The Skill Maker

an all-out war (15).

and swallowed the phonetics.

To be honest, I didn't know that this was the level of the corps commander.

[The Myth] A force that can be prevented if 13 members of the family join forces.

If they work together, they can overcome it somehow.

I wasn't kidding, I really thought that much.


When I opened the lid, it was a clear illusion.

Wah and were fighting off the offensive of men of ability, burning all of their bodies in a flash. Maybe about two thousand of their silver. But after more than 10 minutes of close race, it was no longer this problem on the other side, but the issue of [mythology] spouting karma from talented people in the field.

[The Myth] The average price is between 700 and 900 on average. Naturally, attacking someone after driving karma for more than 10 minutes would inevitably lead to considerable physical fatigue. And such fatigue was amplifying further in the mental part of the war-torn country that it might end at any time.

Jesus Christ! It's beyond imagination. This is...! God damn it.'

He snapped his molar in dismay. In fact, during the First World War, we never had a chance to drive our enemies into such a corner. So I didn't notice at all that this potential was inherent in the ranks. It was only to minimize the damage to our troops and prevent damage caused by them.


Eliminating them... Was it this difficult?

Are you saying that the No. 6 and No. 8 corpses really touched a territory that was so hard-to-reach area? Was the value of 2,000 defenses this enormous and so hard to break?

What about the number that's ahead of him?

What about the commanders of the corps in area 1 through 5?

What are the beings in the realm of?

Is this war... is it really possible for them to win?

Suddenly, I feel an unknown sense of skepticism in my heart.

But then.

Velox opened his mouth with a blistering eye.

[Crrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Just lucky enough to tell you... Do you think you've been chosen, you bastards? It's not like that! We were chosen by him because we were the best fit in the universe...! Do you think only you could destroy us chosen by Armudor?!]

Lily was furious with the captain of the Erin Legion.

You've built up your skills in the last five years.

I can't believe I still can't defeat a commander by a score of one to one.

I'm sick and tired of my own weakness.

Just like when I lost my brother five years ago.

[Shut up...! What the hell are you talking about when you're all dying?!] Velox, your face is rotten right now.]

[Lilly! Don't talk to him...!] There's no way the output should be any lower here...! They're clear, too! If we get past this crisis, they're done...!]


Hiskham's words were true.

Just because you're a military commander, the current situation was never good. Amadeus and Velox were already spewing blood from all the holes in the whole body, clearly showing signs of reaching their limits.

But the situation was still not over.

This was due to the fact that they no longer think about the future and use all of their karma. As a result, the physical strength of those with the ability to produce goods is plummeting to the bottom.

[Ba, I'll kill you...! Definitely! For God's sake! For all means! By all means!]

I'm so frustrated that I'm going crazy.

We didn't win until we won.

Likewise, it's not over until it's over.

This is the best chance that I've ever had.

You can't get rid of a single commander-in-chief here?

I can never admit such nonsense.

What am I going to say to the bookkeepers?

So you can't be weak.

Never! Never! Never!


Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!

Qua Qua Qua Qua Qua Qua Qua Kung!!

and pushed the output to its limit almost simultaneously.

Trying to get rid of [bold] beings without any damage? Now that I see it, that petty way of thinking was a miss. From now on, it's either real death or kamura-chigi. I'll give everything I can to erase their existence from the universe. I will take the power of sucking, or the power of eating meat, and destroy them.

Quack, quack, quack!

Cuo oo oo ooh-oh!

ah ah

I wish I could have come here alone like the original plan. I can't believe I've come this far because I've come here with someone who's been too careful. If he'd been loitering on his own, he'd have done it. The current situation was like a shield that was impenetrable in a way, hitting it until it was pierced.

'Oh, my God. If I had him here...'

Lily unwittingly recalled the image of somebody.

Surprisingly, the man already beat the commander of the 10th legion by himself when he was a member of the myth. And what if he had been here, now a [frustrated] being? Then all this may have ended in a flash.

That's right. I'm still gruffing at him.

In fact, he was already feeling it in secret. Choi Min-hyuk is more... to be far stronger than ever And now I hear he's gone to the temple to disturb. It is pointless to think of the face of a person who is not here now.

Just doing your best on each stage.

Quack, quack, quack!

Qua Qua Qua Qua Qua Qua Kung!

[Cuckles] [Cuckles] Keeee... Yeeeeeeee! More, more... I can't hold out any longer...!]

[Dog... Cut the crap...!] Ah, Amadeus! Isn't your guy... ...two levels higher than me?! You have to hold out! For appointing us to head the corps... You're going to insult Mr. Armudor! At least hold out till the very end and die with blood up! You asshole...!]

[Me... I'm sorry, Be, Velvet...!] Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Well, I'm now...]

[You idiot!!]]


It's so noisy.

Quack, quack, quack!

Clink, clink!


Karma Shield of being smashed and scattered with the parting of

And the men of ability gave out a loud, shivering cheer.

After nearly 15 minutes of tug-of-war, the commander of the Sixth Corps eventually collapsed.

Most of all, the fact that Karma Shield was smashed means that he had no choice but to allow the offensive from this side.


[It's broken! It's broken at last!]]

[Get rid of Amadeus!]]

[Now! Get rid of it!]

Quack, quack, quack!

Shushu shu shu shu shu shu shu shu shu!

Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!

[Screaming] [Screaming] Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Oh, no! Ah, ah, ah, ah! Argh!]

Amadeus making a scream of pain.

storms of flying from all directions and slaughtering his whole body in a thousand and ten thousand gallons in a flash. But he was spouting blood, but he was rebelling blood. He was struggling again to lift Karma Shield. In the meantime, of course, hundreds of faces on his body were exploding with blood.

Puff, puff, puff, puffing!

Puff, puff, Puffing!

[Crying...! Crying!]

by name

Every single creature in Amadeus' body is nourished by the power, ability and ability of the 6th Army Commander. In other words, when Amadeus realized that Karma's Shield could no longer withstand the attack, he was taking all of the attacks from the capable as they were. In return, the lives he had accumulated so far were shrinking at a tremendous pace.

[Sighs...!] Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!]

[Sneeks! Suck it up!]

[Argh! Cuckoo Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!]

[Wow! Argh! Argh! Argh!] Crying!]




Qua Qua Qua Kung!

Hundreds, or thousands, of screams that ring everywhere in heaven and earth.

At the grotesque howls [ myths] the able men of quality frowned heavily. A voice that has fallen into disarray of the human mind. It feels like the mental world is in jeopardy when I hear it clearly in the present situation where my physical strength has deteriorated.

But you have to hold out.

We've all understood that he's not the only one. As long as they continue their offensive, the game will be their victory. In fact, his symbiosis was shrinking at an exponential rate. The battle was almost at the end.

And when Amadeus falls completely, Velox will eventually fall.

[Whew...!] Lee, this Amadeus... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!]

A purr!


Amadeus is going to... Surprisingly, he put it in his body. The commander of the Sixth Army will die a lonely death in such a place. Forgotten hard work sleeping inside. If we blow up the souls of the past symbiotic creatures that have already been burned as fuel and disappeared in an instant, we will be able to blow up the placenta of the capable at once.

The number of dice is 666.

The range is not very wide, but the killing force is extreme.

Never die here alone.

I'll take them with me.

Fortunately, the 8th Army commander still maintained. No, maybe this self-destruct will kill even Lord Veloc. Ah, I'm sure Master Veloc, who has a generous hearts, will understand. And I'm sorry I can't see the great Armudor again, but... I can't help it.

The lives of nearly 1800 symbiotic creatures...

It was now down to no more than 20.

Now it's really time to make the final choice.

And the moment of farewell came.

"Great Armudors!" I've always wanted to meet you again in my life. First, forgive this foolish Amadeus, who falls into the abyss of eternity...! Although I was not there, I will pray earnestly only for the day when all of the universe is in your hands!"

heartbreaking grief

But loyalty to Armudor.

so that the moment he gave up everything and tried to invoke

Qua Qua Qua Qua Qua Qua Qua Kung!

There was an unexpected turn of events.

It's like a miracle from Armudor.

Massive binge drinking... And one silhouette that unfolded behind it.

In an instant, all eyes on the battlefield are on just one spot.

"Hahahahaha! What, what, what, what? Amadeus, did you hit him again? Oh, my God, even Velox this time? Ah, but they're both so weak."

One resonant, provocative and playful voice.

And at the same time, Wah witnessed a miracle like fate. a creature that cannot be present when calculated by time

commander of the Fifth Corps

Because she stood between herself and the able.

creating something of an overwhelming size

[Beh, Mr. Belferna? You...?]

[Beh... Belperna! Why are you here?]

But it was then.

Another voice came to my ears.

"Oh? You two. I'm disappointed. You're the only one you can see? Even though I was able to get here on time."

a haughty, red smile

Two Sacchaman horns that stand out in the head.

A creature who hides his mouth with his signature gesture and smiles.

It was the commander of the 11th Corps.

There was more than one support force.

[Man, how could this be?] Is Hekate here?]

[...hecate?] Why are you?]

"Hoo-hoo. I'm sorry I'm late. I've been in a hurry, but... It must have been a very dangerous situation, huh?"

an all-out war (15) over

by world manners

work review

It's late at night!

Have a good night, everyone. ^ᄉᄉ

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