The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1255: 12 patrols

Star Fortress.

On the ninth level of **** is a hall called the Patrol Hall.

Twelve seats are placed inside, corresponding to the twelve Earthly Branches such as Zi, Ugly, Yin, and Xi.

That's right.

This is where the twelve patrols gather on weekdays.

As the leader of the second stronghold, these twelve strong men are not only responsible for arresting prisoners, but also for managing nine levels of **** on weekdays.

There are many mapping methods in the patrol hall, providing everything in prison in real time.

At this moment, several strong-spirited men were either tilted their legs or sat on the chair with their hands on their chins and locked their eyes on the monitoring screen.

What are you looking at?

Look at the eighth hell.

Look at the junior who just came in and smiled.

It turned out that the dog left broke into the second or third floor from the first floor, and they have already caught their attention.

The patrol will not prevent it deliberately, because the existence of a transfer array below the **** indicates that this behavior is allowed.


They didn't expect that the bald man would hit from the first floor to the eighth floor, and the song and the wine and the song and the song were all in line!

Especially with Qin Linran, the singing voice of the whole run ... If it is not turned off in time, I am afraid it will blow up on the spot.


The patrol named "Yin" preached: "Should you tell the master?"

Nine levels of **** are allowed to break through the barriers, but it's a bit great to go from the first level to the eighth level.

Sitting at the front, the man with an eyebrow and a look of insignificance, holding his hand, said, "The owner is healing and cannot be disturbed."

He is codenamed.

Twelve patrols make the boss.


Yin was silent.

The host didn't leave the Star Fortress, why was he hurt? And I'm probably not too badly injured after so long.


The Ugly said: "Who hurt the master?"

His sentence was also very much asked by Yin Shi and others.

Zi Shi shook his head and said, "I'm not quite sure, but it can hurt the owner, and the strength must be above us."


Everyone was surprised.

The murderer who hurt his master, the strength is above us, wouldn't he reach the upper level to break through the air?

Why do such top powerhouses who can rise to the upper world stay in the world? Is it indifferent to fame and fortune?


At this moment, a patrol ambassador walked into the hall and said, "Lao Qi has just sent information to be wiped out by others in order to curse the Dark Lord of Tianyuan Yuan."

Ugly and others were surprised.

Zishi asked: "Who killed?"

The person pointed at the light curtain and said, "Lao Qi has passed on the other person's portrait."

In the front of the Impression Matrix, the image of a young man in his early twenties wearing a black robe gradually appeared!

That's right.

Just Jun smiles.

"The Dark Lord is the evil spirit bred by the dusty universe, whose strength is comparable to the top-level median void, and will be solved by a guy with no hair?" Yin Shi questioned.

Zi Shi said: "The image was given by Lao Qi, and there is definitely no mistake. Maybe the other person looks young, but it is an old monster who likes to pretend to be tender."

This sentence has been recognized by everyone.

In the universal universe, there are always some warriors who have lived for tens of thousands of years and have to show their lives as young people.

It's understandable to make yourself tender, but I can't stand it. Some people with very different personalities like to change their gender!

such as……

Everyone unconsciously looked to the side to induce.

This is the only woman in the Twelve Patrol Mission. She looks beautiful and cannot be described too much.

"Look at what the old lady is doing!" He asked, frowning Liu Mei.


Yin Shi could not help but growled, "Can you turn your voice into a female cavity too!"

"My mother is happy, can you manage it?"


Yin Shi clenched his fists.

If the boss wasn't there, he might have taken the action early and turned this man's body into a daughter's body.

"You all."

Zi Shi asked, "Have you ever seen this person?"


Everyone shook his head.

They have been law enforcement in the universal universe all year round, and they have seen many powerful people, but they are strange to this young man.


Zi Shi was quite puzzled: "Since the Dark Lord can be destroyed, it means that this person is by no means universal, why haven't I seen it before?"


Sitting silent behind his back, his eyes sharpened, "This guy is a little familiar!"

"Do you know?" Zishi asked.

I asked for a moment to think, looking up at the light curtain of the eighth hell, saying, "Don't you think that the figure is similar to that guy in terms of body and size?"


Zi Shi and others looked up one after another. After repeated comparisons, they gave conclusions, and they were really similar!

Jun Chang laughed and patrolled to meet outside the starry fortress, using his true colors, although he changed his appearance in time, but the change was nothing more than appearance.

"Muffy ..."

Zishi touched his chin and said, "This guy is the one who destroys the Dark Lord? He just changed his look at this moment?"

He made serious: "It's him!"

As soon as this statement came out, several patrols immediately believed, because although the other party did not speak much on weekdays, he was good at observation and insight. As long as he was affirmed, he would never go wrong.


Yin Shiji Wu Wu said: "No wonder this guy can break through from the first floor to the eighth floor. It turned out to be really powerful."

"Hidden deeply."

The Ugly said: "I almost thought that he only had to break through the air."

Everyone was amazed that Jun often laughed while posing as a pig and eating a tiger, and only the son made a brief silence, and then stared intently, "Why is he in the ninth hell?"

"Open hands in the city," Yin said.

Regarding the files of Jun Changxiao's imprisonment, everyone has already investigated clearly.

He held his hands together, put his chin on the back of his hands, and his small eyes turned around. He said, "It's not that simple. This person must have tried to come to the Starry Fortress."

"What is it?"

Yin Shi quipped: "Can you escape from prison with prisoners?"

Several other patrols made a laugh.

Even if they guessed that Jun Chang laughed and tried to come to the ninth-floor hell, they would never think that the other party would bring the prisoner out of jail, because ... the Star Fortress defense system did not agree, Zi Chou Yin Chen Chen did not agree at noon!

Just these twelve patrolmen in justice coats will make a very strong deterrent to one stop of the ninth floor hell!


Make them fearless.


As the boss of the patrol, Zishi is more cautious and said, "Go and see below."


Yin turned and left.

Just arrived at the gate of the palace ~ ~ Zi Shi added: "If that guy defeated the eight-tier **** offender, you can try his depth."


Yin smiled at the corner of her mouth.

He belongs to the more belligerent of the Twelve Patrol Missions. Now that he has the opportunity to fight against the Dark Lord, that should be very interesting!


"Don't let Ben down!"


Eight layers of hell.

Jun Chang smiled and held Yulong asking Tian Jian to stand proud.

The surrounding debris, stones and other debris gradually emerged, revealing an extremely sharp sword.

On the boulder directly opposite, stood a middle-aged man with a three-inch beard. He was carrying an ancient sword with nine handles behind him, and his eyes were surprised, saying, "You are still a sword repairer!"

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