The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1271: Monarch Sovereign's No. 1 Fan

In the hall with the ‘Iron Bone Cricket’ plaque, Jun Chang sat in the supreme seat with a smile and anger, yelling that his gums were almost bleeding, and he shouted, “Yuan!”


Yuan Gongzi stood up a little flustered.

Why did the suzerain suddenly make such a big fire?

Is it because it is advisable to take people to kill Nandu Duzhou?

But ... this is Wei Lao's suggestion, you have to find him? Am I going to cook it?

Bale, bale.

Bring the pot back. Anyway, it was also backed up at the Emperor's Gate anyway.

"You ... you ..." Jun Chang smiled and pointed at him, and only snarled the whole sentence until he forced the anger in his heart down: "This time, the command was very proper, and I am very satisfied!"


Zongmen almost fell to the top.

I am so bragging about the tone of training, I am afraid that it can be done by my suzerain!

Yuan Gongzi froze.

Is the lord proud of me? Still blaming me?

Jun Chang laughed, of course, to brag about him, and roared out with emotion because of that, what kind of yin and yang gate had even settled before he came!

Jiang Xie's sister is my sister.

Being bullied to a loss of reason and memory, I can't bear it. As a result, the murderer has been dealt with, and he has not participated in the whole process.

"No! No!"

"This Nanhai Crossing is still a trip!"

Jun Chang laughed and made up his mind in his heart. Of course, he didn't go to the South China Sea to cross the Zongmen of the South China Sea for the second time, but for Shi Shi's mission.

What is this task?

Within three years, the Vanguard Sect was promoted to a first-class sect, and was recognized by the major sects of the Starfall Continent and even the top powerhouses.

There is no difficulty in upgrading first-rate ancestral gates, and the focus is on gaining recognition from the ancestral gates and the strong.

Although the overseas three states and the main continent have been separated for thousands of years, they eventually belong to one plane. Therefore, Jun Changxiao does not want to drop the chain at a critical time, and must arrange it in person.

Systemically said: "Just because the host is in the mood now, when he goes to Nanhai Duzhou, he must have another wave of chives."

"Am I the kind of person?"

"you are."


Longji Peak.

In a beautiful courtyard, there was a light singing voice.

Singing is Jiang Xie.

The euphemism of the voice, the beautiful sound, compared with Jun Chang laugh one heaven and one underground.

Jiang Xie in the pavilion had already been in tears.

The elder sister sang a folk song that has been circulating in Jiangjiazhen for a long time. He liked to listen when he was a child. Even at night, he would sing and sing until he fell asleep.

Today the singing is still beautiful, but my sister forgets herself and sits under the eaves, humming in a minor key.

That scene.

Like a child, she lay on her lap and listened to the singing slowly.


Jiang Xie sadly said, "It's useless for my brother, I didn't find you in time!"

As Jun often laughed, the only loved one's thoughts and memories were almost completely lost, and the blow to him was so great that he was in blame all day after returning.


Jiang Xie stood up and shouted, "I'm willing to use my cultivation and life in exchange for my sister's consciousness!"


Applause suddenly came from behind me. I saw Jun Chang laughing and wondering when he was sitting on the stone, and while applauding Erlang's legs, he applauded: "The feeling of my sister and brother is touching."


Jiang Xie was surprised: "When did you come back?"


Jun Chang laughed very speechless.

The nine emperor returned and worshiped me in public. He didn't see such a big movement. It seemed that his sister's affairs had hit him too much, and he had ignored everything.

"Jiang Lao."

Jun Chang laughed and jumped off the stone, put one hand on his shoulder, and said, "The real man will not sink into self-blame, but will find a way to change the fate of injustice. This is what Li Jing taught me. "

Li Jing: "Have I ever said that?"


"I have heard about your sister." Jun Chang smiled and spread his hand. A round elixir appeared in the palm of his hand, and said, "This medicine can restore your mind, restore the damaged elixir, and give it to your sister."

Jiang Xie was dumbfounded.

I learned that Sister Jiang Xie's thoughts were damaged due to drugs, her behavior was sluggish, and she had amnesia. This made Jun Changxiao immediately think of Jiuzhuan Qingshendan, so she immediately decided to take it out, and it would eventually be worth 10,000 contributions, really ...


He turned his head, closed his eyes, and shouted, "Don't let me see this elixir anymore, I hate it!"


Jiang Xie hurriedly took the elixir, before he could say thank you, he walked to his sister, controlled by psionic energy, and then threw it into his mouth.

A miracle ... happened.

The dull-looking woman had just taken Jiuzhuan Qingshendan, and her clear water-like eyes gradually regained her radiance, as if her stiff face gradually became expressive, the disappearing memories also poured into the sea like a flood, and even her face seemed to glow. newborn.

Jiang Xie was instantly ecstatic.

Little evil? Are you ... Are you a little evil? "Suddenly, the elder sister sitting next looked up at him and shouted in a questioning and trembling voice.

For a moment, Jiang Xie's emotions couldn't be controlled, Douda's tears rolled down, and finally the gangster took hold of the closest person, and cried and sighed: "Sister, it's me! I'm a little evil!"


In this happy and warm picture of sisters and brothers, there is more of a regular smile that destroys the environment. At this moment, his face is a little bit bright, because his evil spirit is called Xiaoxie, which seems to be serious. Famous!

"The host can change the evil xie into Moye's ye," said the system.


Under the powerful effects of Jiuzhuan Qingshendan, Jiang Xie's elder sister Jiang Ling was sober, her memory restored, and the two siblings finally met again decades later.


A bit overkill.

However, Jun often laughed and didn't care.

The relatives of the doormen are their own relatives. What does it matter if they contribute 10,000 points to them!


Jun Chang smiled and hugged his chest and said, "Uncomfortable, Li Fei ..."

There will be many parents who want to talk about the reunion, so the dog left did not disturb the two and turned to leave the courtyard.

"Wait a minute!" Jiang Ling called quickly.

Jun Chang laughed and stopped, and said, "Is there something sister?"

"You ... Are you the Suzerain of all ages?" Jiang Ling asked weakly.

Jiang Xie was shocked.

My sister knew the lord.


Jun Chang smiled and said cheerfully, "I am the Suzerain of all ages."


Jiang Ling suddenly pushed her brother out, sprinting one hundred meters away, screaming and dancing, "It really is the monarch. Today, I finally saw a living person, more handsome than on the light curtain!"


The expression on Jun Chang's smile is wonderful ~ ~ Can it be achieved, is Sister Jiang Xie a fan?

This matter begins with Jun Changxiao taking his disciples to participate in the Dragon and Tiger hegemony. At that time, he frequently appeared on the light curtains of major cities and madly advertised. Although it attracted a lot of spurs, he also gained a lot of fans.

Jiang Ling is one of them, and even belongs to the number one female fan. She is also the leader of a fan club in a certain city. The slogan is to be a fan, to be crazy, and to be a lifetime!


She was still screaming, as if she was going to pass out at any moment.

Jun Chang smiled helplessly and touched his head, then looked at the camera, and said: "The author has no female fans." The expression gradually became less Yueyue, and he smiled: "I have!"

"Monarch Sovereign!"

"Why are you bald at a young age?"

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