Chapter 327 Conix father and daughter, hospitable empty islanders!!

“Yes, we flew up from below, do you live here?”

Luffy’s self-familiarity picked up the conversation at once.

“Yes, I am a resident here, welcome to the Angel Cloud Beach in the Kingdom of God, do you want to drink that?”

Cornis said as she looked at the fruit Luffy was holding in her hand.


Luffy handed the fruit over.

“This coconut shell is as hard as iron, no matter how you bite it, this must be from the center…”

Cornis took out ten pocket knives.

Swipe towards the center and easily open a gap!

“Come, please drink.”

Put down the straw and drink.

Luffy took it, tasted it, and was amazed: “It’s delicious!” ”

“Really, I want it too, I want it too!”

Usopp was also eager to try: “My name is Conis, it is the cloud fox here, called Sisi, if you have any questions, I will try to help you!” ”

Cornish introduced herself and also introduced her pet.

“Great, we just have a lot of questions, this place is incredible for us!”

Nami immediately stepped forward and said!

There is a free guide.

But it couldn’t be better!

“Well, if there’s anything you want to ask, just ask.”

Cornis smiled.

“Someone seems to be coming.”

Nami had just begun to exchange a few words with Cornice, and Solon suddenly said.

“That’s the father!”

Cornis said.

“Cornice, hey (navel)”

“Father, hey (navel)” Father and daughter looked at each other and said hello to each other!

“What the hell are you talking about?”

Luffy was curious why they always had to add their belly button when they spoke.

“What’s that?”

Nami looked at the galloping figure on the sea, riding a strange thing, and couldn’t help but ask!

“Do you mean Mighty?”

“That thing is so domineering!”

Seeing this, Luffy couldn’t help but get excited.

“Sorry for the faux pas, I’m going to stop.”

Cornise’s father spoke.

Riding the mighty, as if drunk too much, went on a rampage and collided directly! Then he fell on the cloud beach.

“Are you hurt?”

“Take care of yourself first!”

Solon was speechless.

“I remember, it was mentioned in the logbook that the ship would run without wind!”

Nami suddenly remembered.

“Cornice, are they your friends?”

The chin-bearded Paiga asked.

“Yes, I just met, they seem to be from the blue ocean.”

Cornis hugged Sisi and nodded.

“You guys come here, you must be full of doubts about many things, Bai Baihai frightened you, I’m really sorry, my name is Paigea, Connice’s father!”

“Where, where!”

“Father, have you caught any fish?”

“Yes, a good harvest! By the way, I don’t know if you would like to come to the Hansha to sit down and taste the local treasures and seafood together! ”

Paiga invited warmly.

“Do you cook empty islands?” I’m here to help too! ”

Yamaji immediately became passionate.

“I’m sorry, I want to ask, this thing that has neither sails nor needs to be rowed, why can it be navigated on the sea!”

Nami is a little more interested in this thing!

If there is a ship of this, it will be useful for landing at sea at close range.

“Don’t you know DLAL?”

Cornis asked suspiciously.

These people may not have any common sense of empty islands! This is still quite rare.

Cornis gave Nami a popular science on the side! Luffy took advantage of everyone’s lack of attention.

I asked Paiga what I think of the fork! Then step on the pedal with your big foot.

Boom and fly out!

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