The Skill Maker

Auxiliary troops (7)

[Laughing] [Laughing] Yeah, this is Izzie! This is what it is...!]

[Scared] the existence of the world of goods.

number 13 and belonging to

a terminal combatant who serves Armudor

Feeling the mighty power of boiling all over her body, she was infatuated with the pleasures of madness. Now the able men had been horribly torn under their feet and collapsed in red blood. Above all, hundreds of enemies have already fallen with their own hands. In particular, it was truly a great pleasure to destroy the [disaster] class, but [rebelief] class, which is higher in quality than myself.

[Ah. That's really cool.]


What a great and wonderful item this is.

With him, I am not afraid of any powerful enemy.

I think he can even win [the] [the] level.

At this rate, the collapse of the Heidel's powers was a foregone conclusion.

The road to Estvalde will soon be completely blocked.

[All forces charge...!]

[Laughing] [Laughing]! Strict the valley so that the mighty can't get out!]

[In front of the Hermantium Force!] Sweep away all the smallpox!]

[Don't waste the armor that Lord Roqharul gave you!]]

a loud cry from the commanders

kicked the floor and ran out with his comrades.

Then, a group of talented people who block the front in an instant.

The [horror] and [disaster] classes block the front.

But what the hell is that?



Qua Qua Qua Qua Qua Kung!



"Wow! My, my arm!"

a force of men of ability collapsing like a storm

Poor beings who fly away with screams.

Lagula pulled up the corners of her mouth and gave a mad smile.

The enemy's skull was sunk and the eyeballs had already lost focus.

Look at those pathetic bastards.

He can't handle himself [fear] because he has only one left.

I can't believe you participated in the war with that kind of skill.

[Hahahaha! Die! Die! Die! Die! I'm dying!]

Quack, boom!

Lagula kicked the floor and spewed out in a straight line.

Already the able men were completely losing their fighting spirit. He's just rushing in with something around him. Nevertheless, the skeletons of the enemy are broken down like sosugkang. In addition, I feel like my body is getting lighter as time goes by. Hermantium's strength pushes his back like a storm.

Qua Qua Qua Qua Qua Kung!



"Sa, save me! Whoo! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"

The commander shined his eyes sharply under the pitch. At this rate, it would be possible to clear the Heidel area before the commander of the corps came. If we occupy this place, the game is over. The twenty million men of ability who are isolated in will be a mere solace before they can step on the land of .

It's fun.

It's so much fun.

I can't believe you've wiped out 1.5 million capable men already.

Nevertheless, we can kill another 20 million people.

The history of the temple was coming from their hands.

How happy would she be to see this?

Malacas shouted with joy.

[Orkan Veil! For Armudor!]

[Forscrem Demindion! Forscrem Armoodorr!]

the ominous voice of the fanatics resounding through the heavens

Hermantium ball users coming in attacking every corner of the valley.

The faces of the able men quickly darkened.

The worst that had been feared was about to happen.

The base... was collapsing.


"Oh, no...! Not here!"

"Stop it! You have to throw yourself and somehow stop it!"

"If we fall, 20 million will die! Hang in there, everybody! Hold on with your teeth!"

"Oh, my God!"


a stormy wall of defence

a desperate situation in which everything has reached its limit

It took only five minutes for 100,000 out of 300,000 to collapse. The enemies were leaping over their heads and against their heads and rushing in like a tidal wave. Now, whatever you do, the situation on the battlefield... It seemed impossible to turn over. Balak was simply at a critical point.

"Damn it... Is this the end? Is this the end!"

"Geez, if I had known this, I would've dug up a rock..."



I didn't know his life would end here.

I didn't know I'd lose my life to those bastards, not to be commanders or commanders. I thought I had a bad dream last night. Today seemed to be the day to leave this world.

"Ha... God damn it."

"The sky is so blue once."

"You know, I miss the sky back home so much today."

The men of ability began to chat with each other, smashing away the enemy's weapons.

What kind of life would they be living now if they hadn't been brought to Armudor? How do they live now? Are they still waiting for themselves, who suddenly disappeared? Wouldn't he blame himself for being irresponsible? At this rate, I won't be able to see my family again.

Still... Still...

"Jeez...! Shit...!"

"Good-bye, everybody. I won't forget you guys even after I die."

"Hans, you asshole! Cut the crap! It's not over yet..."

"It's over, man. It's over."

300,000 capable men are determined to die.

It's been a long journey, but it's survived like hell so far.

If the next life exists, it will be much stronger than it is now.

Don't let them die in this place. It'll be tens of times stronger then.

I don't want to cry.

I'd love to die.

But my eyes are blurry.

"...I'm going first, Captain Schwartz. Don't ever be dragged to this place in the next life."

"Be born a golden spoon in a very good house and give it a lifetime of gravy."

"Bitch! See if I'm getting used to fighting in my next life."

"Armudor, you son of a gun! Fucking son of a gun! Bitch! Let's just swear before we die!"

"I'll take one more...! I'll take another!"


blurred vision

the blood of fellow men of ability who wet their faces one by one

Dozens of heads flying into the air are familiar.

At least at the last moment, I wanted to be myself.

I think I was a mixed disease.

[Hahahahaha! Kill them all!]

[Forscrem Demindion! Forscrem Armoodorr!]

The weapon of enemies that pierce the heart with a spear.

The body of a colleague who is lifted up into the air, exhaling blood and internal organs.

The moment when all the circumstances reached their zenith.

I heard a sound.

A miracle... happened.

a miracle that was not so desired

[Don't give up!] We're here...!]

[Fight right!] I'll go get it now...!]

a pompous voice that shakes the heavens and earth

Two silhouettes you've seen somewhere.

It was Wah, an extinct breeder.

The two were screaming, jumping over the heads of enemy soldiers.

[Stay! Stay a little longer!]

[One minute! Can't you wait a minute and wait a minute?!]

The able men felt a feeling of overwhelming emotion.

From afar, a group of people were rushing this way at lightning speed. Looking at the flag... It's clear. That was the very support force of the Federation of Capabilities. Those who had been waiting for so long appeared at the best moment. The Ranger's Alliance's reinforcements showed up!

Above all, he and he were at the forefront at the top.


Ooh ooh ooh ooh!

"Oh, crazy! Everyone heard! The mortal men are here! They're here to save us!"

"Don't fall down! The reinforcements are here...! Holy shit! The reinforcements are here! Damn it!"

"Bee, damn it...! God damn it! Why did you come now? Why the hell!"

"Bite your molars tight, you bastards! You're gonna die in a few seconds?"


somebody's popping ability

They tumbled about the floor to evade the dimensionality of the Hermanntian martial arts. But now I had nothing to do with honor or pretense. The light of hope was just around the corner. The Union did not abandon. That alone is driving me crazy.

It drives me crazy just to confirm that they are not just abandoners.

Quack, quack, quack!

Qua Qua Qua Qua Qua Kung!

super-peak masters who occupy space and fly in.

The able men burst into joy as they saw the advanced men coming through the heads of the enemy soldiers. The enemies were in a flurry at the blade of the sword that was pouring from all sides. And the superior beings who made their way through them were simply presenting a martial art that was almost magical.

"Defeat your enemies! Rescue the survivors!"

"It's not too late yet! Keep your hands on!"

[Are you all right?] We're here...!]

[Don't worry now!] Everything's gonna be all right.]


The able men howled, looking up at the sky.

With the joy of survival, a huge cheer burst out.

The emergence of [defeating] class-talented people who easily beat even Hermanntium martial arts users was blocking their way. The fact that he survived, I was so glad that it wasn't all over here. The fact that 20 million of my colleagues won't have to die... I was so happy.

The men of ability finally managed to successfully defend something.

At the moment of desperation, the worst came in again and again, but nevertheless, the able men were able to keep out of the disconnect. It has secured the path of 20 million people who have not been able to escape.

This was everybody's credit.

It was an achievement that everyone worked together regardless of the bottom line.

The 3rd Corps failed to block the passage leading to Estvalde.

Now the battlefield must have entered a new phase.


Oh, wow!

A fortress located beyond the canyon.

The low-quality men burst into huge cheers as they looked at the faces of the people passing through the central passage. Look at those colorful support members. Each and every one of them is in the upper-middle class. I never thought I'd be able to see such a great sight in front of my eyes. It's not a joke, but just a mouthful of cheers naturally bursts out.


Oh, wow!

"Cha! Look, look over there! Man of thunder! That thunderbolt Kajar has come to save us. Can you believe this?"

"There's the Emperor right there, too...! The legendary emperor. I'm his fan."

"You think that's all? There's also an 11 circle sorcerer over there. Whoa, no. Wait a minute? There's another one...! The Holy See's executive, the man of the annihilation...! You'll recognize it just by looking at the boss."

"How wonderful! How wonderful..."

"Thank you very much for your help!"

"Thank you! Thank you!"


[Defeating] The able men of quality waved their hands and responded to the cry of 200,000.

Above all, to deal with Eun, the commander-in-chief of the war, the government dispatched as many as 5,000 [confusion] and [destruction]-level people to its side. And it was an efficient formation of troops due to the fact that those below the [Confusion] line could not stand up to. Thanks to this, the troops were able to boldly break down a total of 15 isolated areas in just two days and save the valley base afterwards.

Cerdiana breathed a sigh of relief.

"Now you can relax. Everyone had a hard time."

"You've done a great job, Serdiana."

I am deeply impressed by each and every one of your dances.]

Please take good care of me until you go back.]

Auxiliary troops (7) End.

by world manners

work review

Thank you so much to everyone who recommended the pre-written comment!

It's raining so vaguely that it's very hot in our neighborhood!

Have a good night, though!

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