoxi."

"Oh?" Qiqi's novel is published on the Internet

The eyes of all the high-level officials were surprised.

Although this woman has a position in the Jietang, she is not in a group, and she is too lazy to pay attention to everything. As a result, she first took the initiative to find a real ancient person, and now she catches the rebels.

"of course."

Emperor Ling Yao said: "Conditional."

"What conditions?"

"Lack of resources for practicing martial arts recently, seizing the rebel Gu Chaoxi, I hope Jietang can discuss merit and reward."

Everyone heard the words and immediately understood.

No wonder this woman has been more active recently, because the practice of martial arts lacks resources.

"Can you be sure, catch that guy?" The majestic old man asked.

Emperor Ling Yao said: "In the past ~ ~ Jietang sent a large number of masters and it took hundreds of years to catch him. I dare not have full confidence, but I can at least try it."

"it is good."

The majestic old man agreed.

The main thing is that there are many things in the boundary hall recently, and the staff is a bit tight. The woman has nine transfers. As long as you find the hiding place of the rebel, you should have no problem catching him.

Emperor Ling Yao said: "Caught Gu Guoxi, 10 million immortal stones."

After all, regardless of whether the majestic old man agrees or not, turning around and leaving the hall is a rush and a rush.

"Is this woman crazy?"

Someone said angrily: "Catch a rebel, but the lion opened his mouth and asked for ten million cents!"


A senior executive whispered, "Do you really consider yourself a character?"

The majestic old man was a little silent, and said, "Go and ask how Jin Hao's injuries are recovering. If it is not a big deal, let him cooperate with the Emperor Ling Yao to hunt down the rebel Gu Chaoxi."





Somewhere in the empty mountains, the tattooed man bombarded his enchantment frantically, until he couldn't crack it, and then he looked up angrily: "I didn't expect you to learn the long-lost Tian Luo Di screen printing!"

"and so."

Emperor Ling Yao said: "You can't escape."

After the woman promised to hunt down the rebels, it took only a few days to find the target, and she blocked it with magical powers, making it difficult to escape, which was a little unexpected.


The tattooed man sat on the floor and said, "Kill and kill, casual!"

With the spirit of reincarnation, he had no fear of death, and he would be a good man after ten years.

"I don't kill you."

"Yi Di, torture me?"

"No, Bendi wants to negotiate a business with you."

"Talking about business?"

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