The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1270: 9 Emperor Dangkong worship dog leftovers

The return of the nine emperors shook the common people.

However, after Jun Changxiao appeared gorgeously and waited for him to say something with his head pompous, the serious atmosphere was interrupted instantly and the whole world became silent.

Several emperors were strange to the warriors on the continent, because they had all the old qualifications they had met, but the elder suzerain who had advertised in the dragon and tiger hegemony and madness made them deeply remembered!

This is the devil.

It's a stinky shame!

what did he say? Bring Wudi back?

"I bother!"

"He ~ tui!"

After a brief silence, the warriors of the entire continent caused Qi Qi to abandon it. If Jun often laughed too far and too high, the rotten cabbage smelly eggs would definitely have come up.

"Abominable guy!"

"Still standing taller than the nine emperor Wudi, is he trying to rebel!"

The heavy fans of the Nine Great Emperors all glared, after all, in their hearts, the former was paramount and could not tolerate profanity.

"Get off! Get off!"

The crowd roared, their voices wagging in the sky.


I did n’t get any flowers or applause, but I was scolded by everyone, which made Jun Chang laugh and collapse.

"Can't blame them."

The system said: "The main thing is that the host is too rude, I can't help but want to curse."


Jun Chang laughed even worse.

"Monarch Sovereign!"

At this moment, the Emperor Ling arched his hand and said: "Thanks to your help, this time I let nine people see the light again. This great grace and great virtue, Dumou will always remember in my heart!"

The voice contains Diwei, spreading across the sky.

Fans who let Jun Chang laugh and roll down suddenly had an incredible expression on their faces.

An absolute idol in his own heart, the Emperor Ling, one of the nine emperors, would talk to that guy with a polite tone?

They just heard the politeness and did not see the respectful expression on their faces.

"Monarch Sovereign!"

The other eight emperors arched, "Do n’t say thanks!"

Thanks to one Emperor Wu Ji, all nine Emperors turned around, Qi Qi thanked in a polite respectful tone, and the picture presented in the eyes of the world was quite shocking!


In the ancient emperor, Li Shangtian raised the magic camera and found a good angle. Then he lowered the shutter and filmed the scene of the nine emperor worshiping Xie.

From then on, inside the Zongmen Yingge Pavilion, there will be a stunning photo that can be used to pretend and brag for a long time.


"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden task [Shocking Universe] and rewarding 50,000 points of contribution!"

"Ding! Zongmen contribution: 90,000 / 100000 points."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden mission of the Star Trek Continent's highest shock series and obtaining the supreme reward. The sect door function upgrade x1, the words must be done x1, have been delivered to the space ring.

When the nine emperors of the Great Emperor paid tribute to everyone, they gave thanks, and when they were shaken, a series of prompts sounded.

Zongmen function upgrade, this gentleman often laughs to understand.

But what kind of ghost must do?

"call out!"

Incorporating into the space ring, I found that the so-called 'do what you say' is actually a conch.

"What the hell?"

Jun Chang smiled and raised his hand and grabbed it.

However, under the touch, unfamiliar memories poured into the sea of ​​knowledge instantly, making him unable to help but blurt out: "Look!"

The memory that comes out of the sky introduces the necessary use of speaking. Just pick it up, put it next to your mouth, and shout out the name and reason of the person related to you. This will elevate the other party to a greater realm, and limit the martial arts!

Jun Chang laughs without culture, and then says: "Sit down!"

Wu Shidan and Wu Wang Dan, although a bit mysterious, but with a little drug principle, this kind of imperative treasure, just a sentence to improve the realm, it is simply contrary to science, contrary to the laws of nature!

"Nothing strange."

The system faintly said: "The strongest ancestral door system is detached from heaven. As long as the host is stronger and stronger, as long as the system is more and more advanced, the rewards and purchases will never be thought of."


Jun Chang smiled and said, "It wasn't when the failure to buy the remnants failed."


The system growled: "Can you stop talking about the past!"

"I just can't take it anymore!"

"Come on, come on me, come and hurt each other!"

"Fuck! Don't you dare?"

As a result, Jun often laughed with his hands around his neck, his face red and red ears, and his breathing stopped suddenly.

Nine Great Emperors: "..."

Star Warrior Continental Warrior: "..."

This kind of picture of fighting with yourself is not to be too angry.


The nine Emperor Wu Emperors returned gorgeously, but it must be Jun Chang laughs to show the limelight. After all, the former was regarded as an idol of beings, but he thanked him in public.

no doubt.

For the next period.

The nine Emperor Wudi paid tribute to the remaining dogs, which will become the hottest topic nowadays.

of course.

Many people are very puzzled.

What trouble has Jiu Wudi, who disappeared for a long time, why was he saved by Jun Changxiao?

This kind of mystery is destined not to be solved.

Because it was a shame to be held in the Star Fortress Prison, Lingdi would definitely not speak up.

Moreover, the time of detention was too long, and the nine emperor Wudi had internal injuries more or less, so thank Xie Jun often smiled and chose to retreat. Even if you had the courage to ask courage, it was too late.


Wan Guzong, Yanwuchang.


With the disciples eagerly awaiting, Jun Chang laughed and fell down.

Waiting for a long time, Liu Wanshi couldn't control her emotions anymore, she threw herself excitedly, and rejoiced, "Sovereign, you are finally back alive!"


Jun Chang smiled slightly, and turned sideways subconsciously.




Because the suzerain was very beautiful, Liu Wanshi fluttered an empty face directly to the ground.

If he had changed before, Jun Chang smiled might be standing still. After all, the girl was only eleven or twelve years old at that time. Now she has changed from a little girl to a girl, and naturally she wants to keep her distance.

Systemically: "Except for the Queen Rose, it is very difficult for anyone else in this world to take advantage of the dog."


Li Qingyang, Xiao Guiji and others also gathered around with bright smiles on their faces.

"Not bad."

Jun Chang glanced at them with a smile, and nodded, "This time I left this time ~ ~ You are not lazy, and your breath is stronger than before."


Li Qingyang said: "Elder Jiang has found her sister!"


Jun Chang laughed rather unexpectedly: "This is a great joy."

"But ..." Li Qingyang bitterly said, "Elder Jiang's sister was forced to take drugs that lost her sense and memory, and she has forgotten that she has a brother who has been separated for many years."

Jun Chang smiled and heard the words, the smile on his face was immediately replaced by coldness, Shen said: "Who did it."

Jiang Xie cares about his sister. He knows it. After all, the two were almost thundered by the thunder, but now they find it, but they lose their sense and memory. This is a serious blow!

Su Xiaomo said: "The yin and yang gate of Duzhou in the South China Sea!"

"Mom!" Chang shouted angrily with a smile: "Copy the guy, follow this seat to Duzhou, Nanhai, and set foot on this yin and yang gate!"

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