The black and white double brakes from the upper world were suppressed and repaired, one person hit two, and soon they could not take care of the life of the four star fighters.

These are two bugs.

Unless it is suppressed by an absolute number, it is difficult for the warriors on the Dust Plane to solve it.

However, these two mighty powers, who had just sneaked into the low-level plane because of watching the enthusiasm, were instead blackened by the monarch who laughed and laughed, that was ... unlucky.

The Five Stars of the Stars were killed and injured four times, and they were lying neatly together. The minds of their men were immediately disturbed, and their morale must have been affected.

At a normal pace, the tree must fall apart.

However, Jun Chang laughed not to give them this opportunity, and long ago ordered Zhen Dejun to set up a formation on the deserted plane.

The process was a bit difficult.

Because the disciples' fight will greatly affect the stability of space.

Zhen Dejun was also under tremendous pressure to burn the brain cells frantically to splice a giant array, which completely blocked his underdogs.

Li Qingyang and others' eyes flashed more intently.

Fight against enemies from other stars and gain experience from all parties every second. This is a great opportunity for experience!

do not miss it!

Must fire with full force!

As a result, more fierce fighting was staged in the formation.

In order to survive and survive, those under control of the four Star Warriors who have no way out can only bite the bullet and compete with it.

Although they are large in number, they are also mixed with many strengths that are not at the level of the king of war. In the face of the powerful elders of disciples, they can only send them to the box and wave.

In high-level combat effectiveness.

Such as Wu Sheng pinnacle or Grand Satisfaction level.

They had a lot of manpower, and it was impossible to rely solely on the Purple King Demon King.

All right.

And Jun often laughs.

Although this guy is watching the excitement, he always pays attention to the situation.

Any situation that is extremely unfavorable to the disciples will be intervened first, or even wiped out.

The black and white double brakes also stood outside the formation, always keeping an eye on the internal fighting situation, remembering the previous instructions of the suzerain, and not allowing any disciples to be killed.

simply say.

Wan Guzong's disciples were shocking inside, and three top powerful men escorted outside.

Don't be too happy with such a practical experience.

"The overall aspect is still a bit weak."

After watching the battle for a while, Jun Chang laughed and found that apart from the core disciples, many inner disciples gradually became incapable of playing less and playing more.

In addition, although the strength of the high-level forces is acceptable, the quantity is too small in the end. This must be played against other planes to kill Shura. The result is certainly not optimistic.

From the perspective of the development of Zongmen, it has been very scary to be so strong in just a few years.

"Way, go step by step."

The system said: "The host must not be too hurry."

He always laughs and understands this reason, mainly because of his own strength and stronger opponents, making it difficult for him to settle in the status quo.

Previously, the level of contact was low, and it was considered very scary to create a king of warriors with a scale of 1,000 people.

It wasn't until the encounter of the stronger Emperor Wu and other warriors of the planes that they realized that Wan Congzong might be called the strongest in the starfall continent, but there was only one in the vast universe.

"The host has changed."

System said: "Become ambitious."

The former Jun often laughed, only hoping to complete the main task as soon as possible to get rid of the soul bomb, and then send love to the mountains and rivers and be a happy outsider.

Now that you can think of Zongmen being placed in the universe but not dust, it shows that he is unwilling to satisfy the status quo, hoping to become stronger.

Jun Chang laughed: "I didn't become ambitious, I just didn't want to be bullied by others."

"It seems you are bullying others, right?" The system asked back.

Jun Chang smiled and said with confidence: "They won't provoke me, will I bully them?"


The system is silent.


After two hours.

The battle in the battlefield stopped, and all of the four Star Warriors became boxes scattered on the ground.

Because of the constant laughter and the black and white double brakes escorting in secret, the disciples of Wan Guzong did not die.

of course.

The price is not small.

The blood-stained Qingyang kits, such as Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji, have long been broken.

This suit from the mall, facing stronger opponents, although it can provide good defense, but it will certainly not be able to carry it after a long time.

Su Xiaomo and Li Fei, two disciples known for their speed and foot strength, were paralyzed directly on the ground, their legs were shaking.

Inner disciples are either exhausted or scarred.

If the three men always laugh and protect themselves outside, if necessary, to resolve the deadly crisis, even if they can wipe out the four Star Warriors, it is likely that the casualties will be heavy.

The killing brought them a lot of benefit, and realized that they were deficient in some aspects.

"Lick the bag."

Jun Chang smiled and ordered.

Actionable Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji and others began to take away the space ring skillfully.


Bai Luocha said: "What do these four people do?"

Jun Chang smiled and looked at the four Star Wars who had been hit hard, and said lightly: "Seal the repair and bring it back to Zongmen."

At first, he wanted to kill directly, but after all, they were four Emperor Wudi level powerhouses, so he took them back to be inmates with Zhao Doudou, and maybe he could come in handy later.


Jun Chang laughs very curiously.

How did they find the starfall continent.

Or was it determined from the beginning that he was the murderer of the handsome man?



White Raksha and Black Raksha performed a move similar to the sunflower point acupoint hand, sealing several important meridians in the Starry Four Fighters, making them already weak and rotten.

Jun often laughed and was not idle.

While the disciples cleaned up the battlefield, nearly twenty star battleships received space rings.

This stuff can travel through the universe, and it can be used as a substitute for disciples in the future.

The system said with emotion: "In Chapter 118 the host once said that the goal was to conquer the sea of ​​stars, and now it seems infinitely close."



The hot flames burned and a corpse turned into nothingness.

"call out!"

The ancient warships carried up and down the Wanzong sect and quickly integrated into the endless universe.

The deserted plane space is exceptional, and the ground is densely covered with deep pits and cracks. There is no representative. There has been a fierce battle here.

"Ding! The epic mission is complete and the settlement begins."

"Ding! The host successfully defeated Starcraft One's enemy, Starcraft Five, and met the defined conditions. The epic mission was completed, the completion rate was 100%, and the host earned 50,000 points!

"Ding! Zongmen contribution: 120000/70000."

"Ding! Zongmen contribution value overflow ..."

"Is it 100% complete?" Jun Chang smiled frowning with dissatisfaction.

Old rules, because there are two epic missions, one will only give contribution value and not reward even if settlement.

"When the disciples are fighting with the enemy, I always take good care of them. I did not let a disciple sacrifice. The completion should be very high."

However, what makes Jun Chang smile very depressed is that Shi Shi's mission is completed, Shi Shi's mission has never entered the settlement process.


"Why isn't it moving?"

"Muffy ..." He gazes coldly: "The handsome man and the enemy will kill him and do things that hurt his loved ones?"

"No, no."

Jun Chang laughed and said self-denial: "If this is the case, Shi 11 will not be settled."

Systemically said: "We may have misunderstood, this relative may not mean a disciple."

"Who would it be?" Jun Chang laughed.

The system silently said, "If you want to know who it is, you need to analyze it carefully from the word" pro "."

Jun Chang laughed: "Hanshu records that people have six relatives: father, mother, brother, brother, son ..." Stopping here.

"Why are not you talking?"


"Let me tell you, my last wife is wife."


Jun Chang laughed and remained silent.

Systemically said: "The host and the Queen Rose are married in the soul continent. Even if they do not admit it, it is your wife from the customs of others. This is undeniable."

"I've taken her off, what a wife!"


"Letter left before leaving the soul continent!"

"A letter is a letter, and a divorce is a divorce. How can the two be confused?"


"Furthermore, the host wrote‘ this letter can be regarded as a divorce book ’. If people do n’t treat it as a divorce book, are n’t you okay?”


Jun often laughs without words.

The system said earnestly: "The star-navigation master has been to the soul continent, and his enemies may have killed it. The mission of Shi Twelve may be to let the host protect his wife!"


"Where is the marriage, what is the biggest arrangement in heaven?"

The system is a good system, but dog leftovers are dog leftovers after all.

He sat on the bow of the boat and began to think hard about whether he had any other relatives, such as half-brothers and half-sisters.

"The father who hosts this body, from generation to generation, is a farmer. Do you think there will be the ability to find Xiaoyi Xiaosan?"


"The mother of this body, married at the age of seventeen, and the first child is born, you will die. Why are you half-brothers?"


The system of a series of strokes directly brought Jun Changxiao back to reality.

He did not have any of the five relatives of the six relatives, and there was only the Queen of Roses who had the name of a husband and wife and no husband and wife.

"Stop it."

"Don't run away."

The system said: "After returning to Zongmen, hurry and go to the soul continent. There is no danger. It is best. If there is danger, you must quickly rescue it. After all, it is about epic tasks."


"call out--------"

Tonggu warships merged into the space barriers of the astral continent, and then levitated in the main hall of the Vanguard Sect.

"Take these four crickets to the ground cell and keep them under strict supervision." Jun Chang laughed.


The disciples dragged the paralyzed four away.

During the period, he just passed by the cell of Tianzihao, attracted Zhao Doudou to wait and see, and shouted, "Brother, come and see, another prisoner is here!"

Dai Li: "..."

"Ah ~ ~ Zhao Doudou sat back on the wooden bed, crossed his legs and said," Why don't the monarchs assign prisoners to our cells? " "

"Brother, I heard that the four people who just came in were trained to be comparable to Emperor Wu."

"It is necessary. In our cell of Wanguzong, except for the two dishes of Tianzihao, we never accept low-ranking martial artists."

There was a disciple's communication outside the cell.

Zhao Doudou and Dai Lu heard the words, eyes suddenly widened.

The four people who were dragged in just now ... their strength is comparable to that of Emperor Wudi?


Zhao Doudou suddenly stood up, hands behind his back, looked up at the bars of the cell, and proudly said, "I am not a big guy, and I don't deserve to be my inmate."


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