The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1164: We live, they die!

After Yuan Gongzi was appointed as the suzerain, the number of Zihuang demon king's clothes bursting decreased, after all, it was directly linked to Beast Dan.

However, this time, we must be very serious when facing the warriors from the sky, so standing on the front of the disciples burst into a strong atmosphere on the spot.

It's just that ... the majestic demon is out of breath, but the clothes and pants worn on him are shrinking and tightening, as if they are stuck on the skin and cannot be broken at all!



The Purple King Demon King tried again.

The fight reached the zenith with the momentum of roaring, his face flushed, his farts almost roared out, his clothes were still not cracked, and they even became tights.

have to say.

The unbroken clothing is really a product of conscience.

And more importantly, the style is very novel and does not have that old-fashioned feeling.

Four Star Warriors: "..."

At this time, if they are not engaged in serious fighting, they may laugh collectively, because below ...

"Stop it."

Jun Chang laughed and said, "The clothes and **** I gave you are the same."


The prince demon king suddenly collapsed.

For him who will burst into clothing and must be exposed to be comfortable, this is equivalent to losing his soul!


At this moment, the burly middle-aged man did not care what the big sand sculpture with purple hair was doing, and immediately ordered his men to attack it.


Suddenly, six powerful men comparable to Martial Saints burst into the air, and various energies pressed like purple waves against the Purple King Demon King. The latter gave up his explosive clothes and stared sternly: "All are dead for the King!"



The incoming energy burst suddenly.

In the stormy wind, the purple prince demon king flew out, as if the fist that had undergone rigorous training banged directly on the face of the most powerful Wu Sheng strong.

"嘭 ——————"


The space cracked and the cold wind was like a knife.

After the Purple King Demon King flies a Wu Sheng, he even takes off a sleeve. When he hits another opponent again, his left sleeve is also taken off!

The unbreakable clothes can be put on and taken off, so he is going to take off while taking off, so as to release himself and have an absolute soul!

"No cure."

Jun often smiles and shakes his head.



On the other side, Ding Lao, Gongsun Haohai, Jiang Xie and other high-level sectarians have also fought against the enemy's stronger martial arts and semi-saints.

Various energy rays flashed in the sky, indicating that the brawl will be very fierce!

as expected.

This kind of battle with many people and great strength, once presented on the deserted plane, is absolutely thrilling and absolutely pleasing to the eye, but it also suffers from the space, because the more exciting the scene, the more it breaks.


The Purple King Demon King punched straight again.

At this moment, the clothes on the body had fallen to the ground, and only one red **** remained on the body.

This is the last line that Jun Chang laughs at.


The four Star Warriors stunned.

Not only did they see a lot of fights, they also experienced a lot of them, but this act of fighting and taking off their clothes was definitely the first time I saw them!


Really **** talent!


Take off your clothes, as if the soul of the purple prince demon king soared into the soul, punched in the face of a certain martial artist, and flew it gorgeously hundreds of feet away, until it fell to the ground, blood spurted, and the meridians suffered damage.

In the past, the owner of Zitang faced Wu Sheng, although it could be more than a dozen, but it could not bring much substantial harm. Now, after nine days of secret training, it is easy to wreck Wu Sheng in the chaos!


At this moment, a powerful enemy who was comparable to Wu Sheng's great eruption broke out, and it was suppressed by the mountain tsunami.

The Purple King Demon raised his eyebrows, put on the pink gloves, broke it with full firepower, and launched the fiercest fight with him in the sky.

The in-plane battle scenes are very difficult for the ghosts of the Tianzihao battlefield, but now they are more comfortable.

It is not only the owner of the Purple Church that has skyrocketed in strength.

Ding Xingwang is also struggling with several powerful men who are comparable to Wu Sheng at this moment. It would never have been possible before!

The old versions of f4, such as Jiang Xie and Ge Lao, are not so fierce, but they have semi-religious cultivation, and they can still output absolutely suppressed in the face of strong players in the same realm.

This is also under the control of the Five Stars of the Starry Sky.

For the same-level martial arts star continent, not to mention a few moves, dozens of moves may be beaten down.


"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

In the low air, Li Qingyang held a thunderbolt, and the thunder attribute was poured into the sword body, cutting it with the light that tore the space.



Lei was passed by Jianguang, bringing up a mist of blood.

During this period of practice in Lei Zhongtian, the realm not only improved, but also the use of thunder physiques was more adept. Therefore, several swordsmen were hit hard with one sword.

In stark contrast to this is Ye Xingchen, who only sees that he summons Lili Temple and suddenly throws away dozens of warriors. Under the flash of light, he instantly illusions the same number!

"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

The blood jar, like a blood drop, snapped on the head of the four star fighters instantly, and then came the split voice, which turned into a headless body on the spot.

On killing.

Ye Xingchen has always been more straightforward and sharper than Li Qingyang.



Suddenly, dozens of forces from two directions came over.

Ye Xingchen stood indifferent in mid-air, because as the energy exploded, Xiao Sin flew over to face himself, and Yun Zhouxia behind him resisted all kinds of forces.

The two go out to practice together all year round, so they have a very high understanding.

"You guard, I attack."

"it is good."

"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

Ye Xingchen passed by from the side, and dozens of wine jars suspended in mid-air instantly joined together, throwing them towards the enemy crowds farther away, and the back of the hand appeared faintly after entering the Lingyan Pavilion.



The four Star Warriors did not timidly fight because of the death of their companions.

However, they couldn't stop the night stars.

Because Xiao crime urged Yun Zhou Xia Yin to form an absolute defense on the path.

As the core disciples of the main output and the main defense in the Eternal Sect, once the two work together, they will have both offense and defense, without any disadvantage!

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

Li Zan Ji Tian once again differentiated, and put it on the heads of dozens of Starry Four Fighters.

During this period, all forces from all directions were blocked by Yun Zhouxia's defensive enchantment.


Ye Xingchen whispered coldly: "Come on!"



The wine jar shrouded in the enemy's head shone, the heads of the heads split instantly, and the corpses fell to the ground.

Next, Ye Xingchen and Xiao Sin walked through the enemy group with the strongest attack and the strongest defense, as if the two death gods from **** were harvesting their lives frantically.

Late night combination, the combat power is bursting!

Under the two men's cooperation, a half-step martial arts strong man was also brutally killed!


In another battle zone, the Su Fei combination is equally striking.

"Brush! Brush!"

Su Xiaomo inspires the body of the wind, and moves quickly like a meteor through the enemy group, even if Wu Sheng is half a step away, he still misses his hit.

"Ah, I have failed so much!"

"My father and mother gave birth to me, it was the biggest mistake!"

Li Fei put his fingers on his temples, and the power of depression was pervaded like a ghost, and dozens of military emperor-level warriors knelt on the ground.

This ability to control thinking and generate negative emotions is not invincible, and many high-level and high-level warriors have not been affected.

"roll roll roll!"


Su Xiaomo, who was walking among the enemy groups, controlled by Li Fei's frustrated power, and kicked his feet frequently.

The speed was too fast, until he rushed out and laughed with a touch of his nose. Dozens of warriors seemed to be relieved from the slow motion, and then burst out flying in various ways.

Su Fei's attack on the attack is a bit garbled.

He Wudi, who rushed into the crowd, was called sturdy. Wherever his footsteps and fists passed, the enemy martial fighter burst out, making a proper punch and blame.


Suddenly, the cold air permeated and a little dross appeared.

The originally hot environment was gradually cold, as if snow and goose feathers were to fall at any time.

"not good!"

"The body is slowed!"

"Ice-based martial arts, there are ice-based martial arts!"

Hundreds of Starry Four fighters were trapped in the icy area, which slowed down significantly in all aspects, and even the king-level man's body was covered with ice slag, which could become ice sculptures at any time.

It seems that Lu Yan, who is not eating fireworks, is standing sideways. Green silk is flying in the cold, revealing an impeccable face. Her right hand is lifted gently, and a few ice patterns are displayed at her feet. .

"Fire fire fire!"

An enemy warrior roared.


Immediately, dozens of warriors who were not covered by ice broke out of their internal attributes, forming a sky-like tendency to press over towards the landing.

However, just as we were approaching, Xiaolonglong, inspired by the second form, took a step forward, opened his mouth wide, and swallowed dozens of flames into his stomach.

The enemy martial was terrified.

This fire-released property, even if touched, will be burned, how can it be eaten directly!

"It's bad."

Xiaolong frowned slightly and said, "Give it back to you!"


This guy poses in a gourdish stance, spreading out a billowing flame.

"not good!"


As if the waves of flames rushed relentlessly, they were not given a chance to escape, and anyone who was devoured could only incinerate nothingness.

The absorbed flame did not cause any damage to Xiaolonglong, but after brewing in its stomach, the fire and firepower were instantly strengthened!

Jun Chang smiled and shook his head: "Playing with fire in front of my contracted beast is playing a sword in front of Gong's door."



Long Ziyang, Song Xuanzhou, and others took advantage of the master's control to slow down and kill them.

Under the eruption of the sword and gun, hundreds of enemy martial arts soldiers who had been bound had fallen to the ground.

Thousands of men sent by the burly middle-aged men have died after a brief fight, with thousands of men from the burly middle-aged disciples.

"Four people."

Jun Chang laughed: "This manpower is not enough for this disciple to warm up. If you want to get one, two, three or four remnants, it is best to send them all."

There are thousands of people on their own side, and thousands of others on the other side.

Do you underestimate the personal ability of this disciple to play less?

to be frank.

In the case of almost the same number and realm, they even have a slight advantage, and they can only be destroyed by the hammer.

The old man with white hair frowned.

"Come on!"

The burly middle-aged growled.

Thousands of my own men are almost dead and clean. If the three of them sit idly and ignore them, they will certainly be unbearable!

The old man with white hair, who seemed to be extremely deep, groaned and waved, "Let's go together."

"Hmm! Hmm!"

Five thousand men flew out of several warships behind him.

The other two hegemonies saw Wu Laodu send troops, and hurriedly signaled that his men should be dispatched.

Then, when Li Qingyang and others basically wiped out the burly men, they still need to face nearly 20,000 martial artists!

"Two thousand vs twenty thousand?"

Jun Chang smiled and said, "This number is only a bit of pressure."

The disciples of Wanguzong who have just experienced slaughter, seeing the other party sending so much, their eyes flashed, their blood was burning madly!

The warships on the plane and the Lingyuan mainland warriors who are training with each other often consult and can't let go. Now, facing these uninvited guests, each confrontation is very enjoyable!

war! war! war!

"Life and death don't stop there."

Jun Chang smiled and waved, "We live, they die!"





The disciples of Wanguzong emerged and rushed away.

Just looking at the scorching flames of the red sky and the breaking of Qi Xuanxia light like a hole in the void, outlines the most magnificent picture!


Although the white-haired old man looked intently at the war zone, he privately said, "We are looking for opportunities to grab four remnants!"

"it is good!"

The three tyrants agree.

The old man with white hair urged: "The kid's strength is unfathomable, we must remember that we are mainly dominated by remnants this time, as long as we grab the hand and leave immediately, we must not fight against him!"

He is really a bit afraid of Junjun laughing, but he is unwilling to leave, and can only bet to grab four remnants!



The fighting between the disciples of Wanguzong and the Stars of the Four Stars became more and more fierce, because the numbers were too disparate, and the scene looked a bit behind.

"Press over!"

"Don't give them a chance to breathe!"

A strong enemy shouted.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

Thousands of warriors rushed past from low and medium altitudes, as if they were shocked by the waves.

However, they broke down while they were fighting, because after paying a small price, they would obliterate a vanguard disciple, and the other party took a panacea and became alive again!

this moment.

The effect of Healing Dan has been fully demonstrated!

Although the number of disciples of Wanguzong who are not superior, although it is difficult to obtain an absolute advantage, they have an elixir in their hands, as long as it is not instantaneous, it is equivalent to having two lives!

Two thousand hit twenty thousand difficult.

What about 40,000 dozens?

In addition, all the disciples of Wanzong were well equipped, and even if the four Star Warriors were able to seriously hurt him, the cost was either to sacrifice a lot of their companions, or to exhaust themselves, and then face them full.

The five set fire to a tank with meat and output. It took time, and it took only the skills and blue bars to get it. As a result, the opponent directly raised the armor and got up. The mentality would really explode immediately.

Cut crispy double c!

Sorry, everyone in the Wanzong Disciples can c, anyone can resist!

What is despair?

That kind of desperation is going to kill you, and taking the elixir full of the state to continue standing with you is the greatest despair!

At this time, the disciples of Wan Guzong are not the strongest. Give them a few more years to develop. It really is a six-piece set with a full level. Your q, e, 1, and 2 skills have not yet been thrown out, and the opponent has already scratched r , 3 big moves, what e flashes 2 flashes, what r flashes large flashes, treatment purification and disease away, all come to give away.


The four star fighters are dumbfounded.

This group of uniformed disciples are not only well-equipped, but also elixir that recovers quickly.

"The opportunity is here!"

At this moment, the gray-haired old man said sharply, "Do it!"

The opportunity lies in seeing the disciples fighting furiously, and Jun Chang smiled with a smile in his mouth, apparently focusing all his energy on watching the war.

Not to be missed!

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

Suddenly, the four stars of the starry sky penetrated the space and rushed towards the four remnants hanging in front of Jun Changxiao at the fastest speed. The majestic forces hidden in the deep space had already gathered large hands.

According to the strategy of the white-haired old man, the two were responsible for pretending to attack Jun Changxiao, so that he could not focus on the remnants in the first place, and the other two were responsible for snatching the remnants!

Because it was a sudden shot, the terrifying and overbearing power was hidden in the deep Xu void, so it did not cause the world to shake.

"call out!"

"call out!"

Four people approached quickly, and they were determined to get the scraps!

Jun Chang's gaze was still locked in the war zone, and he didn't know that the Four Stars had rushed over.

"There is a play!"

The old man with white hair is overjoyed!

In the next second, the smile on his face suddenly solidified, because in the deep void, two more powerful forces suddenly emerged, and then they were destroyed by the destruction.

This change was too sudden, and the four of them rushed to the remnant immediately, so they couldn't afford to be broken by the secret move, and they rushed towards the remnant.

There are exactly four books, and one of them is locked by four.


As he approached the remnants indefinitely, a black light suddenly flashed in front of his eyes, gradually converging to form an entity.

"Not good!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The deafening explosion sounded like a thunder on the ground, and it instantly overwhelmed the fighting sounds of the disciples of Wanzong and nearly 20,000 men, which also caused them to subconsciously stop and look at the direction of the sound.

With a bright head, Jun often smiled and stood with his back in his hands. He dubbed the Hong Kong and Taiwan martial arts drama dubbing: "Ghostly, sneaky, what kind of hero?"


The star fighters look ugly.

At this time, their eyes were not locked on Jun Changxiao, but on two black and white middle-aged people who suddenly blocked themselves in front of them. The most unbearable thing was that the hand out was caught by the other side and could not struggle at all. .

"Four people."

Black and white double brakes tilted their heads and laughed: "Next, our brothers will entertain you."


The two move together in unison, directly taking out the double tyrants who are bound by their left and right hands at the same time, bringing out the ruined plane and integrating into the endless dark starry sky.

"Four heads!"

Seeing that the boss was taken away like a chick, the men were dumbfounded.



A sudden explosion came from the sky, and a ripple of energy emerged from the universe, shaking the entire continent to a trembling.

"call out----------"

For a moment or so, the burly middle-aged man tore a space barrier and fell to the ground like a shell, which not only caused a deep pit that extended widely, but also caused a large volume of land to crack from the body.


Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji were startled.

Jun Chang smiled calmly. At that time, when he punched with a punch, if he was knocked down from the above angle, the cold man would not only die badly, but the deserted continent would be ripped apart.

"call out--------"

Just then, another streamer fell down.


After intimate contact with the ground, a cracked land detached from the body again.

The one who was beaten was another bully. The brothers were about the same strength as the Star and Sea King. The latter was abused by black and white double brakes like a ball, so let alone them.

"call out!"

"call out!"

The white-haired old man and another bully also fell from the universe, again bringing a heavy blow to the deserted continent.

"call out------"

Suddenly, the cold man who had been so cold for a long time was also dropped by Hei Luosha, and when the dust was gone, everything was as it was before, and the brothers and his family were lying neatly in the pit.

"The master ..."

Seeing that the boss was scaly and spit on his mouth, his eyes were horrified.

"Zhen Lao ~ ~ Jun Changxiao asked with a smile:" Is the formation method ready? "

"Well!" Zhen Dejun stood in the distance, covering his face with a strange smile and tactically leaning back: "These people and their warships are all trapped in them, and they can kill themselves!"



As soon as the voice settled down, a matrix of enchanting formations appeared, including a defensive formation, an isolated formation, and an improved thunder array. They were connected in series with each other, as if an upside-down golden bowl covered the four stars in the sky.

Jun Chang laughed and sat on the chair prepared in advance, leaning lightly on the back of the chair, his voice indifferent: "Kill them all, and you can't leave any."



ps, 5600+ big chapter, ask for votes.


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