The Skill Maker

Unexpected visitor (3)

a gulp

I had no choice but to use again.

Don't get me wrong! Never!

I'm not doing this because I'm a pervert!

I'm just wondering if our instructor is taking a shower safely. What if he suddenly falls down while washing up? I'm just watching because I'm worried. Seriously. Real. Don't get me wrong.

And five minutes after that.

I took off the mode, picking out a rather excited breath.

I've already seen the number of dots on Enna's body... Hmm.

"It's over.



An unidentified creature that suddenly pops out at that moment.

No. I noticed a bump in the back and felt my heart drop. Ariel looks this way with her heart pounding violently and her mysterious eyes shining brightly.

What, what is it?

When the hell did she get here?

Ariel smiled and gave me a big hand.

And I'm as firm as I am.

I had a stabbing.

"Lena asked me to bring you some snacks."

"Oh, ah? He, did he? Thank you Ariel."



Don't look at me with those shiny eyes!

Don't look at this rotten brother with such innocent eyes.

This brother's soul has gone to hell.

When you die, you'll probably fall into hell.

Please forgive this ugly brother.

I covered my face with my hands.

"Mr. Serdiana. Don't you think it'll be so pretty to use? If you put this in the center of the room and turn off the light, it will glow all over the air. It makes me feel like I'm in space."

"Oh, is that true? That's amazing. How did intelligent beings come up with the idea of making these mysterious madogs?"

"Let's see. Here's the explanation... Oh! The 9 Circle wizards have been working together for a long time. Maybe it's using something embedded in it as its main power. Well, the price per unit is 25 million kruns."

Cerdiana looked dumbfounded at Lena's words.

"Oh, my God. This precious, amazing guy only does 25 million kruns? That's such a bargain. I can't understand the economic ideas of intelligent people. Then you'd better buy him one too. Because this Cerdiana can't stand up to save that much money. By the way, nine circles of buggy managed to create that."

Nine circles of worms.

I had no choice but to smile at Cerdiana's remarks.

If you're capable of nine circles on another planet, you must be the ones who cut through the heavens and turn over the earth. In this town, people are just treated as a bug in a calm manner. Sometimes the eight circle wizards came here. Anyway here the nine circles were like terms for the most ordinary beings. After all, strength is a relative thing, that'm sure.


Now I was standing there smiling at Wa, who was so into shopping.

Today is Estvalde's date with two people.

But it seemed as if they were determined today to call me a porter. Plus, shopping has been going on for about two hours already. Today, the desire for two women to buy has never stopped.

'Hoo-hoo. They're both cute.'

Well, Lena, who can't do anything to study when she finds something interesting, and two people who have lived only in the underwater cities have come together as one. It was a natural result that the chemistry between the two was flowing in this direction in this way. Of course, as most men do, I've never been as easily adapted as I've been following shopping.

Still, seeing the two women like each other.

I'm happy with it.

I'm sure they were the two people who thought they had lost it for good not long ago.

How grateful I am just to share this time with you.

Really... how happy this is.

How much.


Sadly, I wish everything had been a happy ending at this point.

So far, virtually no problem has been solved.


That's because the war between the able has ended in a hurry, but so far other commanders of the armed forces are so strong. Presumably, there will be an all-out war with them in the near future. So as soon as I got back to , I had given two skills to two women as gifts.

I can't stick to them 24 hours a day, poking my nose into the details. Maybe neither of them wants me to be so tied up with them. So right now this was the best. If there's a really dangerous situation, at least they can keep themselves from the crisis until I can help them.

Oh, of course I was working on another way to protect the two and the Clans.

I hate losing precious people.

I don't want to experience that any more.

"Master, how about these earrings? I personally like it, but if you don't like it, it doesn't mean anything to this Cerdiana. What do you think? Does it look good on me?"

A stylish pair of red jewelry and dragon-shaped gold rings.

Surely the jewelry she chose must have been a product with a considerable degree of workmanship. The red jewels were also so beautiful that the shape of the dragon biting the jewels was so beautiful that it would not seem strange to soar into the sky any moment.

But nevertheless.

I couldn't answer her correctly.


That's because... ...we're using one skill right now.

To be exact, it's the look-altering magic that wizards like to use.

The so-called Polymotph skill.

Polymoph (Polymoph)

Skill Rating: B

: You can change the appearance of the target to your liking when triggered.

"Serdiana. You forgot how you look now, didn't you?"


Only then did she open her mouth wistfully.

Cerdiana is extremely smart and clever but sometimes shows considerable laxity in terms of surprise. But for men, that looks deadly to men. In particular, Cerdiana's part-time job at the store was just like Andromeda. I didn't expect you to treat your customers like that.

"I forgot for a moment. Cerdiana made this mistake. I'm so embarrassed."

She stuck out her tongue slightly.

Ugh! How cute!

"I can't compare exactly, but I still think Cerdiana would go well with those earrings. Of course, it's beautiful enough without earrings."

"Lord, master...."

A queen who blushes her face like a ripe apple.

And I felt a different contentment than usual looking at it.

Why? Because he's using a polymorph.

The usual Cerdiana is haughty and beautiful.

But now she was cute and innocent.

Of course it's a slight change in appearance around her original.

Since the background was so outstanding, the appearance of this side was mysterious and beautiful enough. You can tell by the way people look at you all the time. Lena and Cerdiana have the best looks on earth.

I can't believe I'm in a relationship with these two.

I'm so blessed. Besides, they're both very nice.

Maybe I saved the universe in my previous life.


We've been shopping all over the market.

Why do you buy so many things?

Isn't that too much for shopping?

The truth is I wanted to explain it too.

with the exact date of noon tomorrow

In the future, the three of us had now kissed to leave the Clan House completely. Well, is it a little weird to say it like this way? We talked about it roughly yesterday, that is, from tomorrow we finally decided to live together all day in the mansion I bought, not in the Clan House.

In a word, Clan House only goes back and forth in the form of commuting, and usually stays in the mansion, and the three of us have decided to enter a kind of cohabitation.

Oh, it makes my heart race to say this.

Living together with these two beautiful girls.

This is the life that every man dreams of.

Lena brightened her eyes at some scrap of scrap metal.

"I think it would be pretty cool to have it in the hall of the mansion. And this is the kitchen, and this is the bathroom. Oh, I'd like that in the bedroom."



Maybe life with two people is pretty tough.

For some reason, if I live with Lena, I feel like the whole mansion will turn into a huge research center. I hope all this is my illusion. But there was already a lot of junk piled up in our purchases.

But it was then.

"The newspaper, the newspaper! Everybody get your papers! This newspaper is full of up-to-date information!"

the distant voice of a newspaper shopkeeper

Lena glistened at it like a cat.

Originally, she enjoys reading newspapers.

In addition, all the recent newspapers were covered with "the content."

I can't seem to hide what I'm interested in.

"Excuse me. Please give me a newspaper of each type. Well, that's enough change."

"Oh, I'm a big... You're a woman. Thank you very much. Please drop by again."

With the owner looking at us with a slightly 'strange' eye.

Buying a copy of the newspaper, I quickly turned away from the newspaper store, pushing the two men's backs. Why are you in such a hurry? This is because the eyes of the owner are unusual. as a result of looking inside him with I noticed that he was now smoking a fairly valid spark of doubt in the presence of the three of us.

That's great. That guy.

He's a very keen eye.

I didn't expect to see our identity to a certain extent even though the skill was in operation. If even one thing caught me now, things could have been quite troublesome. Recently I've always been using skills like now whenever I've been around somewhere. Like celebrities on Earth trying to hide themselves.


Is it celebrity disease?

It's not a disease. It's just a reality.

That's how popular I am.

But then.

The owner who flips the shop and creeps up to me.

The shopkeeper's name was Baro.

A person capable of having a deformed stats whose intuition is overwhelmingly higher than other stats. The power and agility stats are a complete ruin. Funny thing is, the speciality is as high as the special day. Who the hell is this guy?

Middle-aged man holding my shoulder.

"Excuse me, but do you think you're Choi Min..."

"You've got the wrong person."

I quickly took his hand off, then hid myself in the middle of the city.

...why on earth did things get to this point? The reason is that anyone can see the first page of the newspapers that Lena is holding. As I said before, I have become the most reputable person in the world.

Enough for even a passing dog to recognize me.

But a dog barking at the right time.

"Woof woof! Woof woof!"

"Shh. Don't bark, man. You're going to get in trouble?"

"Woof woof woof!"


See? Doesn't the dog recognize me?

What I'm saying now is by no means a joke.

He's really barking at me.

looking over the polymorphs for


"Woof woof woof woof!"

I kicked my tongue.

I'm going to turn around. I mean it's for real.

You're such a great figure who even recognizes dogs.

Lena opened the newspaper.

"Oh, my. There are a lot of articles about Minhyuk today."

[Military Commander Kahama Breaks!] Bring the six Red Alliance executives back to their senses!]

[Choi Min-hyuk of Night Illusion?] Investigate his true quality!]

[Fight 6-1 with Red Alliance executives. The minimum mythological product-making ability, according to experts' opinion. If it's high, it's likely to be unfair.

[What is the end of Choi Min-hyuk's fighting power? What is his true identity? ]

[Strongness is too strong. a series of eyewitness accounts]

[Choi Min-hyuk turned into a devil?] Who was Hidden Skill he was hiding?]

[I heard from my colleagues. What is the essence of Choi Min-hyuk?]

Unexpected end of visitor(3)

by world manners

work review

A little light talk for the first time in a while!


Thank you so much to everyone who recommended the pre-written comment!

Mr. Bumble! Mr. Vallacist! Thank you so much for the sponsorship. ;ᄆ; ᄒ

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