The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1123: What you lost, I will help you get it back

"Ding! The branch mission is completed and the host gets 50,000 points of contribution."

"Ding! Zongmen contribution: 98800/70000."

"Ding! Zongmen contribution value overflow ..."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the side missions, triggering the hidden rewards, and obtaining the newly printed symbol × 1, and the experience symbol × 10.”

He often smiled when he heard the beautiful reminder in his ear.

Previously, the use of various hole cards to smash the Queen of Roses did not meet the requirements. Why is it so cold now?


After a brief confusion, Jun Chang laughed, covering his face with laughter.

This super elite mission reward is really rich, the contribution value alone has 50,000 points, and also sent a stamp of printing and ten cards of experience!


So cool!

I was also annoyed that I couldn't complete the task with various hole cards, and I felt that I was worth it!

"He's stupid?"

The queen of roses looked surprised.


At this moment, Jun Changxiao suddenly emerged with a strong promotion atmosphere, and then smoothly broke from the second grade to the third grade sword and martial arts!

This kind of cold and embarrassing improvement makes the Rose Queen even more surprised.

"I see ..." Feeling the strength has improved significantly, Jun Chang smiled secretly: "At my current level, if I want to break through a grade, it takes at least ten experience tokens!"

This conclusion comes from the fact that six pieces were just crushed, and the four pieces that were previously crushed are exactly ten.

The system said: "That is to say, the host completes the super elite task, and gives ten experience tokens, which is equivalent to giving one order!"

"Such a task, give me six more times!" Jun Chang smiled excitedly.

The improvement of one product made him not think that he could defeat Wusheng Grand Success by pure strength, but if he improved a few products, there would be no problem!

"The host is beautiful."

The system whispered: "beautiful!"

"Ding! The side mission is triggered."

"Ding! The side mission is triggered!"

After hearing the prompts of two tasks, Jun Chang smiled with joy.

The system crashed and snarled: "I shouldn't have said more than this!"


Jun Chang smiled and pulled the expenditure line task panel. The two listed above are divided into--

Side quest one: As the gentleman said, it is difficult to chase a horse. Please ask the host to help the Queen Rose to regain the lost throne [Super Elite Mission].

Side Quest II: This quest is a continuation of Side Quest 1. If the host helps the Rose Queen to obtain the throne, she must obtain equal status with the Queen, such as becoming the regent. If the side cannot be completed, this quest will also be considered a failure [Super Elite task】.


"Rely on!"

Seeing the second task, seeing, for example, becoming the regent, Jun often laughed and growled, "Is this forcing me to be her husband?"

The system murmured: "The second one is tantamount to **** for the host."


Jun Changxiao fell into silence, then turned his head and looked at Queen Rose with a smile.

Both of the super side missions are related to her. If they are successfully completed, not only can they get rich rewards, but also more experience tokens!

Seeing that he laughed so cheaply, the Rose Queen panicked and said, "You ... what are you doing!"


Jun Chang laughed and walked over step by step.

He stopped in front of the Queen Rose, took off her straw hat, and put it lightly on her head. His eyes were as serious as ever: "I will help you take back what you lost."

The system growled: "Where's the straw hat!"

The expression of the queen rose gradually sluggish, and she tried to look up at the man.

She has been in charge of the soul clan for thousands of years, and she has the absolute supremacy of the king. But now, in front of Jun Changxiao, she is like a weak and indifferent woman.


Night is coming.

The flames burned in the cave, driving away the chill and bringing warmth.

The Empress Rose leaned on the stone wall, and thoughtfully looked at Jun Chang, who was sitting in front of the fire, smiling, looking more and more pleasing to the eye, more and more men.

"Shaving hair is more flavorful."


Just then, Jun Chang smiled and shouted.

Contribution value overflowed a lot, and whimpers decided to refresh the mid-level mall, but it cost more than 20,000 and nothing was revealed.

The system said: "It's better to buy two recipes in a high-end mall.


Jun Chang shook his head with a smile and looked at the Queen of Roses, saying, "I need to find out how many powerful palaces you have lived in, and at what level."

"and also."

"What is Queen Lingping!"

The easiest way to help Queen Rose regain her throne is to use violence to solve everything.

"Crossing the air, sixty-nine."

"Spiritual Realm, One."

The Queen Rose informed the palace's overall strength and finally said, "As for the woman, I crossed the air when I met her."

Explained according to the realm of the starfall continent, crossing the air is equal to Wu Sheng, and the spiritual union is the complete completion of Wu Sheng, and then upward is the return to the realm, and the return to the realm that can break the void.

"The old man who slapped me is Linghejing?" Jun Chang asked with a smile.


Jun Chang laughed and meditated, saying: "Exclude Lingping Queen first, as long as you get the old man, you should be able to retake the throne."


He asked, "What is the status of the Nine Hall Masters you mentioned earlier?"

"Below one person, over ten thousand people," said the Queen of Roses, "there is even the right to make a decision as the Queen."

"So powerful?" Jun Chang smiled with surprise.

The Queen Rose said: "Of course, the Lord of the Nine Palaces must agree to have the right to make decisions. Any opposition can not shake the Queen's supremacy."

"That said." Jun Chang laughed. "As long as you find nine of them, you don't need to use force at all, can you return to the position of queen?"

"will not."

The Queen Rose said bitterly: "When the Lord of the Nine Palaces left the Soul Continent, Queen Ling Ping became the governor, and the latter became the third generation of Queens. They were also recommended by nine people. Even if they came, they would not help me."

To be honest, unless the main hall of the Nine Halls is gone forever to defeat the star continent, even if this woman can defeat the Queen Ling Ping, she cannot become the empress, because the main hall of the Nine Halls may not agree.


Queen Rose said, "Why don't you talk?"

At this moment, Jun Chang laughed like a disc, and has entered the Tianyuan Town Soul Tower. He is holding the Soul Whip and pointing at the No. 1 and 2 souls in the corner. He cursed, "You two are ridiculous. awful!"

"Slap! Slap!"

"Ah ah ah ————————”

"Jun ... Sovereign monarch ... we have been here for so long ~ ~ I do n’t know that Queen Lingping has abdicated ... ahhhh!"

The ghosts and wolves who were beaten by the number one and two souls.

The third soul, shrunk in the distance, was trembling with fear.

The Queen Rose is afraid that she would never dream of thinking that the three temple masters who represent the strongest fighting power of the soul clan and have the right to appoint the Queen will be reduced to such a sad state.


After a while, Jun Chang laughed and stopped, and said, "How are these two **** adjusting?"

"Master, have already adjusted, let them go to the east and never dare to go to the west." Erya said.

"What about number three?"


"Sovereign Monarch, I will obey you!"

When the Lord of the Five Palaces came in, he was very handsome, but after two years of training, he finally understood why the Lords of the Three Palaces and the Lord of the Four Palaces were so irritated.

With a whip, Jun Chang smiled coldly, "This seat gives you a chance to reform today. Whoever performs well will not suffer any more!"


The Lord of the Five Palaces ran, kneeling directly on the ground, and said loudly, "For the monarch, I would like to go to soup and fire, never die!"

The Lord of the Three Palaces and the Lord of the Four Palaces almost vomited blood.

If we hadn't just been whipped, would you have taken the lead!

"You guys."

Jun Chang smiled lightly and said, "Come out with me."


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