The Skill Maker

Land of Beginning, Tameus Great Plains (3)

The expedition was successfully completed and the members of the Night Illusion proudly returned to Estvalde. Unlike the first time when they started empty-handed, they came back with a cart full of gold and silver treasures and items. And not only that, but also people were shocked to see the bodies of the birds that were carried endlessly through and . They even have items from inside the Hwangcheon Mountains. There were too many of those numbers. Hundreds of millions of krunners are enough monsters to go out.

"[B] You hunted a generic singularity monster, didn't you? There's already a lot of buzz. How long have you got?"

"A little less than 4,000."

"Four, four thousand? How did you come up with a [B] degree of singularity? Do you have a good strategy?"

"Tang-deal-hill. We used the most basic strategy. The important thing is determination. It's either death or death."

"How did you form an alliance with the galaxy's elves?"

"They figured out what they wanted, and they met it. Then we're busy, so we'll get going."

When Jackal smiled and turned coolly, the women of Estvalde looked at him and screamed. In recent years, the popularity of Night Illusion has simply soared through the sky and toward space, and just being a member of Night Illusion has become an object of envy and envy.

Besides, a man waving his hands slowly towards the crowd.

The author must have been a senior member of the Night Illusion. Because the red cape fluttering behind his back proves it. And it looked like a hero of the world. A scar-filled face that looks like it's been through all the battles. Doesn't it have the typical appearance of a real warrior? Of course not many people knew what he was thinking inside.

"Cuck! Wasn't my dog cool?"

Jackal looked back with a happy smile.

All the cute little hands and knees are full of joy.

All right, boys. Enjoy this honor to the full.

Because this is the second heyday of our lives.

"Oh, I made eye contact with that blonde lady over there. You're interested in me, aren't you?"

"Bad boy, you must have seen me, not you."

"Where's that? Honestly, if you're with the Night Illusion right now, you get all the attention. It's all thanks to the Master and the Boomaster."

"I know that, but let's not disparage ourselves."

"I'm going out to the bar tonight. If you unravel this incredible story, the women will rush you. Hahahaha..."

According to interviews with data bank people, Night Illusion hunted a total of 3,751 birds. In addition, according to experts' analysis, Night Illusion may have gained nearly 1.5 trillion kruns on this one expedition. Of course, these sales would take a considerable amount of time to dispose of them, but it was no doubt that they had become the new property of Night Illusion.


Estvalde's people and mainlanders cheered as they watched the members of the Night Illusion proudly walking along the castle's central road. Clan growing at a truly miraculous pace. I was jealous at first, but now I'm too far away to be jealous. I'm just jealous and jealous.

"Look at that Gabju. I heard that's such an amazing item."

"Oh, is he? What's the material?"

"That's it. I don't know. But according to the rumours, that must be so great. In addition, once worn, no one else can wear it.Look at me. Maybe it's to prevent theft."

"You look great, too. Hm...! I'd love to try it on, too."

"Is there any way to join the Night Illusion?"

"There's already a lot of people in the [rebel] class who are capable. We can't even dream."

"More than that, don't you think the Night Illusion people are spewing out some kind of old-fashioned airway? They're all monsters now."

"We've got nearly 4,000 unique monsters, so they're right."

The Clans moved on for a long time and finally a friendly person showed up. A space already decided to finish the expansion work in a short period of time. And outside that door, there was already a Clan Master waiting for these guys. Because she had returned to Estvalde one step faster with Choi Min-hyuk, a bumaster.


As Jackal approached her as it was and bowed deeply, Lena greeted him with a smile. Of course, we are not usually this formal, but there were a lot of eyes now. Clan's dignity will rise if he shows proper examples. All this is to make the name ' 이 이' shine.

Executives and Clan One who bend down along the jacal and galonic soon.

They shouted in a loud voice.

"Master! I report your return!"

a resounding voice

With the people of the fortress casting envious eyes.

Lena nodded and smiled softly.

"Everyone's been through a lot. So. How's it going?"

Galonix smiled calmly and opened his mouth.

"All members of Clan One, including our executives, have completed the rise of one unit."

Lena's face brightens only after that.

It was worthwhile to visit the monsters that gave a huge amount of karma to faraway places.

The results of giving executives twice as much money have been revealed.

Lena opened her mouth again.

"I've already finished with it, so let's all go up and wash up and get some rest. Executives come up to the Oval Office. Oh, I'm preparing for the party, so let's have fun and drink tonight. We'll all be alone in an hour, okay?


world federation of guardians

A common-name anti-red coalition against evil-infused Red powers.

as people call it.

An organization with the character of a federation that moves around 100 clans with the most powerful and famous reputation representing the world. However, creating such an organization meant a lot more than it seemed. The future of as many as 90 million people with abilities depends on the Blue Alliance. In other words, it was not just about electing representatives of the alliance, but it also meant that practically all the power of the capable world was concentrated there.

The next day of the party to celebrate the success of the expedition to the Hwangcheon Mountains.

I was now preparing to leave the mansion for the Great Plains.

Well, it's a long way to go. I'll pack my things lightly and stuff up.

Crowd nodded when he heard me.

"As the employer says, we expect a great war of nerves to take a little higher place. It's a critical place where the fate of the capable is at stake, and it's a place where you can win the highest honor."

"Well, it is. But there are only three people in each clan who can participate in this contest. That means a total of 300 people from 100 clans will gather. Well, that doesn't mean you won't bring your entourage. Actually, there's a lot more coming. Probably the best of the best, right?"

4 years and 6 months ago.

I recalled the first time I was brought here.

A grotesque land that causes death even by staying on the ground. And the commanders of Armudor's armies, who blocked us from escaping in the direction of the mainland beyond the mountains, that is, everything was nothing short of starting from the Great Plains. Meeting with other capable men, fighting with the commanders of the corps. In other words, the Great Plains was one of the oldest strongholds for our capable people.


The reason for our talented people gathering there this time was completely different from the past.

Reds trying to swallow the world using their power. Those who enjoy murder and looting, arson and rape, who are able to stick to instinct. This time it wasn't the commanders, it was the meeting to fight them.

I sneered and laughed. Time passes and people change.

As long as the common enemy Armudor is sealed in the temporal axis.

"Something that started. Let's aim for the pinnacle of the world."

Oh, no.

The apex of the universe, not the apex of the world.

Anyway, I think it'll be quite fun.

Perhaps there are a number of mythical goods makers there besides me. I don't know exactly, but maybe some people have gone beyond myths and reached [beyond] Of course, it's not an easy area, so it might not be. Anyway, past records are just past records.

They wouldn't have been playing and eating for four years either.

Those who had a craving for power must have diligently built karma and wandered in search of ways to be strong. Well, it looks like there are a lot of talented people. In fact, people like us were just "power crazy people."

You can't even reach this area without being beyond your power.

'The Red guys are going to burn too.'

I smiled a deep smile at the thought of the Red Skills who were conscious of the Blue Union. In the first place, there is no reason why they are stronger than others and have a strong sense of justice. It is only natural that the universe is infinitely wide and overflowing with strange beings of all sorts.

Of course, there are those who have evil minds, and there are also ambitious men who are full of desire to conquer. The same is true of the reason why many of the wines swallowed by the power-wielding themselves are located on the red side. And I don't intend to blame them either. Of course, just as they do what they want, I'll change the game if I don't like them.

Anyway, there's only one thing I really want to say.

"They and we are the same in nature."

Strongest power

To be an unrivaled strongman.

To be a capable person who transcends all beings in the universe.

That's exactly what everyone wants. The Reds, the good ones, and me, too.

Of course, the reason and purpose for gaining strength are all different.

Honor? Power? Huge amounts of wealth?

Of course I think they are important factors.

However, if they become the best in the universe, they will all follow each other's footsteps. Even if he does nothing, people will bow their heads before him, and they will gently drop flattery to please him. You will look at the strongest with respect and awe. He will try to walk along the shadow even though he is afraid of him.

Just like that's perfect!

I flipped my finger quickly, and silently opened the portal in the air, gazing at the purple passage. Now my skills have been improved and improved to the ultimate. There is still one thing that requires accurate coordinates, but now we could go anywhere in the Kandulas system without special karmana-level forces.

Of course, if you don't use it carefully, your body can break down into atoms.

The coordinates are written in the scroll sent from .

With this, you can take a large number of people to the Great Plains.

I pulled myself up from the sofa after removing the portal.

Pluto put out a jacket right away and I put it on my body.

Excellent. I can no longer think of her trying to erase 120 million people from the planetary system. I've been pleased to see her complete work in the mansion lately.

Oh, besides, the length of the skirt is just right.

It's Croud's ball, of course.

"I've made up my mind. I'll take all of our Clan executives on this expedition. The purpose is, of course, an armed protest. We need to prove that Night Illusion is the best in the world."

"With the power of a great and brilliant employer, you can do as much as you can, beyond a capable society. I wish you good luck."

As expected, you lick each and every single wrinkle carefully.

I slowly tapped my fingers from side to side, feeling refreshed by Croud's words. But you're mistaken, Crowd. Over the last two weeks I have already fallen for his ability to handle things.

"Oh, of course, Wa will come with me, too. I'll leave my mansion to the maids for a while."

"...huck? Well, me too?"

Land of Beginning, Tameus Great Plains (3) End.

by world manners

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