The Strongest Beast Tamer

30 Convincing With Strength *

Lachlan stood in front of Dylan, he turned and whispered the strength of their opponent.

However, Lachlan wasn't satisfied. Although he trusted that the military wasn't going to make excuses for when they lose, he wants to make sure to crush any thoughts that they got lucky.

"Hey commander, you seem pretty confident to send a weakling like him to fight me," Lachlan said, in a threatening tone.

The commander was alarmed at the kid's voice and confidence. He quickly released pressure from his body, one that can only get when they go through gruelling training and situations. An aura that comes directly from the bones.

Everyone on the field felt this pressure, Lachlan and Dylan were a bit shaken by the sudden force that was pushing down on them.

Lachlan saw what was happening and copied, releasing an aura that obliterated Jaylen's. The ground beneath his feet cracked, Dylan's and his clothes begun fluttering, being moved by the astonishing pressure.

The soldier that was supposed to fight them was already kneeling on the ground, without the ability to move. Not just him, however, even his beasts were being pressured into the ground.

Alfredo was dazed by the sudden development. Although he too knew how to release an aura, his is no way comparable to the ones being released now.

However, what shocked him wasn't the strength of the aura, but the fact that Lachlan could release it, to begin with. He had to undergo a series of fights and emit the confidence he can now, but Lachlan hasn't been through such training. He didn't think about it much and decided it was because of his remarkable strength.

Seeing the situation unfold in front of him, Jaylen decided he needed to step forward.

"Come Jackson, Bolt, Junior, and Snowflake!"

Colourful lights emitted from his body, both legs, on arm and his back lit up the surrounding area.

When the light calmed 4 dogs stood before them. Seeing three new breeds before him made Lachlan a bit ecstatic and he quickly analysed them.


Name: Jackson (Jungle Dog)

Age: Adult

Attribute: Earth

Level: 11

STR: 32(+17), AGI: 47(+20), VIT: 35(+16)

INT: 34(+4), PER: 45(+5), WIL: 30(+2)

Weakness: Foul Smells

Strengths: Accurate nose, and strong bite.

Description: A dog that has evolved to adapt to the jungle/forest. These dogs feel a special connection with the jungle/forest and become stronger when within its presence. They can accurately track through thick vegetation and take down their foes.


Name: Bolt (Jungle Dog)

Age: Adult

Attribute: Earth

Level: 11

STR: 33(+17), AGI: 49(+20), VIT: 34(+16)

INT: 35(+4), PER: 46(+5), WIL: 30(+2)

Weakness: Foul Smells

Strengths: Accurate nose, and strong bite.

Description: A dog that has evolved to adapt to the jungle/forest. These dogs feel a special connection with the jungle/forest and become stronger when within its presence. They can accurately track through thick vegetation and take down their foes.


Name: Junior (Iron-Claw Dog)

Age: Adolescence

Attribute: Iron

Level: 11

STR: 30(+17), AGI: 32(+20), VIT: 30(+16)

INT: 31(+4), PER: 38(+5), WIL: 23(+2)

Weakness: Foul Smells

Strengths: Accurate nose, and strong claws.

Description: Surrounded by harsh terrain, this dog has evolved to handle any terrain. With their iron-claws, they have to ability to travel through all terrain, climb trees and dig through stone.


Name: Snowflake (Ice Wolf)

Age: Adult

Attribute: Ice

Level: 11

STR: 32(+17), AGI: 30(+20), VIT: 40(+16)

INT: 49(+4), PER: 35(+5), WIL: 35(+2)

Weakness: Foul Smells

Strengths: Accurate nose, and Ice control.

Description: A wolf that has evolved to control an element, ice. With this ability they are able to track through blizzards and snow, control water around them to turn it to ice and give off a cool breeze.


'Well it seems the wolf is where he gets his ice powers from,' Lachlan thought. However, this was a breakthrough for him, he now understood a bit about the compatibility rating with different beasts. The lower the compatibility the fewer powers one gets from their beasts.

Lachlan began to feel a bit cold, looking around he noticed their surrounds have begun to free. Dylan was shivering constantly. The soldiers and their group were also a bit cold, but since they were on the outskirts they weren't affected too much.

Looking through the information he determined it was the wolf's domain. Lachlan and his group have never come across a beast that controls the elements, well the one time they did they were able to get close enough anyway.

Jaylen's aura increased in strength, it even had a slight freezing effect, most likely from his own ice control.

"Summon Disaster, Catastrophe, and Calamity!"

The Rocs stood behind Lachlan and stared at their opponents. Seeing that they were trying to threaten their master they decided to release their aura as well.

Lachlan's aura increased severalfold, completely crushing Jaylen's.

This was also Jaylen's final snapping point, he couldn't take it anymore and feel on all fours, unable to move. His beasts were also laying on the ground, seemingly trying to please the Rocs.

Seeing that the opponents have given up, Lachlan and the Rocs sealed their aura.

Everyone in the surrounding area was shocked. The soldiers were dazed, seeing their commander on the ground like that made them quickly realise what true strength is.

Hayley, on the other hand, was completely stunned when she first met Lachlan she thought he was just a kid that got lucky with birds. The second time they met her opinion of him skyrocketed, she thought of him as an adorable little brother. But now, she knew he was absolutely no pushover, with strength rivalling her commander.

Jaylen stood up and unsummoned his beasts, Lachlan did the same.

Jaylen began walking towards Lachlan, when he got to him he slightly bowed, "Will you work for the military?!"

His question made Lachlan a bit flabbergasted, after all, he was only nine years old. It certainly isn't a question someone high in the military would ask a young boy.

However, after thinking about it, it did make sense. He completely beat him, and judging by everyone's shocked expression he determined that Jaylen was most likely the strongest in this camp.

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