The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1424: 1 for the benefit of the world, 1 for life

When Jun Chang laughed just now when the blind chicken was blowing, Dantang's high-level was a bit embarrassed, because the words sounded very reasonable, and there was nothing to do with ballistics.


Dogs do n’t know Dandao, so naturally they ca n’t show any tricks, but only intentionally say things that are not important and intriguing.

So why did you complete the epic mission?

Because of bluffing!

When Jun Changxiao gradually burst out the breath of Dan Dao, Bai Chaoyang and others were shocked!

This is not a master.

This is Guru!

It is such an honor to hear him talk about Dan Tao today!

To put it plainly, Jun Chang laughed to release Dan Dao's momentum. Even casually speaking a word would make people think, and even thought that there was some Dan Dao upright meaning, which just met the core conditions for exploring the medicine of Dan medicine.

"Three elders."

Bai Chaoyang said: "Did you just write down what the monarch said just now?"

"Note it all, don't miss a word!"

"Okay, okay!"

A smile appeared on Bai Chaoyang's face, and he secretly said, "I will engrav it in the future and give Dantang members a copy of it, and maybe I can learn something from it."

this day.

Every word that the blind chicken left by the dog was recorded by Dan Tang, and the history said that the dog ... Jun Xue.

Using words that have nothing to do with Dan Dao, successfully flickering a group of Dan Dao masters, this operation can only be done by those who are open.

"Are you only giving five amulets of experience?"

Jun Changxiao is not satisfied with the rewards given for mission completion.

Because there is no more detailed division of each turn, when the full value is reached and when the epic task is triggered, it can only be improved by experience symbols. Naturally, the more hope, the better.

"Monarch Sovereign."

Bai Chaoyang laughed: "The dishes have been arranged properly."


Jun Chang laughed, then restrained the release of Dan Dao, and resumed the normal state again.

Without the bluffing blessing, it is completely difficult to see the breath of Dan Dao, so Bai Chaoyang and others suddenly exclaimed in their hearts: "The momentum is freely retractable and worthy of Master Dan Dao!"


Relying on prestige merchandise for cheating, Jun Changxiao successfully formed a Dan Dao master in front of Dan Tang.

Force to make people look up.



Jun Chang laughed sitting on the table.

Because of the fear of making a joke in front of him, Bai Chaoyang and the high-level accompany guests did not talk about Dan Dao throughout the process, and the atmosphere was quite harmonious.


After three rounds of drinking, Jun Chang sighed with a smile.

Bai Chaoyang inquired: "Why does the monarch sigh?"

Jun Chang smiled bitterly and said, "Baitang Lord should know that I have just risen from the Nether Realm?"

"Guizong's defense against the boundless throne array arranged by the Church, successfully led the disciples to ascend, this is a matter well known to the women and children in the upper world, and Baimou also admired the monarchy and admired it!" Bai Chaoyang said.

It ’s not a slapstick, it ’s really admired, because no one has taken a sect to ascension since ancient times, and these feats will be famous in the future!


Jun Chang smiled bitterly and said, "Jun originally thought that the ascension of the upper realm could pursue a higher realm. I came here more than two years ago to know that it is too difficult to have a foothold!"


Bai Chaoyang Road and the top nodded deeply.

Most of them have risen by Dan Dao, and they have all experienced the huge drop feeling when they fell from the top to the bottom.

It's too difficult to mix in the new world system.

Bai Chaoyang laughed: "The monarch does not need to worry, Guizong will have a place in the upper world sooner or later."

"Bai Tangzhu must think that my master is an ancient real person, so it is taken for granted to mix in the upper world." Jun Chang laughed.


Bai Chaoyang smiled awkwardly without losing manners.


He thought so.

As one of the top two in the upper bound, who dares not give him face other than those top-level immortal gates? With all such backgrounds, Wan Guzong's strength is nothing but a matter of time.

Jun Chang laughed: "When the Master accepted me as an apprentice, I once said that the development of Zong Men could only be done by myself and would not provide any help."


Bai Chaoyang and the seniors were speechless.

It is not a joke to develop the sectarian gate in the Upper Realm. Being a master does not offer help. It is a bit ... the predecessors of the ancient times must let the monarch understand that it is better to rely on others in the cruel world!

Power is power, good intentions!

This brain tonic degree is exaggerated. Ye Xingchen, He Wudi, and the Purple King Demon King may all be willing to bow down.

"and so."

Jun Chang laughed: "Jun began to think about how to develop Zongmen. After thinking about it, he still planned to buy an industry first, and then opened a pharmacy in Wuyuan City."

Bai Chaoyang's left eyelid, which had previously stopped, suddenly jumped up again.

Could it be fortune?

A high-level official said, "The monarch's elixir sold in the pharmacy has been fortunate to have been taken. The seemingly ordinary Yangyuan Xuandan has ten times the effect, which is incredible."

"This elixir was refined by Feng Guichen."


The crowd was suddenly shocked.

They recognized Feng Guichen's Dan Daozhi, but how could he make such a powerful elixir?

"of course."

Jun Chang laughed and said, "The formula of the elixir is different from the ordinary formula."

As soon as this word came out, everyone immediately understood.

It turned out that the elixir that was ten times stronger than the ordinary Yangyuan Xuandan did not rely on Feng Guichen's Dan Taoism, but added an exclusive formula.

Jun Chang laughed: "Master has always warned Jun, whether practicing martial arts or Dan Tao, the ultimate goal is to benefit the world, so I refined this special formula into Dan for sale."


The system finally couldn't help it.

Obviously it was out to make money to feed the ancestral gate, and even squinted to say that it would benefit the world, and shamelessness broke a new high!

"The monarch's move is indeed the world of Enze!" Bai Chaoyang raised his glass, and said earnestly, "Bai, respect you!"

"I'll also honor the monarch and the monarch!"

The top leaders raised their toasts with admiration!

Jietang is not a profit-making organization, but a non-profit organization that integrates research and development. Every time a new discovery or new result is made public, it benefits the entire Dandao community.

With Jun Changxiao, this kind of exclusive Danfang sale is intended to benefit the world.哽 噺 繓 赽 奇奇 小说 蛧 | w ~ w ~




After drinking often, Jun Chang laughed bitterly: "Unfortunately, because of his limited ability, Jun could not let more martial arts enjoy the benefits of higher elixir."

"You can open a branch." Bai Chaoyang Road.

Hearing this sentence, the system finally understood the host's routine, and then blurted out: "Sit down, A Niu!"


Jun Chang smiled and sighed: "If there is more alchemy talent ..." Speaking here, he took a look at everyone and said: "Jun is confident that Dan Pharmacy can be spread throughout the major cities in the upper world and everyone can eat Affordable, can afford high-quality elixir. "

"My Dantang has talents in alchemy, and is willing to assist the monarch to benefit the world!" Bai Chaoyang solemnly said.

The system said silently: "I was taken into the ditch."

"This ..." Jun Chang laughed. "How can I be bothering Guitang?"

"The monarch does not need to be polite." Bai Chaoyang said: "Our original intention of Dantang was to benefit the world. As long as we don't abandon it, we will do our best to help promote high-quality elixir!"


The senior leaders expressed their support.

"That's the case." Jun Chang smiled and poured the wine. "How many alchemists are there in Jietang?"

"The third-class alchemist is 260,000, the second-class alchemist is 76, 000, the first-class alchemist is 430,000, and the master of alchemy is 18,000." Bai Chaoyang said.

The first, second, and third class alchemy masters are divided into Dantang levels. If they are based on upper-bound standards, even the lowest third-class alchemy masters have xuanzi levels.


Jun Chang smiled secretly and said, "So many people?"

A Dan Pharmacy sends a master of alchemy, and several alchemists of one, two, three, etc., can definitely open more than 10,000 branches, and the daily profits ...

"No, no."

Jun Chang smiled, covering his brain, and said, "The wine is strong and a little dizzy!"


After a drink, Van Gouzong and Dantang reached an agreement. The two parties cooperated in good faith to promote high-quality elixir in the upper world.

of course.

Definitely sign a contract agreement.

After all, my brothers have to settle their accounts, so do n’t be unhappy.

It is certainly unrealistic to ask Jietang to send people to make elixir, so Jun Changxiao plans to pay them.

"Monarch Sovereign."

Bai Chaoyang said: "We might as well count the commission."


Jun often smiles dumbfounded.

Brother! It ’s a bit too much for you to eat royalties for the benefit of the world!

Still, it was just farting before, it was like making money together by cooperation!


Bai Chaoyang Road: "The pharmacy that Guizong opened in Yuanyuan City, Bai has already inquired about the price, and it feels a bit low, so we need to increase it."

Jun Chang laughed and heard that he was instantly affirmed that he wanted to make money and share money!


How does it feel like an anti-quilt routine!

The truth?

Not bad.

Dog left was routine by Bai Chaoyang.

To be precise, the left eyelids have been jumping wildly for a while. I was reminded by senior management that the fortune was coming, and I heard that the other party wanted to promote elixir. I immediately realized that this is not fortune? Isn't this an opportunity!

Since you are going to benefit the world, my Jietang is deeply concerned about life, and I will definitely cooperate with you!

Many people think that Bai Chaoyang's left eyelid is jumping, and the scourge is about to come. I don't know, this time it's really fortune. Only the ominous signs of the elderly Taixuan and Tonggu real people are really going to be left by the dog. Already.

of course.

In fact, it doesn't matter who sets the routine.

After all, Jun Chang laughs for high-quality medicinal materials, and Dan Tang is good at making alchemies. The two sides benefit each other and work together for a win-win situation.

"Sovereign monarch, please rest assured."

Bai Chaoyang said: "My Dantang will share the corresponding profits according to the manpower sent. The big head is still your eternal ancestry, and it will never be insatiable!"


Jun Chang laughed and collapsed and said, "Isn't it OK to start salary?"

At this moment ~ ~ the capitalist's face was completely exposed, and he wanted Dan Tang to take the dead salary, not to mention giving dividends and benefits during the holidays.

"Monarch Sovereign."

Bai Chaoyang was very indifferent: "My Dantang alchemist also needs to live and support his family. It is definitely not enough to just give a salary, unless ... starting at 10 million yuan a month!"

Jun Chang smiled suddenly rolled his eyes, and said, "If your family is so tall, I will send my disciples to work for you tomorrow!"

It was a good thing for the benefit of the whole world. After the two exposed the traitors of the traitor, they ate at a banquet and became bargains in the vegetable market, fighting for the best interests of each other!

Come back and look at the chapter names in this chapter, it really is for these two people


Abyss City.

Inside a luxury restaurant.

"You all."

Yuan Gongzi took a sip of tea and laughed: "Do you have any objections to this price?"

The high-level family members who had been cut for a few hours were already dizzy at this moment, and finally had to compromise: "No objection!"

"Happy cooperation."

Yuan Gongzi arched his hands, got up and left the restaurant, then looked up at the sky, and secretly said, "Sovereign, you should have been to Wushuang City at this time?"



At Dantang's headquarters, Jun Chang smiled and compromised: "Just as I just said, your party sent someone to help me to refining elixir in Wanguzong, and settle the bill based on the amount of refined elixir."

"Let's say first. Different levels of elixir must be different in price!"


Jun Chang smiled and hugged his head, and collapsed, "Bai Tangzhu doesn't do business, he's just a blind man!"



Have time to bring Lao Yuan and fight with you for 300 rounds!

ps, 3400

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