The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1231: Pointing rivers and mountains, transformation!

After seeing Shi Shi, Jun Chang couldn't help laughing.

Just now I was worried about where the nine emperor Wudi was, and the mission immediately gave me a big spoiler!


Jun Chang smiled and calmed down and secretly said, "Why are the nine emperors Emperor locked up in the ninth floor of hell? Could it have violated the rules set by the star fortress?"


He asked, "What happened to your ancestors who were locked in?"

Shang Youjin considered for a moment, and said, "I heard my father said that the ancestors were forced to raise the median to break through the air, and were ruled by the starry fortress to be extraordinary, so they were locked up."

"Forcibly promote?"

Jun Chang laughed and said, "It sounds great."

Shang Youkian said: "My father said that this method is very extreme, and if it is unsuccessful, he will be benevolent, so the ancestors considered it for a long time before deciding on a risky move. As a result, he was discovered by Star Fortress without action.

After getting a preliminary understanding of the reasons for the ancestors of Da Shang, Jun Chang smiled and thought back, and secretly said, "Is it possible, Emperor Nine Emperors have done similar things, and they were held in the ninth hell?"

"Thinking so much is useless."

System said: "If you find the Lord, you will know everything."

"So too."

Jun Chang laughed aside from his wild thoughts and shrugged: "Originally intending to inquire about information in the past, now there is an epic task, this so-called nine-story hell, you have to go in and break out anyway."

"Count it up."

Systemically said: "Shi XIV and Shi XIII are still involved."

Jun Chang smiled earnestly and said, "So even if the ninth-floor **** is a dragon-tan tiger cave, I have to go in to find out."


Grabbed a crystal clear stone between the waves.

This is the Sovereign's Exclusive Divine Reconstruction Stone rewarded for the side mission.

"The previous rewards were all used to transform the disciples, and today I finally rewarded a prop that can transform this magic soldier." Jun Chang smiled with emotion.

Here comes the problem.

Li Qingyang and Xiao Xieji and others are all responsible for the transformation of the magic soldiers. Master Fan is in charge of the endless universe. How can this be good?

"living comfortably without anybody's help!"

Jun Chang raised his right palm with a smile, and the hot flames suddenly appeared.

Although the spirit of the fire soul is sleeping in Dantian, he can still control this kind of flame born in the mortal universe at will, and it is much stronger than the body of Shengyan!

It will be very easy to make any ore.


After an hour of smelting, the modified stone gradually turned into a liquid.


Jun Chang smiled and waved his hand, fetched the pointers, and secretly said: "Sinners and the exclusive soldiers of the stars have changed to normal. I hope that I will not take the funny line."


During the conversation, the solution of the petrochemical transformation was poured into the soldiers, and then white smoke was emitted.


The liquid is completely frozen.

Pointing rivers and mountains seemed to be covered with a layer of hard armor.


After a while, the hard skin cracked and fell off on a large scale.

"Hmm! Hmm!"

Colorful light is captured from it.

When the outer skin part fell off, and the light gradually weakened, a large writing brush depicting a complex pattern dangled left and right in the air, exuding an elegant atmosphere.

Jun Chang smiled and covered his brain and collapsed, "How did I change it to a pen? This would require me to write a brush?"

"call out!"

At this moment, the streamer suddenly flew out of the brush, blended into the eyebrow and infused with memory.

"So it is."

After looking at the memories obtained with a smile, Jun Chang laughed, and then he grasped the pen in his hand with one hand, and then Long Fei Feng Wu wrote in the void.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

Tips and frustrations, pen and wander!

"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

Jun Chang laughed and stepped on the mysterious footwork and flew up. The pen seemed to be alive and continued to write in the void.


Slightly dissipated and fell to the ground.

The camera cuts off from the left of Jun Changxiao, and sees some powerful characters appearing in the void, for I am the most handsome in the universe!


The system intends to spit.

Jun Chang laughed like calligraphy and put the brush behind him, saying lightly: "Fried."

"嘭! 嘭! 嘭! 嘭! 嘭!"

The five words engraved in the space suddenly exploded.

Because of being in the space ring and deliberately suppressing most of the power, the scene presented is not very explosive.

"Not bad!"

Jun Chang smiled on his face.

This type of written soldiers, which gathers powerful blasting power, is more reliable than the previous chrysanthemums are full of injuries!


There is also a new nirvana 『bi 诛 ink cutting』 not being used.

"From today."

Jun Chang laughed: "This exclusive soldier of this seat is called-Hold! Pen! River! Mountain!"


The system crashed and said, "What's the difference between pointing the river and the mountains? The host is really not talented in naming!"

Author: "This is with me."


Sovereign exclusive soldiers have been successfully transformed, and the once-pointed rivers and mountains have become a past tense.

How strong the writing of Jiangshan is, Jun Changxiao needs actual combat to know.


From the test just now, we can roughly infer that it should be much stronger than the buttocks.

What's more, I don't have to bear the insignificant charge at all, but replaced it with an elegant and elegant fighting method, which will definitely give readers a good new impression.

"Star Fortress."

Standing at the bow of the ship, Jun Chang smiled proudly and said, "The fire and evil spirits of this seat and the transformation of the soldiers need you to measure the power!"

Just when the dog was left to force, the Tonggu warship that was traveling at a high speed suddenly braked, and the whole person 嘭 嘭 hit a streamer barrier that was isolated from the outside world, and then slid down on the face with 贴 呲 呲 呲.


The system said: "The host's face was hit hard, and the defense barriers were affected."


Shang Youran ran out of the lounge with her face covered, and said, "What's going on?"

Jun Chang laughed and stood up, his left face was drawn red, and then he looked angrily into the distance.

In front of the cosmic starry sky, a starry warship is quietly suspended. From the perspective of the driving trajectory that has not yet dissipated, it is obvious that a big turn suddenly stopped on its way halfway.

"The eight cubs!"

Jun Chang covered her face with a smile, and yelled, "I do n’t know how to drive ~ ~ My loved ones cry, don't you understand that?"


On the battle ship, a middle-aged man with thick beard wearing heavy leather boots and short-sleeved leather armor walked out.


The white cloak fluttered, and there was a noise.

He raised his muscular arms and hugged them together, and said darkly, "Boy, who do you scold?"

This man is very strong, showing a powerful momentum, especially in the shape of the head, just like ... General of the Navy Headquarters!

Jun Chang smiled and became serious immediately.

At this moment, he has captured by relying on spiritual thoughts, and the other man wrote the word 'Starry Sky Fortress' on the cloak behind him.


Shang Youchen said: "This is one of the ...

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