The Strongest Beast Tamer

31 Decision and Mount Barker *

"You know I'm only nine years old right?" Lachlan asked.

"Well this is new information to me, but it doesn't matter, in this new world only the strong survive and sure I suppose I'm strong, but you completely annihilated me," Jaylen explained.

"No, I don't want to join the military yet," Lachlan said.

His reply cause Jaylen to gasp. He needs this boy to join the military, with him the military could expand on a few operations. But not only that, as he was the one to find him and bring him in, his superiors will praise him.

"And why now?" Jaylen questioned.

"Because I still have things I need to do," Lachlan explained.

"What things?" Jaylen asked.

"Well the whole reason we're in this situation in the first place is because we want to head to the Adelaide Hills and reunite with our family. There is also the fact I'm still nine, I haven't experienced a lot of things and I certainly don't want the military to take away my freedom".

"Woah now, the military isn't going to take away your freedom, well not yours anyway," Jaylen explained.

"What do you mean by that?" Lachlan asked.

"Well yes, you are still nine years old and we don't want to stunt any growth by taking away your freedom. However, we just ask that you join the military on special missions, whether it be scouting new land or rescuing important individuals," Jaylen said.

"Alright, can I still go to school?" Lachlan asked.

"Well, kind of," Jaylen stated in an unsure tone.

"What do you mean kind of? Do I get to or not?" Lachlan asked in a harsh tone.

"Well, schools have been shut down, as right now human have to focus more on survival first. But the government is looking to open military schools, that focuses more on combat training than any theory work".

"Okay, when will I be able to attend?"

"Not sure, as we haven't secured the whole city yet, we don't have the necessary room for such training. Sure we have a few combat areas in the base but those are for soldiers, the government wants the schools to have a safer environment for training and learning. So we're looking at maybe a month before the schools open, maybe even a few months".

"Alright, well until then I guess I'll go up to Adelaide Hills," Lachlan said.

"Oh before that take this," Jaylen handed Lachlan a small piece a metal that had some engraving on it. Jaylen grabbed onto Lachlan's shoulders, "This is a military insignia, keep it with you, it'll be useful when proving you're friendly to the soldiers in the hills".

Lachlan nodded before accepting the insignia and putting it in his pockets. Jaylen was a bit confused as to why Lachlan would put it in his pockets, usually you place them on your clothes. He decided to point towards his own insignia on his collar.

Seeing the insignia Lachlan quickly realised his mistake and placed it on his own collar.

Jaylen nodded before walking off, heading towards his tent.

Lachlan looked towards everyone and gave a thumbs up, gesturing that they're all good.

The group quickly ran back to the tent to pack up before running to towards the field. Lachlan summoned the Rocs again, they did it in the field because this was the only safe place with a lot of room to do it.

"Alright, so we'll go outside the wall, pick up and car and fly to Mount Barker. Is that clear?" Alfredo said.

Everyone nodded, everyone but Lachlan.

"I don't believe we have to go with that plan anymore," Lachlan said.

"What do you mean by that, we need at least two of the birds to protect us while we travel there," Alfredo said.

"That's what we originally needed, but it seems the Rocs have gotten used to their new strength and are able to travel at much faster speeds," Lachlan explained.

"How much faster?" Alfredo asked.

'Roughly 5 times faster, which means we should get to Mount Barker in minutes maybe even seconds, but we will have to go slower should we carry a car with us," Lachlan explained.

"Alright then, it seems that problem is solved," Turning around Alfredo hopped onto one of the Rocs, "Well get on and hold on".

They quickly took off, instantly breaking the speed barrier causing the surrounding area to shake, shocking a large number of people.

On the birds, it seemed this was their limit, although the surrounds were blasting past them they didn't feel too much wind pressure. However, should the Rocs increase their speed they won't be able to control the wind from that.

It had only been 20 seconds, but the Rocs began slowing down, which everyone assumed was because they reached their destination.

Looking down they saw a mostly destroyed town, in some parts, houses were barely standing. Looking around they quickly noticed the schools, as they were in the best condition, not to mention the soldiers constantly patrolling the area.

When the got closer to the school the group noticed a lot of soldiers surrounding their landing space, they were most likely afraid or ordered to be on guard.

As they began their descent the soldiers opened up to make room for someone to walk in front, most likely the commander here.

Looking at him Lachlan didn't think much, but after analysing him he was a bit surprised.


Name: Adam Jones (Human)

Age: 30 (Adult)

Soul Contracts: 5/5

Compatibility: Spiders (Perfect)

Level: 32

STR: 21(+76), AGI: 20(+90), VIT: 10(+95)

INT: 19(+62), PER: 26(+68), WIL: 29(+41)

Weakness: None

Strengths: Spider vision, spider bite, and control over wind and fire.

Descript: A unique being that had adapted to being top of the food chain, desperate to keep their status at the top they evolve to get the ability to tame beasts, sacrificing any physical improvements. They also have a hidden stat, WIS, something that humans relied on to stay on top before the evolution.


He was the strongest person he's come across so far, and although Lachlan knew he was stronger in terms of stats, he neither had the experience nor control to go along with it. Should they fight, unless he relies on the Rocs he may be defeated.

However, after getting closer to him he realised that this person has picked up some spider characteristics.

Although he's trying to hide them with a cloth, spider fangs can be clearly seen.

They finally reached the ground and hopped off, walking towards the person that seemed to be the leader here.

Once Lachlan got closer he sized Adam up, realising that there were a few other characteristics he didn't notice before. His eyes were different. Although there were still two of them, the pupils seemed to split into many, each able to look at different things. There was his hair as well, although it seemed like normal black hair within further inspection they seemed to be spikes.

Lachlan determined that they may be poisonous.

"Hello there! And welcome to the Mount Barker military base," He said, with a voice that sounded very mellow and elegant.

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