The Skill Maker

Unexpected visitor (4)

As Lena said, stories about me on the front page of the newspaper.

I was literally in the spotlight of the whole world.

If you don't know Choi Min-hyuk now, you're not a human

It's a spy on the next planet.

'Crazy... this is way too popular already.'

I shook my head as I saw people stampeding the streets of Estvalde.

Their purpose?

That's a close call.

Those people are probably still searching for me at this moment. Someone would have witnessed me leaving the Clan House with Lena and Cerdiana, and the reporters who got the information at that moment would have started moving right away to ask for an interview. In other words, the goal of those humans is me.

"Well, his popularity..."

In the wake of this great war, attention to me has been maximized to the point where I can see through the sky. Even now I had trouble walking on the streets contemplating the crowds, and the area near the Clan House in Night Illusion was crowded 24 hours a day.

The situation is literally a situation in which the people are suffering.

Crazy. I thought being popular was good.

I don't think so now.

I'm not some kind of criminal. Why the hell am I doing this?

It's one or two times I've been walking around using skills.

But it was then.

"...isn't that Mr. Choi Min-hyuk?"

"Huh? I think it's real."

The voices of the women that make my heart throb.

"Argh! It's really Mr. Choi Min-hyuk!"

"Wow! I've never seen it in person!"

"Oppa, you're handsome!"

"Please sign! Give me a handshake!"

As I slowly turned my head back, it wasn't me who was looking at unexpectedly. It was a total stranger who imitated me clumsyly. A man with black hair and a clumsy spear behind his back, wearing a black tassel. Surrounded by women, he was smiling and chipping away.

Such a madman.

Since I was so popular, even fake people who impersonate me now seem to be wandering around the fortress. Moreover, as if they heard the sound from afar, they quickly beckoned among themselves, and even the people of 's are flocking. It's more and more like a flash.

Reporters trying to interview a fake.

"Is that you, sir? Is it really true that you faced six Red executives of [The Myth] class at the same time in this war on the Great Plains? May I ask what your actual product is?"

"The rumor is that she has a relationship with two of the four most beautiful women at Est Valjean, and with a sorcerer. I heard you made a very open declaration during the war. Is it all true?"

"You knocked down a commander with immortal powers? And the rumors say he's still in the Night's Illusion dungeon. Is that true?"

a nod faux

He was playing me with a grin.

You think he's handsome? I'm much more handsome.

Why are you pretending to be me when you look like that.

"Mr. Minhyuk's fake..."

"I can't believe you're pretending to be the master. You're such a saucy bastard! This Cerdiana right now!"

"Wow, calm down. Cerdiana. Let's see what's going on."

I was sure people would find out in no time that he was a fake.

He is much uglier than I am. In addition, there are three eyeballs. The one with one more eyeball on his forehead. Of course, someone with a good eye would recognize that he's a fake.

Look at this newspaper.

I don't look like that.

"Hahahahaha! It's true. The two women belong to this body. But I refuse any further interviews related to him. If you want to hear more than that, you'll have to pay 10 million kruns each for an interview..."

journalists who show their welcome

"Oh! Is 10 million Krun available for an exclusive interview?"

"I'll pay 10 million kruns!"

"No, our side first..."

This is crazy.

Look at that jerk. Are you trying to make money by selling my name?

I can't believe such a cheap and crazy thing exists in this world.

You're selling off Choi Min-hyuk because you don't have anything to sell?

"I'll go first!

"No, we!"

"Get out of my way!"

a roaring roar

a crowd of people

The entrance to the increasingly congested estwalde market.

I sighed helplessly as I saw reporters really trying to pay. So inevitably, he jumps over the crowd and tries to fake it. He grabbed his arm and pulled it toward me. I can't believe these idiots are trying to pay for it without even recognizing it. What the hell are you doing to a con man?

I'm going crazy.

"Oh? What are you?"

"Who am I? You don't have to know."

I poked his finger into the eyeball on his forehead.

I have two eyeballs, not three.

I'll count it right here!


With him screaming in pain.

I grabbed the fake arm and started spinning his body.

The boy screamed frantically, bleeding from the pupil of his forehead.

"Huh? Uhh! Ha, don't! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"



A fake flying like a cannonball outside the western gate.

And those who look at it and are astonished.

Only then did I turn my back with a satisfied smile.

The sound of a distant thud at the moment.

Along with him comes someone's sharp screams.

Passers-by seem to have found fake Choi Min-hyuk.

Yeah. How dare you impersonate this Choi Min-hyuk. You should be punished like this.

But then.

Someone who was embarrassed shouted.

"Choi, Choi Min-hyuk... Choi Min-hyuk has been attacked! That's him! That guy attacked Choi Min-hyuk!"

"Huh? Huh? Me?"

those who raise their voices

"Gye, guard! Take the guard down!"

"I can't believe you blew up the Night Illusion's Choi Min-hyuk in one shot..."

"So easy on the world's Choi Min-hyuk? Everyone, you... Who the hell is this?"


With reporters looking at me with perplexed faces.

I use skill.

He held Lena and Cerdiana in his arms and ran on the spot with overwhelming agility. This is crazy. How did this happen? I just blew up a fake, but it became an attack on Choi Min-hyuk.

No, this doesn't make sense. Damn it! I can't be that weak!

The only thing that bothers me more if I reveal my true identity here is myself.

I eventually stopped dating and left with the two of them.

As a result

On the front page of the evening paper, there was this article.

[Choi Min-hyuk gets attacked. Who the hell is the assailant? Presumably the owner of great agility.]

[Choi Min-hyuk, who knocked down six mythical red men. [In a single shot, unconscious after being attacked by an unidentified monster.]

[Inpatient at Choi Min-hyuk Hospital. New superpowers appear?]

[A man who knocked down Choi Min-hyuk with a single blow appears! A new talent in the field? Guess who he is.]

[An assassin sent by the commander of the corps? a pillar of estwalde Choi Min-hyuk falls down.]

"Well, it's... Is that true?"

"Huhhhhhhhhh! I can't believe that happened to the Great Cooperatives."

"Laugh! LOL...! LOL!"

"Oh, that's funny. Are you a Bumaster comedian? Hahahaha!"

Clans burst into laughter when they found out all this, holding their stomachs and knocking on the table. Yeah, things got a little funny. You look very friendly. I made Jackal's giggle eyeballs from two to one. A madman in a gambling house during business hours has a low punishment.


All the misunderstandings were not resolved until the next day.

The misunderstanding that he was not real but a red fake.

Magenda shook her head as she read the correction article.

"Why don't you have a formal interview? Before the crooks can play any more."

"Huh? Ah... It doesn't mean anything anyway. Their habit is to want to hear 200 things if they answer 100 questions. I'd rather not say a word."

"Well, that's true."

But it was then.

The sound of knocking and opening the door and showing up.

A head reminiscent of Alien appears suddenly and opens his mouth.

As an office worker, her ability to handle things is always broken.

"Boomaster. We have a visitor. You look like a beggar on the outside. They say you must meet the Boomaster."

Huh? What are you talking about all of a sudden?

What the hell is this guy looking for me?

I don't know anything about it'

"...isn't he on the Data Bank anyway? Now you're gonna dress up as a beggar and get my attention?"

"He asked the Boomaster to deliver the thread."

"Sil? Why yarn?"


I glistened my eyes at the thread Hera had put out.

Is this a gift?

A thin thread-shaped weapon made of silver.

There was a person who came to mind when it came to the word of grace.

One man who brainwashed his mind just before I came to Estvalde.

The crazy man who belonged to the Clan.

a clown by name

Come to think of it, I've forgotten him black and blue for quite a while.

I told Dark Shield's master to stick it on and get the information out.

Harman was not much of a man, so even Belga was forgetting about him.

Then why did he come to me all of a sudden?

If I don't sing it, won't you benefit?

I can't disobey my orders if I'm nearby.

Because he was a slave who had finished with me.

"Where is he now? I'll see you right away. Please bring him up."

"Okay, Boomaster."

Two minutes after Hera closed the door like that.

After a while. I was able to find a beggar entering my home office in a wretched form.

A wound that fills the whole body.

worn and worn-out clothes

long, bushy beards

I recognized at a glance that he was a clown with his peculiar intuition.

The gift given to me is also a gift, but so is the unique walk and voice.

But how did it end up as a beggar?

He doesn't look like this.

"Oh, man. Long time no see. How are you? Oh... You didn't need to say how you were. Just by looking at you, I can see that you've been a bad person. I told you to spy on him. Why are you acting like a beggarroglyph. Hey, Mr. Belga?"

a man who lifts his eyes at the moment

But after a while he lowered his head and looked down at his palms.

"Bell... go? Belga... Belga. Belga. Is that my name?"

a man muttering his name

I had no choice but to tilt my head at the sight.

What the hell's wrong with her? Did you eat something wrong?

"What is it? What's wrong? Aren't you Belga? I think that's right."

At that moment, Belga leaps into me with a desperate expression and grabs my arm.

He looked at me with a pathetic look and shed dung tears.

"Woman, as expected...! The right answer was to find you. Tell me, who am I? Is my name really?"

Hmm. You really don't remember anything.

I could really see that his head was empty when I looked him in the eye. At present, his heart was filled with only questions.

a question of one's own identity

Questions about why we should visit Choi Min-hyuk.

a question of what one has seen

Question. Question. Question. Just question.

Oh, wait a minute.

But this thing in his memory.

What the hell is this?

Unexpected end of visitor (4).

by world manners

work review

A little light talk for the first time in a while!

But soon... Hahahaha;

A major piece of rice cake will be solved!

Thank you so much to everyone who recommended the pre-written comment!

Mr. Bumble! Mr. Vallacist! Thank you so much for the sponsorship. ;ᄆ; ᄒ

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