The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1254: My monk, destiny

After seeing the huge commercial characters with a smile, Jun Chang thought, would this guy be the ancestor of the Great Commercial Empire?

Later, after hearing the prisoner's reference to Da Shang's bloodline, he had a certainty in his heart, so when the other party attacked, he took out the token that Shang had traces to himself.

as expected.

The seven-story leader is the founder of the Dashang Empire, the disciple who had planned to redeem it to destroy the ancestors of the Dark Lord!

Don't say it.

It's a bit strong indeed.

The top one in the bottom.

But it would be a bit unreal to find him to destroy the evil spirit that is comparable to the median.

Isn't it okay for businessmen to have signs? They can only choose to gamble.

Bet right.

Under the protection of the guards, he fled from the Tianyuan continent. Although he did not redeem his ancestors, he encountered the biggest nobleman in his life in the starry sky.

He barks, dog left!

"Monarch Sovereign!"

The ancestors of the merchants were grateful again: "Thank you for eradicating the scourge for my continent, and no extinction!"

The token records the destruction of the Tianyuan continent by the Dark Lord. At this moment, he has learned all the truth.

Jun Chang laughed: "Shang Youchen is my disciple, and it's only natural to help."

This plausible words attracted a system of contempt.

Yes, the Dark Lord, the host did n’t ask for money, but let people join the ancestral door and charge ten thousand spirit stone fees. Sorry about beeping?

"Jun Zongzhu has such strength at a young age, and my unwieldy sons and grandsons will pay homage to you, and he will be blessed in three lives." The ancestor of the merchant said.

This is not a polite word, because he has been approved by the rivals just now.


Jun Chang laughed seriously and said, "I'm here to **** to save you out."

The ancestors of the merchants suddenly looked blank, then looked solemnly: "Sovereign monarch, the ninth-floor **** has the strongest defense system in the universe, once it comes in, it is impossible to go out."

He was detained for a long time and had a deep understanding of the fortress defense system. Unless he spent money to redeem him, he would be temporarily free, and his chance of successful escape was zero.

"Trust me."

Jun Chang smiled seriously and said, "It can be done!"


The business ancestors fell into a brief silence, and said, "What does the monarch need me to do?"

Jun Chang smiled solemnly and said, "I want to unite all the prisoners and principals in the ninth-floor hell, and then I will ask senior Shang to cooperate with him."

Not only did he have to rescue the nine emperors, but he also broke the prison that copied his own ideas and made it completely gone.

Since it's here!

To play, play big!

Besides, the starry fortress has not been authorized by the upper world, so what kind of onion dare to convict the creatures of the universal dust!

"Monarch Sovereign!"

The ancestor of the merchant seemed to understand his thoughts and said in a hurry: "The defense system of the nine layers of **** is extremely strong, and it is difficult to break even the prisoners of all levels."

It is not to grow others' ambitions to destroy their prestige, but also to understand the fortresses too much, not to mention, if jailbreak fails, it will only bring greater crimes.

"It doesn't need to be managed by seniors."

Jun Chang laughed seriously and said, "Just mobilize the seven **** prisoners to obey orders, and leave the rest to me."


Merchant ancestors fell silent.

The risk of escape is too great, and it is difficult to choose without careful consideration.

"Senior senior."

Jun Chang smiled and said, "My monk, fate is undefined."

"What qualifications are there for Star Fortress to convict me, and to imprison me?"

Business ancestors did not understand this theory, but in the world of martial arts, people have absolute strength, it is tantamount to mastering the truth, this is a very cruel reality!

"I control my own life!"

Jun Chang stood up with a smile and raised his head in angrily: "Guilty and innocent, they say nothing!"


Dissatisfaction with the sky is unprecedentedly strong!

The ancestors of the businessmen were stunned.

Vaguely, he seemed to see his younger self from Jun Changxiao, walked out of the border town, relying on his own strength and brother's help in the turbulent times, and finally worked out a big business empire.

The past memories flashed a little in Shihai.

The blood in the ancestors of the merchant seemed to burn instantly, just because of that sentence, I could not help it.

People are not in the middle class.

He used to build the merchant dynasty with his blood.

Later, he became drunk with cultivation and gradually calmed down his mind, but today, he is awakened by the smile of Jun Chang, who has been in the blood for a long time.

The ancestor of the merchant shook his fist, as if returning to his young and vigorous self, saying: "If the monarch wants to make a big trouble, my old bone is willing to sacrifice my gentleman!"

In a jailless prison.


Since this young man has destroyed the Dark Lord, why can't he follow his life to gamble!

"it is good!"

Jun Chang smiled and raised his head and said, "Make a big fight in hell!"


My host put on a big holy suit, the whole person is even more arrogant than before, I'm afraid we have to stop the big cave!


In the depths of the seventh floor of hell, several wooden stakes were erected to bind three embarrassed prisoners.

That's right.

They are the three Emperors of the Starfall Continent.

One is King Emperor, the other is Emperor Luan, and the other is Emperor Shen.

The three emperors originated from their last names, because the way of playing was too tragic, the author would not mention the name.


The fall of the supreme power of the star-studded continent is so embarrassing.

"Senior senior."

Jun Chang smiled and said, "I'm going to the eighth hell, and they will be taken care of by you."

The ancestor of the merchant nodded, but before he entered the teleportation, he said: "The monarch, the eighth and ninth **** prisoners have reached the median level and must be careful."


Jun Chang smiled and shrugged, "It seems that I'm serious."

"call out"

Step into the formation and disappear.

"I ca n’t help but ..." the ancestor of the merchant said in his heart, a smile appeared on his old face, and said, "It hasn't been so hot for a long time."


Tianyuan continent.

The battleship of the Star Fortress hung in the sky, and the patroller who had blocked the road was surprised: "The Dark Lord was destroyed."

The purpose of his coming this time was to be ordered to solve the evil spirit born to the woes, but the latter was already cold ~ ~ It was unexpected.


The patrol was standing on the bow of the ship, and a majestic momentum emerged all around him. He locked a warrior who was building a wall in the ruined city and forcibly captured the memory of the sea by overbearing means.


Frowning: "It's that guy!"

The patrol used a martial art that could steal the memory of others, and saw that he often smiled in the outer area of ​​Star Fortress.

"Resolving the Dark Lord, which is comparable to the mid-air gap, this child is of great strength." The patrol made a little puzzled: "But why did he go to the Starry Fortress?"

"Forget it."

"Still tell the fortress here first."

The patrol caused the warship to leave the Tianyuan continent, and on the way back, the news that the Dark Lord was destroyed was sent back with a special technique, and by the way, the portraits of Jun Changxiao's physical appearance were also passed along.

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