The Skill Maker

Auxiliary troops (6)

the fourth day of one's stay in the Triangle

Two days after Black's arrest.

Current time. PM 11:35.

I was facing the power of emptiness today.

I was struggling to use this damn power.

What happened to Black? He was sleeping now.

I was asleep, snoring in my consciousness.



trying to invade the mental world again and again upon operation.



creepy rascals

I was so frustrated that I quickly drove somebody out of the psyche. To be honest with you... I'm really going to go crazy. I've solved countless difficult problems, but this seemed too difficult. A method of using emptiness while controlling it so that the mind is not contaminated. Is it really impossible? Am I not good enough as Black said?

[Master. Increasing any more is too much of a burden on the mental world. a state clearly beyond marginal figures We encourage you to reduce the number of brains.]

", no. Jukdo rice I can't is output dropped more of an accident here. You have to keep this much, even if it's a burden."

[Worried about the Master. Rational. Irrational. But this is clearly a concern.]

"Thank you. But it's okay."

I patted Pluto's hair.

Frankly speaking, I was running 138 at the same time. I know this is crazy. Without this, however, there was no way we could find a way to control the void.

Focus. Again.

The essence of emptiness. The substance of emptiness.

Cause and reason for violating the spirit of the public license.

A way to control power while excluding it.

Time went on and on.

Today, it's past midnight and it's 2 a.m.

It's hard. This is certainly too hard. For your information, I have also made about 20 new skills. I have also produced relevant technologies that can help me govern using . But nothing... It didn't work.

[Sighs...! I slept well.]

It's about to pass 5 a.m.

The unruly black guy woke up.

He laughed at me while I was training.

This is his usual way of speaking, as always.

[What? Are you still doing it?]I'm sure you have a lot of guts. But I know one thing for sure.]


All right? What?

Did he notice something?

My ears were very tempting at the momentarily.

"Okay? What do you know? Did you come up with any good ideas?"

[No, not at all. All I've learned is that your head is more stupid than I imagined. There's no way to answer that question. No, the premise was wrong in the first place, but it's crazy to crave for answers.]


It's driving me crazy.

You're so impatient to play with people. This side of the brain is so rolling that it's about to explode, but he's just really excited. Nevertheless, I really hate myself who can't tell him to shut up.

Black opened his mouth.

[Think about it, you pathetic bastard. a force predicated on the fall of the soul And you're gonna use it as a sober thing? Your poor ideas have already been eaten up from there. You failed to establish the first condition, but you tried to do the second. The nature of? Of course, I understood that you had an unexpected knacknowledge. But that's not enough. Karma and emptiness are essentially different components of energy.]


Out of the blue, what am I talking about?

In fact, I had noticed one thing through continuous study.

. A component of darkness that forms the essence of existence.

In other words, empty energy was a word that was used throughout the "differential energy" that had a negative nature. In other words, a special wave of karma created by a deformed collection of dark karma full of . That was the very substance of

Hmm. Is it too hard to explain?

In other words, is, after all, part of a small list of categories called karma. In short, karma and emptiness were substances with almost 95 percent of the same wavelength. In other words, when a karma of unique color that life possesses is dyed completely with negative wavelengths, it becomes the same. It's as if I had reached the limit of the encroachment rate in the region and become a min.

As a result

I started an experiment based on this.

The blue karma that I usually carry.

How to transform this into black.

a grand experiment in which it creates empty matter


I've changed the color of karma to black, and this is... So. How should I say.

I noticed it was a little different from matter in the most essential respects. As said by , and were essentially different in its most essential components. And that's exactly the difference in wavelengths, which is about five percent. Name it and go.

ultimate malice

This was the core task of the study.

The wavelength that naturally drives the object crazy when it enters the mental world.

Exactly 5 per cent of obstruction.

Fixing this somehow is the solution to breaking through this situation.

I've been thinking so over and over again and again and again.

Black giggled at me.

[Just give up, Choi Min-hyuk. Isn't a caterpillar supposed to feed on grass leaves? Imagine suddenly a caterpillar struggles to eat meat like a dragon. Can that be possible? Every being has its own power. Your boy doesn't mix with emptiness. If you learn the emptiness, you must regret it...]

"That's it...! That's right! That's it!"


I suddenly came up with a sobering idea.

The story of every being has its own 'equal power.'

It certainly is. Every being has its own.

Obviously, public license doesn't suit this Choi Min-hyuk.

I can't use emptiness skillfully as I am not contaminated. What if it is it? That's all I have to do. In other words, I don't use emptiness, I just need someone else inside me to use this force.

That's him.

This is crazy.

Why didn't you think of this before?

It was so obvious and simple truth.

I missed this fact when I dug into it academically.

"Hey, Black...! I'm gonna make you a suggestion from now on. Ah, stop, stop. Don't look so lazy. I'm sure it'll help you as well as me."

[Hmph, what else is it?] What's the big idea this time?]

"Stay where you are."


I didn't need a horse.

I'm just concentrating my mind.

sublimated consciousness into the world of mind

Swimmed into where Black stayed.

He was waiting for me in the corner.

[Looking at it again makes me sick.]

"Oh, you little brat. You talk too much. I've brought you a good story, so if you'd welcome me once, what'd you do?"

[...let's hear it for now.]

I brought up the matter at once.

"From now on, I'll loosen the shackles that have held you back a little. In other words, Choi Min-hyuk will especially share this precious jade body with you. And instead, you help me use 's power. In other words, let's use the power of emptiness and karma as different egos, this story. Then my mind doesn't have to be contaminated. What do you think? Do you understand me?"

[ crazy bastard.]

Black with a pretty surprised look on her face.

But he was clearly tempted by what I said.

It's much better than crouching in the dark.

Nor would he want to shake off the hand I gave him.

[How did you suddenly come up with that idea? Clearly, you can use both forces in theory. I can't believe you suddenly came up with such an idea with your poor way of thinking. I can't believe it.]

"All beings have the power to match themselves. You just said it yourself. That's where I got the hint. That means you can use the emptiness of my body yourself. Don't you?"

Joy gushes up in torrents of joy.

This has solved one of the best challenges.

Even Armudor was corrupted in exchange for using the power of emptiness.

I found a solution by sharing my self.

Of course, it's a random answer.

[Yes, it is. Thanks to what I said. There's no way that idea could pop out of your head.]

" fell asleep and you spit out a word, and you look like a little."

[Well, that's good anyway. Then how much of your body are you going to share with me? 30 percent? 40 percent? 50 percent? I warn you, below 30%, there will be no choice but to reduce the available output.]


I'm in agony.

What was certain for now was that no matter what the person could do, he couldn't hand it over to Black. If I take this power, I don't know what else he'll do. I couldn't give him a chance to cross such a dangerous bridge against a black man. That would be like leaving the cat with the fish.


Even so, it is true that we should allow a certain level of authority. Hmm, I'm really worried. First of all, do you want me to use the skill and open the way for you to move your body a third? At this rate, that little guy will make a deal. Well, once this void can't be started unless it's negotiated with Black.

I decided to be generous.

"Okay. I'll give you this precious 40 percent of jade. Instead, I will monopolize some of the special powers. It's obvious. What do you think? It's okay?"

[Sniffs] [Sniffs] But what. It's good. I'll do that.]

"Listen to me and I'll make you a separate body later. In other words, I will set you free from the mental world. That's the sound. How is it? Isn't it nice?"

The raised her eyes slightly.

You seem a little surprised by my unexpected suggestion.

We don't trust each other like this much.

[Very well] I'm sure I'm tempted you without even realizing it. Good. If you keep that promise for sure, I'll continue to be your man's strength.]

"Okay, good. Don't worry. I'll swear on the name of this Choi Min-hyuk."

As a result

I really got an unexpected army of volunteers as a new associate.

Another self that exists in the mental world.

Another self.

I never thought I'd ask Black to deal with the power of. I never dreamed that accepting him would end up like this. Well, now that we can use a third force. As a result, it'll be a great benefit. Besides, it's no use thinking about the future now. Let's just be cool and turn off the nerves.

Auxiliary troops (6) end.

by world manners

work review

If you can't use it yourself because of mental pollution,

Compromise here with another self!

What's the impact of this? shivering

Have a good night, everyone!

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