The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1291: Then go and blow up the Star Fortress!

Jun Changxiao, who achieved Jianwu Shuangdi and stepped into the middle of the air, fluttered a little, and even thought of taking the initiative to destroy the starry fortress.

"I support!"

The system said: "Hosts can be assured that they can make a noise!"

It doesn't care if Jun Changxiao can defeat the Lord of the Twelve Patrols and Fortresses. It only cares about fighting but will definitely ask for help from the mall and will stimulate the contribution value of consumption!

This guy hasn't changed a bit since the upgrade, and it was really wronged that the dog had been hiding in the room alone for a while, and he secretly wiped his tears.


Jun Chang laughed: "How to solve this starry fortress requires long-term consideration, not too reckless."


The soul melts into the ring of space, standing in front of the supreme commodity rewarded by the task of Shi 13, secretly saying: "What good things will come out?"

Put your hands on it.

"Ding! Please pay 100,000 contribution value to open the Supreme Product"


Jun Chang growled with a smile: "It also costs money!"

The system said: "Because the host completes the mainline tasks and the system enters a comprehensive upgrade state, the extra 200,000 contributions are worth lucky to save, so do you care about spending 100,000?"


After some consideration, I still choose ‘Yes’.

"Ding! The host opens the Supreme Merchandise and gets the first Soul Bomb x1, which has been delivered to the Space Ring."

"Ding! Zongmen contribution: 200000."

Jun Chang smiled with a frozen expression, then gradually collapsed.

I spent 100,000 worth of contributions and bought the bomb again? Make up a dual-channel explosive package?

Jun Chang smiled and said, "Let people not play!"

System said: "This original soul bomb has been completely detached from the host, and because it has been bound, so you can customize the time to blast!"

"is it?"

Jun Chang laughed and hurriedly took a brick-like bomb, and it turned out that there was no time to display it, there were only two red buttons, with a ‘timed’ note on the left and a ‘instant’ note on the right.

"It turned out to be timed and instant."

"It is best for the host to move his hand a little further, and if he loses his hand, he will do it immediately."


Jun Chang laughed and immediately put the bomb down smoothly, and then growled again: "That is to say, I bought a bomb with a contribution of 100,000? Do I have to worry about not being detonated?"

"It can be used to blow up Star Fortress," the system said.

"How powerful?"

"Please host not to question the bomb worth 100,000 contribution value, let alone to question the Supreme Product!"


Jun Chang stood up with a smile, then put on dazzling sunglasses, put his hands on his forehead, and curled his hair up, saying, "Okay, then go and blast the starry fortress!"

"of course."

The system said: "The current strength of the host may not be available."

This dog has a super love to hear.

After completing the epic quest and the main line quest, Jun Chang laughed, reaching the median level to break through the air, and was promoted by the sword and emperor. It is definitely no problem in the face of the twelve patrols in the same realm, and maybe he does not need to use too strong a hole card .

and so.

He dare to want to arrange the starry fortress, otherwise he must eat chicken, rich express.


Jun Chang smiled secretly and said, "I'll try it first?"

His heart was very restless, because it was almost a month to make a breakthrough, let alone test the real combat power, and he was afraid to easily turn it into a full open, because he was afraid that the starfall continent could not hold it.

The median break through the air has already qualified to rise to the upper bounds, so Fanchen can't tolerate this dog emperor.

"Wait a minute!"

Jun Changxiao will desperately find a patrol to suppress the idea of ​​battle, use the Zongmen function to upgrade, upgrade the Rune Pavilion to an enhanced version, and then match the recovery court function.

This brand new feature, like its name, can recycle lost mall items, even with a clear price tag.

For example, the amulet of printing.

After Jun Changxiao upgraded the third form of the hard-to-receive knife, there is one left. Now it has no effect, but can be exchanged for 10,000 points of contribution.


"Ding! Recover the printed Amulet x1 and get 10,000 points of contribution."

"Ding! Zongmen contribution: 210000."

Jun Chang laughed and continued to look at the recycle bar. He was ecstatic all the time, because the medicine and other materials refined by the medicine hall can also be recycled!

At that time, he had refined a lot of first-class elixir, because his disciples had taken too many quantities, so he kept them too. If they were recycled, they would definitely contribute!


When he checked the first product, Qi Qi Dan, his face was full of frustration, because the value had been pulled to 10,000, and the result was only redeemable for 10 points.

It might be helpful to start off, but for now ... it's just a tad.

not to mention.

If you use 10,000 Juqi Dan for 10 points of contribution value, you might as well sell them for martial arts resources.

The system said: "As long as there are enough materials for refining elixir, etc., the host can use the recovery cabinet to infinitely contribute value."


Jun Chang rolled his eyes with a smile.

It is true that you can use the refined low-end commodities to brush the contribution value, but such a low exchange rate can be brushed even if you put all the resources of the whole continent in your hands!

"Forget it."

Jun Chang laughed and said, "Let's make money by doing tasks. This kind of speculative things, I often laugh and disdain to do it!"


Open the purchased merchandise column, lock your eyes on Qixuanxiaguang Broken Volume Seven, then rub your hands and say, "Buy this last book, you can make up seven dragon **** and summon the dragon!"

"His uncle!"

"Why 100,000 again!"

The 200,000 contribution value that was not swallowed due to the system upgrade, was completely exhausted after the Supreme Product and the purchase of Qi Xuan Xia Guang broke. Although there is a little pain, it is still acceptable to think about it.


The seven remnants were originally neatly arranged together, but unfortunately did not summon the Dragon, but only revealed a deeper martial arts upright.

"What's hidden inside?" Jun Chang smiled secretly.

According to Black and White Raksha, there is a great opportunity in the remnants, and if you pry out, martial arts will definitely get a qualitative leap.

"Unable to detect."

"No way out."

Jun Chang laughed for more than a few hours and found nothing ~ ~ Go to the cafeteria and bring Liu Wanshi's exclusive soldiers, along with the transformation stone to Master Fan, and let him upgrade and upgrade.

"Little brother!"

Just coming out of the Foundry Hall, Bai Luocha's voice sounded in his ear: "A warship is approaching the starfall continent!"

"call out!"

Jun Chang disappeared in situ, and the camera followed. The man was already standing in the vast universe and starry sky. Because he had stepped into the middle to break through the empty space, the surrounding pressure could not bring him any threat.

"So fast!"

Seeing the suzerain appearing in front of him, Hei Luosha said secretly: "My brother is now under strength, and he is never under me!"

Jun Chang smiled as if looking to the dark with a torch, and instantly captured a galloping warship until he locked a bow and stood a middle-aged man with a burly and exploded muscle, and raised a smile and said, "Old acquaintances come Now. "


ps, 4 more, ask for votes.

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