The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1282: Highly paid overseas 3 states

The invitation letter of the Wumeng Conference is being sent to various states, counties, and cities in an overwhelming scale. The scale of the invitation and the number of invitations are unprecedented.

Seems to be jointly issued by the first-class ancestors. In fact, it was because of the ancient ancestors or because of the constant laughter that the invitation was received and decided to go.

After all, this man once gave the Nine Emperor Wu Emperors thanks in vain. Other people's face can not be given. His face must be given, and even being invited to participate is a supreme honor!

to be frank.

Jun often laughs at the prestige now, and it's not inferior to Jiu Emperor.

However, when the world was discussing the Wumeng Conference, the dog left was already on its way to Duzhou in the South China Sea.

Don't get me wrong, he just sends the invitation letter. After all, the three overseas states and the mainland have the same roots. Naturally, they must also be invited to participate. There is absolutely no other meaning!

Can this be left to the top of Zongmen? Have to do it yourself?

No idea.

The ancient warship ran fast.

What's more, it takes time for them to come to the mainland from the South China Sea. It may not be possible to catch up in two months, so Jun Changxiao decides to open a boat to pick him up.

This is definitely a very high treatment, and you will not be able to enjoy it as a warrior on the mainland.


South China Sea crossing.

Seven Star Palace.

The Tonggu battleship steadily stopped at Yanwuchang.

The disciples all widened their eyes and were shocked.


Can fly!

This is not the point. The point is that Jun Chang smiled with a smile on his face and said, "Master Qiu Gong, I personally sailed to invite you. Are you moved?"

Qi Xinggong Gongzhu, who was held by Qinglong Yueyue's knife on his neck, had an ugly expression on his face.

He was moved, but he did not dare to move!

In the edge of Yanwuchang, the seven elders all fell to the ground in pain, covering their stomachs, apparently clashed with the dog left, and then beaten.

You can't blame them, mainly because Jun Chang laughed at the Seven Stars Palace and sent the palace master to the mainland with a tough tone, but anyone with a temper and **** nature could not help it.

So, the seven-man formation, and then broke instantly.

The disciples of Wan Guzong let them see what is strength, and the masters of Wan Guzong let them see what is invincible.

The proud array is not only broken, but also the temper and blood. It can't be eaten.


Jun Chang smiled and retracted the knife, said lightly.


Master Qiu Gong sighed, then walked towards the warship.

"Of course." Just as he boarded the ship, Jun Chang laughed and added: "You don't have to pay for the toll when you come here. You have to pay for the toll when you go. One person has one hundred thousand spirits, because Xiaoben Buy and sell, don't bargain. "


The corner of Qiu Gongzhu's mouth jerked violently.

This guy must have come to deliberately blackmail my Seven Star Palace!

It can't be said that after all, the ship also consumes energy, and the collection of money is justified. Although it is a little expensive, it is also worth the money to reach the mainland quickly.


Jun Chang laughed and said, "Go up, too."

"Sovereign monarch, I am enough to represent the Seven Star Palace, they ..." When Qinglong Yueyue sword was put on his neck again, Qiu Gong immediately changed his voice and said, "Seven elders, please get on the ship quickly!"

As a result, the owner of the strongest ancestral palace in Nanhai Duzhou and seven elders were 'invited' to the Tonggu warship. Eight men charged a total of 800,000.

"My ship can hold at least a thousand people ..." On the way to the other schools, Jun Chang smiled secretly and said, "One hundred thousand a person ... wouldn't there be hundreds of millions?"


System said: "This is a robber!"

Jun Chang smiles not so dark. He always pursues rational fees, so he charges according to the level of the sects. For example, those ordinary warriors have a million heads per person.

"call out!"

After a large circle in Duzhou, Nanhai, the Tonggu warship flew to Linghai, Xihai, carrying hundreds of leaders and senior officials.

"So fast!"

"I never imagined in my life that one day I would cross the endless sea in the sky by boat!"

"The value of this 10,000 spirit stones!"

The gangsters gathered on the deck and looked at the mighty ocean below, feeling the extremely fast speed, and their faces were shocked.

Although the master Qiu Gong and the elder seven were also shocked and even realized that the speed of the ship was much faster than his own flight, but I thought that I had handed over one hundred thousand spirit stones. If I did n’t even have a special experience, it would be a loss. of.

The super performance of the ancient warships shocked the gates of the Nanhai Duzhou, so that they no longer tangled in the spirit stones they served.

This is the clever part of Jun Chang's laugh, knowing that saving your money for nothing, in the end, will make the deceived feel a ‘this wave is not loss’.


Xixian Lingzhou, Wanxian League.

When the Tonggu battleship hung on the Yanwu field again, the leader of the Korean League rushed out to greet with a group of high-level officials, and when they learned that they would go to the mainland to participate in the event, they immediately agreed to send the spirit stone obediently.

Such proficiency and consciousness stem from Jun Changxiao's past.

As the so-called "birth and rebirth", when the dog is left, he will go to Nanzhou to cross the state. The Seven Star Palace will certainly be as enthusiastic as the Korean leader, and there will never be any conflict.

After receiving hundreds of weighty big brothers in Lingzhou, Xihai, the Tonggu warship sailed to Yuzhou, East China Sea, and invited the three emperors and powerful warriors on board.

There are many people, almost three thousand.

These warriors represent the entire three states overseas.

"You all."

On the way to the mainland, Jun Chang smiled earnestly: "Because the Wumeng Conference has not been held for two months, so after the Wanzong Sect, this place will place Seoul and other places in Tieguzhen at the foot of the mountain. Please take care of yourself. "


The expressions on everyone's faces became wonderful.

The speed of this warship is so fast that it may take less than a day to reach the mainland.

Did you pick it up so early, did you deliberately pit us to what iron bone town to consume?

"call out"

The Tonggu battleship traveled at a high speed from the Tianhai line, and arrived in Qingyang County, Yangzhou, Southwest after a few hours.

"Guests, inside." Wang Dazhen stood at the door of Yunlai Inn to greet him until the three statesmen all entered. This was the saying: "Small boy, don't control the ancestral door. ~ ~ Wang Dazhen. "

Jun Chang laughed and whispered: "These are big men from overseas. They will live here for more than two months ..." He paused and made a money laundering action, and said, "Do you understand me?"

If you enter the inn, you will be absolutely sure if you see the strong players in Sanzhou. If this guy picks up so early, he will deliberately pit us for consumption!

Fortunately, Wang Dazheng was a serious businessman and did not start from the ground. He still charged according to normal standards and even provided them with breakfast for free.

Tiegu Town is now the most prosperous bazaar in Yangzhou, Southwest, because it sells various high-quality resources related to martial arts.

Since the three-state strongman who has lived abroad for a long time has come, he won't be a otaku in the room all day long, so he will go shopping around with nothing until he enters Tangjidan Pharmacy and can't control his money bag.


The next day, Yuan Lai reported: "The people you brought are so generous in spending money. They spent tens of millions of spirit stones in Dan Yaofang alone yesterday!"

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