The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1290: New version of ship, new mission of ship

When he first came to the continent of stars, Jun Chang laughed and killed countless ants and fleas, and finally inspired the strongest martial art system, and embarked on the road to the pinnacle.

Nowadays, when the strength reaches the mid-level to break through the air, it may be due to strong strength, or it may be just right, pinching an ant to open the plug-in again, and it is still an upper-bound version!

Unlike the first version, the new system of this ship is very user-friendly. After the binding is successful, it not only asks the host if it needs assistance, but also gives ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ options.

Jun often laughed and then exulted.

The system just after Sanqi can be resurrected and can return!

Yes, no?

Does he need to think about it?

Jun Chang smiled without hesitation and raised his hand to the word YES.

But all of a sudden, the reader's strength from the last chapter burst into his mind and occupied his mind, forcing him to move his hand to ‘No’, and then nodded hard.

"Ding! Host cancels system assistance!"


Jun Chang smiled and hugged his head, and collapsed, "What's the matter!"

I obviously want to choose 'yes', why is there an irresistible force, forcing myself to choose no?

"Do not!"

"Do not!"

"I choose yes! I'll do it again!"

Jun often growled and laughed, but the system no longer sounded a warning sound.


The dog left his hair snarling and growled at the camera: "Is that **** making me choose!"


Suddenly, a familiar voice came to my ears: "Is it because I stomped my host that I made you choose?"


Jun often smiles like a wooden chicken.

Slightly ecstatic, "You ... resurrected?"

System Road: "After the host completes the mainline task, I will enter the upgrade state. After starting the upper bound version, I will also finish the upgrade, so ..." After a while of emotions, I laughed loudly: "I used to lie to the host, hahaha ! "

"As for the options I just gave them on purpose, hahaha!"


Jun often laughed with twitching in the corners of his mouth.

Reader: mmp, wasting my ‘no’ feeling!



On the stairs of the main hall, there was a loud laughter that Jun Chang laughed unscrupulously. Su Xiaomo and others who were playing football rejoiced, "Familiar Sovereign is back!"


Inside the study.

Jun Chang, who was still very happy just now, laughed. At this moment, he was extremely depressed and paralyzed in the chair, because he opened the property panel of the upper bound version of the strongest door system.

Zongmen name: the strongest sect of all ages.

Master of Zongmen: Jun often laughs.

Zongmen level: first class.

Zongmen Construction: Level 10.

Zongmen members: 100,000.

Zongmen contribution value: 300,000.

Zongmen achievement value: 0.

From the data presented so far, there are no restrictions on membership, contribution value and achievement value. You should be able to recruit disciples as much as you want to get contribution value without worrying about overflow.

But the main main task of Zongmen is to ask the host to fly to the upper bound within ten years. If it can't be completed, the time will come and the soul will fly away!


"Rely on!"

Jun Changxiao fully demonstrates that even a strong man who has reached the middle of the air can still have no culture and no quality!

"It's normal."

The system said: "Since the host has launched the Upper World Edition, it will definitely go up. It will never let you take your love to swim in the mountains and live a life of envy."

It's still the original spit taste, or the original spit formula.



Jun Chang laughed and collapsed, "Ten years is too short!"

It ’s a hundred years since the last mission. This one is only for ten years, and it ’s going to take off ... I ca n’t realize it if I think about it, I ’m still ...

and many more!

The new system version of the ship is launched, and it should give the first wish. I can't choose another knife from killing!

"The new system does send first wishes and gift packages, but only the host ascends the upper bound to meet the trigger conditions." System Road.

Jun Chang smiled and said, "I'll rest assured."

In fact, he is very resistant to going to the upper world, because he will face an unknown and more powerful environment. The ghost knows that if Fanchen is the grandfather, he will become a grandson after going up. It is better to stay, talk, and pretend.

Now the system says that when you go up, you will give your first wish and a big gift, which will undoubtedly help you to have at least a foothold in the strange world.

Then again.

It's too difficult for Juzong to rise!

Jun Changxiao has mastered the battlefield of heaven and earth, and he has the strength of Chinese products to break through the air. He can't take off by force, and can sneak in, but there are still 100,000 disciples at home!

Take them together, not to smuggle, but to move Zongzong!

"I am convinced!"

The system seriously said: "Host can do it!"


Jun Chang laughed aside the question and said, "Imagine a human form and let me see what changes you have."

Damn it.

I was kicked for no reason, because it was cool, so I chose to forgive, but the result was to lie to myself, and I want to get it back anyway today!

The system said: "Sorry, there is a limit to transfiguration."

Of course, it knows that the dog's leftovers are careful. Even if it can imitate the body, it will not take the initiative. After all, the two will fight each other. The joke is still the group of readers who choose ‘No’.

Jun Chang laughed and didn't speak, and the soul melted into the space ring.

When I saw the brick bomb that had disappeared and now returns, I collapsed and said, "Do I have to carry a **** bomb all my life?"


The Soul Bomb was officially launched and shortened ten days in an instant.

As for the reason, everyone understands.


Although the system was "dead", although Jun Chang laughed sadly, it was actually very secretly secret, because finally he no longer worried about bombs, and finally he could live a smart life. However, the good times are not long, but he returned to his old profession and returned to explosive package.

no way.

I'm used to it anyway.

Since you cannot resist, you have to accept.



Jun Chang laughed and drank the sacrificial product and the divine product of the formation method qualification liquid ~ ~ The realm reached the strongest level of the emperor in the starfall continent in an instant!

This is hanging, heartbroken!

The dog left was not used for Zhen Dejun, because next, he will put aside all his thoughts and use his mind in the battle for the world.

Juzong Feisheng means bringing 100,000 disciples to the upper world together. Even if they can reach the upper level in ten years, they will not be able to soar 100%, so the best way is to sneak in.

"Can you do it!"

Jun Chang laughed a little bit stubbornly.

As long as you are willing to work harder and be more watery, there is no problem in setting up a world of splendor. It may not be possible for 100,000 disciples to sneak in!

Moreover, when the Emperor Lingyao sneaked by virtue of the formation method, her forefoot had just entered, and the starry fortress killed her. If she followed this method, she would surely be found by them.

Jun Chang laughed and murmured in his heart: "It is necessary to make deployment in advance, don't let the starry fortress make trouble, it's really impossible ..." His eyes suddenly became cold: "Just go one step away!"

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