Chapter 326: Beautiful Angel on Cloud Beach!!

“Sailing or landing is actually an adventure, I never thought about watching everyone be excited!”

Robin could see God for a moment.

Three fools find the cloud high behind.

It acts as a slide and slides all the way down.

The body also rolled.

Fei hung on the tree and said with a grin.

“I’m Usopp, and I decided to take a break and pile up these clouds of sand!” ”

“Leisurely? That’s nice! Overrule! ”

“Captain Stupid, dismissal means disagree!”

“Oh, there are such strange flowers here!”

“Well, it’s so comfortable, the navy won’t chase it here, you have to relax.”

Nami was also lying on a cloud, and that feeling was really comfortable.


Reika agreed.

“The empty island feels like a bird island that makes you want to sleep!”

“Hey, I found a very strange fruit!”

Luffy in the tree suddenly found something!

“I’m moving!”

And then took a bite! Instantly broke several teeth!

“What a broken fruit!”

Luffy angrily punched the fruit.

“Hey, Usopp, this fruit is for you!”

Luffy said as he threw the fruit down

Hit Usopp directly in the head!

“You bastard, are you trying to murder me? Give me a stop! ”

Upu was relaxing at leisure.

Now chasing Luffy.

“Look, there’s a little pavilion there.”

Reka and Nami walked in!

“This chair is also made of clouds!”

“The cloud culture here seems to be amazing!”

“And the touch is different from the white clouds on the side of the road, this softness is a bit like fur.”

The two lay down, very comfortable.

“This is obviously a sea of clouds, and it will also wet your feet, really!”

Suo Xie said that he wanted to find something to try out.

Pick up a cloud and wipe it.

As a result, the cloud came to life!

“What? Is this a fox? ”

Solon put down the cloud-white fox-like thing in his hand, which was well-behaved.

At this moment, a beautiful sound of music sounded.

Everyone was stunned and quickly looked over!

“There seems to be someone not far away!”

“Could it be that the Mask Man killed again?”

Usopp and Choiba are still worried about this matter!

“Quickly blow the whistle and call that old man to save us.”

Choiba hid behind a cloud and said tremblingly.

“Mask Man, isn’t that an angel!!!!?”

Yamaji’s eyes lit up!

It is indeed a veritable angel!

The piano is playing.

Young and beautiful, with soft wings on his back, set off by the white clouds of the cloud beach.

It’s like being in a fairyland!

Beautiful music.

It seems to be able to calm people’s hearts.

Even the restless Luffy suddenly quieted down! Solon and the others couldn’t help but surround them.

Silently listened to the whole song and finished playing.

After Cornise finished playing, she turned around and greeted Luffy and the others, “Hey (navel)”


Although Luffy and the others probably knew that this was saying hello to themselves!

But this greeting sounds so strange!

“Did she mean navel?”


“What does navel mean?”

Choiba didn’t understand anything, looked at Usopp and asked.

“Sisi, come here.”

Connise looked at the cloud fox at Solon’s feet and said.

After answering, she walked over!

“Are you from the Blue Sea?”

Cornis asked.

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