The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1232: Have you ever experienced such birdishness

As an organization, Star Fortress has a detailed division of duties.

Guan Jiu and the old man who went to the starfall continent belonged to the scouts and were responsible for investigating intelligence.

As for the general who was killed and killed by Jun Changxiao, his status was relatively high, but it was nothing more than a fight for the front line.

There is a very important position in Serbia, so the twelve patrols will not only patrol the daily universe, but also make guest appearances to catch the prisoners if necessary.

There are twelve people on patrol, who like to be alone, especially in different costumes, which can be easily recognized.

Shang Youjin not only heard about the post of fortress, but also knew that the ancestors were captured by two patrol agents.

"Is it strong?" Jun Chang asked with a smile.

Shang Youchen solemnly said: "I heard that only when you reach the middle of the airspace can you qualify as a patrolman!"

"I go!"

Jun Chang smiled and widened his eyes.

Reaching the median level in the mortal universe is equivalent to having the qualification to ascend to the upper world. This big-class level would even commit to being a more patrol!

"Sandbags are here."

System said: "The host can play to its fullest."


Jun Chang smiled slightly.

The Dark Lord also has a median strength. If he did not accidentally smash it into the Tianyuan Soul Tower, he would certainly be able to do it. Now, facing the powerful patrolling force, he is somewhat vain.


Eleven of this level!

"There is something in the Star Fortress!" Jun Chang smiled secretly: "I really have to be careful."

Because of the rising spirit of the fiery twin spirits and the transformation of the soldiers, when they saw a patrol in the fortress, they suddenly converged a lot.

Insignificant development, don't wave!

"This friend."

Jun Chang smiled and arched his hand and said, "Suddenly stopping the car halfway, it is easy to have an accident."

The tone is relatively polite.

This is not counseling, mainly to raise energy first, wait for the starry fortress and then vigorously roar.

The middle-aged person was not tangled and scolded, but said lightly: "Boy, you are about to know that an accident will happen, you should slow down before entering the Star Fortress area."

It turned out not to be in trouble, but because the dog was too fast, so it suddenly stopped.

"Have you reached the Star Fortress area?"

Jun Chang smiled for a moment, then took out the starry sky map, determined his coordinates, and apologized, "It was too fast and I didn't notice."

He really didn't know that he had reached the destination, but he took out the map and the subsequent expressions were all pretending to pretend he was careless.

The patrol fainted: "Remember, the Clippers are forbidden in the area under the jurisdiction of Star Fortress, and if you repeat it, you will be punished."

"Okay, okay." Jun Chang smiled.

Systemically: "See host counseling for the first time."

"You know a fart!"

Jun Chang laughed and scolded in his heart, "I am bearing the burden of humiliation, I will mix it into the star fortress first!"

If it's just an ordinary organization, it's no problem to kill it in a torn face, but after all, the starry sky fortress is extraordinary. If you just get on with that guy, it may cause a subsequent series of moths.


For now.

The other party didn't seem to know that he was the killer of the two Star Warriors, otherwise he would have played directly.

This is a great opportunity!

When they are not sure of themselves, they will explore the overall strength of the fortress, and then rescue the nine emperors. If conditions permit, release all prisoners in the ninth floor hell, leaving them busy and distracted. It is not bad to be distracted!

Jun often laughs without counseling.

Just in the shortest time, make the perfect plan.

The patrol gave way to drive the warship and said lightly, "Let's go."

"Thank you!"

Jun Chang smiled and arched his hand, flying through the ancient warship, and sighed helplessly after leaving the opponent.

He very much wanted to fight a battle with the median to test his current combat effectiveness, but now that he has reached the site of the fortress, in order to avoid mistakes, he can only forcibly suppress his thoughts.

"It's still about investigating and saving people."

Jun Chang, who stood on the bow of the ship, laughed, and that shameless temperament suddenly disappeared.

That's right, you are right to open the reading software. Gouyu is now giving people an unprecedentedly stable and proper style of painting.

Systemically said: "This is a suzerain who takes care of the whole situation."

"Stop the ship!"

Suddenly, there was a drink behind him.

The patrol drove the warship back.

Jun Chang smiled and stopped, with a puzzled look: "I don't seem to be speeding?"


The patrol made Shen cried: "Since you have a starry sky map, it means that I am a second-class resident of Starry Sky Fortress, and the ambassador needs to check your identification."

The starry sky map that Jun Changxiao just took out is not widely circulated in the world, but is a special version of the starry fortress. It not only marks most of the plane coordinates, but as long as the spiritual thought is incorporated into it, it will also locate itself. high-tech products.


Jun Chang smiled secretly and said, "Forget this stubble!"

The starry sky map was obtained from the Starry Five Fighters. At that time, the old man with white hair also said that only second-class status can be possessed, but because he was in a hurry to pretend to be confused.

"One hundred secrets and one sparse!"

"Take it out!" The patrol drank again.

He has been patrolling abroad for many years, and saw many warriors who tried to mix in the fortress with a special version of the counterfeit starry sky map, and there were regulations on it. Once they found that the things were confiscated, people had to catch them.


Jun Chang smiled and frowned slightly.

The nervous bgm sounded and the atmosphere became tense.


Jun Chang shrugged with a smile and threw a wave.


The patrol raised his hand next.

It was a token engraved with 'Second Class Identity', with weird patterns around it, which looked very exquisite in terms of workmanship.

Shang Youchen was surprised and secretly said: "It turned out that the suzerain was a second-class resident of the fortress!"

Star Fortress recruits residents in a fixed month every year. The conditions must not only be rich, but also someone. Both are indispensable, so let alone become a second-class resident, it is very difficult to become a third-class resident!

The Five Stars of the Star first consumed a lot of resources to become third-class residents, and then trusted the relationship to go through the back door, so that they could be mixed into second-class residents. The entire process can be published.

Jun Changxiao neglected the special version of the starry sky map, naturally he would not neglect his identity, so he borrowed a tyrant resident token when he came.

He is not borrowing, he is robbing!

It also forced the white-haired old man to forcibly lift the soul, causing sores on the bad head and pus on his feet!

After confirming the authenticity of the token, the patrol caused it to be thrown away, and said lightly: "Since it is a resident of the fortress, you should keep in mind the rules of the road. If you are caught by the messenger for speeding, you will be charged with a felony.

"Because of the urgent need to return to the fortress ~ ~ I once forgot the rules and will never repeat it next time."

Jun often said with a smile and a smile.

After leaving the boat, the smile on his face converged, and his eyes flashed a strong anger.

Oh shit!

Have you ever suffered this birdishness!

If it weren't for the overall situation, I would have to fight him to the end!

Systemically said: "What is the difference between host and exaggeration, and those dragon villains?"

As a person who will die if he does not vomit, he has an increasing skill, and does not give readers who like vomiting any chance.


There is an event for ps and qq reading. I am fortunate to be invited to participate. I will depart for Beijing tomorrow and come back in about three or five days, so the update will be reduced.

Female fans in Beijing, here I am! Reading Network

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