The Skill Maker

all-out war (16)

, .

The appearance of the two corps chiefs, number 5 and number 11.

And this is the result.

All the top performers, including Wah and , were able to taste the full of goosebumps. In a situation where even the two commanders of the corps failed to handle it completely, two new ones appeared again. Of course, it was not impossible to stop the two new [bold] talents from jumping up and down.

But it's just 'relationship'.

It didn't mean anything to subdue them.

And the difference in the psychological gap weighs heavily on the mind.

[What a crazy...!]

[Yee, what is this?!] Why is the commander of the 11th Corps here...?]

[Be... Belperna?] But wasn't Belferna coming in at least half a day?]

"Jeginal! This is ridiculous..."

[Oh, my God. What happens if this happens? What just happened?]

"Lily! Heathcam!"


Superior talents who are embarrassed and call out two people.

Likewise, the heads of and have become extremely complex. The able-bodied men are already quite exhausted. At this rate, you can't even deal with somebody. But why do they appear at this timing? We still had about 11 hours before the appearance of 's. I can't believe such an unexpected variable has occurred.

Really, three minutes from now.

No, if only I had one more minute.

You could've killed him.

You could've decapitated Commander Six and removed the potential threat.

I would have cut out a pillar supporting Armudor.

Damn it.

'Is this a failure after all?'

Heathcam swallowed the sound of the sleeper.

It didn't happen because the bookmen's calculations went wrong.

They came up with the best answer based on the information given.

However, the commander-in-chiefs have outstripped the common sense line.

They lasted longer, and they came faster.

Lily clenched her fist.

[Grandpa, are you going to back off like this? Ha, but maybe this kind of opportunity will never happen again...? Besides, wah is almost out of battle. Of course it would be very hard, but if you put up your strength again and fight against...!]

[No. No. No. Lily, that's not it.]


Heathcam shook his head at Lily's horse.

Then he looked at the allies with his subdued eyes.

None of them were hurt.

But in fact, both the mind and body were seriously exhausted. It was difficult. At this rate, it was extremely difficult to take the offensive any longer. To be honest, I'd like to get rid of someone here somehow like Lily. But no matter how much I think about it, it shouldn't be now.

Further strain here may result in the loss of a large number of talented individuals in the field of divination. Moreover, there is no guarantee that the 54-member siege will work properly against the four military commanders. It is also dangerous for the 5th Corps commander to be mixed in the enemy camp, and the commanders may take some kind of pincer attack. We've never had a trial like this before. I couldn't make any definite decision.

Maybe the forced crossing of this bridge...

It would be too dangerous and too hasty a judgment.

But nevertheless.

[The Myth] It seemed that the able men of quality could not accept it.

Letting go of the fish that had almost been caught in the net.

To emancipate beings like enemies before one's eyes.

[Lilly! Heathcam!] You don't... you don't mean to retreat, do you?]

"We can still fight more...! Please use us at your convenience!" It's hard, but it's still possible..."

[You can't back down here. A better chance never comes again.]

[Yes, Lord Enmarot is right!] Let's hit them! We just have to repeat the same process again, don't you think?]

"I agree, too! So here's where they...!"

[No, no.]

Hiscam shaking his head again.

He again clarified his opposition.

After the same time, we'll be on the front line, sir.

And the capable were now more excited than necessary.

He was so overcome with emotion that he could not see the exact phenomenon.

It's not a matter of whether we can fight or not. It's a fight between piercing and not piercing. How can a soldier swing a shield fight without physical strength? Open your eyes wide and look at the situation. And think of it as your own accident. What really... Is it right?]

"Hee, Hiscam..."


Hiscam's slender body.

That's when the superpowers... I could feel his feelings.

Hescam is also experiencing frustration and despair.

He, too, was grieving the situation more than anyone else.

Every competent person has a memory of losing his or her colleagues and comrades.

The commanders of the corps are simply enemies to all.

Nevertheless, Heathcam was stopping himself.

He was opening his mouth with reason rather than emotion.

[Everyone stay alert. That's all I have to say.]


The superpowers gathered their minds and turned their eyes to the commanders of the corps. Surely they were agitated by this perfect opportunity. It is also true that physical strength has reached its limit. But nevertheless, the body keeps trying to move reflexively. I want to push myself towards the worst possible outcome that may be unreasonable.

This is clearly an impulse to ruin.

Hiscam's words are obviously right.

In addition


a karma containing a hideous murderous intent

The come of Belferna, which twists the entire atmosphere and space.

the intense pressure of facing the abyss

I wasn't even looking at that properly.

under the influence of circumstances

Fifth Army Commander Belferna was smiling white.

"Oh, my God. Everybody's in high spirits. But it's stupid. Except for the old man there, there's just idiots. Well, that'sir. Because this Belferna doesn't hate idiots running at her like a moth. Well, why don't we play a game? You can fight alone if you want. I'll deal with you as much as I can. Oh, well, don't worry. I'll just let the useless bastard stand by. It's enough fighting for me anyway."

a resounding voice

But it wasn't even a strange sound, considering the crazy power that Belferna was seeing. From No. 5, there are no exact statistics on how many people will have to be in order to block it. No matter how little she caught, she was only supposed to have at least 20 people to prevent her attack. Because in the past, there have been 26 people, or two groups, blocking Belferna.

"Yes? It's no use! Don't you think Belferna is too much to do...? Oh, if I had known this would happen, I shouldn't have brought him here at all. This is why he hates you."

"Don't worry, I hate you, too. No one can forgive a woman who's after us."

Army Commander No. 11 tapped his chest.

"Oh, this serious patient. You're talking nonsense about your son with a wife. And like I said before, you and I are different species, paper..."

"But why did you seduce me?"

"When did I ever!"

a playful sight at first glance

But top-notch people... ...have lost what to say.

When I come to my senses, I certainly understand Hiskham's words.

The flesh that Belferna looks at this side and looks at first glance.

There was a powerful force in it that was beyond control.

a suffocating sensation

[... ...after.

[Heathcam is right.]

"We were imprudenthusiastic."

[All you need to know is now.]

She lifted her eyes and looked at the distant feet.

The sound of the excavation forest grows louder as time goes by.

Noise coming faster and faster towards this side.

And judging by the unruly mix of forces on both sides, the leading forces seem to have managed to make a head-on breakthrough. No. It's still small, but I could recognize it with my vision. The enemy camp on the plains was crumbling down at lightning speed.

[Then we'll withdraw.]

Hiscam's order, falling heavily once again.

And the super-captains, with heavy expressions, closed their lower lips and moved their steps. The breakthrough, which was the first purpose, was clearly a success. However, the strategy to pull out the commanders and break up each team has come to nothing.

At this rate, I have no face to see the book readers.

Of course, nothing was lost here either.

As a result, the all-out war was a victory for the competent.

But it's still... That's too bad.


The powers lifted the karma's energy, which had been pumped up to burst. Then he joined 30,000 again, passing by the side of the field and moving toward the plain. There's already 600,000 troops left. At this rate, the fanatics could also be said to have suffered almost a devastating blow. However, the true head of the enemy was never cut off.

Above all, the 5th Army Commander, Belferna, who can surpass this 5000 mark by controlling the stats. As long as she existed, she could never be flippant. If you lose dozens to hit one, this war will have irrevocable consequences forever.

"What, are you guys backing down like this? Are you sure you're not going to have a fight? Are you afraid of me?"

those capable of not responding to the provocation of Belferna.

Then the No. 5 corps commander grumbled and burst into laughter.

Yeah. Smile a lot now.

It's very.

"Hahahahaha! You must be serious. See, Hekate. They're totally scared of me?"

"You're scared of me."

"Just shut up in the corner of the room. By the way, they're really insensitive. That's all a joke, a joke. It's impossible for me to deal with all of you by myself? I don't think I can handle you guys that I couldn't beat. Huh? So you want to hang out with me? Huh? Lily? Heathcam? Are you guys really leaving? Do you know how hard I went all the way here from the Gigantium?"

a great sense of humiliation

a nauseating feeling

But the people with abilities try to turn away from Belferna's ridiculets.

Passed by the corps leaders without saying a word.

Feeling as if you were a wreck.

Of course Belferna didn't touch this side either.

In fact, we know each other.

If you collide, you'll get a lot of damage.

Ttuk. Ttuk.

Throwing. Throwing.

Raindrops were pouring down from the sky.

Amadeus rose from his seat with a bloody body.

Losing most of the symbiosis to the people with abilities.

In addition, he even gave up his life.


I feel like my heart is burning.

So he screamed.

Next time I'll kill all of you...! This Amadeus will personally visit you and tear you to pieces and kill you...! I will make you vomit blood in your pain and beg you to die...! How dare you bring me this shame?]


[Laughing] [Laughing] Ahhhhhhhhhh! Be, Belferna?]

"Shut up, Amadeus. I'll see you later."


Belferna, who slaps Amadeus on the back of the head and turns himself.

And when the 5th Army commander and the 6th Army commander made eye contact, they could feel the eerie fear seeping into their hearts. Because in Belferna, there was now a faint sense of contempt for herself in her eyes.

His playfulness just now is nowhere to be found.

And the reason she's angry is probably because of the fact that she made her name disgraceful by showing herself being embarrassed by the bugs. I didn't even have a word to say when I was caught in a trap by a bunch of capable men.

in such a way

The pretty long all-out war is over.

leaving only a deep blemish on both sides of the pride

But because of this, talented people have acquired a new bridgehead that really means moving to a new part of the mainland. This became the starting point for the subsequent Second World War to accelerate further. In addition, the results obtained in the process were not small, but the biggest gain was the elimination of the 6th, 8th, and 9th divisions of the enemy's [mythological] class commanders, and 17 [defeating] class commanders.

Nevertheless, the only thing that's disappointing is.

You laid out the best trap, and you came... It was the fact that I missed it to the end. the emergence of This was indicative of a situation in which the war was entering a whole new phase. But this failure inspired bookmakers by providing new information on 2,000 targets. Naturally, these data were to be newly accumulated for the next opportunity. The war is not over yet.

In the opposite sense.

Due to this great event, the whole side joined forces to provide a new opportunity against the talented.

the rapturous scattering of stars


Again, again, again.

Aurora, strangely mingling with darkness.


a hazy, queer atmosphere that even drowsles the mind



I stood tall now in the middle of that grotesque, mysterious place.

First Corps Commander, and with Pluto, listening to the strange melodies flowing through the galaxies.


A ring.

Ring, ring.

A voice that sounds like a silver bead rolling around.

Part of the process in which stars in the universe explode and merge.

The walls of the Sakaman looked like glass and painted a galaxy.

The whole universe could be seen at a glance from this place.

It's just amazing.

[This is...... what the hell is this place?] Are you sure it's true? Berkus. Why on earth did you bring this kahama to this place? What does it mean to be a colleague again? I don't understand your intentions at all.]

All-out war (16) over.

by world manners

work review

This is the end of the all-out war!

Let's take a look at Minhyuk again. _

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