The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1281: Wumeng Conference


After the Ning Brothers recruited new disciples, Jun Chang smiled and brought Lu Yan back from Beihai.

This time out is not much, the valuable is too Xuanbing Xinjue the second half, and the formation method recorded above, as for anti-robbery robbers only make a small amount of money.


Li Qingyang came to see him: "Now there are more and more disciples, and many gate facilities cannot be provided."

"It's all right."

Jun Chang laughed: "This seat has prepared a lot."

The epic mission rewarded 100,000 contributions. Before he went to the North Sea, he bought a few nine-turn Qingshendan, leaving all the smashing gate facilities.

Li Qingyang left with various facilities, and Jun Changxiao began to consider how to complete the Shi 13 task.

The first point is that you need to recruit 100,000 disciples and upgrade first-rate schools. The number is required to die and the strength is up to the standard, so it is easy to complete.

The second point is that it needs to be recognized by the various portals of the starfall continent and the top powerhouses. This is more difficult to handle, because there is no hard standard on the bright side. Who knows if it can't be completed?

"It's simple."

Jun Chang laughed with his fingers clasped together and said, "Choose a lucky day, host a martial arts conference on the Starfall Continent, invite all forces and top powers to participate, and let them recommend me to be the martial arts leader!"

"The idea of ​​the host is good, but ..." said the system. "The martial arts congress is not open and it must be opened. It must be released by a large number of cases."

"It's not a big problem."

Jun Chang laughed and said, "I'll go to Taixuan Shengzong now."


Taixuan Shengzong.

Jun Chang laughed as a VIP sitting on a chair in the hall and uttered his intentions.


Yu Linyun, the acting suzerainer, said suddenly, "Why does the monarch succesful hold a martial arts conference?"

Jun Chang laughed and said, "I recommend this seat as the leader."


Yu Linyun and Xia Tieyi's mouths were drawn slightly.

Everyone wants to be the boss of a plane, but it is straightforward like Jun Changxiao. It is not euphemistic at all. It has never been seen before.


"OK is OK."

Yu Linyun hesitated a little, saying, "But you still need to get the consent of other first-class ancestors, and then announce each other together."

"Gui Zong only needs to promise, and the rest is left to me." Jun Chang smiled.

Having said that, Yu Linyun must only agree, and said, "Sovereign monarch, when will the martial arts congress be held?"

"After two months."


Jun Chang smiled, gave time, came to Haoguang Shengzong, stood on the stage of acting martial arts, expressed his interest, looked at the suzerain and the high-level in front of the main hall, and said lightly: "After I have finished speaking, who is in favor and who is against?

Because of the relationship between Su Xiaomo and Xia Shuiyun, he went to Taixuan Shengzong more politely, and came to the other gates to reveal the original form.

Those who oppose it will stand up against each other, so that the Emperor Haoguang can only say: "Agree, agree!"

As a result, in just one day, Jun Chang smiled and came to all the first-rate schools, and the answers he got were all agree, no one ... dare to oppose.


Proud Emperor Shengzong, on the martial arts field.

At the beginning of practice, Aowu's legs trembled, because Jun often laughed and stood beside him, exhaling his breath and making him afraid.

"Agree, agree!" The proud sovereign in front of the hall hurried.

Jun Chang smiled and replaced his serious face with a smile. He patted Ao Wushuang's shoulders and said, "You can stand up again from setbacks, you are still pretty good."


This young lord who used to be arrogant and was violent by the night stars didn't even dare to breathe in front of the dog left, until he was powerless and paralyzed on the ground.


Ao Wushuang's ten fingers were severely buckled on the slate, and he raised his head in pain, snarling in tears: "Can I go to participate in the examination of Wanzong!"

When he was wounded, he thought a lot, until later he understood that his defeat to Ye Xingchen was not a loss to qualifications, nor to a cultivation practice, but to him to have a good suzerain, he did not!

Not convinced!

Not reconciled!

Until today, Jun Chang laughed, until he felt himself small, he finally made him decide to participate in the examination of the ancestral ancestors of Wan Guzong!

"My son."

The proud Sovereign said solemnly: "You will lose the identity of the Young Sovereign and you will lose everything you have."

"I do not care!"

Ao Wushuang cried and shouted, "I just want to be stronger!"

The proud monarch was silent, swallowing Dantian: "Sovereign monarch, can my son participate in the recruitment examination of your guizong!"

"Proud Sovereign."

The voice of Jun Chang laughed from the sky: "Regardless of the relatives of the imperial family, or the common people, you can come to participate in the examination of the ancient emperor, as long as it can pass."

"Thank you Monarch!"

Ao Wushuang stood up hard, clenched his fists and said, "I'm going to Yangzhou in Southwest China now!"

Jun Chang laughed and didn't answer because people had already flown away.

Ao Wushuang ’s practice of the Zongmen mentality is arrogant and arrogant, but after all, he is very young. After all, because of the dragon and tiger struggle for hegemony, he did not make any serious mistakes, so he is eligible to participate in the examination of the introductory Zonggu.

Regarding the strength of joining the Zongmen, Jun Changxiao can't say that he can accept one by one, he will definitely arrange the test of morality and morality with a higher coefficient of difficulty.

Some people may be allowed to participate in the assessment, and some are not allowed, such as Mu Rongxin of Lily Shengzong, because he has hurt Xiao sinner, of course, the other party will not come, because she and Aowushuang have different identities.


A few days later.

After the return of the nine emperors gradually cooled down, there was another big news that shook the world. That is, two months later, the mainland will host the highest-specified Wumeng Conference in history.

As long as it is a sect, as long as it is a family, as long as it is an organization, you can participate regardless of the level of cultivation. At that time, you only need to provide identification.

"Big event! Big event!"

All the martial arts are in contention.

"This so-called Wumeng Conference was led by the elder suzerain, not only the Zongmen clan, but also the famous Buddhism!"

"Oh my God!"

"People with heads and faces all over the continent go, it's definitely a big scene!"

At the time of the warrior's discussion, the masters of the city array were actively overhauling the image array method, because two months later, the military alliance conference would be presented live.

How big is it?

Sub-level cities and towns have also begun to build up the mapping matrix. By then, the entire continent must be covered!

In order to complete the epic task, Jun Chang laughed that this is a martial arts event that will carry the history book forever!

of course.

The evil faction and evil sect are also among the invitations.

Even the masters of the Demon Gate have received invitations and are considering whether to go.

go with!

Don't be unlucky!

The invited Temple of God and Mo Shazong also began to actively prepare ~ ~ As for the major gates, families, organizations and casual repairs that received invitations to the Wumeng Conference, they also became active.


Miaohua Palace.

Sun Fanghua, holding the invitation, looked entangled and asked, "Would you like to tell the palace master?"

After attending Su Xiaomo's and Xia Shuiyun's wedding, Xi Jingxuan closed her doors when she returned to Zongmen.

"It's still two months before the start of the conference. Let's see what happens then." Leng Xingyue said.


In fact, the top of Miaohua Palace knows that the reason for the retreat of the palace master is to hope to become stronger, but ... the realm between him and the person she cares about is getting farther and farther.

no way.

Anxious who can compete.

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