The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1124: Ancient temple


When Jun Chang laughed and tuned the No. 1 and No. 2 souls, the Queen Rose found that he was stagnant, and leaned in quietly, reaching for her hand gently.


The dog left her mind, clasped her wrist, and said coldly, "What are you doing?"

The empress rose said in pain: "You hurt me."


Jun Chang smiled coldly and loosened his face.

The Queen Rose returned to her original position, rubbing her wrists and whispering, "I just want to confirm if you have a wig, why are you so fierce?"


Jun Chang smiled at his hair and said, "This is real hair, show me eyes wide open! Also, are you bald?"


The Queen Rose showed her disappointment.

Jun Chang laughed and said, "I brought you three of the same race."

"Same race?"

The Queen Rose looked blank.

"call out!"

"call out!"

"call out!"

At this moment, the space was slightly turbulent, and three natural green attributes appeared out of thin air, and then gradually converged to form a substantive body.

This is the Lord of the Three, Four, and Five Halls.

Because of their magical powers, they mixed the star-falling continent with the power of green devour, and now returning to their native land naturally comes together to form the true body.

Don't say it.

The three are all middle-aged people of about one meter and eighteen meters. They have a grim look and are not angered. At first glance, they are long-standing and have high status and rights.

"you guys……"

The Queen Rose was shocked and speechless.

The Lord of the Nine Halls went to the Astral Continent. She was not born yet, but she has visited the ancient halls after becoming the Queen, and has seen nine portraits in the hanging hall.


The Lord of the Three Temples said lightly, "Who are you?"

He and the other two lords of the palace have noticed that the Queen of the Rose is her own kind, and the exalted breath of her body is extremely strong, completely missing her grandson in the Tianyuan Soul Tower.

"She is Queen Rose."

Jun Changxiao introduced: "The four generations of your soul clan."


The Lord of the Five Palaces sneered: "Without the consent of our Lord of the Nine Palaces, even the fifth and sixth generations are not recognized."

"and so."

Jun Chang smiled and waved his hand, holding him directly on the ground, and said, "I will release the three of you today to allow you to agree. If anyone dares to say no, he will accept more cruel torture.



The head of the main hall of the Five Palaces hit the ground fiercely, and immediately smashed a pit.



The Lord of the Three Palaces and the Lord of the Four Palaces hurriedly stated their positions!

Their souls have been completely purified by Erya. Even if they are now in adult form, they still cannot escape control, so naturally they dare not have any rebellion!

Jun Chang smiled and raised the head of the main hall of the Five Palaces with a big bag: "What about you?"

"Agree with ..."


The Queen Rose opened her mouth.

This is the three main owners of the ancient palace. Even when Empress Ling Ping was in power, she had to be kind to any of them, but now she is like a servant who speaks in front of Jun Changxiao!


Jun Chang laughed and released the Lord of the Five Palaces, and said, "With three of them going to the Queen's City, you can justify it and become the fourth generation."

"..." The Rose Queen calmed down gradually, and said, "Although these three people look like the master of the temple, they do not have a strong practice, and it is easy to be considered impersonation."

"So too."

Jun Chang smiled and looked at the three souls, and said, "You are now returning to the soul continent as you wish, how can you recover as soon as possible?"

"The blood vein pool in the ancient temple allows us to recover quickly!"

Although the three temple masters all found the depository, at this moment, they condensed and substantiated their bodies. To achieve the strongest state, they only need to go to the temple's blood pool.

No wonder the Lord of the Three Palaces and the Lord of the Four Palaces would have Dai Dai and Fang Lingyu go to Beimozhou to break the seal.


Jun Chang laughed with a snapping finger and said, "Go to the ancient temple."

"That ..." The Queen Rose was rather embarrassed. "The ancient palace has been sealed by various formations."

The Lord of the Nine Palaces invaded the star continent and was slumbered by the ancient emperor. She was worried that the other party would return suddenly one day and denied her status as an empress, so she completely sealed the palace.

The subordinates opened the space-time tunnel. Although there are plans to invade, the real purpose is to find the sleeping nine masters, and then wipe them out when they are weak.

Jun Chang smiled and asked, "Can't you get in?"

The Queen Rose shook her head and said, "There are countless arrays of formations. If they are forcibly cracked, it will inevitably shock the Queen Lingping and Tuo to lead them."

The main hall of the third temple said: "Without blood pools, it is very difficult for us to return to a strong state."

"It's all right."

Jun Chang laughed and said, "It's just the formation method. How many books are broken?"

The Queen Rose frowned: "It was laid out by hundreds of array mages and spent decades. If you go to break the array, a slight difference will be found."

When talking, Jun Chang laughed and hugged her, saying: "Ugly woman, remember, we have joined forces now, and believe me at any time, not to question."

"Jun always laughs!"

Queen Rose gritted her teeth and said, "You say I'm ugly again!"

"Ugly woman, ugly woman."


"call out----------"

Jun Chang flew up with a smile, shrouded three temple masters who had not recovered with psionic energy, and then hurried towards the ancient temple.

"Ugly, weird, can't you turn on the lights." The tune-singing song sounded in the sky, and the blood in the main body of the three halls was boiling, and his face was extremely ugly.

The Queen Rose was so angry that she couldn't care less. She opened her mouth and bit her on Chang Chang's shoulder.



Hundreds of miles away from the Queen's City, there is an ancient building located deep in the jungle.

Because no one has been involved for a long time, it has long been occupied by vine branches and moss, like wearing auspicious clothing to integrate with the surrounding environment.


Jun Chang laughed and landed in the outermost area.

"Sure enough, there are many seal-like formations here."

With only a little spiritual thought, he found that there are at least dozens of arrays outside the ancient hall. Judging from the breath, the level seems not to be low.

"Go away, I'll break the battle!"

Jun often laughed.

The Queen Rose reminded: "All these formations are related to the Queen's City. Once found, Queen Ling Ping will definitely send someone to kill them immediately."


Jun Chang smiled and shook his head: "It doesn't exist."

"So arrogant!" The Queen Rose gave him a white look, and then followed the three main hall masters back.


Jun Chang sat down with a smile, and the near-substantial spiritual thoughts split into several streams, rushing to the formation barriers in the void.

"This guy!"

The Queen Rose covered her forehead and said, "Can't come one by one?"

one by one? That's too much trouble!

"call out!"

At this time ~ ~ The spirit of Jun Changxiao has been incorporated into the nearest matrix method, and then quickly read the intricate battles and front lines arranged inside, and instantly recognize the picture similar to the 3D projection.

The Queen Rose secretly said, "He still knows how to play?"


At this moment, the formation of the matrix in the void appeared.

The face of the Queen Rose changed slightly: "Trouble, I was found!"

When he was worried, the manifestation of the formations disappeared like clouds, so the whole man was suddenly stunned.


Jun Chang smiled and shook his head: "It's too simple."


The Queen Rose's eyes widened, and it was obviously hard to believe that he had broken so many arrays that the mage had arranged!

"Hmm! Hmm!"

A few more arrays appeared, and then gradually disappeared.

After half an hour, nearly fifty array methods existing around the ancient temple were all cracked!

Jun Chang stood up with a smile and clapped his hands, "You three can go in."

Queen Rose: "..."

Three Masters: "..."

This guy not only knows how to form, but he is also very scary!


PS, the last day of the month, ask for a monthly ticket.

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