The Skill Maker

Land of Beginning, Tameus Great Plains (2)

Arkle nodded emphatically.

And the mercenaries freaked out at their colleague's words.

at a time when they seem to have a long way to go in [confusion] with themselves

What? Choi Min-hyuk is the power of the [defeating] product, which is higher than Chaos?

"Is it real? Or is it just your idea? What's the rationale?"

"Reason? It's all over the place. Especially when we listen to the stories of the fishermen and scholars who came to Estvalde recently, the situation becomes even more obvious. Those who saw Choi Min-hyuk fighting said in unison that he had already surpassed Chaos. Most of all, he even threw away the power of the level."

"Dimensional power?"

"Oh, my God, crazy..."

a roaring roar

Strength in dimension cannot be dealt with unless it is a man of ability above [confusion] class.

But what if you could just let it fly to your opponent?

[Chaos] It is highly likely that he is the most capable person in the world of quality.

Either he or he's just [defeated] class.

"Ha. You're really blessed, you're blessed. It's not enough to wear Estvalde's second-generation beauty, so he might be a master of [destruction] items."

"It's the opposite, you idiot. [Defeating] He's a talented breeder, so he wears Estvalde's second-generation beauty."

Hartun raised his voice by banging down the glass of beer.

"Fuck it! I used to be really good at it in my day and age. What the hell is this? How long do we have to keep low-level monsters and make a living?"

"Shh. Don't even say anything that they'll get beaten up when they hear it."

Philip sighed.

"Sometimes I think of it. Now that I'm gone from my home planet, I'm sure there are all kinds of fish out there, right?"

"...maybe so. I've had a similar thought before."

"I might have disappeared and the planet was destroyed. No one but me could beat the local monsters."

"What a terrible life you've got, Seaburals! If it weren't for that goddamn Armudor bastard..."

a series of bitter smiles

a distant glance

self-motivated voices

"I've piled up a mountain of property. I can't believe it's this shape without even using it. Yeah. This is my fate."

"I'm also worried about my wife and kids. Well, four years have already passed. There's not much more to it now."

"I'm so jealous of the Night Illusion. We should play in the big water. Damn it."

as such

People were concerned about the success of the Night's Illusion, but on the other hand, they talked about it and expressed extreme envy. It is [B] grade singularity monsters that cannot be even one-on-one for those who are capable of the quality. But you've completely crushed those monsters and taken over the entire underground fortress hidden inside the mountain range.

I'm jealous. I'm just jealous. Twice, three times. I envy you.

"Oh! So let's build a second city, a third city. You mean this?"

"That's right. The second city can be built in the Arclamar Yellow River Mountains, and the third city can be built in the middle of the Estvalde fortress and the mountain range. Well, first of all, we'll have to deal with the monsters and start stabilizing the region."

"Well, that's a great plan. How wonderful!"

"You shouldn't be like this...! Get the technicians in here now! And I will place an order for a regional stabilization quest!"

estwalde territorial expansion

The very day after Lena and I put this proposal to the governing body.

Executives of the governing body foamed their mouths and quickly passed the agenda.

The speed of processing, just like light

That said, it was a very tempting offer.

It is a huge construction that may double the territory of the region. Naturally, if this was done well, Estvalde would have a much stronger influence on the world than before.

Well, it was true that the new frontier was relatively less developed and the size of the land was narrow, so the number of dungeons and hunting grounds was behind other areas. Until now, people in other regions had no choice but to be treated like a hillbilly. But if we get over this crisis, the absurdity will certainly end.

"How about an apple drink, great employer? Is it to your liking?"

"Good. Very good. Cloud, you're the best butler ever."

"Go, thank you."

Then a beautiful girl pops out from the side.

It was the mechanical robot Pluto Na.

A leader of Armudor's army, but now a follower of me.

[Master. Recommended ingestion of homemade apple pie by Plutona. Rich in vitamin A content; rich in carbohydrates and iron and other nutrients. An apple pie that does not damage the nature of an apple. 95.3% chance that Master will like.]

What did you put in there to get iron out of the apple pie?

I nodded absentmindedly.

"All right, all right. Wait a minute. I'll drink the juice first."

[Cold, bad taste] Calculating bad taste figures. 99%... 98%... 97%... 96%... ]

"Oh, yeah. Yeah. Stop it. I'll have it right away."

I grumbled, poking the pie in my mouth.

There's no way a pie wouldn't hurt the nature of an apple anyway. Oh my gosh!

What's this? Mi, Mi, it's crazy good.

What's this dense, tasteful apple pie?

Is Pluto's cooking skill the best?

"Perfect. This is a perfect taste, Pluto."

[Actually reflecting Master's taste.]

The same goes for the last apple dish. This apple pie is the same goes for this.

Pluto seemed to have a scientific data on how to cook without damaging the nature of apples. Otherwise, there's no way we can make such a great apple dish. All apples will spoil the taste as soon as they are heated by fire.

[Quickly frozen, perfectly preserved to cells, high-sugar apples, quickly fried and quickly fried, locking the apple juice inside and using it as a material for apple pie. Also, use a total of twelve chemical condiments harmless to the human body.]

"Great, great. You're a genius! You're such a perfect machine!"

Pluto with a slight smile.

Sometimes when I see her, I get confused whether she has feelings or not.

Even though it's a machine, it has a strange aspect.

Ah, for your information, I was now being served by Kraud and Plutona, leaning against the sofa of a magnificent mansion. Though she spent the whole night rolling around in the bedroom with Lena, she went to the Clan House of Night Illusion earlier than me for work. Well, they're coming back to the mansion before nightfall. Lena and I were practically living together for a few days.Isn't this what happiness is all about?

A well.

But it was then.

Pluto followed up with words.

[Master. Rather, the Master has repeated breeding with Lena Scarlett every night for the past few days. Apple pie made by Pluto this time added to boost the fertility of the master. This will also have a positive effect of about 25.7318% on improving energy.]

"Pu Hua Ahak! Kuhak...! Keheh!"

I spat out the apple pie I was eating.

"Estwalde management has ordered a quest."

"They say they're going to drive out all the monsters in the area."

"Hasn't it ever failed once in the past?"

"I guess I'm confident this time."

"I think the rewards are pretty salty, too."

People swarmed like clouds in an instant, including the fishermen of the underwater city and the people of great capacity from Zain. In other words, the adventurers who had previously settled in Estvalde, the new adventurers who were newly added through the festival, the underwater cities, the new strongholds, and the people of the city of knowledge. In an instant, the number had multiplied from the previous one.

"I see a possibility this time."

"First come, first served. Shall we go?"

"I'm going to have to join. Once you're in, you'll be rewarded, and you'll be given citizenship in Estvalde. There must be a tax break."

"Then of course you should. It's more expensive than you think to report an expedition, right?"

As a result

In exactly five days, a huge army of 85302 people was formed. Finally, work began, so called cleaning, which drove monsters out of every part of the land that existed.

The work of a complete extermination without leaving a single monster behind.

This may seem rather cruel, but it was also the only way for the able to survive. It is never possible to live together with monsters in the deadly Kandulas planet system. The intellects needed their own territory. The monsters here aren't afraid of people, they're incredibly aggressive.




"Kill them all!"

"Block it from over there! Don't let a single one escape!"

Estwalde's men of ability were quickly pushed out like a tidal wave and began to devastate the new land, and the monsters fell one by one, resisting unexpected peaks. A land full of spears, swords, and magic. Even the most powerful monsters were simply not enough in front of the heads of competent people.

And most of all, the key reason why this is possible.

It was due to the alliance between and . In the past, when I encountered people with abilities while walking down the path I had heard, I used to make indiscriminate attacks. Not only did they not think of mingling with other intellects outside of themselves, but they also had a very belligerent disposition. In fact, the reason why people with abilities expanded Estvalde's domain to fit the current situation was because of the galaxy's elves and the giants.

But nevertheless.

The Night Illusion somehow managed to persuade the entire galaxy's Elf species. Now the galaxy's elves are not only no longer stepping into Estwalde's territory, but have officially sent letters to the Estwalde management body to reveal that they are going to retreat out of the Yellow River Mountains. As a man of ability, I can't help but be dumbfounded at all this.

The executive officer of the governing body and a member of the Baal Clan opened his mouth.

"It's a fairly large territory. Even if we proceed with the work like this, it will take at least seven more months."

"Huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! They're already Estvalde itself."

"What can I do for the first time? We'll just have to take it step by step."

The crazy dog Clan and the mainland's enforcer answered the executor with a pleased look. Well, no wonder, they had been enthusiastically supporting Choi Min-hyuk, an acalhect slayer, since the moment they first met him.

Choi Min-hyuk, the man who brought Estvalde together and drove out the Reds through his speech. It was them who recommended him as Estvalde. Of course he's making a series of achievements for the region. I can't help but feel happy. Besides, he was a very favorable person to them.

"Choi Min-hyuk is a treasure from heaven."

"You're right. Why don't you take this opportunity to build a statue of him in the new fortress?"

"Oh...! That's a good idea. Choi Min-hyuk has already achieved that level of achievement. It's natural to praise and honor his services."

Kilane opened his mouth.

in a pretty serious voice

"Why don't we make his birthday an anniversary this time? Minhyuk, that's a good idea."

"Bird, your birthday as an anniversary? Wouldn't the other Clans object?"

"Oh, but isn't that too much?"

a story so absurd story

Let's designate a person's birthday as a local anniversary.

No matter how much he has done, isn't that a little too much?

Hamaldir looked coldly at Kilane, and slowly opened his mouth again.

"I'll make it the day he came to Estvalde, not my birthday."


The three had already been Choi Min-hyuk's rock to the bone.

Land of Beginning, Tameus Great Plains (2) End.

by world manners

work review

Thank you all for recommending me your previous work! _

Have a good night, everyone!

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